Apache::ASP #include virtual loses variables

2000-05-20 Thread Philip Mak


I have stumbled upon an issue with Apache::ASP 
directive. Included files do not seem to be able to access the same scope
of variables. I am using the following test program:

File 1.inc:

<% $test .= '1'; %>
$test = <%=$test%>

File 2.inc:

<% $test = '2'; %>

One would expect the output to be "$test = 21", but it comes out as 
"$test = 1". I have tried the same thing with #include file instead of
#include virtual and the result is correct.

I am using Apache/1.3.9 on Red Hat Linux. My httpd.conf is setup for ASP
as follows:

SetHandler perl-script
PerlSetVar Global /tmp
PerlSetVar Filter On
PerlHandler Apache::ASP Apache::SSI

Does anyone know if this is a bug, or a feature, or did I perhaps setup
ASP incorrectly? Is there a good workaround for this? (It is inconvenient
for me to use #include file instead since I need to include files relevant
to DOCUMENT_ROOT, as well as relevant to the location of the current file,
but I could use that as a last resort.)



Re: Apache::ASP #include virtual loses variables

2000-05-20 Thread Philip Mak

On Sat, 20 May 2000, Joshua Chamas wrote:

> Use file includes.  virtual includes are meant to execute
> anything and include its output, and is handles by Apache::SSI
> outside of Apache::ASP. File includes will be executed as perl 
> asp subroutines in the same perl namespace as the 
> including script.

I see. There are two problems that I have with file includes though:

(1) I cannot specify a file's location relative to $ENV{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'}.

(2) I cannot specify a file's location relative to the directory the
current file is in.

For #1, I want to do something like this in all my pages:

And for #2, I have an "index.inc" in all my directories. Each index.inc
has to include the one in its parent directory, e.g.:

so that directories can pass on properties to their subdirectories. If I
use include file for that, it will include files relative to the pathname
of the first ASP file, and not relative to the pathname of the ASP file
that actually has the include.

One reason I'm coding like this is because I want to give each directory a
title and append it to the page's . e.g.:

http://www.girlsofanime.com/series/slayers/lina/ has title of
Girls of Anime::Anime Series::The Slayers::Lina Inverse

The way the title is constructed is:

In /index.inc: $title = 'Girls of Anime';
/series/index.inc: $title .= '::Anime Series';
/series/slayers/index.inc: $title .= '::The Slayers';
/series/slayers/lina/index.inc: $title .= '::Lina Inverse';

Is there a better way I can do this? Right now I'm thinking of either
trying to hack Apache::ASP to support #include virtual, or using absolute
pathnames or trying to put $ENV{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'} in the file path.


Re: Apache::ASP #include virtual loses variables

2000-05-20 Thread Philip Mak

On Sat, 20 May 2000, Joshua Chamas wrote:

> > 
> > 
> For #1, know includes will be picked up from your Global directory,
> so you can use that repository to share includes, instead of some
> DOCUMENT_ROOT location.  You can also use IncludesDir for this if
> it is set.

Thanks! That pretty much lets me do exactly what I want to.

> > And for #2, I have an "index.inc" in all my directories. Each index.inc
> > has to include the one in its parent directory, e.g.:
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > so that directories can pass on properties to their subdirectories. If I
> > use include file for that, it will include files relative to the pathname
> > of the first ASP file, and not relative to the pathname of the ASP file
> > that actually has the include.
> > 
> > ...
> > http://www.girlsofanime.com/series/slayers/lina/ has title of
> > Girls of Anime::Anime Series::The Slayers::Lina Inverse
> > 
> > The way the title is constructed is:
> > 
> > In /index.inc: $title = 'Girls of Anime';
> > /series/index.inc: $title .= '::Anime Series';
> > /series/slayers/index.inc: $title .= '::The Slayers';
> > /series/slayers/lina/index.inc: $title .= '::Lina Inverse';
> > 
> I would not do it this way, in fact the way I would do this
> would not be with your methods at all, unless you want 
> to have each section to be arbitrarily different and 
> maintained by separate graphics designers.  The way I would
> do this thing is to lose the directory structure completely
> and to have things be database driven with parameters from
> ?query_string like /index.asp?dir=, which you can build
> the title for from the database because you know all the 
> parents for dir=.

There are two reasons why I don't like doing it this way:

(1) The URL is no longer human readable. My site will have a clear
hierarchical structure, so I think it makes sense to mirror that in the
directories. People who want to chop or type URLs (even though I have good
navigation in my web design) can do so, and they can also look at the URL
to get an idea of where they are.

(2) Setting up a database seems to be overkill for this site. The only
meta data that it has (or probably will ever have) is:

- directory name label
- What links are on the sidebar for this directory?
- What advertising banner(s) is displayed on pages in this directory?

My method of having an index.inc for each directory is fairly simple, yet
it would seem to provide all the flexibility I need to implement this and
the flatfiles are easy to maintain. I don't see a good reason to switch to
database-based which seems to be significantly more complicated.

> The point here is that each ASP script is a whole program
> by itself, and I would not recommend having hundreds or
> thousands of them to have to compile for your site.  If you
> have meta data you want to display, you should really stick
> as much of it as possible in a database like MySQL.  In
> the long run, your project will be much more maintainable
> even if in the short run its easier to derive info from
> unix directories & flat files.

Each ASP script is compiled separately? I thought that  and  are supposed to work just like
#include does in C, i.e. it pretends that the text of the included file
was actually pasted directly into the program. Am I thinking about ASP
include in the wrong way?

> If you want to have a nicer /path_info scheme, we'll 
> probably have to add a patch for you to have Apache::ASP
> not be bound to executing real files as it is currently.
> This would be more similar to the way Mason does things.

Well, I would like to suggest that you consider including  in the Apache::ASP distribution, so that included files use the
same namespace. It doesn't make sense logically that include virtual
behaves differently from include file (other than the way the
filename/pathname is interpreted, of course).


Re: Apache::ASP #include virtual loses variables

2000-05-20 Thread Philip Mak

So, there's no way in Apache::ASP to include a file by specifying a path
relative to DOCUMENT_ROOT, or relative to the directory of the current
file (which is not necessarily equivalent to the request URI, if the
current file is included)?

I managed to get my site to work using  and specifying
full pathnames and using PerlSetVar IncludesDir, but it would have been
nice if there was a way to include a file with relative path
specifications as in the above paragraph (and still be in the same
namespace). I first learned ASP on IIS, and there, 
(which allows the relative path specifications) can be used for this


On Sat, 20 May 2000, Joshua Chamas wrote:

> Ime Smits wrote:
> > 
> > | Well, I would like to suggest that you consider including  in the Apache::ASP distribution, so that included files use the
> > | same namespace. It doesn't make sense logically that include virtual
> > | behaves differently from include file (other than the way the
> > | filename/pathname is interpreted, of course).
> > 
> > It does make sense to me, though. Consider one having very big (say 50k)
> > include files being included from several other (say 100) scripts. Just
> > sucking them in each script doing the include would cause *every* script
> > growing by at least the size of the include. Now as Apache::ASP caches all
> > compiled scripts, this would result in each httpd process growing by 50kB x
> > 100 scripts = 5 MB, holding 98% redundant data.
> > 
> If DynamicIncludes are turned on, then file includes are 
> compiled as subroutines, and executed as if $Response->Include()
> were called.  Without this setting, includes text are added
> to the including scripts like you are saying.
> But this does not solve the virtual includes problem.  A virtual
> include is supposed to be anything executed on the server, 
> not just files, but the output from anything like some C cgi, 
> or another .pl or so, and must therefore be processed as a 
> separate subrequest.  This is what Apache::SSI does.
> The problem here is that there is no way for the Apache::ASP 
> script to catch the output from the apache subrequest to 
> even try to compile it into its own script, even if you really
> wanted to do this.  So this is why this is stays a separate
> feature to be handled by Apache::SSI, that it doesn't help
> at all to inline it into Apache::ASP, except some small
> performance benefit by not running the output through 
> Apache::Filter
> -- Joshua
> _
> Joshua Chamas Chamas Enterprises Inc.
> NodeWorks >> free web link monitoring Huntington Beach, CA  USA 
> http://www.nodeworks.com1-714-625-4051

Apache::ASP #include file, relative filenames

2000-05-21 Thread Philip Mak

On Sun, 21 May 2000, Joshua Chamas wrote:

> > So, there's no way in Apache::ASP to include a file by specifying a path
> > relative to DOCUMENT_ROOT, or relative to the directory of the current
> > file (which is not necessarily equivalent to the request URI, if the
> > current file is included)?
>  allows relative file specifications.
> Did it not work for you for some reason?

It does not work in this kind of situation:

/series/slayers/lina/index.inc does 
/series/slayers/index.inc does 

If I access http://.../series/slayers/lina/index.inc, then it will do the
first include correctly. But in the second include, it resolves the
path name relative to /series/slayers/lina/ instead of /series/slayers/,
so it ends up including /series/slayers/index.inc instead of

I worked around this by doing "PerlSetVar IncludesDir /home/goamembers/www"
(which is my DOCUMENT_ROOT), and then using includes such as:


Apache::ASP doesn't initialize variables?

2000-05-26 Thread Philip Mak

I've noticed something peculiar with Apache::ASP. It does not seem to be
initializing variables to 0. That is, if I load one ASP webpage that sets
a variable to X, then in the next ASP webpage the variable is initialized
to X instead of 0. Is this intended behavior, or is it a bug?

Also, I was wondering if there is a way to make Apache::ASP print more
meaningful error messages when a compile error is encountered, instead of
"500 Internal Server Error". Right now I have to look in my HTTP error
log, which gives something like this:

[Fri May 26 05:56:54 2000] [error] [asp] [31714] [error] Bad name after
Arrest' at (eval 31) line 96. <--> ,
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/ASP.pm line 1180
Bareword found where operator expected at (eval 20) line 96, near
(Missing operator before re?)

This also does not tell me the filename of the script that caused the
problem, so sometimes I have to guess when my script uses #include file.
It would be nice if Apache::ASP would display the error message right
there on the webpage (a la IIS ASP).


Human readable flatfiles

2000-05-31 Thread Philip Mak


I would like to ask a question about maintaining human readable flatfiles
in general.

I have a perl (non-modperl) program that needs some input data. Currently,
it reads in the data by "require"ing another perl script that has
statements to set the variables (as global variables). I did it this way
so that I can easily edit the include file if I want to change values,
and I can even put code in the include file to calculate values.

