I was trying to setup Apache (with mod_perl and
mod_ssl) on Windows ME, and I had a weird problem. 

Before the problem, let me talk about more about some
details. I have installed Apache from
http://perl.apache.org/dist/win32-bin/. I installed
the perl 5.6 version, which is perl-win32-bin.exe.
THis file contains Perl 5.6 and Apache 1.3.27. It also
contains mod_perl and mod_ssl. 

After installation I did not use the perl that the
package came with. I used my ActivePerl (which is
5.6), because I already installed lots of packages
there and there is no difference anyway. 

In my previous installation of Perl (activeperl) I had
mod_perl installed, however that mod_perl was not for
eapi, so I removed it and installed the one for eapi
from the canadian web site. I installed


So anyway, I had mod_perl setup for perl and apache. 

I configured my apache so that it listens both on 443
for secure connections and 80 too. 

Now, let me talk about how I use mod_perl for my site.
I use AuthCookieURL for authentication and
authorization. What I do is essentially, get the
user's name and password in a page and then authorize
the user for the other pages. This works fine, until I
used mod_ssl for secure connections.

When I tested the apache, it works just fine for port
80. However, it doesn't work very well, on port 443.
The second request to the https port crashes Apache.
Now as far I as I understood the second request
crashes the child process. I am not sure about the
internals of Apache. What happens is that, the first
request is always fine, only the second request
crashes the server. The child process dies, Apache
parent process creates the child process again and
then everything works fine again until the next 2
requests, except of course I have to press Ok to
shutdown the Apache's error box. That is the error
does prevent me using Apache for secure connections.

Anyway, I spent quite some time on it, and I tracked
down the problem to the following. There are two
problems, and let me describe how I solved the first
one and how I couldn't solve the second one.

The first one was that, when the user first requests a
page, he/she has to login. In this phase, the
AuthCookieURL module shows the custom login page. This
happens by a redirection, using custom_message or
something like that. I forgot its name now. Anyway,
this method as you know receives a return value (in
this case it is FORBIDDEN) and a messsage or a
relative url. Normally it is a relative url, like
/public/login.pl. This is the default way I use this
module, and it normally works fine. However, in https
requests the second request causes Apache crash,
unless I change this method so that it actually
returns the output as string. That is instead of a
redirection to login.pl, I send the login page in the
second argument using the custom_error method. If I
make this change, Apache doesn't crash anymore. 

Ok, now the next step is fixing the authorization
phase. Assuming that the user already supplied the
correct user/password, he/she can enter to the site.
However once he/she enters, the user can not make two
subsequent requests without crashing the Apache. I
tracked down this problem to the return value of the
authorize method of AuthCookieURL. If this method
returns OK, which means that the user can enter, it
crashes, if the method returns DECLINED, it doesn't
crash, but it certainly doesn't show anything either,
cause it says "Forbidden , you don't have access"
message. I couldn't fix this problem. It just seems
that there is no way around this. 

What I found in the ssl.log is that, basically OpenSSL
crashes with I/O errors. It says like expected to read
5 bytes.... The error somehow indicate to me that,
maybe I added the modules in the wrong way. I have
changed them, but again, it didn't work. That is I
added mod_perl last, mod_ssl last and so on, but the
net result was the same.

Overall, the problem seem to be somewhat related with
the phases.

If anybody can help me to fix the problem, I would be


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