Re: [Mono-dev] workflow foundation 4

2012-11-16 Thread Jonathan Pobst
Just a guess here, but I think maybe you took the Microsoft 
System.Activities.dll assembly out of:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\

These assemblies have been stripped of all code and are simply empty 
methods and classes to compile against.

You will want to get the full assembly out of the MS GAC.


On 11/16/2012 10:11 AM, Chris Camplejohn wrote:

Yes I understand that this is the case for some of their assemblies, but I am
interested from a technical perspective what is the limitation? I would like
to get it running with their assemblies before considering if we begin to
rewrite them for Mono.

But for example when I try to run a test workflow application under Mono
using the Microsoft System.Activities.dll I get the following error.

Unhandled Exception: System.InvalidProgramException: Invalid IL code in
System.Activities.Activity:.ctor (): method body is empty.

   at MonoWorkflowConsoleTest.Workflow1..ctor () [0x0] in filename
   at MonoWorkflowConsoleTest.Program.Main (System.String[] args) [0x0]
in filename unknown:0
[ERROR] FATAL UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: System.InvalidProgramException: Invalid
IL code in System.Activities.Activity:.ctor (): method body is empty.

   at MonoWorkflowConsoleTest.Workflow1..ctor () [0x0] in filename
   at MonoWorkflowConsoleTest.Program.Main (System.String[] args) [0x0]
in filename unknown:0


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Re: [Mono-dev] MoMA

2012-10-21 Thread Jonathan Pobst

The tool to generate the definition files is in github:

You will need to update AssemblyManager.cs to point to both the .NET and 
Mono assemblies.  You might also want to update to .NET 4.5.

After that, you put them in a zip file with a little bit of metadata and 
they're ready.  (See existing definition packs.)

I am guessing if you put them somewhere for Xamarin, they can upload 
them to the definition update web service.


On 10/21/2012 3:40 PM, Leszek Ciesielski wrote:


MoMA is indeed a very useful tool and it's a pity that it seems no
longer to be supported. What would it take to update the masterinfos
that it uses for reporting? They're missing for the last couple of
release (about two years, I would say?). A lot of people start their
migration/multiplatform work with MoMA and currently it under-reports
Mono capabilities significantly.

I understand that Xamarin no longer has the commercial interest in
maintaining this tool, but it's valuable to the community, so perhaps
it should transition to being maintained by community members? As it
stands, MoMA relies on a webservice that is no longer updated and I'm
guessing the report uploads aren't analysed as well?

Kind regards,

Leszek Ciesielski

On Mon, Oct 8, 2012 at 3:29 PM, David Schmitt wrote:


could someone please remove or update the wikipage at ? the download there only can check against
2.8 and  File MoMA bugs still links to the novell bugzilla.

Thanks  love, David
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Re: [Mono-dev] Has Mono an equivalent to the Microsoft Roslyn API?

2012-01-24 Thread Jonathan Pobst
The MonoDevelop team contributes to NRefactory 5, which provides pretty 
much exactly the same functionality as Roslyn for C#.

This will power the MonoDevelop C# support in a future version.


On 1/24/2012 9:54 AM, JochenHuck wrote:

I need something like the Mircosoft Roslyn API
( to do static source code analysis.
Since the Roslyn API is just a developer preview I wanted to know whether
Mono offers similar features as the Roslyn API (since Mono has a C# compiler
written in C# and the Roslyn API is a C# compiler API I thought this would
be possible).

I am especially interested in syntax trees, semantic analysis (binding),
dataflow and controlflow features (to answer questions like: which variables
are read in this basic block, etc.)


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Re: [Mono-dev] substantial performance regression between 2.10 and 2.6 or impl diff?

2011-08-27 Thread Jonathan Pobst
You could probably install the Mac OSX 2.6.7 Mono pretty quickly to see 
if it's a difference caused by architectures or by a change between Mono 


On 8/27/2011 2:36 PM, Jonathan Shore wrote:
 Ok. When you have a chance can you indicate your marks  CPU? I expect a
 reasonably modern CPU to be 2 - 6x fast than my sluggish cpu. Thanks.