But, I am finding that this does not work in modperl under "use strict".
Apparently, code in a file called by require is not in the same variable
scope. (If "use strict" is off, it works sometimes but other times the
variables come out with the values from the previous invocation.)

Here is an example of what I currently have:

$series = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};
require "series_$series.i";
(do something with the variables $series_name, $series_prefix)

and inside series_ranma.i, I have:

$series_name = 'Ranma 1/2';
$series_prefix = 'Ranma';
@series_data = (


but this does not work, since in modperl the required file has a different
variable scope.

Two ideas I am thinking of are:

(1) make series_$series.i into a text file instead, like this:

Ranma 1/2

and read it in with fopen(SERIES, "series_$series.i") and . But
then I wouldn't be able to put perl code inside it and it is less clear.

(2) make series_$series.i into a subroutine that returns its values. I can
require it, and then call the subroutine and get the return values, but
this seems kind of kludgy to me.

Does anyone have a better suggestion for maintaining human readable
flatfiles containing data to be read? Is there a good CPAN module for it



P.S. When replying to this message, please make sure my e-mail address is
in the to field. I'm not sure if I'm subscribed to this mailing list or
not. It seems to keep kicking me off or something, because I haven't been
receiving any mail from it.

Re: Human readable flatfiles

2000-06-01 Thread Philip Mak

On Wed, 31 May 2000, Perrin Harkins wrote:

Thanks for the reply. I have a few problems though:

> You need to read up a little on modules and "require" in Perl5.
> The quick and dirty solution is to use "do" instead of require.  That will
> solve your immediate problem, but you'll still be reading the files every
> time which might eventually become a performance hit.

I can't seem to get "do" to work. I did this:

my $series_name;
do "series_$series.i"; # <-- note include filename depends on a variable
print "$series_name\n";

but $series_name comes out undefined, even though series_$series.i (in
this case, series_ranma.i) sets $series_name.

I also tried the package thing:

> What I do when I have things like config files is make actual unique
> packages of them.  For example:
> (In My/Module.pm)
> package My::Module;
> # don't use strict here
> $foo = 7;
> (In some other program)
> use My::Module;
> print "$My::Module::foo\n";

How would this work if the include filename has to depend on a variable? I
think I have the parsing wrong; I kept getting error messages. e.g.
something like:

use $series;
print "$$series::series_name\n";

> Honestly though, your example makes it look like you'd be better off with
> dbm files and Tie::MLDBM or something.

The database files would have to be human readable though, such that they
can be edited by a text editor. The data that I am making includes an
index to content that is maintained by other webmasters. The other
webmasters don't even know how to use a UNIX shell, so I have to keep it
simple for them. If I used a binary file format I'd have to make them
learn the tools for changing it.


How to use warnings in Apache::ASP?

2000-07-29 Thread Philip Mak

Is there a way to make it so that all Apache::ASP scripts on my site have
"use warnings;" on by default (something analogous to PerlSetVar Strict 1
and use strict;)? Or do I just have to put "use warnings;" in every file?

I searched the nodeworks.com/asp site (keyword warning/warnings) as well
as the modperl mailing list archive (keyword "warning ASP" and "warnings
ASP") but could not find anything.


require bug?

2000-07-29 Thread Philip Mak

I noticed that the following bit of code does not work properly:

require 'test.pl';
chdir '..';
require 'test.pl';

Even though the second require is trying to load a different file, perl
thinks that it is the same file and therefore doesn't require it again (I
had to use the 'do' command instead).

Is this a bug, or is it supposed to work like that?


Re: How to use warnings in Apache::ASP?

2000-07-29 Thread Philip Mak

On Sat, 29 Jul 2000, Joshua Chamas wrote:

> > Is there a way to make it so that all Apache::ASP scripts on my site have
> > "use warnings;" on by default (something analogous to PerlSetVar Strict 1
> > and use strict;)? Or do I just have to put "use warnings;" in every file?
> What does it do?  Never heard of it, same as -w?

warnings.pm is a new package introduced in a recent version of perl. AFAIK
it acts just like -w.

> Does putting it into your global.asa do the trick?  Its
> the same namespace as all of your scripts unless you use
> UniquePackages setting.

I just tried doing the global.asa thing, but I realized another problem.
Recently, I installed a new version of perl on my system (upgraded 5.00503
to 5.6). Something went wrong though; Apache::ASP is still using the old
version of perl. If I run /usr/bin/perl, /usr/local/bin/perl, or a CGI
script, the $] (version) variable evaluates to 5.6. But inside ASP
scripts, the version is 5.00503 (use warnings doesn't work in 5.00503).

Would you happen to know how to find out the pathname of the perl
executable that Apache::ASP is using? I found a file called
/usr/bin/perl5.00503, but relinking that to perl 5.6 had no effect.

Also, does ASP have a directive for turning on -w?



Should cookies expire?

2000-08-03 Thread Philip Mak

I have a general question about websites that use cookies to store session

Why should they expire at all?

Let me give you an example. Yesterday, I was at Amtrak Rail's website to
purchase train tickets. Now, I multitask a lot, and sometimes I might
leave one browser window idle while I go to do something else.

So I'm browsing the possible rides I can get on, then I do something else
for half an hour. I go back to the browser window with Amtrak, and then
when I click something it tells me that my session has expired and I'll
have to login again!

Gritting my teeth, I login again and start the process over. This time I
finish the reservation and minimize the window.

Later that night, I want to check my reservation again. I maximize that
window and click something ... oops, session expired again!

I realize that in a computer lab environment, automatic session expiration
may be needed for security purposes, but I think in the situation
mentioned above, it was excessive.

What do people think about this?


Re: how to check for ssl.

2000-08-03 Thread Philip Mak

On Thu, 3 Aug 2000, Stas Bekman wrote:

> > use Apache::URI ();
> > $r->parsed_uri->scheme;
> > 
> > returns http or https
> Not really, you can spoof both:

Does the user have to spoof it deliberately in order for the wrong one to
be detected?

If spoofing requires the user to do it on purpose, then in this case the
$r->parsed_uri->scheme should be sufficient. The other method (putting
HTTPS on a different port and using mod_rewrite to make it transparent) is
better of course, but in case you can't do it for some reason, I think
this will work too.

They don't gain anything by spoofing http/https deliberately; it just
makes their connection not secure.


Re: Package Lexicals and PerlModule

2000-08-03 Thread Philip Mak

On Sun, 30 Jul 2000, mgraham wrote:

> Normally, I expect that lexical 'my' vars declared at the package
> scope (i.e. at the top of a file), should be visible to subroutines
> declared in the same package, and should maintain their values between
> calls to those subroutines.

If you are running perl v5.6 or later, I think you can use "our" instead
of "my" and it will do what you want it to do.

As for why it acts this way, I'm not sure...perhaps someone else on this
mailing list can shed some light on this issue.


Apache::ASP #include file

2000-08-26 Thread Philip Mak

Recently, I reinstalled mod_perl and Apache::ASP on my system in order to
fix a problem I was having with ASP not using the new version of perl on
my system. However, I'm having problem with some old code.

I used to do this:

In httpd.conf: PerlSetVar IncludesDir /home/goamembers/www
In an ASP script: 

Notice the "/" in "/index.inc". This would force it to get index.inc from
/home/goamembers/www, instead of the current directory. This makes it kind
of like  does with respect to filenames that start
with "/" (but include virtual cannot be used to inline asp code).

But something seems to have changed in a recent version. It seems to be
expecting index.inc to be in the root directory of the entire system, and
not checking the IncludesDir.

Does anyone have an idea on how I can fix this, other than running a
global search and replace to change all those #include files to explicitly
specify /home/goamembers/www (ick)?


Re: Apache::ASP #include file

2000-08-26 Thread Philip Mak

There's a complicated include structure being used by the files in my
website right now. It goes like this:



/slayers/index.inc: (also included by /slayers/index.asp)

/slayers/q-z.inc: (also included by /slayers/q-z.asp)

/series.inc: (also included by /series.asp)

This is why I can't just change it to 
instead of , because I actually use both,
and they mean different things; the former means slayers/lina/index.inc,
while the latter means index.inc in the root www directory.

Is there any way to specify  either relative to the
root www directory, or relative to the current file (even if the current
file is an included file that is in a different directory from the file
including it)?

Or have I created a big mess that should have never been done in the first
place? Perhaps I should perform a kludge fix of doing a global search and
replace on all files to specify /home/goamembers/www in the path name so
that it will work for the moment, and then look into redesigning the code?


On Sat, 26 Aug 2000, Joshua Chamas wrote:

> Philip Mak wrote:
> > 
> > Recently, I reinstalled mod_perl and Apache::ASP on my system in order to
> > fix a problem I was having with ASP not using the new version of perl on
> > my system. However, I'm having problem with some old code.
> > 
> > I used to do this:
> > 
> > In httpd.conf: PerlSetVar IncludesDir /home/goamembers/www
> > In an ASP script: 
> > 
> > Notice the "/" in "/index.inc". This would force it to get index.inc from
> > /home/goamembers/www, instead of the current directory. This makes it kind
> > of like  does with respect to filenames that start
> > with "/" (but include virtual cannot be used to inline asp code).
> > 
> That functionality was never intended to be supported, and 
> am surprised it ever worked!  How painful would it be for
> you to change your includes to be like 

Re: Apache::ASP #include file

2000-08-26 Thread Philip Mak

On Sat, 26 Aug 2000, Michael Robinton wrote:

> apache_ssl and mod_perl co-exist nicely together, try that instead. I've 
> a couple of these in production environments that work very well.

I don't understand... what does SSL have to do with this?


> > > Recently, I reinstalled mod_perl and Apache::ASP on my system in order to
> > > fix a problem I was having with ASP not using the new version of perl on
> > > my system. However, I'm having problem with some old code.
> > > 
> > 
> > That functionality was never intended to be supported, and 
> > am surprised it ever worked!  How painful would it be for
> > you to change your includes to be like 
> > 

Why is my mod_perl's @INC different?

2002-12-28 Thread Philip Mak
When I use perl from the command line, my @INC is this:

$ perl -e"print join(':', @INC)"

When I print @INC from a mod_perl script, it is this:


How did this happen? Why does my command line perl use i386-linux,
while my mod_perl uses i686-linux?

My problem is, any modules I install go into i386-linux. They're not
accessible to mod_perl. I need to install a new module for my site but
I can't access it in mod_perl.

