Re: SSL Installation Questions - Help

2002-04-02 Thread Andrew Ho


LDM>Having to compile, install, integrate everything yourself is a huge
LDM>waste of time. Your are duplicating all the efforts put in by the
LDM>distributions, for zero added value.

Huh? Having control over what modules go into your Apache, plus having one
compiled on your machine for your version, is zero added value?

I think most people on this list would disagree with you. Most of us who
depend on Apache build our own for one reason or another. You can
generally make an Apache that fulfills your needs and no more which
consumes less memory and has less dependencies than a prebuilt binary from
somewhere. And being tied to a vendor release schedule probably qualifies
as far more of an "upgrade nightmare" than having to occasionally pull out
the text file where you put your build procedure.



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Re: SSL Installation Questions - Help

2002-04-02 Thread Michael Robinton

> On Sat, Mar 09, 2002 at 10:12:32AM -0800, Kirk Rogers wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > So I went ahead and tried to install apache-ssl and am following the
> > instructions to the T.
> >
> > I've acquired:
> > mod_perl-1.26.tar.gz
> > openssl-0.9.6c.tar.gz
> > apache_1.3.22.tar.gz
> > apache_1.3.22+ssl_1.47.tar.gz
> Man this is terrible.
> Having to compile, install, integrate everything yourself is a huge
> waste of time. Your are duplicating all the efforts put in by the
> distributions, for zero added value. Plus you've got an upgrade
> nightmare waiting for you.

It is quite easy actually.

do it this way

build and install open_ssl

untar apache in /usr/src
ln -s apache_version apache

cp  apache_1.3.22+ssl_1.47.tar.gz into the apache directory
untar apache_1.3.22+ssl_1.47.tar.gz
run ./FixPatch

If you wish to use mod_so or any of the other non-standard modules
rm src/Configuration
rm src/Configuration.apaci

edit src/Configuration.tmpl  as required
i.e. for mod_rewrite, mod_so, etc

untar mod_perl distribution
in the mod perl source directory, ...
perl Makefile.PL \
APACHE_SRC=/usr/src/apache/src \

make test   # broken
make install

in apache directory
./configure --with-layout=Apache \
make install

Re: SSL Installation Questions - Help

2002-04-02 Thread Louis-David Mitterrand

On Sat, Mar 09, 2002 at 10:12:32AM -0800, Kirk Rogers wrote:
> Hi all,
> So I went ahead and tried to install apache-ssl and am following the
> instructions to the T.
> I've acquired:
> mod_perl-1.26.tar.gz
> openssl-0.9.6c.tar.gz
> apache_1.3.22.tar.gz
> apache_1.3.22+ssl_1.47.tar.gz

Man this is terrible.

Having to compile, install, integrate everything yourself is a huge
waste of time. Your are duplicating all the efforts put in by the
distributions, for zero added value. Plus you've got an upgrade
nightmare waiting for you.

THESEE: Vous deviez le rendre moins volage ;
Comment souffriez-vous cet horrible partage ?
  (Phèdre, J-B Racine, acte 5, scène 3)

Re: SSL Installation Questions - Help

2002-03-10 Thread Ged Haywood

Hi there,

On Sat, 9 Mar 2002, Kirk Rogers wrote:

> I've acquired:
> mod_perl-1.26.tar.gz
> openssl-0.9.6c.tar.gz
> apache_1.3.22.tar.gz
> apache_1.3.22+ssl_1.47.tar.gz

I use mod_ssl with no problems, you could try that.


SSL Installation Questions - Help

2002-03-09 Thread Kirk Rogers

Hi all,
So I went ahead and tried to install apache-ssl and am following the
instructions to the T.

I've acquired:

I received no errors when installing openssl-0.9.6c.

The first problem comes up when I run ./FixPatch :

/home/me/downloads/apache_1.3.22/ ./FixPatch
Your version of patch is OK.
Searching for a usable OpenSSL installation or source directory
Looks like you are using OpenSSL, adjusting app name
OpenSSL sources were found in: /home/me/downloads/openssl-0.9.6c
OpenSSL needs updating to include a function to read a specified number of
bytes from EGD - if you haven't applied the patch already and are using
OpenSSL 0.9.5a, then it needs applying
Do you want me to apply the OpenSSL EGD patch for you? [n] n
OK, I won't apply the OpenSSL patch.
OpenSSL installation found in: /usr/local/ssl /usr
Using the source version of OpenSSL found in
If this is not what you want stop now and specify the path to OpenSSL

Do you want me to apply the fixed-up Apache-SSL patch for you? [n] y
patching file Makefile.tmpl
patching file configure
patching file src/Configuration
patching file src/Configuration.tmpl
patching file src/Configure
patching file src/Makefile.tmpl
patching file src/ap/Makefile.tmpl
patching file src/include/ap_config.h
patching file src/include/ap_mmn.h
patching file src/include/buff.h
patching file src/include/http_config.h
patching file src/include/http_main.h
patching file src/include/httpd.h
patching file src/main/Makefile.tmpl
patching file src/main/buff.c
patching file src/main/http_config.c
patching file src/main/http_log.c
patching file src/main/http_main.c
patching file src/main/util_script.c
patching file src/modules/standard/Makefile.tmpl
patching file src/modules/standard/mod_log_config.c
patching file src/modules/standard/mod_so.c
patching file src/os/unix/Makefile.tmpl
patching file src/support/ab.c
patching file src/support/apachectl
patching file src/support/suexec.c
me Sat Mar  9 10:11:07am

Im assuming it was OK to skip the patch for openssl since my version is
later than what was suggested.  I then move forward to make and install
mod_perl and apache as directed:

perl Makefile.PL USE_APACI=1 EVERYTHING=1 DO_HTTPD=1 SSL_BASE=/usr/local/ssl
APACHE_SRC=../apache_1.3.22/src APACHE_PREFIX=/usr/local/apachessl

All on one line of course...and everything looks fine.  Then:

make && make install (the test has never passed on my system, and I've
installed the non ssl version which is currently up and running - for
months - without issue)

Then cd ../apache_... and:

make certificate

But my system responds with:

make: *** No rule to make target `certificate'.  Stop.

Hmmm.  What has gone wrong?  Also, when I check the httpsd.conf file, I see
no reference to SSL directives anywhere.  Are the SSL directives supposed to
be in the httpds.conf file or am I required to cut and paste them in from
the examples?

