On Friday, May 25, 2001, Jonathan Hilgeman wrote the
following about "What the user in user agent means"

JH> The whole purpose of web pages is to provide information EASILY to users.
JH> Now, if the user's program refuses to identify itself or allow the correct
JH> information to come in, whether by accident or intentionally, then that
JH> becomes a problem. It's like someone standing outside an unlocked door to a
JH> house they want to get in to, and they're shouting at the people inside,
JH> "Let me in! Let me in!" Seems like most web users are fairly stupid, and we
JH> can't expect them to learn everything. That's why the browsers should allow
JH> the web page programmers to help the users without them having to learn
JH> things.

But who decides what is helping? Are you going to help me by
remembering my purchasing habits, and then informing the
government/other companies, etc. what I am purchasing. Remember E-Toys
and its customer list? Your "help" comment is an example of " .. the
road to hell is paved with good intentions" (yet another old adage ...

Technology issues aside, this is starting to veer way OT ... its
starting to belong on an EFF forum, and not here in mod_perl.


Mike Miller

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