Title: Message
Hi, all,

We are at a stage of converting CGI to run under mod_perl.

In order to help debugging our CGI code under mod_perl, we turned PerlWarn On.

Unfortunately, after turning on PerlWarn, our CGIs that already run well under mod_perl get broken with the message

"page cannot be displayed" on browser. The error.log does not show the corresponding error for the request, but list tons of warnings such as "Use of uninitialized value in split at /perl_root/lib/Cwd.pm line 103 during global destruction".

Did anyone encounter the similar symptom?

I thought global destruction only happens when the server is shutdown or a child server dies, but these messages came out upon the very first request since the server restarts, and makes no sense too me.

After I turn off PerlWarn, our CGIs that were broken start to work again. Since the messages in error.log are only warning message, how come the page is broken. Does PerlWarn outputs anything to places other than error.log?

Welcome any help.

June Young
June Young, Software Development                   bus: (902)422-1973 x144
Dymaxion Research Ltd., 5515 Cogswell St.,      fax: (902)421-1267
Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3J 1R2 Canada           mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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