Re: RFC: Apache::Request::Forms (or something similar)

2000-05-20 Thread w trillich

"Jeffrey W. Baker" wrote:
 On Thu, 18 May 2000, brian moseley wrote:
  On Thu, 18 May 2000, Autarch wrote:
  pretty slow if you build a string using .= instead of using
  smarter methods, like pushing strings onto an array and then
  joining it.
 You tried to sell me that when I was at CP, and I didn't buy it then
 either.  This is a benchmark of .= versus join.  50 20-byte strings
 are joined:
 Concat:  2 wallclock secs ( 1.34 usr +  0.27 sys =  1.61 CPU)
   Join:  4 wallclock secs ( 3.63 usr +  0.19 sys =  3.82 CPU)
 .= concatenation is way faster.  Also, building a 50-element array in
 Perl takes up vastly more memory than building a 1000-byte string.
 The string and the Perl process together require an RSS of 11MB, while the
 array and the Perl process eat an RSS of 51MB.

seems very odd. ".=" copies the string every time, and then
concatenates the new addition to the end. "join" may do something
internally like that, but i'd expect it to be optimized.

and so what?

that's all moot when it comes to generating html; you push strings
and then simply print:

@table = ();
loop { 
@tr = ();
loop { 

(you could easily use more object-oriented CGI-like methods, 
of course...)

no joining or concatenation needed.

Their is five errers in this sentance.

Re: Q: DBMS update framework for use within Apache::DBI?

2000-05-20 Thread w trillich

"Bruce W. Hoylman" wrote:
  "Gunther" == Gunther Birznieks [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Gunther This first criteria seems a tad odd to me. What business
 Gunther scenario is there for this?
 The framework is to support an intranet time tracking application.  The
 business rules of the system dictate there are no deletions of
 previously submitted time ... only inserts/updates.  Therefore I can say
 without question that an existing time record will *always* exist (a
 modify), albeit in a potentially 'dirty' state (rule #2).
 Furthermore, if a particular time period has not been accounted for,
 i.e. no time record has been previously submitted, a default time
 record will be presented for modification, and subsequent submission (an
 insert).  This is seamless to the client requesting the period.  If
 there is no default time record available, then a 0-hour time record is
 presented for modification/submission (also an insert).

need custom record locking?

how about adding a field such as 'lock' which is set
when a record is requested, so only one user can modify it?
i.e. your script sends a flag to others who've requested a
'lock'ed record. i'd also put a timeout on it so that if a
user quits his browser or gets distracted, his page gets
updated to another location after freeing up the lock...

Their is five errers in this sentance.

Re: Oops Re: ANNOUNCE: mod_perl guide version 1.23

2000-05-15 Thread w trillich

Stas Bekman wrote:
 On Sun, 14 May 2000, w trillich wrote:
  i noticed this in the html source of the new guide
  (this was on porting cgi to mod_perl):
  HREF="style.css" TITLE="refstyle" 
   style type="text/css"
  @import url(style.css);
  doubt this is what was supposed to show up in our browsers...
  looks like asp, or similar, isn't turned on.
 Why, this is all fine, the !-- -- are exectly in the JS, for old

right, i grok that !-- -- hides it from older browsers;
but i thought the CONTENTS of file "style.css" should be showing
up there, instead of '@import...', until i (just now) learned
of the '@rules' of css.

but now, i'm thinking that you've got a redundancy there
(maybe for good reason--i dunno). here's a sample i ran across

LINK REL=STYLESHEET HREF="main.css" TYPE="text/css"
STYLE TYPE="text=css"
@import url(;
@import url(;
  other statements

they link to 'main.css' and then import some others;
you've linked to 'style.css' and then imported it again.

and do you need to include the 'url()' gadget?

  maybe there's a way to put a hilite bar in the left margin
  this way...? tables may still be easier. hmm...
 Hmm, interesting. Do you have a code sample?

