On Tue, 5 Feb 2002, Ed Grimm wrote:

> That's a good strategy (assuming a missing if in there somewhere).  It
> can be augmented with the tactic of "check for a running apache, see
> where it gets its config file from, and parse the config file" to get
> the initial guess.  (Note that I wouldn't want this to be a final guess;
> I'm using mod_perl in a virtual host config; the "main" apache config
> doesn't use it, and has a completely unrelated docroot
> (/usr/local/apache/htdocs as opposed to /home/appname/public_html))

Yep, been there, done that ;)

The installer I mentioned for WeBoard UX was really pretty smart.  It
would look for the Apache binary (and ask if it couldn't find it), figure
out if it had mod_perl (and ask for a different one if that binary didn't
have mod_perl), check the Apache version, check the mod_perl version, find
that Apache binary's config file (and ask...), figure out what user &
group that Apache ran as (to change certain permissions), tweak the Apache
and config file to load WebBoard.

And that's just what it did for Apache.  It did a lot of other
install/config tasks as well.

Hmm, I really feel that this has gotten quite off-topic.  Maybe I should
create a "Perl installer" project on Sourceforge that'd attempt to take
these types of things and create various useful modules for them, like
Installer::Apache, Installer::Alzabo, Installer::RDBMS::MySQL, etc.


we await the New Sun

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