I finally got enough stuff done and put together that I feel ready to
let someone else hammer at the code and tell me where my stupid
mistakes are :)  Most likely, the documentation will be poor - as
usual, it lags a bit behind the code.


CPAN may need a little time to propogate files.

The first is the base Uttu module.  Installing it allows installation
of the second to follow the familiar Perl pattern for modules (perl
Makefile.PL; make; make install).  The second tarball is an example
of a framework to be used atop Uttu.  READMEs are included.

Some debugging code is still lying around, so don't be surprised by
scrolling text :)

Feel free to email me questions on or off the list.

Uttu allows for fairly easy configuration and use of a content
handler.  Right now, only HTML::Mason is supported.  It has been
tested with virtual hosts, though not with multiple configured
locations within a single host (though it is designed to work even
with such a configuration).  It also provides uri-to-filename
translation and limited internationalization support.
James Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 979-862-3725
Texas A&M CIS Operating Systems Group, Unix

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