testing this on netscape 4.7 gave me fits with 'font-family'
in the 'pre' tag: it just wouldn't take (everything was
always times-roman). so here's what i came up with:

style type="text/css"
.box {
background-color: #cc;
/*  border: 1pt;
*/  border-left-width: 12pt;
border-style: solid;
border-color: #99;
margin: 1pt;
padding: 9pt;

pre {  == that'd be awful nice to keep frum munging the html
background-color: #cc;
border-color: #99;
border-left-width: 5pt;
margin: 1pt;
padding: 9pt;
font-family: courier,monospace,arial,sans-serif;   == no-go!
white-space: pre;

then, wrap your pre/pre tags into div class="box".../div tags:

div class="box"pre#!perlbr
exit 0;/pre/div

maybe you can decode what i was doing wrong on the 'font-family'
thing (or, maybe for code a monospace font isn't that crucial--only
when lots-o-spaces are used to visually align clusters of assignments)...

HTH :)

Re: newbie question - require

2000-05-15 Thread w trillich

Brett Lee wrote:
 but with mod_perl, the info in the hash tables seems to be found "every
 other refresh" (which has me stumped).
 Would anyone be able to suggest a solution or reading material on this?

don't forget to check your stuff out with single-process mode,
via 'apachectl stop; apache -X'; if it's acting sporadically in
your browser, it may be because you're talking to different child 
apache servers, each in its own state of affairs...

Re: Apache::AutoIndex patch

2000-05-11 Thread w trillich

"Alexei V. Barantsev" wrote:
 w trillich [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  speaking of autoindex issues-- i can't get apache to
  display the HEADER or README files (above and
  below the tabular file listing), and when i posted
  my most recent question, someone else piped up and
  said they've got the same snag.
 I have both and all works right, options HeaderName and ReadmeName
 really set names of these files. Moreover, I use Apache::Autoindex
 with Apache::OutputChain to apply CSS to the directory index.

MUCHO thanks for that tip! delightful! (i knew it must be

 From my /server-status
 Module Name: Apache::AutoIndexContent handlers: none

aha--that's a perl gasdget, n'est-ce que pas? i'm using
the standard mod_autoindex.c (see below).

 Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Create Server Config
 Request Phase Participation: none
 Module Directives:
 IndexIgnore - a list of file names
 DirectoryIndex - one or more file extensions
 HeaderName - a list of file names
 ReadmeName - a list of file names
 FancyIndexing - Limited to on or off (superseded by IndexOptions FancyIndexing)
 IndexOrderDefault - {Ascending,Descending} {Name,Size,Description,Date}
 AddDescription - Descriptive text followed by one or more filenames
 IndexOptions - one or more index options
 Current Configuration:
 DirectoryIndex "index.html index.htm index.shtml index.phtml index.mhtml index.php3"
 IndexOptions FancyIndexing ScanHTMLTitles
 ReadmeName README
 HeaderName HEADER
 IndexIgnore .??* *~ *# HEADER* README* RCS CVS *,v *,t

mine's still broke... here's my /server-status

Server Version: Apache/1.3.9 
Module Name: mod_autoindex.c 
Content handlers: httpd/unix-directory 
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Merge
Directory Configs
Request Phase Participation: none
IndexOptions IconsAreLinks FancyIndexing
ReadmeName README
HeaderName HEADER
IndexIgnore .??* *~ *# HEADER* README* RCS

Re: Source Code Shows Up in IE But Not Netscape

2000-05-11 Thread w trillich

 Bri Carey wrote:
When I display an .iphtml page in Netscape, everything seems to be fine.
When I display it in IE (4.72), I get a plain text output of the source
code, including html tags.
Why this discrepancy?
  I've tried setting the default type to text/html in the httpd.conf file and
  that didn't seem to do the trick.
  I appreciate the input that I've received.
  I've also noticed that both browsers display the code, although they format
  the html properly, when I try to execute the script inside of a standard
  .html document.  I know that's not the standard (embedded Perl should have
  .iphtml extensions - at least that's the way it seems to be).  Yes, I have
  made the appropriate changes in the httpd.conf file:
  PerlModule Apache::ePerl
 Files ~ "/root/of/webmaster/area/.+\.html$"
 Options +ExecCGI
 SetHandler  perl-script
 PerlHandler Apache::ePerl
  You can see this now at
  Thanks again for any input.

