Re: Subject: Re: hiding perl code

2002-07-30 Thread Stas Bekman

> You are correct. If you...
> use Hidden::Module
> then use Data::Dumper to reconstruct most of the raw code. This would be
> about as useful as decompiling 'B' code. If you had access to the
> intrepreter directly, you could probably even capture the decrypt stream
> before perl compiles it, but all of that would take a degree of
> sophistication that is better used to make real money instead of
> hacking stuff apart.
> How about BZS::VeryObscure :-)

Be it BZS::VeryObscure or BZS::VeryVeryObscure, all I was asking for is 
to tell the thruth in the docs probably somewhere at the top. I agree 
that for certain purposes this module may satisfy those who use it, but 
not all of them.

Stas BekmanJAm_pH --> Just Another mod_perl Hacker mod_perl Guide --->

Subject: Re: hiding perl code

2002-07-30 Thread Michael Robinton

>> BZS::License performs a similar load operation to BZS::Loader. First,
>> however it looks for a hash pointer in the caller program called
>> $ptr2_License.
>> The hash contains the path to the License file and an optional
>>'private' key
>> list of modules which will decrypt only with the 'private' key. B,

> I thought that somebody has already said here that you cannot hide your
> perl code. if you have an access to the perl interpreter you can dump
> the source code after it was decrypted.
> wouldn't it be a good idea to add the truth to the POD so not to mislead
> the crowd? I've read through the doc but didn't see a word mentioning
> this "little" caveat.
> Shouldn't the module be renamed to BZS::Obscure::...? ;)

You are correct. If you...

use Hidden::Module

then use Data::Dumper to reconstruct most of the raw code. This would be
about as useful as decompiling 'B' code. If you had access to the
intrepreter directly, you could probably even capture the decrypt stream
before perl compiles it, but all of that would take a degree of
sophistication that is better used to make real money instead of
hacking stuff apart.

How about BZS::VeryObscure :-)


Re: hiding perl code

2002-07-30 Thread Stas Bekman

Michael Robinton wrote:
> see attached


> BZS::License performs a similar load operation to BZS::Loader. First,
> however it looks for a hash pointer in the caller program called $ptr2_License.
> The hash contains the path to the License file and an optional 'private' key
> list of modules which will decrypt only with the 'private' key. B, a

I thought that somebody has already said here that you cannot hide your 
perl code. if you have an access to the perl interpreter you can dump 
the source code after it was decrypted.

wouldn't it be a good idea to add the truth to the POD so not to mislead 
the crowd? I've read through the doc but didn't see a word mentioning 
this "little" caveat.

Shouldn't the module be renamed to BZS::Obscure::...? ;)

Stas BekmanJAm_pH --> Just Another mod_perl Hacker mod_perl Guide --->

hiding perl code

2002-07-25 Thread Michael Robinton

see attached

=head1 NAME

BZS::License - Perl extension to examine a license file.

=head1 USEAGE

There are two modes of operation:

use BZS::License;1;
encrypted module here...

The calling routine should define an anonymous hash pointed to by the
variable $ptr2_License. i.e.

 use vars qw( $ptr2_License );
 $ptr2_License = {
'private'   => 'name1, name2,...',  # use private key 
# module name
'path'  => 'path to License file',
 require licensed_module_name;

Or, for nested modules, a reference pointer to point back to the originating
module containing the License information.

 use vars qw( $ptr2_License );
 $ptr2_License = { 'next' => 'any value will do', };
 require licensed_module_name;

Seconds remaining until License expiration are returned in
$ptr2_License{expires} unless there is no expiration

Warnings if any will be in $ptr2_License->{warn}

It is important the 'require' instead of 'use' loads the module
so that $ptr2_License is visible to the loader and not forgotton
in the case of mod-perl so don't enclose a in BEGIN{} block.

Version checking is not supported via 'use' like statement. It
can be done by examining the module contents.

More automated setup can be accomplished with the BZS::License::Util tools.

  use BZS::License::Util;
See BZS::License::Util documentation for complete description

The second module mode is for development use and just loads the module so its
objects can be accessed;

  use BZS::License;

  $time = BZS::License::date2time(date string);

  @file_text = BZS::License::get_file(file_path);

  $first_tag_number = BZS::License::extract(\@file_text,\%parms);



See the documentation for BZS::Loader for details of License loading
operation. Only the differences are covered here.

