Re: Chasing a segfault, part II

2021-10-26 Thread Sorin Manolache

On 26/10/2021 08.18, miim wrote:

ua_pointer = apr_table_get(r->headers_in, "User-Agent");
   /* Find out how long the Apache-supplied string is */
   ualength = strlen(ua_pointer);

If the request does not contain any user-agent then ua_pointer will be 
NULL. strlen of NULL will segfault.


Chasing a segfault, part II

2021-10-26 Thread miim

My thanks to everyone for their input on this problem.  While I was unable to 
get the backtrace and whatkilledus modules to report on failure, I isolated the 
cause to the following code in the handler.

The code itself does not segfault and indeed it appears to execute properly, 
retrieving the user-agent string with correct length and logging it.  However, 
when this code is included Apache segfaults some time later.  (It's not the 
logging causing it; the segfault still occurs without the logging.)

I can not see why this code should be overwriting Apache data structures in 
such a way as to cause Apache to segfault.  I have rewritten it several 
different ways and it still causes segfaults.

Might anyone have insight into this issue?


static int bridcheck_handler
   (request_rec *r) {

  const char *ua_pointer;
  char useragent[UA_BUFFERSIZE];
  size_t ualength;
  size_t ualen2;

  /* Retrieve the user-agent string */

  /* Null the last byte in our buffer so that strings are always terminated 
  useragent[UA_BUFFERSIZE-1] = '\0';
  /* Load pointer to the Apache request record user-agent header field */
  ua_pointer = apr_table_get(r->headers_in, "User-Agent");
  /* Find out how long the Apache-supplied string is */
  ualength = strlen(ua_pointer);
  /* Copy only if there's something to copy */
  if (ualength != 0)
  /* Our buffer gets Apache's request record user-agent field */
  /* Protect from segfault by limiting length at buffersize -1 */
strncpy(useragent, ua_pointer, UA_BUFFERSIZE-1);
  /* Don't use the original strncpy below.  Dissected the functionality 
into pieces above. */
  /*  strncpy(useragent, apr_table_get(r->headers_in, "User-Agent"), 
  /* Now that we have our prize ... how long is it? */
  ualen2 = strlen(useragent);

  ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_NOTICE, 0, r,
  "bc: ualength = %u, <%s>",
  ualength, apr_table_get(r->headers_in, "User-Agent"));
  ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_NOTICE, 0, r,
  "ualen2   = %u, <%s>",
  ualen2, useragent);

  return DECLINED;



Oct 26 05:10:39  bc: ualength = 71,>
Oct 26 05:10:39  ualen2   = 71,>
Oct 26 05:11:11  bc: ualength = 115, 
Oct 26 05:11:11  ualen2   = 115, 
Oct 26 05:17:33  bc: ualength = 120, 
Oct 26 05:17:33  ualen2   = 120,