Subhash KK. wrote:
> Hello All..
> I need small help in getting some info. I am restarting the network in
> linux after changing the ip settings through a cgi (cgi in c) program.
> Before I issue the command (“/etc/init.d/networking restart” in
> Debian), I am sending response back to the client through printf.. But
> apache is not able to process that data to the client. Has some one
> faced this problem ? Any solution for this.
> Please help.
> Thanks in Advance..
> Thanks and Regards
> Subhash K K

1 - Did you get the wrong mailing list, or is there a third party apache
module communicating with the CGI that you need help with and that we do
not know about?

2 - I almost deleted this message thinking it was a Nigerian oil tycoon
looking for my bank account information to transfer funds.  Please
ensure that the subject line is corrected before replying to any
responses - or you may never get responses when the messages hit the bit
buckets.  In fact, please feel lucky if you get any additional responses
at all.

3 - If a TCP connection results in restarting the network, that network
restart will terminate all open TCP connections as it disables any
network cards.  Hence, it results in exactly what you see - suddenly
apache cannot communicate with the client.

Some additional reading material (if you ever get bored) might be :

Joseph Lewis <>
"Divide the fire, and you will sooner put it out." - Publius Syrus

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