thread safety and mpm-prefork

2013-06-11 Thread Alex Bligh
I've written a module which I believe to be thread-safe but appears to be
doing something which I have put down to a lack of thread safety in pool
management (somewhere).

Before I tear my hair out here, my module is running with apache 2.2.22
and mpm-prefork on Ubuntu. Do the thread primatives actually do anything in
mpm-prefork? I'm using apr_thread_create to create a thread, then
providing a separate allocator, mutex, pool and similar (all as
recommended). But if the mutex stuff is 'optimised out' of my apr
library - specifically the pool stuff - all this will be in vain.

Alex Bligh

Re: thread safety and mpm-prefork

2013-06-11 Thread Sorin Manolache

On 2013-06-11 21:20, Alex Bligh wrote:

I've written a module which I believe to be thread-safe but appears to be
doing something which I have put down to a lack of thread safety in pool
management (somewhere).

Before I tear my hair out here, my module is running with apache 2.2.22
and mpm-prefork on Ubuntu. Do the thread primatives actually do anything in
mpm-prefork? I'm using apr_thread_create to create a thread, then
providing a separate allocator, mutex, pool and similar (all as
recommended). But if the mutex stuff is 'optimised out' of my apr
library - specifically the pool stuff - all this will be in vain.

apr_* and mpm_prefork are different software packages and ubuntu 
distributes them separately. So it is almost certain that you have a 
thread-enabled libapr (i.e. compiled with APR_HAS_THREADS). You would 
not be able to compile the code that uses apr_thread_create if your 
libapr was not compiled with thread support.

mpm_prefork is like any ordinary client of libapr. Just that it does not 
use the threading functionality in libapr. So it cannot disable/optimise 
out the mutexes in libapr.

Please be aware that apr_pools are not thread-safe. Only the creation of 
subpools is thread-safe. So you should create a subpool per thread to 
stay safe.


Re: thread safety and mpm-prefork

2013-06-11 Thread Alex Bligh

On 11 Jun 2013, at 21:57, Sorin Manolache wrote:

 The threadallocatormutex is created from a child of the request pool. The 
 request pool and its child-pools are destroyed when the request terminates. 
 Do you use the threadpool/threadallocator/threadallocatormutex afterwards?

Nope. It's one long running request, and at the end of the request handler, the 
thread I've created is _join'ed, and the pools are destroyed.

When I torture test it, I can run 10 hours of fullscreen video through it, and 
every 5 or 6th such test results in a core dump (inevitably a bucket brigade 
pointer being unhappy). We have a customer who seems to be talented at making 
things go wrong and who does not get an abort/segv, but a 100% CPU live lock. 
gdb suggests the destruction of the bucket brigade goes around and around - 
again a symptom of bucket brigade linked list pointers being unhappy.

Alex Bligh

Re: thread safety and mpm-prefork

2013-06-11 Thread Alex Bligh

On 11 Jun 2013, at 23:06, Sorin Manolache wrote:

 I'm sorry, I ran out of ideas. I suppose that the operations of the two 
 threads on the bucket brigade are protected by mutexes...

Yep. I create my own output bucket brigade too. I *presume* this uses the 
allocator mutex to manipulate the bucket brigade (or that it contains its own 
mutex) protecting its link-next pointers.

/* We cannot use the same bucket allocator for the ouput bucket brigade
 * obb as the one associated with the connection 
 * because the same bucket allocator cannot be used in two different
 * threads, and we use the connection bucket allocator in this
 * thread - see docs on apr_bucket_alloc_create(). This results in
 * occasional core dumps. So create our own bucket allocator and pool
 * for output thread bucket brigade.


if (
( apr_thread_mutex_create(oallocatormutex, APR_THREAD_MUTEX_UNNESTED, 
r-pool) == APR_SUCCESS) 
( apr_allocator_create(oallocator) == APR_SUCCESS) 
( apr_allocator_mutex_set(oallocator, oallocatormutex), 1 ) 
( apr_pool_create_ex(opool, NULL, NULL, oallocator) == APR_SUCCESS)  
/* WARNING: pool has no parent */
( NULL != (obucketallocator = apr_bucket_alloc_create(opool))) 
( NULL != (obb = apr_brigade_create(opool, obucketallocator)))
) {

Alex Bligh