even though cliff said:
I don't think you are using the Files directive properly.
Try something like this:

   DirectoryMatch /root/of/webmaster/area/
 FilesMatch ".*\.html?$"
   SetHandler  perl-script
   PerlHandler Apache::ePerl
   Options +ExecCGI
and he's probaly got something there--but if netscape is
getting eperl-processed html and explorer is getting the
source to the perl-bristled code, there's something very
odd going on there.

whether you use lynx or opera or icab, the browser should
get what the server sends out, and -- UNLESS you have 
browser-specific settings somewhere -- they should ALL
receive the exact same stuff.

i.e. if you turn off eperl, then everyone will see the
perl that bristles throughout your html. if it's on
and working, then all browsers will get the resulting 
html markup.

...unless you have some browser-specific gizmo happening,
which (if my fading gray cells are working) is possible
in apache.

[as a security measure, to hide the inner workings of our
website, we use .htaccess frequently to enable eperl here
and there while letting the user think everything is just
a plain old html file, as in:
# .htaccess settings file:
Files {somePatternMaybe}.html
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::ePerl
Options +ExecCGI
hopefully this will make it more difficult for black-hatted
sniffers to know what's happening behind the scenes... 
now if we could only get apache to not identify itself 
in the "Server:" header...]

without Apache::Registry, redefined subs still?

2000-05-09 Thread w trillich

redefined subs with perlrun?

pertinent parts, from httpd.conf:
#for running perl scripts
PerlModule Apache::PerlRun

#for running perl internally from within apache
#PerlModule Apache::Registry

ErrorDocument 401 /cgi-bin/

ScriptAlias /cgi-bin /usr/lib/cgi-bin/
Directory /usr/lib/cgi-bin
order allow,deny
allow from all
Options -Indexes +ExecCGI

# allow arbitrary *.perl files to be scattered throughout the site.
FilesMatch "\.(pl|perl)"
Options +ExecCGI
SetHandler perl-script
PerlSendHeader On
PerlHandler Apache::PerlRun

from /var/log/apache/errors.log:
Subroutine b redefined at /usr/lib/cgi-bin/ line 20.

i thought that only happened with Apache::Registry...?

Their is five errers in this sentance.


2000-04-27 Thread w trillich

from his webtechniques article a while back--(source code
is available at here's a slice from
r.schwartz's quickie DBIlogger--

$r-push_handlers (
  PerlLogHandler =
  sub {
  my $orig = shift;
  my $r = $orig-last;
  my @data =
  ht_time($orig-request_time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', 0),
  # $orig-uri,
#$r-header_in('Host') .# for virtual hosts?
  ($r-the_request =~ /^\S+\s+(\S+)/)[0],

where would an intrepid innocent turn for details on what methods
and/or fields are available to the PerlLogHandler in the passed
arglist @_ array (okay, $_[0] or shift) ? 

-last and
-request_time and
..and $_[0]-last has submethods including
..what else is available, and what's the documentation called?

Re: perl in configs /perl

2000-04-21 Thread w trillich

sorry i haven't been clearer about this:

with a few inserted debug statements (say, printing
the string to my tty directly) i can tell that the perl
code gets executed.

but no apache settings are affected. ZERO effect on apache.
doesn't act as if its done a damn thing. apache ignores it
even though it executes. the only settings it goes by
are the ones in the httpd.conf/srm.conf/access.conf files
which existed before/after (independent of) this script
being called.

package Apache::ReadConfig; # in case that isn't set

my $set = "END_SETTINGS";
VirtualHost xxx.yyy.zzz.qqq
ServerAdmin webmaster\@$host
DocumentRoot $docroot
ServerName $host
DirectoryIndex index # index.html index.cgi
CustomLog $logroot/access.log common
CustomLog $logroot/referer.log referer
CustomLog $logroot/agent.log agent
ScriptLog $logroot/scriptDebug.log

@{[join "", map THIS, qw(/cgi-bin/ /cgi/)]}
ScriptAlias $_ /usr/lib/cgi-bin



that's basically the script (with the variables filled in, 
inside a loop, of course). 