BZS::License performs a similar load operation to BZS::Loader. First,
however it looks for a hash pointer in the caller program called $ptr2_License.
The hash contains the path to the License file and an optional 'private' key
list of modules which will decrypt only with the 'private' key. B, a
hash key of 'next' with no particular value that indicates to look to the
next caller on the stack for the License pointer. If the pointer is not 
present or the License file is not found successfully, then
no further action is taken. If the License file is successfully opened, and
the contents validated then the attached encrypted module is loaded and the
seconds remaining until License expiration are returned or now() in the case
of no expiration. Undef is returned for an expired license (module fails to

=over 4

=item This is what is in a certificate

 License Text followed by:
 ID::unique licensee identifier, date code is fine
 NAME:  :company or entity name
 ADD1:  :address line 1
 ADD2:  :address line 2
 CITY:  :city
 STATE: :state or province
 ZIP:   :postal code
 CTRY:  :country
 TEL:   :telephone number
 FAX:   fax number
 CONT:  :contact person
 MAIL:  :email addy of contact
 SERV:  :http server name   * optional
 HOST:  :hostname   * optional
 USER:  :calling user   * optional
 GROUP: :calling group  * optional
 HOME:  :called from withing this path  * optional
 DATE:  :creation date, mm-dd-yy |   or mmm dd yy | 
 EXP:   :expiration * optional
 KEY:   :hex key
 PKEY:  :hex public key

=item $time = BZS::License::date2time(date string)

Converts a string into a numeric time value as returned by the perl function
'time' else 0;

 * acceptable date formats
mm dd yy
month day year  month = text or digits
month day, year

actually any combination of separators [/- ] will work
commas are always deleted, white space compressed, etc...

=item @file_text = BZS::License::get_file(file_path)

Takes the file path/name as its argument. Returns the stripped file contents
suitable for MAC calculation in an array. On failure, returns an empty

=item MAC calculation

The MAC signature is created by taking the MD5 sum of the file less MAC the
line (if present). Leading blank lines are removed, all tabs
are converted to single spaces and trailing white space is snipped  to 
avoid complications caused by cut and paste operations. MAC calculation is
only done on the text portion of the file.

=item $first_tag_num = BZS::License::extract(\@file_text,\%parms)

B takes an input array consisting of the lines of text in the License
and returns the \%parms hash filled wit

Re: Hiding perl code

2002-07-23 Thread Jean-Michel Hiver

On Mon 22-Jul-2002 at 10:15:44AM -0400, Jon wrote:
> At my former employer's, we built an Enterprise Management System out of
> mod_perl. He wants to distribute it to clients w/o risking theft of his
> code.

We had the same thoughts here, but we arrived at the conclusion that
there is one very efficient copy protection: it's called the copyright

After all, if your product is an "Enterprise Management System", I bet
your target has no interest whatsoever to compromise itself with illegal
licenses of your software...

IMHO the only market in which piracy _can_ have a negative impact is the
entertainment market.

  On top of all that, I find it *VERY* outrageous that it is legal for
  software to come without the source code... Copyright laws would be a
  lot easier to enforce if you could just see the unscrambled and
  commented source of every program, and it'd be good for
  interoperability too!

My 2 eurocents,

  Jean-Michel Hiver - Software Director
  +44 (0)114 255 8097


Re: Hiding perl code

2002-07-22 Thread Nathan Byrd


I've been doing some thinking along these lines (for website security,
not for releasing code).  I don't have a solution, but below are some
thoughts I've had.  I would love to hear from anyone who knows solutions
for any of the points below.  Most of the thoughts below are based on
encryption, as I don't believe that obfuscating or compiling offer any
real security for an attacker who is determined.

For Apache::Registry (or Apache::PerlRun) scripts, it should be fairly
trivial to write an Apache::RegistryEncrypt, based on
Apache::RegistryNG, that would first decrypt a source file during
compile using a public key stored in a (presumably) safe location before
turning it into a module.  The secret key could be stored on a different
(development) server and not be accessible, which would give you fairly
good security, both for reading and writing.  Unfortunately, this would
not protect modules (particularly application modules) which are use'd
from these scripts.

For modules, it might be possible to write a module which would first
decrypt a file before using it (would something using the same type of
method as ex::lib::zip* work?).  Modules could then be preloaded using
PerlModule from the Apache configuration or use lines from a
file.  However, I imagine it might be difficult to decide which modules
*have* to be encrypted - if all modules have to be encrypted, that would
affect even standard modules, but if it is selectable, there would have
to be a way of keeping an attacker from simply placing a module earlier
in the @INC path.  Maybe something like "everything with the FOOBAR::
prefix has to be encrypted"?  The other benefit of this is that the same
solution would also work for encrypting true mod_perl handlers, not just