I've tried adding "use lib qw(/usr/lib/perl5/5.6.1/i386-linux);" in
startup.pl, but then it makes Apache not start at all:

/usr/local/perlhttpd/bin/httpd: relocation error: 
/usr/lib/perl5/5.6.1/i386-linux/auto/Data/Dumper/Dumper.so: undefined symbol: 
/home/mirror/bin/apachectl start: httpd could not be started

Any idea what's going on here?

mod_accel redirects

2003-07-17 Thread Philip Mak
Given this server configuration (this is a front-end lightweight
Apache, which uses mod_accel to proxy to a back-end mod_perl Apache):

ServerName www.shoujoai.com
ServerAlias shoujoai.com
AccelPass /

and given a file called "redir.asp", which contains the following:

<% $Response->Redirect(''); %>

And given that I issue the following query to the web server:

GET /redir.asp HTTP/1.1
Host: shoujoai.com

and the following response:

Location: http://www.shoujoai.com/mush/

Is there a way to make mod_accel return "shoujoai.com" instead of
"www.shoujoai.com" when it rewrites the location header there? It's
using the default ServerName, instead of the Host header that the
client requested. This causes problems when cookies is set on an
alternative hostname, but the web browser gets redirected to the main
hostname. Is there a way to make it use the Host header when rewriting
an internal redirection URL?

cgiwrap for Apache::ASP?

2000-04-14 Thread Philip Mak


I searched the egroups.com mod_perl archive for "cgiwrap" and didn't find
anything relevant to ASP.

I'm wondering if there's any documentation about how to use cgiwrap with
the ASP extension. Currently I have a modified version of cgiwrap
installed on my system such that all .cgi/.pl files are transparently
(i.e. no need to put cgiwrap in the URL) suid'ed to the script owner
before being executed.

I also have ASP installed, and I'd like to be able to transparently suid
the .asp scripts too. Do you know how I could go about doing this?



Re: cgiwrap for Apache::ASP?

2000-04-16 Thread Philip Mak

On Fri, 14 Apr 2000, Ime Smits wrote:

> | I also have ASP installed, and I'd like to be able to transparently suid
> | the .asp scripts too. Do you know how I could go about doing this?
> I think this is a general bad idea. The only purpose of running scripts via
> a suexec or setuid mechanism I can think of is to stop different users &
> websites running an the same httpd digging and interfering in each other's
> data and files.

This server is used by many unaffiliated people who run their own
websites. Some people want to write their own CGI or ASP scripts that work
with files. The simplest example is a form that can be filled out and
stores the data in a file. If I don't suid their scripts, then they can
mess up each others' data files. They also cannot write data files into
their own directories.

Also, my system has cgiexec (does suid for CGI scripts) installed. The
cgiexec documentation says that once cgiexec is installed, it is a
security risk if people can execute code as "nobody" since that user has
special access to the cgiexec code. Right now, anyone can execute code as
nobody by writing ASP code, so in essence I have a security hole in my
system, and I DO need cgiexec.

So, does anyone have suggestions on how to do suid for ASP scripts?

> If you're not trusting the people making websites and you're looking for a
> virtual hosting solution, I think some postings earlier this week about

That's exactly the case here.

> proxying requests to a user-dedicated apache listening on localhost is the
> best solution.

Wouldn't this require running one web server process for each user? I may
be wrong, but it seems to be simpler to just suid their scripts.


How to cancel AccelNoPass in mod_accel

2002-04-11 Thread Philip Mak

Does anyone know how I can cancel AccelNoPass in mod_accel?

I have the following configuration in httpd.conf:

AccelNoPass ~\*.cgi$ ~\*.html$

ProxyPass / http://localhost:8001/

I want to make it so that inside the VirtualHost container, ~\*.cgi
will not be in AccelNoPass. (The reason I have ~\*.cgi in AccelNoPass
is because there's some other VirtualHosts that shouldn't have it

Is it possible to do this?

Re: Scripts and passwd

2002-05-19 Thread Philip Mak

On Sun, May 19, 2002 at 03:56:43AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> As for risky. Well the whole point of the script system is to add a pop mail
> box for a user. But in order to do this i have to do the following:
> add user to the passwd/shadow file
> add user to the virtusertable and genericstable
> recompile the sendmail config files
> Then and only then is the new mailbox ready for use. This is the only way I
> can think of to accomplish this via an automated web proccess. I dont even
> know if you can do it any other way with out touching the passwd/shadow
> files?

If all you want to do is give out POP3 mailboxes, you can accomplish
this by doing something at the MTA (Mail Transport Agent, aka mail
server) level.

For example, installing qmail (http://www.lifewithqmail.org/lwq.html)
with qmail-pop3d [note: qmail replaces sendmail] and VMailMgr
(http://www.vmailmgr.org/). Under this configuration, adding a new
POP3 mailbox would involve just changing files owned by a normal user
of the system (instead of root).

Advantages of my solution:
- Increased security. Everything in your mailbox system would be owned
  by an unpriviledged user of the system rather than root.
- qmail/Maildir is generally higher performance than sendmail/mbox.

Disadvantages of my solution:
- You have to replace sendmail with qmail and relearn some stuff.
  Be prepared to spend a few hours figuring stuff out.

> You could migrate to a database based mail authentication solution.
> Postfix+cyrus springs to mind.

The above is also a valid way to do it, with similar advantages and
disadvantages as my solution. (Postfix replaces sendmail.)

[OT] Re: Apache Web Server vulnerability

2002-06-21 Thread Philip Mak

On Fri, Jun 21, 2002 at 05:31:00AM -0700, Ask Bjoern Hansen wrote:
> 64bit binaries are exploitable.  There are also exploits for several
> 32bit systems.

Does anyone know if Red Hat Linux 7.2 on i686 is vulnerable to the
remote shell (not the DoS) exploit?

[GUIDE] Installing Apache with mod_accel, mod_deflate

2002-06-21 Thread Philip Mak

For those of you who have mod_accel and mod_deflate and need to
upgrade your Apache version due to the security exploit, I wrote a
document that tells exactly what to do from start to finish. I wrote
this because I was tired of having to dig up old mailing list posts to
figure out how to install these every time I upgrade my Apache. It
should make upgrading less painful.

Installing Apache 1.3.x with mod_accel, mod_deflate and mod_php

RewriteRule and AccelPass conflict

2002-06-24 Thread Philip Mak

I'm trying to add a RewriteRule, but it's not working:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www.animewallpapers.com(:80)?$
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^$
RewriteRule ^/(.*) http://www.animewallpapers.com/$1 [L,R]

I want to make it so that if someone accesses that website via any
hostname other than www.animewallpapers.com or, then it
will redirect them to http://www.animewallpapers.com/. I copied those
rules exactly from another httpd.conf where it works.

However, the directives were being ignored. I realized the problem is
probably because of this line:

AccelPass /

The site has a mod_perl backend running on port 8010. Apache is
proxying those connections to port 8010 before it has a chance to
invoke the RewriteRule above.

I thought of putting the RewriteRule on the backend mod_perl, but I
don't think it will work there because the HTTP_HOST would have been
changed to

Any suggestions on how I can get the RewriteRule to take precedence
over the AccelPass?

Re: RewriteRule and AccelPass conflict

2002-06-24 Thread Philip Mak

On Mon, Jun 24, 2002 at 06:12:04PM -0400, Robert Landrum wrote:
> I would think that you would need something like the following. 
> SetHandler rewrite accel
> # rewrite rules and accel rules
> Or something like that...  Your goal is to stack these handlers, so that
> rewrite happens first and accel second.

That doesn't work:

$ apachectl configtest
Syntax error on line 1011 of /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
SetHandler takes one argument, a handler name

Re: apache mod_perl + suid question

2002-07-26 Thread Philip Mak

On Fri, Jul 26, 2002 at 06:40:31PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> 1: The usermod command doesn't get executed. I have tried debugging
> this...by having a log file(/usr/local/apache/logs) and the mod_perl
> process does open the wrapper script..but then does nothing. It does
> not  execute the command. What am I doing wrong ?

Try '/usr/sbin/usermod' instead of 'usermod'. It may be a path issue.

Also, 'usermod' might have to be run interactively (rather than
reading from standard input), so you may have to create a virtual
terminal in order to interface with usermod. (I might be wrong on
this, and I can't elaborate further.)

Apache 2?

2002-11-26 Thread Philip Mak
These days, Apache 2 has become the default version of Apache.

On my site, I run a front end Apache and a back end Apache.

Front end: Apache 1.x, has mod_accel module which is like mod_proxy,
but downloads all the data from the backend ASAP and frees it up
immediately, so that a slow modem doesn't tie up the backend

Back end: Apache 1.x with mod_perl

Here's my question:

Is it worth upgrading to Apache 2.x for either the front end or back
end? And does Apache 2.x's mod_proxy free up the backend ASAP now?

Outdated link at http://perl.apache.org/products/products.html

2002-11-26 Thread Philip Mak
I couldn't find a contact address on the modperl website, so I'm
posting this here...

On http://perl.apache.org/products/products.html there is an outdated
link to "mwForum". The new URL is: http://www.mwforum.org/

Re: Apache 2?

2002-11-26 Thread Philip Mak
On Tue, Nov 26, 2002 at 11:40:00AM -0800, Grant Cooper wrote:
> What do yo mean a modem will tie up the Server? I've never heard this
> before.

Let's say you have a mod_perl page that returns a 100k document, and a
28.8k modem downloads that document.

The mod_perl process that is serving that document will be tied up
until that modem finishes downloading the document, which is
inefficient since the mod_perl processes take up a lot of memory. A
lightweight front-end proxy that loads the data from the mod_perl
process all at once and then feeds it to the modem would save memory.

Re: Apache 2?

2002-11-26 Thread Philip Mak
On Tue, Nov 26, 2002 at 03:11:47PM -0800, Grant Cooper wrote:
> Is there any documention of a HOWTO or a tutorial about a lightweight
> front-end proxy that loads the data from the mod_perl

I wrote a guide a while back on how to install mod_accel and
mod_deflate with Apache. It's for Apache 1.3.x; I don't know if it
will work with Apache 2.x.

Re: Apache 2?

2002-11-30 Thread Philip Mak
On Sat, Nov 30, 2002 at 12:45:50PM -0500, Jason Czerak (Jasnik) wrote:
> Is the 'front end' and 'back end' apache servers on the 'same box'?
> My problme is that I had one web server. and I did the FE and BE bit
> (BE being on the loop back address). to free up some major resources
> since mod_perl apache gets huges. I didn't need 20meg process
> serving up 2K images :) and had about 20 to 30 smaller apache
> process doing the 'static' content serving.

Yes, that's exactly what I do.

