RE: Any known good configuration for mod_perl DSO?

2002-06-27 Thread Wilbur, Charlton

In response to my question, Ged Haywood pointed me at a message from Chip
Turner, reproduced here in part:

 When it comes to perl and mod_perl, we've been working to try to make
 sure it works reliably from RPMs.  RH 7.3 should work well out of the
 box, as should 7.2, once all errata applied.  The rest of this thread
 points out a few issues, though, but I think that tends to be issues
 with other perl modules that have shared library components.  If you
 (or anyone else!) have specific failures or test cases you've seen,
 though, I'll look into it and see if it is something we can fix.

That should is a big big word, as I came across Mr Turner's message in a
search of the list archives -- I'm currently working with a RedHat 7.2 box
with all errata applied.  All Perl-related RPMs were supplied by RedHat.
And I get silent failure in the form of segmentation faults.

So that's why I asked my original question.  Can I expect that if we upgrade
our web servers to RedHat 7.3, we'll be rid of the segfault problem?  Or am
I looking at rolling my own RPMs or installing from source RPMs?  My
suspicion, confirmed by Mr Turner, is that this is tied directly to shared
libraries and toolchains, and so I suspect further that the problem will go
away if I build everything from scratch using source RPMs.

In the meanwhile, thanks to the people who have offered tips on building
from source RPMs.  Right now, it looks like this is the way we're going to

And finally, thank you to the people who recommended (many in private
messages) ditching RPMs altogether and installing from source, but
unfortunately that's not an option, as I thought I had made clear in my
initial post.  One of the reasons we're using RPMs to handle configuration
management is that we have several redundant servers in production and
several servers for development use, and it's important that the
configuration on each server be identical.  It's also important that, if we
add a new server to either group, we can produce an identical configuration
to the development and production clusters. 


Re: Any known good configuration for mod_perl DSO?

2002-06-27 Thread Perrin Harkins

Wilbur, Charlton wrote:
 Or am
 I looking at rolling my own RPMs or installing from source RPMs?  My
 suspicion, confirmed by Mr Turner, is that this is tied directly to shared
 libraries and toolchains, and so I suspect further that the problem will go
 away if I build everything from scratch using source RPMs.

I highly recommend building your own RPMs.  It works great, you get 
exactly what you want (and nothing you don't want), and you can install 
them quickly on a cluster of machines because you don't have to 
recompile on each one.

- Perrin

Re: Any known good configuration for mod_perl DSO?

2002-06-24 Thread siberian

We built our own RPM that did source level builds on our 
entire system.

So you load the rpm and it in turn executes a build script 
that built our entire system. Not just apache, modperl and 
mason but also it rebuilt all the modules that were 
needed, compiled external binaries, installed the Oracle 
libs and drivers and auto configured all configuration 
files based on the host it was on and a 
host-configuration mapping.

Seemed to work well.


On Mon, 24 Jun 2002 17:07:52 -0400
  Wilbur, Charlton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hello collective wisdom,

I have the task of making Apache, mod_perl, and 
HTML::Mason work together
under RedHat.  I know this is a problem; the most 
frequently recommended
solution that I've found is to build everything from 
scratch and link it all
together, without using DSOs.  However, my constraints 
are that all
configuration management must be handled using RPMs, 
because we have a
multitude of web servers that must all be maintained in 
parallel.  My order
of preference is for using downloadable binary RPMs, 
followed by using SRPMs
and building from scratch, and finally followed by 
rolling my own RPMs.

So I have a couple of questions that I'm currently 
researching, and if
anybody here knows the answers, I'd be grateful to hear 

First, is there a known good binary RPM configuration, a 
combination of
mod_perl and apache RPMs, from RedHat or another vendor 
that doesn't suffer
from the silent-segfault problem? 

Second, is it possible that building from source RPMs 
would prevent the
problem?  Occasionally I've seen problems like this arise 
due to differing
versions of the toolchain, and building from source RPMs 
would ensure that
the same toolchain was used to build all of the 

If I find answers to these questions elsewhere before I 
receive answers from
this list, I'll follow up to myself and share the wisdom.


Charlton Wilbur

Re: Any known good configuration for mod_perl DSO?

2002-06-24 Thread Ged Haywood

Hi there,

On Mon, 24 Jun 2002, Wilbur, Charlton wrote:

 I have the task of making Apache, mod_perl, and HTML::Mason work together
 under RedHat.  I know this is a problem;

Not necessarily; look at this thread for example...



From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tue Jun 25 00:08:24 2002
Date: 22 Jun 2002 23:23:01 -0400
From: Chip Turner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Fascinating segfault at Apache startup

Zac Morris [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Honestly though Chip I have to pipe up here.
 I was a gung ho RedHat supporter when I first got involved in the
 linux world, and I still believe with it's RPMs and GUI tools it's
 still the best for both new users and corporate environments, but
 man, if you wanna do something that not the EXACT OS version-RPM
 based software version, (hmmm, like DEVELOPMENT) you are SERIOUSLY
 screwed with RPM more times than not.

It depends.  Usually it isn't RPM that is the problem, it's the
-other- software you've installed with RPM.  Dependencies tend to be
an all-or-nothing affair, though, which makes the situation more

 So I have spent the last FIVE full days about 10 hours a day setting
 up redhat 7.3 (sans as many of the RPMs as I could possible get away
 with).  Now granted perl 5.6.1 was one of the RPMs I *did* install,
 as was sendmail (since Redhat has REALLY whacked that one up with
 the assumed workstation mode, but I at least know how to FIX
 that), but my apache, mod_perl, java, tomcat, etc I built entirely
 from source utilizing my /opt/{appname} everything all together
 I now have a pretty swank lil server setup here.  I just
 successfully tested my perl/DBD::Pg connections and i'll confirm
 jdbc to Pg tomorrow and I'll be set for some major develpment

I'm not familiar with tomcat, so I can't really comment on it
specifically.  But, before I came to Red Hat, I was a compile from
source guy, even on production servers.  Lots of reasons, but one was
that I didn't know RPM.  It seemed like a hassle to deal with it for
little things, etc... so I didn't.

My personal suggestion would be to try to work with the default OS
instead of against it.  Sometimes this is impossible, but sometimes it
isn't so bad.  For instance, instead of compiling straight from
source, you could take our RPMs, modify them (such as making apache
live in /opt), maybe throw in a more recent version, and see how it
works.  Likewise, building tomcat, java, etc, as RPMs may save you
time later when you need to rebuild a box, or clone the system, or
should disaster strike.  Recompiling, checking dependencies by hand,
etc, really is time consuming.  But, of course, so is learning RPM :)
It definitely is a difficult road.  Having travelled it myself,
though, I find it to be tremendously better than how I used to do
things.  It depends on your own personal preferences, though, as well
as company policies, your peers' skillsets, etc.  No one answer fits
everything, but I really do think that package management of some kind
(RPMs, debian, etc) offers many superiorities over recompiling from
source.  YMMV :)  There's no one single answer (too much context), but
in general, whatever OS you use, it usually is easier to work with it
and the tools it provides than against it.

When it comes to perl and mod_perl, we've been working to try to make
sure it works reliably from RPMs.  RH 7.3 should work well out of the
box, as should 7.2, once all errata applied.  The rest of this thread
points out a few issues, though, but I think that tends to be issues
with other perl modules that have shared library components.  If you
(or anyone else!) have specific failures or test cases you've seen,
though, I'll look into it and see if it is something we can fix.


  Red Hat, Inc.