 So for instance my mac X5130 rates at 12.7 CINT 2006 vs 28.6

 On Aug 27, 2011, at 2:57 PM, Slide wrote:

 I just ran on ubuntu 64bit with mono 2.10.1 and got better numbers
 than your 2.6.7. I had to run somewhere quick but will publish the
 numbers when I get back.

 On Aug 27, 2011 11:16 AM, Jonathan Shore wrote:
  My machine is an old 2006 Mac Pro 1,1 2 x Xeon 5130 (64 bit) running
 OSX lion. Here are the respective versions of mono:
  Mono on OSX:
  Mono JIT compiler version 2.10.4 (tarball Mon Aug 8 22:03:39 EDT 2011)
  Copyright (C) 2002-2011 Novell, Inc, Xamarin, Inc and Contributors.
  TLS: normal
  SIGSEGV: normal
  Notification: kqueue
  Architecture: x86
  Disabled: none
  Misc: debugger softdebug
  LLVM: yes(2.9svn-mono)
  GC: Included Boehm (with typed GC)
  Mono on Ubuntu 11.04 (running in VMWare VM on same machine):
  Mono JIT compiler version 2.6.7 (Debian 2.6.7-5ubuntu3)
  Copyright (C) 2002-2010 Novell, Inc and Contributors.
  TLS: __thread
  GC: Included Boehm (with typed GC and Parallel Mark)
  SIGSEGV: altstack
  Notifications: epoll
  Architecture: amd64
  Disabled: none
  Here is the Mac OSX mono 2.10.4 run:
  $ mono main.exe
  Running benchmark
  struct sum: 589998356.48, time: 9.010549 secs
  class sum: 589998356.48, time: 30.67357 secs
  Here is the Ubuntu 11.04 mono 2.6.7 run:
  $ mono main.exe
  Running benchmark
  struct sum: 589998356.48, time: 2.737732 secs
  class sum: 589998356.48, time: 7.83984 secs
  Note that the running time for mono 2.6.7 is ~4x faster than mono
 2.10.4 on the same box (and the linux run has the disadvantage of
 running on a VM). The struct test is most likely not exercising the GC
 and the later is. I suspect given the consistent performance
 difference is *not* a GC issue, rather a difference in the JIT code
  Let me know if there is other information I can provide. Thanks.
  On Aug 27, 2011, at 1:52 PM, Slide wrote:
  On Sat, Aug 27, 2011 at 10:27 AM, Jonathan Shore wrote:
  I was doing some benchmarks of struct vs class based creation (I
 have an application that will generate millions of small objects). I
 was doing the tests in a ubuntu 11.4 VM on my mac pro and found the
  mono 2.6.7 was 4x faster on my linux VM than 2.10.4 running on OSX
 (same machine)
  I don't know whether this may be because of one of the following:
  - performance in 2.10.4 regressed vs 2.6.7
  - mono JIT implementation for OSX has a completely different JiT
 codebase and does not perform
  - difference in GC (only relevant for second part of the test)
  Note that I tried this with separate compilations with mcs
 -optimize+ on both environments as well as running the same exe on both.
  I can live with slower performance on OSX, but want to make sure
 that linux and windows versions of mono 2.10.x have the performance of
 2.6.7 or better.
  Can someone clue me in? I've included the simple test code with
 this posting.
  Can you publish your benchmark numbers and for what machines you
 are running on?

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Re: [Mono-dev] What directories/files needed to distribute a mono runtime from a build?

2010-12-28 Thread Jonathan Pobst
On 12/28/2010 10:53 AM, CodeSlinger wrote:
 Windows the assemblies are under a version dir and in mono the assembly
 versions are under a common dir by assembly type though maybe there is a
 good reason for that which I don't know.