> I have found that the memory resource problem doesn't excist with
> 2.0 when you compile with 'worker' or fully threaded.  I'm running 2
> processes of apache and each of htem have like 20 threaded.
> performce seems good with just running one apache server.  didn't do
> any real load testing, but I'm sure 2.0 is going to blow 1.3.x away.

Well, there's multiple benefits of running a separate frontend and
backend server:

1. As stated above, the static HTML/GIF/JPG/etc. files don't have to
be served by the heavyweight mod_perl process.

2. If the backend is serving a large file, the frontend can retrieve
the entire file from the backend and free it up immediately, so that a
client with a slow modem will not tie up the backend for the time it
takes to download.

3. If you have different sites (presumably owned by different people)
on your server, all the backend servers can execute with different
userids so that the backend server of one site doesn't have to be able
to read the files of another site. And, everyone can change their own
server configuration.

We know that Apache 2 confers benefit #1 without needing a separate
frontend and backend. Benefit #2 seems to be planned, but isn't here
yet. ...What about benefit #3?

load average: 24.07, 14.76, 9.20

2000-12-16 Thread Philip Mak

Hi all,

I've been having the following problem with my machine (400MHz, 192 MB
RAM, 8.4 GB SCSI disk):

1:27am  up 3 days,  7:33,  8 users,  load average: 24.07, 14.76, 9.20

Every once in a while, the load average gets up to a very high level (at
this point, programs start getting "Out of memory!" errors, etc.).

I don't really know what to do to fix this, other than typing
/sbin/reboot. Looking at "top" doesn't show any very big processes, so I
suspect it might be being caused by a large number of small processes.

This is a web server; one of the sites I have on it, animewallpapers.com,
is much more popular than all the other sites. Since most of the activity
on the server is from httpd, I'm guessing that this site (which runs
Apache::ASP) is responsible. I can't tell for sure, though.

Could someone point me in the right direction as to how to:

(1) find out what is causing my server to become so slow (perhaps there's
some sort of benchmarking tool I can use?)

(2) fix it (if animewallpapers.com's ASP scripts is causing it, I would
have to figure out how to recode them more efficiently)



Re: (Beginner) mod_Perl hosting scarce?

2000-12-18 Thread Philip Mak

On Mon, 18 Dec 2000, Garry Heaton wrote:

> My projects would typically involve small business online databases. If I'm
> going to have trouble finding hosts it might be best to use JSP or ASP.
> What's the current situation on this one?

It is true that less hosts offer mod_perl hosting due to the potential
complexity involved in it. However, they are out there, and you just need
to find one good one.

I believe aplushosting.com and cwihosting.com have mod_perl. You can try
e-mailing their tech support to confirm it. If not, try searching
http://www.ispcheck.com/ for other webhosts.

As for selection of scripting language, mod_perl is probably the most
versatile language. But as you know, it is also one of the harder ones to
learn. If you just want to do simple database sites, PHP or ASP might be a
better choice as it would probably take you less time to learn.


Dynamic content that is static

2000-12-22 Thread Philip Mak

Hi everyone,

I have been going over the modperl tuning guide and the suggestions that
people on this list sent me earlier. I've reduced MaxClients to 33 (each
httpd process takes up 3-4% of my memory, so that's how much I can fit
without swapping) so if the web server overloads again, at least it won't
take the machine down with it.

Running a non-modperl apache that proxies to a modperl apache doesn't seem
like it would help much because the vast majority of pages served require

I realized something, though: Although the pages on my site are
dynamically generated, they are really static. Their content doesn't
change unless I change the files on the website. (For example,
http://www.animewallpapers.com/wallpapers/ccs.htm depends on header.asp,
footer.asp, series.dat and index.inc. If none of those files change, the
content of ccs.htm remains the same.)

So, it would probably be more efficient if I had a /src directory and a
/html directory. The /src directory could contain my modperl files and a
Makefile that knows the dependencies; when I type "make", it will evaluate
the modperl files and parse them into plain HTML files in the /html

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to implement this? Is there an
existing tool for doing this? How can I evaluate modperl/Apache::ASP files
from the command line?



Re: Dynamic content that is static

2000-12-22 Thread Philip Mak

On Fri, 22 Dec 2000, Edward Moon wrote:

> > Running a non-modperl apache that proxies to a modperl apache doesn't seem
> > like it would help much because the vast majority of pages served require
> > modperl.
> Not necessarily.
> You can use mod_proxy to cache the dynamically generated pages on the
> lightweight apache.

I thought about this... but I'm not sure how I would tell the lightweight
Apache to refresh its cache when a file gets changed. I suppose I could
graceful restart it, but the other webmasters of the site do not have root
access. (Or is there another way? Is it possible to teach Apache or Squid 
that ccs.htm depends on header.asp, footer.asp, series.dat and index.inc?)

Also, does this mess up the REMOTE_HOST variable, or is Apache smart
enough to replace that with X-Forwarded-For when the forwarded traffic is
being sent from a local priviledged process?


[OT] Where to download Sablotron for AxKit

2000-12-23 Thread Philip Mak

This is off-topic, but I am having problems downloading Sablotron from its
website (Sablotron is a component that AxKit requires).

On http://www.gingerall.com/charlie-bin/get/webGA/act/download.act the
link for "Sablotron 0.50 - sources" and "Sablotron 0.50 - Linux
binary" redirects to download.gingerall.cz, which is an unknown host.

The Sablotron mailing list also appears to be busted, having an unknown
host problem.

Since several people mentioned AxKit on this list, I thought someone here
might know about Sablotron. Do you know where I can download it from? I
haven't been able to find any mirrors for it.



Issuing rollback() for database handle being DESTROY'd

2000-12-28 Thread Philip Mak

I recently noticed some strange error messages in my error_log. This is
from animelyrics.com, which uses Apache::ASP and MySQL.

Issuing rollback() for database handle being DESTROY'd without explicit
disconnect() at (eval 9) line 22.

The above line keeps repeating over and over in the error log. There are
two things that confuse me...

(1) I never use rollback() anywhere in my code... so I'm wondering if
something else could cause a rollback.

(2) The "(eval 9) line 22" message doesn't tell me what file the error is
in. The modperl guide suggested adding the following lines to my perl
startup file so that the messages would show the correct file:

use Carp ();
local $SIG{__WARN__} = \&Carp::cluck;

...but they don't seem to have any effect after I added them and did an
"apachectl restart".


httpd keeps crashing overnight

2001-01-19 Thread Philip Mak


On my machine, I am running two instances of Apache. They both use the
same executable, but different config files; one has "AddModule
mod_perl.c" and the other one doesn't.

I used to only run one instance of Apache with the same executable as I
have now that was mod_perl enabled. Back then, it was stable.

My problem is that the mod_perl httpd is sometimes crashing overnight. In
the last three days, it has mysteriously crashed twice. When I restart it
with "apachectl_modperl start" (apachectl_modperl is just apachectl but
with the config file path set differently), it comes up with no problem,
but I suppose it might crash again in the future.

Examination of the error_log after I restart it only shows:

[Fri Jan 19 04:44:27 2001] [error] [asp] [4941] [WARN] redefinition of
subroutine Apache::ASP::Compiles::_tmp_global_asa::display_footer at
originally defined at
[Fri Jan 19 08:35:08 2001] [warn] pid file
/usr/local/apache/logs/httpd_modperl.pid overwritten -- Unclean shutdown
of previous Apache run?

which doesn't give me any idea why it crashed. I also tried doing a `find
/ -name "core"` but did not find any core files in a directory that seems
to be related to Apache.

Running "uptime" shows that the server has been up all along, and the
non-mod_perl enabled Apache is running fine.

Does anyone know how I can go about tracking the cause of the crash?



httpd takes 86 MB memory

2001-02-17 Thread Philip Mak

Recently, my machine got an upgrade from 128 MB RAM to 386 MB RAM.

The modperl enabled httpd process used to take up less than 10 MB each.
But now, after the memory upgrade it is suddenly taking up 86 MB. Here is
an excerpt from "top" (sorted by memory usage):

 3746 tuxedo15   0  139M 128M   964 R   0 95.6 34.1  45:22 wusage
 7257 nobody 0   0  103M  86M 84944 S   0  0.0 22.9   0:00 httpd
 7253 nobody 0   0  102M  86M 85028 S   0  0.0 22.9   0:00 httpd
 7263 nobody 0   0  102M  86M 85032 S   0  0.3 22.9   0:00 httpd

Does anyone have suggestions on how to find out the problem/fix it?

The httpd.conf has not been modified in a month, and the memory upgrade
was done just three days ago. So, AFAIK the only thing on the machine that
has changed is the amount of RAM.


(apache question) Working around MaxClients?

2001-02-22 Thread Philip Mak


I have a high traffic website (looks like 200 GB output per month,
something around 10-20 hits per day) hosted on a commercial
service. The service does not limit my bandwidth usage, but they limit the
number of concurrent Apache process that I can have to 41. This causes the
server to delay accepting new connections during peak times.

My account is a "virtual server"; what this means is that I have access to
the Apache httpd.conf files and can restart the Apache daemon, but do not
have the priviledge to bind a program to port 80 (so I can't put thttpd on
port 80).

I was thinking of serving the HTML files from Apache and the JPG files
from thttpd (thttpd uses select() so it always only uses up one process,
no matter how many connections it's handling) on port 8080, but there's
one disadvantage: People who browse my site from behind certain firewalls
can only see port 80.

Does anyone know of a way to configure Apache so that it will pass port 80
traffic onto port 8080 somehow, without having access to modify the
binary? It would have to do this without needing to spawn a child for
every request though. Or is this impossible?



P.S. Is there a mailing list for general Apache questions somewhere? I
can't seem to find one.

Re: [OT] RE: (apache question) Working around MaxClients?

2001-02-22 Thread Philip Mak

# Doesn't work. Children still get tied up serving requests.
#ProxyPass / http://www.animewallpapers.com:8080/
#ProxyPassReverse / http://www.animewallpapers.com:8080/

That doesn't get me around the limit of 41 Apache processes...