I believe this would be preferable to using a source filter, as a source
filter would only protect reading, not writing. Since a source filter
operates on everything after the use Filter::Whatever; line, an attacker
could simply place code above that line, or replace the file completely
and negate any benefit from using it.  Besides that, it might be
difficult to access a public key from a source filter in a secure

For website security, the other solution I considered was to use
Apache::RegistryBB or something homebrew which wouldn't check the
modification time of a script after the initial compile and use, then
simply unmount the filesystem after Apache startup.  Of course, like the
above solution, this only protects the on-disk copy, the code would
still be accessible in memory if debugging was available, etc.  Other
than that, this just seems like a "clunky" solution, and not very good
if the filesystem has to be manually mounted to restart the webserver,
but the admin isn't available :-)

Nathan Byrd


On Sun, 2002-07-21 at 21:58, Jonathon M. Robison wrote:
> Anyone know offhand a good way to hide your perl code when using 
> mod_perl? Acme::Bleach isn't doing it - httpd is failing to start on 
> initial test, and then on second test I find that httpd.conf suddenly 
> got a 'use Acme::Bleach' inserted at line 1 and the whole thing is bleached.
> Perhaps perl2exe?
> --Jon R

Re: [OT] Re: Hiding perl code

2002-07-22 Thread Andreas J. Koenig

> On Mon, 22 Jul 2002 10:17:21 -0500 (CDT), Dave Rolsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

 >> use Filter::decrypt ;
 >> ÿ£j¨tBÓavð@¥€£hK6'{'„Þ^z'
 >> []
 >> Of course, perl itself (or mod_perl) sees the cleartext, so a good
 >> hacker will find a way to break it.

  > perl -MO=Deparse /path/to/"encrypted"/file(s)

Funny, that would be a nice test. Unfortunately I have only encrypted
files for an old perl and have never tried with a perl that is
Deparse-enabled. If anybody else is willing to test how well Dave's
suggestion works, please post your experience.


[OT] Re: Hiding perl code

2002-07-22 Thread Dave Rolsky

On Mon, 22 Jul 2002, Andreas J. Koenig wrote:

> > On Mon, 22 Jul 2002 13:10:25 +1000, Iain Truskett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
>   > As far as I know, there's no good way to do it. It is Perl after all.
>   > And with mod_perl things just get trickier.
> Filter::decrypt does that. It's very hard to break as you compile a
> self-made key statically into your perl. Filter::decrypt also disables
> the debugger within that perl. Can also be done for mod_perl. The
> encrypted modules look like this:
> use Filter::decrypt ;
> ÿ£j¨tBÓavð@¥€£hK6'{'„Þ^z'
> []
> Of course, perl itself (or mod_perl) sees the cleartext, so a good
> hacker will find a way to break it.

perl -MO=Deparse /path/to/"encrypted"/file(s)


we await the New Sun

Re: Hiding perl code

2002-07-22 Thread John Saylor


( 02.07.22 10:15 -0400 ) Jon:
> At my former employer's, we built an Enterprise Management System out of
> mod_perl. He wants to distribute it to clients w/o risking theft of his
> code.

Well, I'll save the intellectual property rant, but it's going to be
very difficult to do. Perl is set up for sharing, not hiding.

You might be able to use a crypto dependency to accomplish some of the
same ends. You'd need a key pair to make this work.

Take a low level variable and expect it's value to be held in an
encrypted file. Encrypt the file with your private key and have the code
decrypt it to operate. The public key can be contained in the code.

So this file becomes a software 'dongle' of some type. It's not perfect,
and certainly breakable [just rewrite the code with the crypto
dependency], but may be applicable to your case.


A thing is not necessarily true because a man dies for it.

Re: Hiding perl code

2002-07-22 Thread Thomas Klausner


On Sun, Jul 21, 2002 at 10:58:24PM -0400, Jonathon M. Robison wrote:
> Anyone know offhand a good way to hide your perl code when using 
> mod_perl? Acme::Bleach isn't doing it - httpd is failing to start on 

You could write an obfuscator. Maybe Acme::EyeDrop works?


for an obfuscated mod_perl handler.

A very simple thing to do is eg:


Than, in to be obfuscated module, do:

$_='package~Your::Code'.$yourcode;s/~/ /g;eval;

That's basically what I did in my mod_perl obfu.

This definitly isn't unbreakable, but (if you add some more
obfu-tricks and maybe do some encryption on the code to be evaled)
would require some knowledge to deparse.

I guess you started this thread on perlmonks?
If not, read it.


Re: Hiding perl code

2002-07-22 Thread Andy Lester

> At my former employer's, we built an Enterprise Management System out of
> mod_perl. He wants to distribute it to clients w/o risking theft of his
> code.