There are two copies of each class library assembly, one copy for 
compiling and one copy for running.  This is true for both Mono and .Net.

Compiling copies:
Mono - lib/mono/[2.0 3.5 4.0]/
.Net - \Program Files\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\...

Running copies:
Mono - lib/mono/gac
.Net - \Windows\assembly

On Mono on Linux, the compiling copies should be a symlink to the 
running copy so they don't take up twice as much space, like they do on 

If your application is not going to be compiling any code [CodeDom], you 
do not need the compiling copies.

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] What directories/files needed to distribute a mono runtime from a build?

2010-12-27 Thread Jonathan Pobst
The absolute bare minimum you need to run a Mono app (hello world) is 
the runtime (mono) and mscorlib.dll.

Anything past that depends on what your application uses.


On 12/27/2010 10:53 PM, CodeSlinger wrote:

 I've basically asked this before, so sorry for the repost, but my other
 thread got garbled when I had to delete posts in order to keep from getting
 continuous warnings about not being approved even though I had registered
 after posting them.

 Basically I want just a minimal runtime or even the whole runtime but
 nothing else from the build. It was essentially suggested to just delete
 what you don't need which is sort of like telling someone wanting a wooden
 bear to just get a log and cut away the parts that don't look like a bear
 (ya I live in the mountains and there are a lot of wooden bear wood carvers
 here and I'm not one of them).

 After custom building 2.8.1 on my RHEL45 system, my /usr/mono directory is
 1.2G and I would like to zip a fairly minimal runtime for deployment to
 other boxes. According to the doc on assembly search order, all needed dlls
 are supposedly in the GAC but that is obviously not the whole story since
 mscorlib.dll is in the /usr/mono/lib/mono/4.0 directory. And in the GAC
 there are 2.0 and 4.0 components under the component type rather than under
 the version so it is harder to distribute just once version such as 4.0.

 So anyway, I might then think all I needed was (prefix=/usr/mono) -

 /usr/mono/bin - for the mono program
 /usr/mono/lib/mono/gac - for all the 4.0 system assemblies except my own and
 3rd party
 /usr/mono/lib/mono/4.0 - for mscorlib.dll

 and that should be sufficient to run my command line mono app.

 Is it? I did not delete several /usr/mono directories to test that theory.
 To run a command line 4.0 app, do I need anything besides the above 3

 Also, someone suggested just ship what is referenced by my pgm which makes
 sense but for example, mscorlib.dll is not referenced in my VS2010 built
 project (in fact I deleted ALL references in the VS2010 references section)
 yet mscorlib.dll is in fact needed and is NOT in the GAC but rather found in

 I could experiment, and delete files and directories to see what works and
 what does not but I think a true need would be served by having some script
 or whatever package up a runtime either based on your exe or on general
 requirements, or even just ALL of the runtime would be better than
 distributing all of the 1.2G of files including source, compilers etc.
 resulting from the build.

 All suggestions appreciated. Maybe this is not a problem for some but I have
 to think there are other developers in the same boat as myself not wanting
 to cut away all the parts that don't look like a runtime.

 Thanks, Dave

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] What directories/files needed to distribute a mono runtime from a build?

2010-12-27 Thread Jonathan Pobst
On 12/27/2010 11:30 PM, CodeSlinger wrote:
 Would mono/bin, mono/lib/mono/gac and mono/lib/mono/4.0 then be EVERYTHING
 for a 4.0 runtime?

Probably not, to have EVERYTHING for a 4.0 runtime, you would probably 

For example, there is some stuff in /etc/mono/4.0 that your application 
may need for cryptography, support, etc.

If you are using the Winforms browser control, you would need xulrunner.

If you are using System.Drawing, you would need libgdiplus.


I would assume *most* everything that Mono ships is needed for some use 
case, or else it wouldn't be shipped.

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] What is best environment for building mono-2.8.1 for Windows?

