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I have recently been working on a framework for moving our applications to 
mod_perl but I've run into a very odd problem.

I load our program's main Apache handler, with:

        PerlModule IQGroup::IQCoordinator

And then set it up as a PerlHandler for a virtual host.  But when I attempt to 
load the program, it fails and throws this into the error log:

[Thu Aug  9 14:29:05 2001] [error] Can't locate object method 
        "GetCurrentRequest" via package "IQGroup::Core::ApacheRequest" (perhaps 
        you forgot to load "IQGroup::Core::ApacheRequest"?) at 
        /usr/lib/perl5/5.6.1/IQGroup/IQCoordinator.pm line 60.

Except it IS being loaded, it's the first module `use`d by our PerlHandler.  A 
trace on the Apache process even shows the module being read at startup.

When I insert Apache::Status and take a look at the symbol table, it shows the 
IQGroup::Core::ApacheRequest namespace, but with no symbols in it!  Even more 
odd, the modules that it in turn uses DO show up, all symbols intact.

Now, if I load the handler in the startup file:

        use IQGroup::IQCoordinator;

then everything loads properly, although I get a slew of "subroutine blah 
redefined" messages in the error log when it hits the PerlModule directive.

This doesn't seem like intended behavior (nothing I read suggests it's supposed 
to work like this)...so what's eating my module's symbol table?

- -- 
Stephen Clouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Senior Programmer, IQ Coordinator Project Lead
The IQ Group, Inc. <http://www.theiqgroup.com/>

Version: PGP 6.5.8


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