Re: RFC: Security/Performance Best Practices (long)

2001-11-11 Thread Stas Bekman

Philip Mak wrote:

> Recently, I've been using Apache::ASP to program a new version of an
> existing website that gets over 5 million page views per month. This
> website will have to fit on a RaQ4i (450MHz) server, so I'm pretty
> conscious about performance. Security is also important due to the
> popularity of the site.
> I've read various documentation and combined them together into the
> following strategy for security and performance on a mod_perl driven
> website. I haven't seen these combined strategies formally written up
> anywhere, so I thought I would try to do that and ask you guys for
> suggestions. This is a bit unorganized right now, but all the general
> concepts should be there. The goal is to produce a document that
> explains all the principles, and shows all the configuration
> directives required to accomplish this.

I'm afraid there is no such a thing as a single detailed performance 
scenario fitting all users of mod_perl, I'd even say even a big chunk of 
users. Each user has a different hw, different requirements, different 
amount of $$, in-house knowledge and what not. So IMHO it'd be a mistake 
to even try to write an ultimate performance document. Hmm, may be such 
a thing could exist in winXX world, I don't know.

You're heartly welcome to help to improve the existing documentation, 
which already sports I think about 200 printed pages of various 
scenarious, tips and tricks which comprise a "Lego"-like set for 
everybody to learn from and build their own bridge, their own monster 
and their own crane, using common components.

Please don't create another documentation fork, unless you really have 
to, since it's so much easier for people to read all the docs from one 
place, rather than jumping between many scattered docs and of course 
avoid efforts duplication.

Quite a few people have complained to me that while the mod_perl guide 
includes a lot of performance improvement techniques, it doesn't help 
newbies to make the right choice in first place. So they have to try a 
few of them first, before making the right choice. So if that's what you 
think is missing you are welcome to try to fill the gap, but personally 
I doubt it's possible for the reasons I've mentioned above and many 
other reasons.

I just want to repeat that any attempt to improve the existing 
documentation and add new docs is very welcome and the 2.0 documentation 
project is going be the next cool thing if enough people will get 
involved and give help. You can check the modperl-docs cvs repository to 
see what's there so far.

Stas Bekman JAm_pH  --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker  mod_perl Guide

Re: RFC: Security/Performance Best Practices (long)

2001-11-11 Thread Alessio Bragadini

Philip Mak:

> This website runs off a MySQL database. Although all the webpages
> are generated dynamically, they don't change often (unless the
> webmaster explicitly updates them).

Do you generate reliable Last-Modified and Expires headers? This could
help bandwidth usage for you and your users.

Alessio F. Bragadini[EMAIL PROTECTED]