2010-12-20 Thread Jonathan Pobst
The official Mono release for Windows is built using Cygwin.  I'm pretty 
sure it's an XP machine.


On 12/20/2010 3:00 PM, greenaj wrote:

 Hello, I am relatively new to mono.  I am trying to build it for Windows to
 run in under WinPE.  The more stripped down the better.

 I download mono-2.8.1.tar.bz2 and tried to build in Windows 7 under Cygwin.
 No luck;  weird sharing violation errors.

 I have successfully built the code cross compiling in a SUSE 11.3 virtual
 environment.  The tools seem to be a lot nicer than Cygwin.  However,
 keeping my prejudices aside, I would like to know in general how the Mono
 Team builds mono for its Windows release.  Do they use Cygwin on Windows or
 cross compile on some flavor of Linux?

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] System.Messaging error assemblye reference

2010-11-15 Thread Jonathan Pobst
On 11/15/2010 9:18 PM, caralbgm wrote:
 When compile (in MonoDevelop), I obtain this error:
 error CS0234: The type or namespace name `Messaging' does not exist in the
 namespace `System'. Are you missing an assembly reference?

This may sound obvious, but are you missing an assembly reference?

Specifically, have you added a reference to System.Messaging.dll?

- MonoDevelop with Project - Add Reference
- gmcs with -r:System.Messaging

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Re: [Mono-dev] mysql connector Mono 2.6.7 - Cannot find assembly

2010-10-21 Thread Jonathan Pobst
Did you try capitalizing the assembly as it is requested (MySql.Data.dll)?


On 10/21/2010 10:35 AM, Frank Cohen wrote:
 Hey V,

 Thanks for your reply.  I did as you suggested but I still get the same
 error message w/out any more information.  I've actually placed the DLLs
 in the same folder as the exe (not mono, Main.exe).  So shouldn't it
 pick them up?

 Here are a couple more pieces of info: while I was able to get the
 Windows command line test working, when I tried to run the web-app in
 Mono's web server, I got the same error about the DLL.  On the Cent OS
 box, I had an earlier version of Mono installed, then installed from
 source again.  I think it's installed correctly as when I run mono
 --version, it's showing me 2.6.8.

 Below is the output from the test program:

 ** (./Main.exe:17396): WARNING **: The following assembly referenced
 from /san/home/www/testproj/Main.exe could not be loaded:
   Assembly:   MySql.Data(assemblyref_index=1)
   Public Key: c5687fc88969c44d
 The assembly was not found in the Global Assembly Cache, a path listed
 in the MONO_PATH environment variable, or in the location of the
 executing assembly (/san/home/www/testproj/).

 ** (./Main.exe:17421): WARNING **: Could not load file or assembly
 'MySql.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral,
 PublicKeyToken=c5687fc88969c44d' or one of its dependencies.

 ** (./Main.exe:17421): WARNING **: Missing method .ctor in assembly
 /san/home/ww/testproj/Main.exe, type MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection

 Unhandled Exception: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load
 file or assembly 'MySql.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral,
 PublicKeyToken=c5687fc88969c44d' or one of its dependencies.



 On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 11:02 AM, Veerapuram Varadhan wrote:

 Hello Frank,

 Check whether you have any system version of Mono running, if so take
 a look at

 Also, you can try running your sample with:
 MONO_LOG_LEVEL=dll mono ./your-mono-compiled-exe

 which will give you the location where mono searches for the MySql


 V. Varadhan

 On Thu, 2010-10-21 at 08:16 -0400, Frank Cohen wrote:
   I've been having quite a bit of trouble getting an MVC2 web
   application to find the MySQL connector. I am running CentOS 5.
   I've installed the DLL into the GAC using the 2.0 version of the tool
   *mono /usr/local/lib/mono/2.0/gacutil.exe -i v2/*
   *Installed v2/ into the gac (/usr/local/lib/mono/gac)*
   I verify that it updated the GAC:
   I get the following error when I run the application: Failed to find
   or load the registered .Net Framework Data Provider
   I created a simple command line application described here:, which works under Mono and .NET on
   my Windows machine, but does not work on my Linux box.
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Re: [Mono-dev] how to get MonoDroid download password?