On Thu, 22 Feb 2001, Stathy Touloumis wrote:

> Why don't you setup apache to do proxying?
> > I have a high traffic website (looks like 200 GB output per month,
> > something around 10-20 hits per day) hosted on a commercial
> > service. The service does not limit my bandwidth usage, but they limit the
> > number of concurrent Apache process that I can have to 41. This causes the
> > server to delay accepting new connections during peak times.
> >
> > My account is a "virtual server"; what this means is that I have access to
> > the Apache httpd.conf files and can restart the Apache daemon, but do not
> > have the priviledge to bind a program to port 80 (so I can't put thttpd on
> > port 80).
> >
> > I was thinking of serving the HTML files from Apache and the JPG files
> > from thttpd (thttpd uses select() so it always only uses up one process,
> > no matter how many connections it's handling) on port 8080, but there's
> > one disadvantage: People who browse my site from behind certain firewalls
> > can only see port 80.
> >
> > Does anyone know of a way to configure Apache so that it will pass port 80
> > traffic onto port 8080 somehow, without having access to modify the
> > binary? It would have to do this without needing to spawn a child for
> > every request though. Or is this impossible?

Is this startup.pl ok?

2001-04-25 Thread Philip Mak

My Apache with modperl is acting weird with respect to memory usage.

When it first starts up, each process uses 10 MB of memory.

As time goes on, these processes' memory usage grows and grows. Right now
they're 20 MB (uptime 2 days). When I rebooted the machine two days ago,
they were using 80 MB each (shared memory, though). MaxRequestsPerChild is
set to 200.

Here are my startup.pl files; I was wondering if they were correct? (The
startup.pl in /home/animel is inside a VirtualHost container.)

root@trapezoid [/etc/httpd/conf]# egrep "startup.pl" *.conf
httpd_modperl.conf:PerlRequire /usr/local/apache/conf/startup.pl
httpd_modperl.conf:PerlRequire /home/animel/www/include/startup.pl
root@trapezoid [/etc/httpd/conf]# cat /usr/local/apache/conf/startup.pl

use strict;

use DBI ();
use DBD::mysql ();

root@trapezoid [/etc/httpd/conf]# cat /home/animel/www/include/startup.pl

# For security reasons, this file is owned by root.

use lib qw(/home/animel/www/include);



mod_perl DSO leaking on restart?

2001-04-25 Thread Philip Mak

On Thu, 26 Apr 2001, Stas Bekman wrote:

> > There is also the strange case of mod_perl leaking memory on graceful
> > restarts when compiled as DSO.  But I don't feel like getting into
> > this one quite yet.

Hmm. My httpd was using 20 MB. I did "apachectl graceful" ten times, and
the usage jumped to 24 MB. Then I did "apachectl graceful" another ten
times, and the usage jumped to 29 MB.

I guess that's the reason (or one of them) that my httpd grows bigger and
bigger as time passes. My mod_perl is a DSO (I run two copies of httpd,
one without mod_perl and one with; I set it up as a DSO since this way I
only need one executable). Should I recompile it statically linked?


Re: Is this startup.pl ok?

2001-04-26 Thread Philip Mak

On 26 Apr 2001, Dave Hodgkinson wrote:

> > As time goes on, these processes' memory usage grows and grows. Right now
> > they're 20 MB (uptime 2 days). When I rebooted the machine two days ago,
> > they were using 80 MB each (shared memory, though). MaxRequestsPerChild is
> > set to 200.
> What operating system?

Apache/1.3.12 (Unix)
perl 5.005_03
Linux 2.2.14-5.0; Red Hat Linux release 6.2 (Zoot)

> I'd be inclined to stuff a lot more of the generic modules you use
> (CGI, Template Toolkit, URI, Date modules) into startup.pl. The more
> the merrier.

Ok. I didn't think of that.

> If a process starts at 10M and grows to 80M that's 70M per process,
> _unshared_ for sure. Not good.

I thought it was shared, because under top, "SHARE" was almost as big as


Re: Apache::ASP extra newline in script output start - killing IEpdf recognition

2001-04-27 Thread Philip Mak

On Fri, 27 Apr 2001, Joel W. Reed wrote:

> <%@ LANGUAGE="PerlScript" %>
> <%
>   do neat perl things
> %>

Have you tried this:

<@ LANGUAGE="PerlScript" %><%
do neat perl things


Failed requests in benchmark

2001-04-27 Thread Philip Mak

$ ./ab -n 100 -c 10 "http://www.animelyrics.com/";
This is ApacheBench, Version 1.3a
Time taken for tests:   7.189 seconds
Complete requests:  100
Failed requests:11
   (Connect: 0, Length: 11, Exceptions: 0)
Total transferred:  671524 bytes
HTML transferred:   646289 bytes
Requests per second:13.91
Transfer rate:  93.41 kb/s received

Why is the server returning so many "Failed requests" at this low load?
(That webpage is generated by Apache::ASP which connects to MySQL.)

A mod_perl script (no Apache::ASP) that connects to MySQL on the same
server gets 0 failed requests and 18.83 requests per second when I run ab
with "-n 1000 -c 50".


thttpd v.s. boa (Re: ANNOUNCE: mod_perl guide ver. 1.29)

2001-04-27 Thread Philip Mak

On Sat, 28 Apr 2001, Stas Bekman wrote:

> * strategy.pod:
>   o added a ref to a light and fast Boa webserver

The strategy guide mentions thttpd, khttpd and Boa. khttpd doesn't look to
be production quality yet (its website says that it can crash the kernel),
so that leaves thttpd and Boa.

Which one would be better to use? Here's what I know so far:

- Someone's reported thttpd using over 100 MB of memory, and suggested
  to switch to Boa instead. (the message is in the thttpd mailing list
  archives somewhere... February 2001 I think)

- thttpd's website shows benchmarks where thttpd handles 720 requests per
  second, while Boa only handles 475.

- thttpd supports chroot and throttling. Boa does not.


Re: Environment variables in startup.pl

2001-04-27 Thread Philip Mak

On Fri, 27 Apr 2001, Scott Alexander wrote:

> Should this work in a startup.pl file
> my $hostname = $ENV{"HOSTNAME"} ;
> from the prompt I can write echo $HOSTNAME and get the correct
> hostname of the server.
> But from within startup.pl I don't get it.

The reason "echo $HOSTNAME" works from the prompt is because /etc/profile
contains the command HOSTNAME=`/bin/hostname`. When you're in a
non-interactive environment, that's not available.

Try this:

my $hostname = `/bin/hostname`;


$dbh->disconnect with Apache::DBI? (was Re: Failed requests inbenchmark)

2001-04-27 Thread Philip Mak

On Fri, 27 Apr 2001, Joshua Chamas wrote:

> > This is ApacheBench, Version 1.3a
> > Failed requests:11
> >(Connect: 0, Length: 11, Exceptions: 0)
> My experience with ab is that it needs content to be returned
> of identical length from one request to the next, so if your
> content is dynamic in any way, it may "fail".
> If there are any real Apache::ASP errors, they should show up
> in your apache error_log.

Thanks for clearing that up. There are no errors in my
perlhttpd.error_log, and when I changed the test script so that it
displays the exact same content every time, there were no more "failed"

I noticed something weird in my database logs, though:

010427 22:36:41  Aborted connection 2544 to db: 'animelyrics' user:
'animel' host: `localhost' (Got an error reading communication packets)
010427 22:37:14  Aborted connection 2546 to db: 'animelyrics' user:
'animel' host: `localhost' (Got an error reading communication packets)
010427 22:54:11  Aborted connection 2601 to db: 'animelyrics' user:
'animel' host: `localhost' (Got an error reading communication packets)

Reading some other mailing list messages suggests that I did not do
$dbh->disconnect() properly. But I'm using Apache::DBI, so should I need
to do that?


brochureware perl.apache.org?!

2001-04-28 Thread Philip Mak

On Sat, 28 Apr 2001, Drew Taylor wrote:

> I agree 100%. If I might throw my $.02 in, IMHO a part of this marketing
> should be a more "brochureware" perl.apache.org.

If you guys do redesign perl.apache.org, please, PLEASE take usability
into account. http://www.useit.com/ is a great resource about how to make
a usable website.

I've seen too many corporate websites that load slow, and is hard to find
any *useful* information in them. A bad offender that I can think of off
the top of my head is http://www.advertising.com/.


[OT] How to write this perl sub w/o variables?

2001-04-29 Thread Philip Mak

Is it possible to rewrite this perl subroutine without using variables?

sub XMLEncode {
my ($line) = @_;
$line =~ s/&/&/g;
$line =~ s//>/g;
return $line;

I was thinking something like

sub XMLEncode {
return $_;

but I can't get it to work like that.


Re: mod_perl DSO leaking on restart?

2001-06-14 Thread Philip Mak

On Thu, 14 Jun 2001, Doug MacEachern wrote:

> 1.21_01 had two dso fixes, one to close all .so's opened by DynaLoader and
> one to call perl_shutdown(), both of which were large leaks.  with
> 1.25_01-dev and Perl 5.6.1 i see a 4k growth on the first kill -USR1 and
> no change after that.  what is your perl -V and mod_perl version?
> if people are seeing leaks on restart using Perl 5.005_03 i am not
> surprised, 5.6.1 plugs a great many leaks.

Perl 5.005_03, mod_perl 1.25.

I have since fixed the memory leak problem by recompiling mod_perl so that
it is statically linked to Apache instead of as a DSO.


Is ProxyPass the best you can do?

2001-06-16 Thread Philip Mak

I've been thinking about the ProxyPass technique for coping with
mod_perl's high memory usage (setup a non-mod_perl httpd that handles all
requests, but ProxyPasses the mod_perl calls to a mod_perl enabled

I find that the complexity of this method is more than it should have to
be. For one thing, ProxyPass only works on a directory. But if you have
images and scripts in the same directory, this is a problem (and it's
convenient to be able to have them in the same directory, so that your
scripts can  instead of 
especially when you have a lot of images in different directories).

Is there a way to ProxyPass by file extension or something?


Re: Is ProxyPass the best you can do?

2001-06-16 Thread Philip Mak

On Sun, 17 Jun 2001, Martin Redington wrote:

> Squid is the alternative mentioned in the mod_perl_tuning.pod that comes
> with mod_perl.

Can Squid read Apache configuration files? On a new site I'm making
(www.shoujoai.com), I have directives in httpd.conf like this:

RewriteRule ^/fanfics/([a-zA-Z_0-9\-]+)/$ /fanfics/series.asp?series=$1

so that viewing http://www.shoujoai.com/fanfics/*/ actually calls an
Apache::ASP script. But, only by reading the httpd.conf would one be able
to tell that it's a script instead of a normal directory.

> Alternatively, you could try using mod_rewrite, to direct requests for
> scripts to a different apache instance (e.g. running on a separate port
> or ip). I've never tried this, but it should work.

You can use RewriteRule to make it proxy the request to another Apache? I
thought you can only alias a URL to a file, or make it send an HTTP
redirect. How do you make it proxy?


Re: Is ProxyPass the best you can do?

