Re: apache1.3.12, modperl1.23, perl5.6, ApacheJServ1.1, OpenSSL0.9.4, modssl

2000-05-12 Thread Doug MacEachern

have you tried this patch?  see threads on largefile support for details.

--- Makefile.PL 2000/04/21 19:37:45 1.159
+++ Makefile.PL 2000/04/27 22:45:30 1.160
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
 $PERL_DEBUG = "";
+$PERL_EXTRA_CFLAGS = $] >= 5.006 ? $Config{ccflags} : "";
 $SSLCacheServerPort = 8539;
 $SSL_BASE = ""; 
 $Port = $ENV{HTTP_PORT} || 8529;

Re: apache1.3.12, modperl1.23, perl5.6, ApacheJServ1.1, OpenSSL0.9.4, modssl

2000-05-09 Thread G.W. Haywood

Hi there,

On Mon, 8 May 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I've expirienced similar problems on Solaris (2.6).  After a weeks
> worth of hours I feel confidant saying that the instability is from
> perl 5.6.0 NOT from mod_perl(1.23)
> IMHO Solaris(2.6)Perl(5.6) just isn't fully cooked yet.

>From what I've seen Solaris is not much worse than any other OS for
bugs.  But Stas and I both reacted in the same way when 'perl -MCPAN'
tried to upgrade Perl 5.005_03 to 5.6.0 on our development machines.

We stopped it immediately.

It's just too new.  People who like being on the bleeding edge have a
lot of fun testing things so that the more pedestrian of us can have
more reliable products.  I like it that way, and I thank them.
There are no secrets about any of this.

I think you were brave indeed to jump into 5.6.0 so soon.  I'll leave
it for at least several months, and then I'll run it on a development
machine to start with.

> I'd just like to say that in this regard I didn't find Open Source
> very Open.  In fact things seemed quite corporate with the
> newsgroups and mailing lists saying "off topic for here" or even
> failing to post legitimate questions.

I can't agree with this.  You have to do a lot of homework if you are
to avoid wasting a lot of very valuable time that you have no right to
waste, and you can't blame people who tell you things for telling you
again if you didn't listen the first time.  But if you do the homework
and try your best to stick to the conventions you'll find tremendously
valuable resources.  Free.

> These products are getting so intertwined the definition of what
> topic belongs where begins to get mighty grey.

I _can_ agree with this.  And if you spend time reading this List you
will see, I'm sure, that its readers take a fairly relaxed view about
[OT] posts.  But you *do* have to do a bit of work if you are to earn
respect - anywhere.  I think it was Graucho Marx who said he didn't
want to join any club that would have him as a member...

> Then again maybe I just didn't read enough FAQs to ask the question
> the right way. I'm not wanting to start a flame war, just reporting
> it as I see it.

Don't sweat it, I'm sure no-one will be offended:)


Re: apache1.3.12, modperl1.23, perl5.6, ApacheJServ1.1, OpenSSL0.9.4, modssl

2000-05-08 Thread Jeff . Bulley

CN=Jeff [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 05/08/2000 03:43:00 PM


Sent From the mail file of:   Jeff Bulley


Subject:  Re: apache1.3.12, modperl1.23, perl5.6, ApacheJServ1.1,
  OpenSSL0.9.4, modssl

>We've had very different relations to the Open Source
>Community. They've been swell to me.

>5.6.0 is not ready for prime time.

>I have noticed that some open sourcers refuse to answer
>or even respond to porn dealers. But other than that
>(which is a moral guideline and not some corporate privacy
>policy) I have found them nice.

Unless there's some bizarre misconception out there I don't think this is a
problem (g).

>Plus, the source code is open and freely available. Which
>is all Open Source inherently promises.

Poor choice of words on my part. I just felt that the time I spent
narrowing down the problem to the best of my ability would help the effort
toward resolution.  The dead silence I ran into I found quite surprising.
I felt I would have gotten a better response if I would have played dumb
and said "I can't get it to work help me fix it". Instead it seems that by
narrowing the scope of the problem I cut myself off from assitance.

Re: apache1.3.12, modperl1.23, perl5.6, ApacheJServ1.1, OpenSSL0.9.4, modssl

2000-05-08 Thread Jeff . Bulley

I've expirienced similar problems on Solaris (2.6).  After a weeks worth of
hours I feel confidant saying that the instability is from perl 5.6.0 NOT
from mod_perl(1.23)

Problems resulting from the Sys::Syslog created problems for other modules
that relied on things like Net::Daemon and PlRPC moduless. Module authors I
contacted only did work arounds. comp.lang.perl.moderated didn't even post
the problems I was having.  I never got past those issues to the numerous
other strange errors that were cropping up everywhere.

So after losing a weeks worth of hours I gave up in retreat.  Dropping my
perl version to 5.005_03 and rebuilding everything seems to have restored
stability (and my sanity).

I'd just like to say that in this regard I didn't find Open Source very
Open.  In fact things seemed quite corporate with the newsgroups and
mailing lists saying "off topic for here" or even failing to  post
legitimate questions. These products are getting so intertwined the
definition of what topic belongs where begins to get mighty grey.

Then again maybe I just didn't read enough FAQs to ask the question the
right way. I'm not wanting to start a flame war, just reporting it as I see

IMHO Solaris(2.6)Perl(5.6) just isn't fully cooked yet.


CN=Jeff [EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 05/08/2000 06:48:12 AM

Sent by:  Thomas Apsel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent From the mail file of:   Jeff Bulley


Subject:  apache1.3.12, modperl1.23, perl5.6, ApacheJServ1.1, OpenSSL0.9.4,


 I am building an apache web server for serveral operating
 systems: Solaris, HPUX, AIX and Windows NT.

 My apache is based on:


 I have an older one, which is based on mod_perl-1.22 and
 perl-5.005_03. This version works very fine on all platforms.

 After I have upgrade to mod_perl-1.23 and perl-5.6.0 my apache
 crashes on Solaris (mod_perl works fine, but if I try to start
 a servlet via ApacheJServ I get a segmentation violation). Then
 I build the apache without mod_perl-1.23. This version works
 fine, my servlets are processed via the servlet engine in the
 apache. I think, that mod_perl-1.23 does something wrong, but
 I have no idea.

 On Windows NT my new apache works fine.

 I build mod_perl with
  Makefile.PL APACHE_SRC=../apache_1.3.12/src \
 Have anyone experiences with this apache configuration? Can
 anyone help me?


Thomas Apsel  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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