Re: not-so-plain documentation

2004-06-25 Thread A. Pagaltzis
* Eric Wilhelm [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2004-06-25 05:11]:
 I've seen pod2usage() and this would work, but most of these
 scripts have some defaults set for variables that can be
 changed with the GetOptions flags and I'd like to show these
 defaults at least in the help message.

You are looking for Pod::Constants.

If you can't laugh at yourself, you don't take life seriously enough.

Re: not-so-plain documentation

2004-06-25 Thread Johan Vromans
 my $rounding = 0.01;
   'round=f' = \$rounding,
   'help'   = sub {usage()},
 sub usage {
   print usage:  $0 filename\n;
   print options:  --round float   (default  $rounding)\n;

This will have a nasty side effect, as shown below:

  $ round --help
  usage:  round filename
  options:  --round float   (default  0.01)
  $ round --round=42 --help
  usage:  round filename
  options:  --round float   (default  42)

-- Johan

Re: not-so-plain documentation

2004-06-25 Thread Sam Vilain
A. Pagaltzis wrote:
* Eric Wilhelm [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2004-06-25 05:11]:

I've seen pod2usage() and this would work, but most of these
scripts have some defaults set for variables that can be
changed with the GetOptions flags and I'd like to show these
defaults at least in the help message.

You are looking for Pod::Constants.

Or even Scriptalicious...
Sam Vilain, sam /\T vilain |T net, PGP key ID: 0x05B52F13
(include my PGP key ID in personal replies to avoid spam filtering)

Re: not-so-plain documentation

2004-06-25 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# The following was supposedly scribed by
# Johan Vromans
# on Friday 25 June 2004 03:00 am:

This will have a nasty side effect, as shown below:

  $ round --round=42 --help
  usage:  round filename
  options:  --round float   (default  42)

Yes, this is correct.  But I was planning something more along these lines:

use Getopt::Long;
my $all = 7;
my $foo = bar;

my @opt_build = (
['a|all=i', \$all, value for all (default $all)],
['f|foo=s', \$foo, string for foo (default $foo)],
['h|help' , sub { usage()}, show this help message],
my %opts = map({$_-[0] = $_-[1]} @opt_build);
my @help = map({$_-[0]  $_-[2]} @opt_build);

sub usage {
my $caller = $0;
$caller =~ s#.*/##;
die join(\n, usage:,   $caller file, @help), \n;

And, in my mythical modified version of perldoc, I'd need to run up to the 
point where @help is declared, then exit.

Maybe instead of 'my @help=', we do 'Pod::Dynamic-usage(map({$_-[0]  
$_-[2]} @opt_build));' and that triggers an exit from the 'do()' (for 
instance when ($0 =~ m/perldoc/)), and declares main::usage() otherwise.

Something along those lines anyway.

Peer's Law: The solution to the problem changes the problem.

Re: not-so-plain documentation

2004-06-25 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# The following was supposedly scribed by
# Randy W. Sims
# on Thursday 24 June 2004 10:40 pm:

You'll want
to subclass Pod::Text, override the proper method to add a new escape
sequence (say $variable_name), then maybe override the constructor to
take a hash with the values for the variables or possibly something more
elaborate like evaling the variable name in the caller's context.

Yes.  The trouble is that I don't want to have to manually re-generate the 
pods in any way, so I'll need a modified perldoc.  (If you haven't chastised 
me for it before, I'm the guy who makes changes to the code directly on the 
production system:)

My concept is that the script does something like 'use Pod::Dynamic' and 
builds some pod sections (or defines some variables) by running up to some 
point when $Pod::Dynamic::pod_mode is true.  This means that 'dynperldoc' can 
simply do() the file and have some variables defined for use in generating 
the fully-formed pod.

So, if the variables are changed to some other defaults, both 'dynperldoc 
script' and 'script --help' show the same values without having to 
manually regenerate anything.

I've done similary on several occasions and it is fairly trivial. If you
have trouble, I can probably dig up an example.

I may take you up on that.  CPAN's results for 'dynamic pod' are depressing.

Left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse.
--Murphy's Corollary