
I had an odd thing happen today with a script I've been running successfully under 
Apache::Registry for weeks now.  It's been 
going fine and then today the error_log started to fill with messages such as:

Too many arguments for 
Apache::ROOT::cgi_2dbin::chimpkit::chimpworks_2epl::getStaleWatches at 
/usr/local/apachessl/cgi-bin/chimpkit/chimpworks.pl line 88, near "$tmpl)"

These are coming from all over my code at all different subroutines.  They appear to 
be sporadic/random, not happening every time 
through.  I've double-confirmed that my subroutines are not declared with prototypes.

Is this a common problem?  What would have triggered it all of a sudden.  Most/all of 
my subs use the DBI/Apache::DBI interface to 
get data from a Pg database, populate an HTML::Template, and display it.



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