Re: Apache::SSI problem

2000-11-01 Thread David Hodgkinson

Stanislav Grozev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


> the problem is, when I fetch the file, the above remains intact, ie.
> the SSI doesn't process it? I've tried also with plain Apache::SSI
> directives (ie. without subclassing it) and it still doesn't work.;-(
> any suggestions?
> (this setup sucessfully runs apache::asp and html::embperl, so i don't
> think it is from the mod_perl/apache/perl combo)
> any help would be appreciated...

Have you got an 'Options +Includes' in there anywhere? Does plain old
SSI work at all?

Dave Hodgkinson,
Editor-in-chief, The Highway Star
  Apache, mod_perl, MySQL, Sybase hired gun for, well, hire

Re: Apache::SSI problem

2000-11-01 Thread Stanislav Grozev

On Wed, Nov 01, 2000 at 09:29:31AM +0100, Thomas von Elling Skifter Eibner wrote:

> The tag should be 

yeah, sorry... stupid me.;-)
works like a charm now, thanks


   [i don't follow] | [ || [EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   [everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler]
   0x44FC3339 || [02B5 798B 4BD1 97FB F8DB 72E4 DCA4 BE03 44FC 3339]

Re: Apache::SSI problem

2000-11-01 Thread Thomas von Elling Skifter Eibner

On Wed, Nov 01, 2000 at 09:51:38AM +0200, Stanislav Grozev wrote:
> Hi, I am using Apache 1.3.14, mod_perl 1.24_01, perl 5.6 and
> Apache::SSI 2.13
> in my httpd.conf i have the following:
>   PerlRequire /usr/local/web/perllib/Apache/
>   SetHandler perl-script
>   PerlHandler Apache::tSSI
>   AddType text/html .bozo
> and the contains:
>   package Apache::tSSI;
>   use strict;
>   use vars qw(@ISA);
>   use Apache::SSI;
>   use Apache::Constants qw(:common OPT_EXECCGI);
>   use Apache::File;
>   @ISA = qw(Apache::SSI);
>   sub ssi_bozo {
>   my($self, $args) = @_;
>   return "blah blah";
>   }
>   1;
> and finaly, one file, named test.bozo contains, among some plain
> html the 
The tag should be 

Thomas Eibner