Re: Spreadsheet::Perl (was New User)

2004-01-19 Thread khemir nadim
Version 0.04 is out. Check out the documentation at:

I still need your input and I still need some help if any brave soul is


Re: Re3: Re: How about class Foo {...} definition for Perl?

2004-01-19 Thread A. Pagaltzis
* Terrence Brannon [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2004-01-19 10:54]:
 There is also PApp::* by Marc Lehmann, short for [P]erl

My understanding is that PApp is actually a proper name for his
framework, not a generic TLNS.

If you can't laugh at yourself, you don't take life seriously enough.

Re: Re3: Re: How about class Foo {...} definition for Perl?

2004-01-19 Thread A. Pagaltzis
* Chris Josephes [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2004-01-19 14:39]:
 I think sooner or later, we're all going to have to bite the
 bullet and go with Java class naming conventions, like

IMO, it is of the essence that modules have descriptive names.
Otherwise, searching for something specific becomes nigh
impossible. If that means a vast top level, so be it.

If you can't laugh at yourself, you don't take life seriously enough.

Re: cpan name spaces (was: Re: Re3: Re: How about class Foo {...} definition for Perl? )

2004-01-19 Thread Mark Stosberg
On Mon, Jan 19, 2004 at 08:42:09AM -0600, Chris Josephes wrote:
 On Mon, 19 Jan 2004, Mark Stosberg wrote:
  I would rather CPAN be wide at the top level than have un-intuitive
  names. The author based system will also become more difficult when
  authors change hands, disappear, or there are multiple authors.
 There's kind of a trade-off here.  Right now, when module authors
 disappear, it's very difficult for a new author to take over that
 namespace because it's registered to an author/email address that may not
 be active anymore.  With author namespaces, they can just create a new
 namespace under their CPAN id.

And then the 1000 people who use their module can all do a find and
replace on all places where they have referenced the the module name
with the other authors ids. 

And what happens when module author gets married and get a new
hyphenated last name? /sarcasm

I have enough trouble remembering APIs without trying to remember
whether I need to load something in namespace of William, Will, Bill,
Willie, or  Willy.

I can't say I'm a fan of this idea.


Re: [Class::MultiList] Need feedback for first distribution

2004-01-19 Thread David Manura
Hi Ruslan,

Do you have a link?  or some POD documentation?


Ruslan U. Zakirov wrote:
I'm planning to do my first CPAN upload.
I realy need some feedback.
1) Module is very simple, but I like it and use it.
2) I didn't find any similar on CPAN.
1) I'm not native English speaker, so I want some feedback about Name.
2) Code, coding style, and so.
3) Something like: fo..., useless, suxxx is OK, but with reasons :)
My ideas:
1) May be it's better to prefix with _ all funcs which have AUTOLOAD 
magic? There is many such methods in module so it's hard to inherit this 

Best regards. Ruslan.

Beforehead thanks.

Re: Re3: Re: How about class Foo {...} definition for Perl?

2004-01-19 Thread David Manura
In the beginning, we could just do this:

  Hello World!
Then, they wanted us to do this:

   bodyHello World!/body
Now, who can remember !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN; ?  It's irrelevant! 
html-4.01-en would suffice, assuming a strict a default.

Now, they want more-or-less this:

  ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
  !DOCTYPE html
 PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN;
  html xmlns=; xml:lang=en lang=en
  bodyHello World!/body
What will they want next?

As the Wallism says, the easy jobs should be easy and the hard jobs 
possible.  Similarly, Common operations should be 'Huffman coded.' That 
is, frequently used operators should be shorter than infrequently used 
ones. [1]  This can be generalized.

What does this all mean?

  use com::activestate::gsar::Data::Dumper;

No.  It means

  use Data::Dumper;

However, if you want to use your own obscure version of Data::Dumper 
that inserts random characters into the output, you might do this:

  use Data::Dumper::Random;

rather than

  use org::myname::Dumper::Random;

And if someone else comes along and offers a better randomized data 
dumper, that person might do

  use Data::Dumper::VeryRandom;

This leads to the next Wallism, also generalized: Similar classes of 
operators should look similar. [1] They do:

  use Data::Dumper;
  use Data::Dumper::Random;
  use Data::Dumper::VeryRandom;


A. Pagaltzis wrote:
* Chris Josephes [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2004-01-19 14:39]:

I think sooner or later, we're all going to have to bite the
bullet and go with Java class naming conventions, like

IMO, it is of the essence that modules have descriptive names.
Otherwise, searching for something specific becomes nigh
impossible. If that means a vast top level, so be it.