2001-06-16 Thread Philip Mak

On Sat, 16 Jun 2001, Mike & Christine wrote:

> >
> > You can use RewriteRule to make it proxy the request to another Apache? I
> > thought you can only alias a URL to a file, or make it send an HTTP
> > redirect. How do you make it proxy?
> This is what you are looking for i think
> http://thingy.kcilink.com/modperlguide/scenario/mod_rewrite_Examples.html

Thanks! That's exactly what I needed. That lets me keep my modperl scripts
in the same directory as my images. My current setup is a bit more
tedious, with the images being in http://static.shoujoai.com and the
scripts being in http://www.shoujoai.com.


RE: Make Test problems...

2001-06-16 Thread Philip Mak

On Sun, 17 Jun 2001, Ian (the webguy) wrote:

> I did a killall httpd as root then tried it again, but to no evail.

I don't think that httpd already being running was the problem. The test
script is supposed to pick a port that's NOT in use for the purposes of
the test, isn't it?

> still waiting for server to warm up...not ok
> server failed to start! (please examine t/logs/error_log) at t/TEST line 95.
> make: *** [run_tests] Error 9

Do what it says. Examine the file called t/logs/error_log. It should be
somewhere in the directory where you're compiling this stuff.

If you don't understand the contents of the error log, try posting them


Re: Directory Restrictions

2001-06-27 Thread Philip Mak

On Wed, 27 Jun 2001, will trillich wrote:

> okay -- but if you want some of your site to be indexed by the
> standard mod_autoindex, yet have mod_perl intervene for certain
> subtrees, you'll find that mod_perl never gets a chance at it
> because the mod_autoindex gadjets catch it at an earlier stage.
> i think.

How about using RewriteRule? For example, you can do:

RewriteRule /somedir/ index.pl

and then when people visit http://your-site.com/somedir/, it will call
index.pl. index.pl can use $ENV{REQUEST_URI} to determine which directory
to display.

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Hello World Benchmarks, updated

2001-07-11 Thread Philip Mak

One thing caught my eye; how come "mod_perl handler" (808.4 hits per
second) performed better than "HTML static" (768.2 hits per second)?

And sorry for my newbie-ish question, but what is the difference
between "mod_perl handler" and "Apache::Registry mod_perl"?

Using mod_perl handlers for max speed?

2001-07-11 Thread Philip Mak

In the recent Hello World 2000 benchmark posted by Joshua Chamas, mod_perl
handler was shown to be even faster than static HTML (at least for running
hello world), and twice as fast as using Apache::Registry to run a perl

Does this mean that if there's a heavily used script on my system that
needs to be VERY fast, then it may be worth making it into a mod_perl
handler? What are the caveats of using mod_perl handlers instead of normal

For those who didn't see it, here is the code for the Hello World mod_perl
handler program. It is inserted into httpd.conf directly.

   # ModPerl Handler
 package Apache::bench;
 sub handler {
   my(\$r) = shift;
   \$r->print('Hello ');

SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::bench

Using Apache::Reload in development environment?

2001-07-29 Thread Philip Mak

I have a site running mod_perl that I'm constantly making changes to.

What do I have to do in order to make it so that when I edit any file
(either a .pl script directly called on the site, or a .pm module that my
perl script "use"s), then the changes will take effect automatically? I
would rather not have to go into each file manually and put "use

Do I just put

PerlInitHandler Apache::Reload

in httpd.conf? Is there anything else that I have to do?

Re: Using Apache::Reload in development environment?

2001-07-30 Thread Philip Mak

On Mon, 30 Jul 2001, Stas Bekman wrote:

> no (re-)?read the manpage. it's all there.
> It's possible that Matt wants to add other options to the SYNOPSIS
> section, as not everybody bothers to read the manpage. I think people are
> used to see all of the functionality covered in SYNOPSIS.

In "perldoc Apache::Reload", the DESCRIPTION has the following sections:

- StatINC Replacement
- Register Modules Implicitly
- Register Modules Explicitly
- Special "Touch" File

I just re-read it again and realized that "StatINC Replacement" is what I
wanted... although it wasn't obvious from just reading the header since I
don't know what StatINC is. Re-reading the first paragraph of DESCRIPTION,
I see that it implies that StatINC always checks the modification time of
the file.

I was also somewhat confused as to what "PerlSetVar ReloadAll" does since
that perldoc page did not have an explicit definition, only examples of it
being used.

RewriteRule Proxy problems

2001-07-30 Thread Philip Mak

I have a front-end lightweight Apache proxying Apache::ASP scripts to a
backend mod_perl Apache. I am experiencing problems with query strings.

In my lightweight httpd.conf, I have:

RewriteRule ^/(.*)\.asp$1.asp [p]

If I go to http://www.buildreferrals.com/rotatorstats.asp, it gets proxy'd

But if I go to http://www.buildreferrals.com/rotatorstats.asp?login=pmak0
(that's the same URL, but with a query string added), then I get a "404
Not Found" error. The error log says:

[Sun Jul 29 08:10:11 2001] [error] [client] File does not
exist: proxy:

Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? That error message seems strange
because if I paste the
URL in my browser it will load. Looking at the logs for, it
never even received a request from the frontend server when I got the 404
Not Found.

I've also tried:
RewriteRule ^/(.*\.asp(\?.*)?$)$1 [p]

but it gives the same error message.

Re: segfault with mod_perl, Oraperl, XML::Parser

2001-07-30 Thread Philip Mak

On Mon, 30 Jul 2001, Scott Kister wrote:

> uselargefiles=define

Have you tried turning off "uselargefiles"?

I might be off track here, but recently I tried to install mod_perl on
Solaris 5.8. It kept segfaulting until I turned off "uselargefiles" and
binary compatibility with 5.00503. You could try recompiling perl with
this configure line, then recompiling mod_perl and see what happens:

sh Configure -des -Dcc=gcc -Ubincompat5005 -Uuselargefiles

Re: RewriteRule Proxy problems

2001-07-30 Thread Philip Mak

On Mon, 30 Jul 2001, Perrin Harkins wrote:

> > But if I go to http://www.buildreferrals.com/rotatorstats.asp?login=pmak0
> > (that's the same URL, but with a query string added), then I get a "404
> > Not Found" error.
> Of course you do. Your regex ^/(.*)\.asp doesn't match that URL with
> the query string.

Why not? I did not put a "$" at the end of the regexp so it should still
match. I've also tried:

RewriteRule ^/(.*)\.asp(.*)$1.asp$2 [p]

but got the same "404 Not Found" error.

Why can't Apache::Reload work 100% transparently?

2001-07-31 Thread Philip Mak

On Tue, 31 Jul 2001, Kyle Oppenheim wrote:

> Apache::Reload works by performing a stat on every file in %INC and calling
> require for all the files that changed.  It's quite possible that some of
> the files in %INC are using relative paths (often '.' is in @INC).  So, Perl
> was able to load the file originally because the initial 'use' or 'require'
> was after Apache changed to your directory.  However, when Apache::Reload
> goes to look for the file, it can't find it because the current directory is
> different (most likely the ServerRoot).

I've ran into this problem with Apache::Reload a couple of times myself.

Isn't there a way that Apache::Reload can be made to work transparently
(in the spirit of making programs "Do The Right Thing (tm)")?  Perhaps by
overloading the "use" and "require" functions to convert pathnames to be
fully qualified before inserting them in %INC?

(I think this would also help with same-named mod_perl scripts from
different VirtualHosts in the same instance of Apache interfering with
each others' execution?)

What counts as a real DBMS?

2001-08-01 Thread Philip Mak

On Wed, 1 Aug 2001, Henrik Edlund wrote:

> And while we are discussing "not cutting corners", those who still use
> MySQL should switch to a real DBMS before they even think of abstracting
> the SQL away from their Perl code.
> That people still use MySQL really shows how many lusers there are with
> computers that try to develop real software. I said _try_.

What would you consider to be a real DBMS? Sybase and Oracle obviously,
but I actually am the hypothetical programmer with a 233MHz machine with
64 MB RAM (hey, it runs emacs fine :/) on a shoestring budget who is
mostly limited to using freeware tools.

What about PostgreSQL and Interbase? Do those have the features of a
'real' DBMS?

require v.s. do in modperl

2001-08-01 Thread Philip Mak

I have a CGI application where I do:

require 'db.pl';

where db.pl defines some functions and variables related to connecting to
the database, and then executes C<$dbh = DBI->connect(...)>.

I tried to convert this application to modperl, but I ran into the problem
that require did not execute db.pl again the second time I called the
script, so that the C<$dbh = DBI->connect(...)> line was not executed.

I can get around this by changing C to C, but is that the
"correct" way of doing things? It seems a waste to redefine all the
subroutines and variables again. But I do need it to reinitialize $dbh
when C is called.

What should I do?

Do virtual hosts need their own servers?

2001-08-15 Thread Philip Mak

When I have multiple virtual hosts running Apache::ASP (mod_perl), do they
need to run their own instance of Apache?

I've read through http://perl.apache.org/guide/multiuser.html and this is
what I've gathered:

1. A hacker with access to a virtual host on a mod_perl Apache can steal
the Apache::DBI database handles of the other virtual hosts on that
Apache. suexec/cgiwrap won't work in mod_perl.

2. Scripts from one virtual host can call a script with the same path from
the other virtual host. Setting $Apache::Registry::NameWithVirtualHost to
1 in startup.pl gets around this problem.

So, it sounds like if I set $Apache::Registry::NameWithVirtualHost to 1,
and the webmasters of the different virtual hosts trust each other, then
it is safe to put them on the same Apache?

Problem with "use" getting the wrong file

2001-08-16 Thread Philip Mak

I have two mod_perl programs on my site. One is in the directory "inr2",
and the other is in the directory "otherinr2".

These mod_perl programs have exactly the same code. Both of them do:
use cfg;

where cfg.pm is a file that's in both inr2 and otherinr2, but it's
different in these directories.

But the code in "otherinr2" is getting the cfg.pm from "inr2" since they
have the same filename and relative paths. How can I make the "use"
command not act braindead about this? Is there a CPAN module that I can
import to overload the use command with something that takes the full
pathname into account perhaps?

Re: Log Phase

2001-08-18 Thread Philip Mak

On Sat, 18 Aug 2001, David Wheeler wrote:

> I thought that the content would be returned to the browser before the
> logging phase was executed.

I think it makes the logging phase go first, so that it has the
opportunity to check identd on the browser.

> Is there any way to get the content handling phase to send the content to
> the client before the logging phase executes?