2010-09-06 Thread Jonathan Pobst
On 9/6/2010 9:59 AM, Barry Song wrote:
 Hi All,
 According to, we can download the
 MonoDroid for Visual Studio 2010 Plugin at
 But I wonder how to get a password for the download. Can anyone tell me?

According to, you need to sign up for the private 
beta, and wait to get invited.

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Standard name for mcs

2010-06-27 Thread Jonathan Pobst
On 6/27/2010 8:20 PM, jmalcolm wrote:

 I think this is a fair question.  I am not sure the original poster deserved
 so much grief.

 I have certainly compiled C programs from source that were written more than
 five or six years ago.  It does not seem implausible that I might try to
 compile the original posters code a decade from now and that I might find
 that 'gmcs' is indeed not available at that time.

Likely, when gmcs goes away, an alias script called 'gmcs' will be left 
in it's place that points to the current compiler.

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Standard name for mcs

2010-06-27 Thread Jonathan Pobst
On 6/27/2010 9:25 PM, Russell Wallace wrote:
 On Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 2:52 AM, Jonathan  wrote:
 Likely, when gmcs goes away, an alias script called 'gmcs' will be left
 in it's place that points to the current compiler.

 Yes, please do this -- that would be the preferred solution.

 It would be nice if the same could also be done with mcs once it's
 formally removed from the standard Mono distribution as a separate
 program -- being just a one line script, hopefully this could be put
 back into the version shipped with Ubuntu?

In Mono trunk, where the '1.1 mcs' has been removed, mcs is now a script 
pointing to gmcs.exe.

We cannot guarantee all distros will ship this script, but it is created 
by default when you make and install Mono from the Mono tree/tarball.

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] sh#

2010-04-10 Thread Jonathan Pobst
On 4/10/2010 12:50 PM, Jerry Maine - KF5ADY wrote:
 Do you think we should start our own group to do this (on a separate
 website) or ask the mono project to host it for us (on svn)?

For the most part, the mono project has stopped hosting external 
projects.  We do not have a fancy setup that allows for advanced 
permissions and such, so any time you want to add a user, you have to 
email miguel who does it manually, and all users have write access to 
the whole mono svn.

(So we can't restrict everyone else from committing to your project, or 

There are many great other places that are dedicated to the type of 
hosting you need, like Google Code, SourceForge, CodePlex, GitHub, 
Gitorious, or Launchpad.

Best of luck!
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Method marked in MoMA as MonoTodo is already implemented

2010-04-06 Thread Jonathan Pobst
You are looking at the wrong file.  ;)

You want ConfigurationManager.get_ConnectionStrings, not 


On 4/6/2010 4:43 PM, Alexander M. Batishchev wrote:

 After scanning my assemblies the latest MoMA said:

 Method with [MonoTodo]

 ConfigurationManager.get_ConnectionStrings ()

 But at
 class ConnectionStringSettings has appropriate property:

 public string ConnectionString { get; set; }

 How to update MoMA implementation database?



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[Mono-dev] Test Suite Failures, Revision 2

2010-04-01 Thread Jonathan Pobst
[Updated list of test failures since last week]

Hey guys!

We have accumulated many test suite failures in the past month.  If you
commit to mono, please take the time to regularly check the buildbots to
ensure you are not breaking things.

The buildbot results are available here:

Our new buildbots build every revision, so it's easy to track down
where something regressed.

