This may sound strange, but bear with me.  I want to create an ApacheHandler
that will pull all the files in a virtualhost, not from the filesystem, but
from an RDBMS (built on PostgreSQL).  This includes .htaccess files, binary
files (e.g. pdf and images) and text files (e.g. html and xml).  I'm
building a content management system, and this is for the editing interface.
I realize this is going to be dog slow, but I don't care.

I wrote a handler that passes back regular files already, but my site is
built using XML(withAxKit), and it relies on my .htaccess files associating
XML files with their corresponding stylesheets.  Since Apache isn't loading
the .htaccess files using my handler, the stylesheets aren't being called.

Any clues on how I can get Apache to load the .htaccess files using my


Michael A Nachbaur

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