I'm not familiar with how handlers work, so I'll let someone else answer
the exact question that you asked.

If you're logging to a MySQL database and that's slowing you down, you
could try using "INSERT DELAYED" instead of "INSERT"; in that case, it
will let you go earlier.

You could also make a "middleman" logging process that starts up when
Apache starts up; when the log handler has something to send, it
communicates with the logging process via a UNIX domain socket, and then
the logging process is the one that puts up with the logging delay. This
is probably better for efficiency reasons (unless you have RAM to spare),
because you don't want to be tying up memory heavy mod_perl processes for
a menial task such as logging.

Why do RaQ4is run mod_perl so slowly?

2001-08-18 Thread Philip Mak

I have a RaQ4i server (450MHz AMD K-6 processor). If I have 20 mod_perl
httpd processes running concurrently, then the system's load average goes
up over 10.0 and CPU usage is 100%. The machine has RAM to spare, so
swapping is not the problem.

Is that the norm for a 450MHz server, or is there something I can do to
make it work better?

Re: Connection Reset on Mandrake Linux 8.0 / Apache 1.3.20 / ModPerl1.26

2001-08-25 Thread Philip Mak

I tried telneting to your web server to see what's going on. Look at this:

$ telnet www.nonserviam.net 80
Connected to nonserviam.net.
Escape character is '^]'.
GET /modperl/index.pl HTTP/1.1
Host: www.nonserviam.net

Hello!Connection closed by foreign host.

The HTTP server did not return a proper HTTP header, which is why lynx
doesn't like it.

Looking at your mod_perl configuration...

>PerlSendHeader Off

Try doing it with PerlSendHeader On. You also might need to add this line
at the beginning of your script:

print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n";

(or text/html)

What hourly rate to charge for programming?

2001-10-02 Thread Philip Mak

I've had about two years of experience with perl, and one year of
experience with mod_perl and MySQL.

I've been doing contract programming jobs for people and charged by the
hour. The rate I currently charge them ($40) was kind of chosen randomly.
I'd like to find out if this figure is too high/too low. Does anyone here
have any experiences to share?

ApacheBench says my site is unstable?

2001-10-27 Thread Philip Mak

I'm using ApacheBench to perform stress testing on my mod_perl server.
It's not always working, though. Observe the following two runs: (first is
Broken pipe; second has some failed requests)

[pmak@sg1 bin]$ ./ab -n 1000 -c 10
This is ApacheBench, Version 1.3c <$Revision: 1.45 $> apache-1.3
Copyright (c) 1996 Adam Twiss, Zeus Technology Ltd, http://www.zeustech.net/
Copyright (c) 1998-2000 The Apache Group, http://www.apache.org/

Benchmarking (be patient)...Broken pipe

[pmak@sg1 bin]$ ./ab -n 1000 -c 10
This is ApacheBench, Version 1.3c <$Revision: 1.45 $> apache-1.3
Copyright (c) 1996 Adam Twiss, Zeus Technology Ltd, http://www.zeustech.net/
Copyright (c) 1998-2000 The Apache Group, http://www.apache.org/

Server Software:Apache/1.3.22
Server Hostname:
Server Port:8080

Document Path:  /
Document Length:13 bytes

Concurrency Level:  10
Time taken for tests:   21.109 seconds
Complete requests:  1000
Failed requests:22
   (Connect: 0, Length: 22, Exceptions: 0)
Total transferred:  196578 bytes
HTML transferred:   12714 bytes
Requests per second:47.37
Transfer rate:  9.31 kb/s received

Connnection Times (ms)
  min   avg   max
Connect:   99   101   140
Processing: 5   107   364
Total:104   208   504

Whenever I try to load that URL in my browser, it works so I think it has
something to do with the performance of httpd under load:

[pmak@sg1 bin]$ lynx -dump

   Hello, world!

Looking in my access_log, I see failed requests like this: - - [25/Oct/2001:22:20:43 -0700] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 200 0 "-" 

and successful requests like this: - - [27/Oct/2001:21:31:32 -0700] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 200 13 "-" 

Does anyone have an idea what's going on? I can't figure out why some
requests seem to return 0 bytes at random, or why ApacheBench crashes with
"Broken pipe". There is nothing in the VirtualHost or the serverwide error
log other than the MaxClients warning: - - [27/Oct/2001:21:31:32 -0700] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 200 13 "-" 

MaxClients is set to 50, btw.

server1# uname -a
FreeBSD server1.buildreferrals.com 4.2-RELEASE FreeBSD 4.2-RELEASE #0: Fri Oct 12 
13:36:14 PDT 2001
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/sys/compile/LOCAL  i386

Apache version 1.3.22, mod_perl verison 1.26

Is there a quirk of FreeBSD that I have to account for, perhaps? This is
my first time setting up Apache on a FreeBSD system (I've always used Red
Hat Linux or SunOS before).

Re: ApacheBench says my site is unstable?

2001-10-29 Thread Philip Mak

On Mon, 29 Oct 2001, Joshua Chamas wrote:

> > Complete requests:  1000
> > Failed requests:22
> >(Connect: 0, Length: 22, Exceptions: 0)
> If ApacheBench complains about length problems, it means
> that the length of subsequent requests differs from the
> output length of the first request, so dynamic content usually
> screws up ab's response in this way.

I thought about that, but the test script just prints "Hello world" every
time (static length). The failed requests got 0 bytes, according to the

I haven't figured out this problem yet, but I'm hoping it's a problem with
ab (after all, it really shouldn't just crash with "Broken pipe" like

RFC: Security/Performance Best Practices (long)

2001-11-11 Thread Philip Mak

Recently, I've been using Apache::ASP to program a new version of an
existing website that gets over 5 million page views per month. This
website will have to fit on a RaQ4i (450MHz) server, so I'm pretty
conscious about performance. Security is also important due to the
popularity of the site.

I've read various documentation and combined them together into the
following strategy for security and performance on a mod_perl driven
website. I haven't seen these combined strategies formally written up
anywhere, so I thought I would try to do that and ask you guys for
suggestions. This is a bit unorganized right now, but all the general
concepts should be there. The goal is to produce a document that
explains all the principles, and shows all the configuration
directives required to accomplish this.

This website runs off a MySQL database. Although all the webpages are
generated dynamically, they don't change often (unless the webmaster
explicitly updates them).

I setup a lightweight frontend httpd (port 80) that proxies to a
heavyweight mod_perl backend httpd (port 8001). mod_gzip is installed
on the frontend to deliver compressed HTML pages for faster download
time. mod_proxy_add_forward is also installed so that the backend logs
the true IP address of the request in its logs.

In my account, I have these directories:

httpd: apachectl, httpd.conf, logs for the mod_perl httpd
perl: DocumentRoot for backend httpd
web: DocumentRoot for frontend httpd
global: contains *.pm, startup.pl, global.asa (for Apache::ASP)

The proxying is configured in the frontend httpd.conf as follows:

1: RewriteEngine On
2: RewriteRule ^/(.+)\.asp$$1.asp [L,P]
3: RewriteRule ^/(.+)\.pl$$1.pl [L,P]
4: RewriteCond /home/aw/perl%{REQUEST_URI}index.asp -f
5: RewriteRule ^(.*)/$$1/ [L,P]

Line 2 passes any URL with a .asp extension to the backend.
Line 3 passes any URL with a .pl extension to the backend.
Line 4,5 passes any request for a directory to the backend, if there
is an index.asp file in that directory.

Notice that to the outside world, the hostname/port of the website is
exactly the same whether it's being served by the frontend or
backend. I prefer this approach since it lets my  tags refer
to images in the same directory, for example. It also doesn't require
an extra DNS lookup on the client end (which it would if the mod_perl
server and non-mod_perl server were on different hostnames).

I don't have a ProxyPassReverse directive since I haven't thought
about it; I wouldn't need it anyway since I don't do any redirecting
(at least not right now), but I'll probably end up adding it just in

The following users were created on the system:

aw: I login as this user. Group = aw, httpd
aw_guest: mod_perl httpd runs as this user. Group = aw
httpd: lightweight httpd runs as this user. Group = httpd

aw owns all of the files except httpd/logs.

The "web" directory is world readable. It only contains images that
everyone can get from the web server anyway.

The "httpd" and "global" directories are group readable, so only aw
and aw_guest can read it. "perl" is world readable, but the files
inside are only group readable (this allows the httpd user to tell
what files exist, but nothing more). This protects my source code
(and the database passwords they contain!) from being browsed by

So that I won't accidentally create world readable files, I have this
line in ~/.profile for "aw":

umask 027

This creates files as rw-r- by default. Files I upload by FTP
still default to mode rw-r--r--, but I only upload image files that
way (I use vi through ssh to edit the code) so that's perfect.

There is a level of isolation here; in case I write an insecure script
that gets hacked, the hacker will only gain access to the aw_guest
account. The aw_guest account can read all my site's files, but it
can't write to any of them. Also, the MySQL username/password used by
the website has read-only access to the database.

Apache::ASP is set so that every page has headers indicating that it
can be cached for up to one hour:

  $Response->AddHeader('Last-Modified', time2str(time));
  $Response->{CacheControl} = 'public';
  $Response->{Expires} = 3600;

I could have set the expiry time higher, but I decided to put it at
3600 so that in case I change content on the website and forget to
manually clear the cache, it won't be out of date by more than 1
hour. In terms of performance issues, 1 hour should be long enough
such that the backend httpd server doesn't have to do too much work.

In my frontend httpd server, I have a basic cache configuration:

ProxyRequests on
CacheRoot /home/httpd/cache
CacheSize 1 # cache size of 10 MB
CacheGcInterval 1 # clean up the cache every hour
CacheMaxExpire 24 # nothing lives in the cache for > 24 hours
CacheDefaultExpire 1 # default expiry time is 1 hour

I can force the frontend httpd server to reload a specific page from
the backe

ProxyPass and DirectoryIndex

2001-11-09 Thread Philip Mak

On port 80, I'm running a non-mod_perl httpd.
On port 8001, I'm running a mod_perl httpd.

Port 80 is ProxyPassing to port 8001 like this:
RewriteRule ^/(.+)\.asp$$1.asp [p]

The httpds have different DocumentRoots however, so if I visit
http://mysite.com/ it will return a directory index rather than calling
the index.asp file.

My current solution is to "touch index.asp" in the port 80 DocumentRoot
and have "DirectoryIndex index.asp" so that it knows to ProxyPass those
requests. I'd have to "touch index.asp" manually for every directory,
though. Is there a better way around this?