Current Regressions  (all on SLE11 32 bit)

-- test-compiler-2.0 --

-- test-corlib-2.0 --

MonoTests.System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilderTest.GetType :   #1
regressed in r154231 (Kumpera)

:   #5
regressed in r154486 (Zoltan)

regressed in r154592 (Kumpera)

-- test-System_Xml_Linq-3.5 --
Caused by DST time change

-- test-System_ServiceModel --
6 sporadic timeouts
started in r154243 (Gonzalo)

-- test-System_ServiceModel_Web --
1 timeout started in r154243 (Gonzalo)
1 json failure since test suite added: r154188 (Atsushi)

Thanks for your help in keeping Mono from regressing!

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Yet another problem compiling sources under cygwin

2010-04-01 Thread Jonathan Pobst
On 4/1/2010 8:23 PM, Wayne Kelly wrote:
 I'm receiving a make error: undefined reference to _wapi_clear_interruption
 this reference is from mini-exception.c reported when linking
 There is a definition function wapi_clear_interruption in
 mono/io-layer/wthreads.c but this source code is not included if
 HOST_WIN32 is true.

This was fixed earlier today in revision 154651.  Grab the latest and 
you should be good to go.  :)

Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] Test Suite Failures

2010-03-25 Thread Jonathan Pobst
Hey guys!

We have accumulated many test suite failures in the past month.  If you
commit to mono, please take the time to regularly check the buildbots to
ensure you are not breaking things.

The buildbot results are available here:

Our new buildbots build every revision, so it's easy to track down
where something regressed.

Current Regressions  (all on SLE11 32 bit)

mkbundle error

simd error
154183 - kumpera

simd error
154183 - kumpera

Mvc Error
153615 - mhabersack


153687 - kumpera

153687 - kumpera

153687 - kumpera

generics sharing error
154072 - zoltan

153558 - atsushi

Thanks for your help in keeping Mono from regressing!

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Question on the number of closed vs. open bugs

2010-03-18 Thread Jonathan Pobst

Closed bugs on that report is only the bugs closed in the past 7 days. 
(That helps QA track which bugs have recently been closed so they can 
verify them.)

The number of bugs is actually pretty irrelevant to the usefulness of a 
piece of software.  What matters is whether those bugs are keeping 
people from using the software.

The bugs that really affect people tend to get fixed much faster, and 
the obscure or unreproducible cases tend to sit in Bugzilla forever, 
piling up over the past decade of Mono.

For reference:
Ubuntu has 76,565 open bugs (
Firefox has 17,953 open bugs (

I've heard numbers thrown around for Windows having something like over 
a million open bugs.


On 3/18/2010 12:13 PM, Robert Braun wrote:

 At Mono's bug tracker is linked.

 As of today it counts 2572 open and 31 closed bugs (plus a larger
 number of unclosed new bugs and requests for enhancements).

 That ratio is extraordinarily high compared with any other bug trackers
 I've seen.

 In fact I'm wondering how a software project is able to survive with
 such a huge number of unfixed bugs.

 I'd be grateful for any reasonable explanation or background. Thanks.


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Re: [Mono-dev] Removing Obsolete Code from Mono 2.8

2010-03-07 Thread Jonathan Pobst
On 3/1/2010 12:54 AM, Miguel de Icaza wrote:
 * Drop Microsoft.JScript and `mjs'

What are:

They look like tests for a javascript implementation(?).

Can they be dropped as well?

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Removing Obsolete Code from Mono 2.8

2010-03-01 Thread Jonathan Pobst
On 3/1/2010 12:54 AM, Miguel de Icaza wrote:
 In addition to this, I would like to stop distributing some libraries
 that were either never completed and are not being actively maintained.
We could move these libraries to a separate module if people would
 like to maintain them or keep distributing them.

Some other candidates are:

- Mono.GetOptions

- SharpZipLib
We currently ship two copies of this: 0.6 and 0.84.  We should probably 
drop 0.6, and possibly look at upgrading 0.84 to their latest, 0.85.5.

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Removing Obsolete Code from Mono 2.8

2010-03-01 Thread Jonathan Pobst
On 3/1/2010 5:20 PM, Atsushi Eno wrote:
 Mono.GetOptions is used in a couple of our tools. I wouldn't mind much
 you volunteer to replace them with newer ones though (but others still may).

