Extreme Newbie Question

2000-11-01 Thread George A. Fitch III

Nevermind, after searching on altavista for a couple hours I found a page
that explained I had to use the #! notation (its not just for Unix anymore!)
The test script works fine now.


Extreme Newbie Question

2000-11-01 Thread George A. Fitch III

Let me apologize in advance if this is covered on a FAQ somewhere,
or if this is the wrong place for this question.  I've looked on
the Apache web sites and in "Administering Apache" by Arnold,
Almeida, and Miller but no luck.

I'm just trying to get started with Apache and Perl on WinNT. I've
been using IIS (with Perl), and would like to switch to Apache.  I'm
having trouble with getting Perl CGIs to run.  I was able to get a basic
"Hello world" (compiled C) CGI working, but not a simple "Hello world"
Perl script.

When I try the script's URL I get:

Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable
to complete your request.

In the error log I get:

(2)No such file or directory: couldn't spawn child process: g:/apache

The file's there, and since a missing file generates a "Not found" message,
something else is going on. I suspect that Apache is trying to execute
test.pl as an executable, and doesn't know it should send test.pl to
Perl.exe.  So is there some sort of "Set Interpretter" function in
httpd.cnf I need to use? The only changes I made to httpd.cnf was to
set the admin email to my email. I decommented #AddModule mod_perl.c
but that caused Apache to refuse to start.

Any help would be greatly appreciated,