If "w/o risking theft" means "eliminating risk of theft", then he can't
do it.  He can lower risk to some degree, but it can't be eliminated.


 Daddy   Jk'=~/.+/s;print((split//,$&)

Re: Hiding perl code

2002-07-22 Thread Jon

At my former employer's, we built an Enterprise Management System out of
mod_perl. He wants to distribute it to clients w/o risking theft of his

--Jon R.

PGP Key fingerprint = 12 DA FC 06 AB 4C D6 A4  DE 03 E0 77 D6 DE E0 73
PGP public key available by fingering [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Mon, 22 Jul 2002, Iain Truskett wrote:

> * Jonathon M. Robison ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [22 Jul 2002 13:03]:
> > Anyone know offhand a good way to hide your perl code when using
> > mod_perl? Acme::Bleach isn't doing it - httpd is failing to start on
> > initial test [...]
> Acme::Bleach is a source filter. Source filters will just screw up your
> mod_perl stuff. IIRC, you get similar problems using Switch and so on.
> > Perhaps perl2exe?
> Nope. That does weird compiler stuff that will interfere with the fact
> that Apache's using Perl internally.
> As far as I know, there's no good way to do it. It is Perl after all.
> And with mod_perl things just get trickier.
> Out of interest, why?
> cheers,
> -- 
> Iain.

Re: Hiding perl code

2002-07-22 Thread lembark

-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 07/22/02 09:15:23 -0400

> Thanks, Iain! This helps explain some problems I ran into when I tried to use
> Switch. ;-)  Wish the Switch docs included some caveats about using it with
> mod_perl

Switch, Multifiles, Q::S, and A::B all have a Caveat Utilitor
note in them. It's a bood bet that Damian hasn't tested any of
his code with mod_perl.

Steven Lembark  2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing  Chicago, IL 60647
   +1 800 762 1582

Re: Hiding perl code

2002-07-22 Thread wsheldah

Thanks, Iain! This helps explain some problems I ran into when I tried to use
Switch. ;-)  Wish the Switch docs included some caveats about using it with

Wes Sheldahl

Iain Truskett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 07/21/2002 11:10:25 PM

cc:(bcc: Wesley Sheldahl/Lex/Lexmark)
Subject:  Re: Hiding perl code

* Jonathon M. Robison ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [22 Jul 2002 13:03]:
> Anyone know offhand a good way to hide your perl code when using
> mod_perl? Acme::Bleach isn't doing it - httpd is failing to start on
> initial test [...]

Acme::Bleach is a source filter. Source filters will just screw up your
mod_perl stuff. IIRC, you get similar problems using Switch and so on.

> Perhaps perl2exe?

Nope. That does weird compiler stuff that will interfere with the fact
that Apache's using Perl internally.

As far as I know, there's no good way to do it. It is Perl after all.
And with mod_perl things just get trickier.

Out of interest, why?


Re: Hiding perl code

2002-07-22 Thread Andreas J. Koenig

> On Mon, 22 Jul 2002 13:10:25 +1000, Iain Truskett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

  > As far as I know, there's no good way to do it. It is Perl after all.
  > And with mod_perl things just get trickier.

Filter::decrypt does that. It's very hard to break as you compile a
self-made key statically into your perl. Filter::decrypt also disables
the debugger within that perl. Can also be done for mod_perl. The
encrypted modules look like this:

use Filter::decrypt ;

Of course, perl itself (or mod_perl) sees the cleartext, so a good
hacker will find a way to break it.


Re: Hiding perl code

2002-07-22 Thread Iain Truskett

* Jonathon M. Robison ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [22 Jul 2002 13:03]:
> Anyone know offhand a good way to hide your perl code when using
> mod_perl? Acme::Bleach isn't doing it - httpd is failing to start on
> initial test [...]

Acme::Bleach is a source filter. Source filters will just screw up your
mod_perl stuff. IIRC, you get similar problems using Switch and so on.

> Perhaps perl2exe?

Nope. That does weird compiler stuff that will interfere with the fact
that Apache's using Perl internally.

As far as I know, there's no good way to do it. It is Perl after all.
And with mod_perl things just get trickier.

Out of interest, why?


Hiding perl code

2002-07-21 Thread Jonathon M. Robison

Anyone know offhand a good way to hide your perl code when using 
mod_perl? Acme::Bleach isn't doing it - httpd is failing to start on 
initial test, and then on second test I find that httpd.conf suddenly 
got a 'use Acme::Bleach' inserted at line 1 and the whole thing is bleached.

Perhaps perl2exe?

--Jon R