# apachectl configtest
Syntax OK
# apachectl graceful

so i go to my browser and try going to one of my virtual
and instead of the files at the proper docroot, i get
files--i.e. apache has gotten no virtual host directive.

so forget that i looked for useful data under /server-info
and /perl-status... the fact that it matches the apache
setup (i.e. IT'S WRONG) seemed to be a reasonably accurate
report of a screwy situation.


do i need to write the string to a file and then INCLUDE
it in the httpd.conf file after the script runs?

feels like i have issued a directive in access.conf that disables
perl sections (or 'do ""') scripts for taking any effect.
or, there's a directive within the perl code that's missing.


Re: Perl Section...

2000-04-20 Thread w trillich

 while($domain = $sth-fetchrow_array)
 $PerlConfig .= "CONFIG";
 VirtualHost $ipAddr
 ServerName www.$domain
 ServerAdmin webmaster@$domain
 ServerAlias $domain
 DocumentRoot $baseDir/www.$domain/htdocs/

doesn't $sth-fetchrow_array() return a reference to an 
array, instead of a simple scalar?
$row = $sth-fetchrow_array;
foreach $col ( @$row ) { ... }

Re: perl in configs /perl KAPUT

2000-04-19 Thread w trillich

 In a running httpd you can see how you have configured the CPerl
 sections through the URI
 L/perl-status|debug/Apache_Status_Embedded_Inter, by choosing IPerl
 Section Configuration from the menu. In order to make this item show
 up in the menu you should set C$Apache::Server::SaveConfig to a true
 value. When you do that the IApache::ReadConfig namespace (in which
 the configuration data is stored) will not be flushed, making
 configuration data available to Perl modules at request time.

i must be thick today.

not only can i get no effect from perldo ""/perl but
gives me 404 not found. 

/perl-stat by itself works fine; from there i can tell the
PerlRequire (actually perldo "file"/perl) has been run.

i just want a couple simple virtual hosts on one ip number.

the perl code (under "package Apache::ReadConfig;" of course)
does run (i can tell by having it display the same string it
sends to Apache-httpd_conf()) but doesn't change any apache

if this helps, here's the display from
http://localhost/perl-status?ApacheReadConfig . . .

any clues?

Re: perl in configs /perl

2000-04-19 Thread w trillich

Stas Bekman wrote:
 I still don't know your name, so I'll just use 'you' :)

or trillich (or even 'will' on my birthday).

 First, please keep the replies posted to the list. We don't want to answer
 something more than once, when it goes to the list, someone will answer
 you and it'll be stored in the archive for other people use.
 So please repost your reply to the list.

whoops. 'reply' button is smarter than i am, at times.

   BTW, please don't refer to a file with a full path on your system just
   because it was installed there. It confuses people. The second file is at
   the mod_perl dist at mod_perl-x.xx/eg/perl_sections_2.txt .
  you've obviously not been sitting over my shoulder lately!
  i have spent days looking for examples referenced like that. some
  are under /usr/src which i don't have installed; others are
  under perl library module directories, others are in /usr/doc.
  talk about confusion! (in addition, /eg/ seems to be a
  low-keystroke way to refer to the actual directory, which is
  actually /examples/. very confusing.)
  plus, if i sought mod_perl i might not run into apache_mod_perl...
  so i figure it's easier for someone to decode a full pathname
  than to imagine and hope and conjure out of thin air which path
  to append...
 It's incorrect! The files are located in the *mod_perl distribution*, and
 they are located just where I've said and not where your binary
 distribution has happen to include them.
 You have been looking in all wrong places, you could ask the list first
 and even better to search the mailing list archives.

i try to do some background work before dumping my troubles
on other unsuspecting folk. but lemme tellya, looking for the
precise configuration file for the precise command is a lot
more taxing than just opening a control panel and clicking some
checkboxes and menus...

so how does one find out what the distribution pathname is
when all one has to go by is the installed set of files?
(lemme rephrase--the installed fileset is all i know of, to go by.)

and still apache ignores my perl 'Apache-httpd_conf($c);'...