Re: ProxyPass and DirectoryIndex

2001-11-09 Thread Philip Mak

> > My current solution is to "touch index.asp" in the port 80 DocumentRoot
> > and have "DirectoryIndex index.asp" so that it knows to ProxyPass those
> > requests. I'd have to "touch index.asp" manually for every directory,
> > though. Is there a better way around this?

> RewriteRule ^/$ [p]

That would only pass the main directory; it won't take care of this
problem for the subdirectories.

> Why do you use RewriteRule instead of ProxyPass ?
> ProxyPass/
> Or do you have static files that you don't want to pass to mod_perl ?

I have static files that I don't want to pass to mod_perl.

> RewriteRule ^(.*)/$$1/index.asp [p]

That looks like it will ProxyPass every directory to the mod_perl enabled
httpd. It would make index.html not work anymore, though. I think the
optimal solution would:

- display index.html if it is present in the non-mod_perl web directory
- else display index.asp if it is present in the mod_perl web directory
- else display a directory listing (if Options +Indexes is on)

I'm thinking that this is not possible, at least not without having to
make some really ugly configuration hack?

> You can try with my mod_accel:
> ftp://ftp.lexa.ru/pub/apache-rus/contrib/mod_accel-1.0.6.tar.gz
> AccelCacheRoot  cache
> AccelNoCacheon
> AccelPass   /
> AccelNoPass ~*\.jpg$   ~*\.gif$

Hmm, so that would pass any URL that doesn't end in .jpg or .gif. While
not semantically equivalent to what I'm doing, I think it would actually
work for my case (I just have to specify what extensions NOT to pass).

Re: xml parsing under mod_perl segfaults

2001-11-12 Thread Philip Mak

On Mon, 12 Nov 2001, Artem Litvinovich wrote:

> Since my freeBSD setup is a "virtual private server" from verio I
> cannot easily recompile+reinstall apache.

I have a virtual private server account from Verio too. What you could do,
is compile your own Apache and run it on a high port, then setup ProxyPass
or RewriteRule [P] so that the Apache on port 80 (that you can't
recompile) just proxies to the one on the high port.

That's probably better from a performance point of view too - if you serve
static content (e.g. JPG files) on your website, it costs less resources
to have a non-mod_perl frontend to serve the graphics for you. (If your
site doesn't get that much traffic it's not so important, of course.)

Re: Report on mod_accel and mod_deflate

2001-12-20 Thread Philip Mak

On Thu, 20 Dec 2001, Jeremy Howard wrote:

> Note that mod_accel can also be called by utilising the mod_rewrite [P]
> directive, just like with mod_proxy.

If I put [P] in a RewriteRule, how does Apache know whether I want it to
use mod_proxy or mod_accel?

> AccelSet* adds X-* headers to the request to the backend. This is useful to
> know what the original request details were.

In ftp://ftp.lexa.ru/pub/apache-rus/contrib/ (where I have been told to
download mod_accel/mod_deflate from before), I see another file called
mod_realip-1.0.tar.gz just released one week ago. From looking at the
keywords in the documentation, it looks like a module to be installed on
the backend httpd that will parse these X-* headers to retrieve the
original IP address.

> By default only text/html is compressed.

I think it's safe to compress text/plain by default, too; I've never seen
any browser problems with compressed text/plain (only text/js and

Re: [modperl site design challenge] and the winner is...

2001-12-23 Thread Philip Mak

I took a look at the winning design at
http://domm.zsi.at/modperl-site-domm/ and I see a significant problem for
people in 800x600 resolution (which is pretty common still, and I use it):

A horizontal scrollbar appears at the bottom of the screen.

Can't this be fixed? Also, the left sidebar seems to be wider than it
needs to be. The logo is 150 pixels, so I think it only has to be that

I have attached a screenshot from 800x600 resolution in Opera 6. (The same
thing happens in Internet Explorer 5.5.)

I took a look at the style sheet
(http://domm.zsi.at/modperl-site-domm/style.css) and changed a few numbers
such that the left sidebar takes up less space, and made it so that the
page is allowed to compress smaller such that it'll even fit in 640x480
(about 10% of internet users have that resolution last I checked, although
this proportion may be smaller for programmers).

I attached the changed style sheet; I think it's better this way. You can
see how it looks online at http://sg1.indexthis.net/~pmak/modperl.html.
Under smaller resolutions the horizontal scrollbar is gone, but it'll look
pretty much the same on 1024x768.

BTW, kudos to the designer on making that page without using  tags
(which prevent incremental rendering)! I've tried to figure out how to do
that myself before but didn't manage to do so for pages this complicated.
(If the person viewing the page doesn't have stylesheet support though,
the sidebar will show up at the bottom of the page... Do we have any
statistics on what percentage of people viewing the mod_perl website have
user agents that don't do stylesheets, or Netscape with JavaScript off?)

Description: Screenshot from 800x600

body {	font-family: helvetica, verdana, sans-serif; 
	color: #00; 
	background-color: #ff;


h1 { 
	background-color: #828DA6;

a:link { color:#ff;	font-family: helvetica, verdana, sans-serif;}
a:visited {color:#ff;	font-family: helvetica, verdana, sans-serif; }
a:active {color:#ff;	font-family: helvetica, verdana, sans-serif; }
a:hover {color:#ff;	font-family: helvetica, verdana, sans-serif;}

pre { 
 	font-family: courier new, courier, monospace;
  	color: #00;

code { 
 	font-family: courier new, courier, monospace;

div.navbar a {text-decoration: none; color:#ff;}
div.activenav a {text-decoration: none; color:#ff;}
div.navbarglobal a {text-decoration: none; color:#ff;}
div.notactivenav a {text-decoration: none;	color:#525D76;}
div.toc a {text-decoration: none;color:#ff;}

div.leftcont {

div.content {
	background-color: #ff;


div.logo {
	background-color: #ff;

div.navbar {
	background-color: #ff;

div.activenav {
	background-color: #525D76;

div.notactivenav {


div.navbarglobal {
	background-color: #525D76;

div.navbarlocal {

div.tail {
	background-color: #ff;

div.ad {
	background-color: #ff;

mod_accel reverse proxying?

2001-12-27 Thread Philip Mak

Does mod_accel have a reverse proxying directive (similar to the
ProxyPassReverse directive in mod_proxy) in order to make redirects work?

I believe the "AccelPass" directive automatically handles reverse
proxying, but what if I used RewriteRule instead:

RewriteRule ^(.*)\.asp$$1.asp [L,P]

That does not setup reverse proxying for me...

Re: mod_accel reverse proxying?

2001-12-28 Thread Philip Mak

On Fri, 28 Dec 2001, Igor Sysoev wrote:

> Yes, it doesn't. It's difficult to figure proxied URL parts in mod_rewrite
> so I have to make explicit directive to specify reverse rewrite.
> I will make it today or tomorrow.


> I think it should have reverse syntax:
> AccelReverse   /
> Or not ? Of course it complicates porting from mod_proxy to mod_accel
> but I think it's clearer then ProxyPassReverse syntax.

I don't think either order is more clearer than the other, but since
ProxyPassReverse has it like /, my personal opinion
is that AccelPassReverse should have it in the same order too to avoid

AccelNoPass in mod_accel

2001-12-31 Thread Philip Mak

Is there a way to specify an AccelNoPass directive (from mod_accel) that
only affects a certain directory?

For example, consider the following scenario:

AccelPass /~user1/
AccelNoPass ~*\.gif$ ~*\.jpg$

AccelPass /~user2/
AccelNoPass ~*\.gif$

Someone might want to specify separate AccelNoPass settings for those two
directories. It doesn't seem to work when I put it in  though;
I get "AccelNoPass not allowed here" error.

(I don't actually need this functionality at this point and I think it's
an obscure case, but I felt it was worth pointing out.)

AccelPass interferes with RedirectPermanent

2002-01-04 Thread Philip Mak

The following configuration:

RedirectPermanent /~arcimpulse http://arcimpulse.shoujoai.com
AccelPass /

did not work as I expected. Instead of being redirected, /~arcimpulse gets
passed to port 8002 (except for URLs that match AccelNoPass), so I had to
put RedirectPermament also in the configuration for the Apache in port

Is this a bug, or a feature?

HTTP file uploads with mod_accel

2002-01-06 Thread Philip Mak

Has anyone been using mod_accel on a website that has HTTP file uploads?

I'm having trouble getting file uploads to work with Internet Explorer 5.5,
Netscape 4.7, or Opera 6 through mod_accel 1.0.10. If I access the backend
Apache directly, it works.

I can upload a 1491 byte file, but I can't upload a 13643 byte file (no
matter which web browser I use). When I try to upload the 13643 byte file
through mod_accel, the browser just keeps acting like it's loading the page
and never finishes.

I'm guessing there might be a buffering problem, but I'm not sure how to go
about finding the cause of the problem and fixing it... any suggestions?

Re: HTTP file uploads with mod_accel

2002-01-06 Thread Philip Mak

On Sun, Jan 06, 2002 at 04:16:00PM +0200, Issac Goldstand wrote:
> I use it with uploads and it all works fine.  What I still haven't 
> tested is the UPLOAD_HOOK functionality of Apache::Request under it, but 
> I'll get around to that shortly.

Hmm, I wonder if it's dependent on the CPAN module used to parse the file

I'm using MwfCGI.pm (distributed with mwForum), which is a somewhat
modified version of CGI::Minimal.

Fixed (Re: HTTP file uploads with mod_accel)

2002-01-06 Thread Philip Mak

Never mind, I'm an idiot. I just took a look at the error_log of my
frontend and the problem became clear.

[Sun Jan  6 09:42:04 2002] [error] [client] (13)Permission denied: 
accel: can't create tempfile /usr/local/apache/cache/tmpFtYxlf

mod_deflate problem with chunked encoding

2002-01-17 Thread Philip Mak

The following webpage on a mod_deflate enabled server is not working
correctly in some browsers:


If I "telnet www.aaanime.net 80" and send the following commands:

GET /pmak/sylphiel/ HTTP/1.1
Host: www.aaanime.net
Accept-Encoding: gzip

then the data it sends back is partially gzip, and partially plain
text! It is sent with "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" and the first 1 or
2 chunks are gzipped, but the rest are not.

The source code for the page is an .shtml file. Inside that .shtml
file, I have the directive . Everything
until after that directive is gzipped, then the rest of it is not.

navbar.cgi is a simple perl script that does:
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";

followed by a few more "print" statements.

Any idea how to fix this problem? Do I need to provide any additional
information in particular? Thanks.