Which ones?

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Mono SVN trunk assert failure in class.c:4021 while building Mono

2010-01-12 Thread Jonathan Pobst
Yes, this was caused by r149419.  The correct people have been notified. 
  Until it is fixed, r149418 should build correctly.

Sorry for the inconvenience!


On 1/12/2010 1:20 PM, Tom Philpot wrote:
 Trying to build mono/ and mcs/ from SVN r149419 on Mac OS X 10.6 I get an 
 assertion failure in
 class.c:4021 at which point Mono consumes about 75% of one core and must be 
 kill -9'd

 Compilation succeeded - 31 warning(s)
 Assembly ../../class/lib/net_2_0/System.Core.dll signed.
 Creating ../../build/deps/net_2_0_Mono.Security.dll.makefrag ...
 Creating ../../build/deps/Mono.Security_test_net_2_0.dll.response ...
 Creating ../../build/deps/Mono.Security_test_net_2_0.dll.makefrag ...
 make all-local
 MCS [net_2_0] Mono.Security.dll
 ERROR:class.c:4021:initialize_object_slots: assertion failed: (finalize_slot 

 Note that r149400 doesn't have this issue.

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Re: [Mono-dev] Understanding Resolving MoMA Issue Messages

2009-12-03 Thread Jonathan Pobst
The issue is that the most recent MoMA definitions are for Mono 2.4. 
This method was implemented in r128397 (March 2nd, 2009), so it is not 
in Mono 2.4.

It is however in the later 2.4.x releases.

I was under the (obviously mistaken) impression that the public API 
would not be changing in these minor bugfix releases.  I will release a 
new set of MoMA definitions with the upcoming Mono 2.4.3.

Thanks for reporting this!

Miguel de Icaza wrote:
 Method missing from Mono - NameValueCollection HttpResponse.get_Headers ()
 This has to be a bug in Moma or somewhere else, because this method is
 not only present in Mono, it is a fundamental part of ASP.NET, you
 should not have to change any code that uses that at all.
 We should not be flagging this method at all.   Do you have a test case
 that we can look at, to double check?
 Mono-devel-list mailing list

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Re: [Mono-dev] SharpDevelop under Linux

2009-10-19 Thread Jonathan Pobst
Paul wrote:
 My question is therefore two fold - first can I install SD with just the
 mono framework somehow and second is it worth the effort (in terms of
 hacking around) for just the winforms designer?

I am pretty sure that SD just uses the Winforms designer that comes in 
the .Net framework (System.Design).  Therefore, even if you can get it 
to run on Mono, it will not solve your goal, since this isn't really 
implemented in Mono.

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] 2.6 preview 1

2009-10-01 Thread Jonathan Pobst


Rafael Teixeira wrote:
 Small typing error on the Release Notes
 Users of mkbundle can now pass runtime options to the generated
 executable by setting the codetMONO_BUNDLED_OPTIONS/code
 environment variable.
 Where is codet it should be code, I think.
 Rafael Monoman Teixeira
 To be creative means to be in love with life. You can be creative
 only if you love life enough that you want to enhance its beauty, you
 want to bring a little more music to it, a little more poetry to it, a
 little more dance to it.
 On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 11:30 PM, Andrew Jorgensen wrote:
 The first preview build of 2.6 has been published to

 The windows installer in this build is known to contain a number of 
 problems, including but not limited to:
 * Has an older build (2.4.x) of gluezilla
 * Does not contain mono-tools (monodoc browser, gsharp, gendarme, etc.) or 
 * Is larger than it was previously despite missing mono-tools, etc.

 We are working through these problems but felt that it was more important to 
 get the build (and the preview tarballs) out into your hands.

 SLE_10 and openSUSE_10.3 binary packages have been dropped (mono-tools now 
 requires a more recent gtk than available in SLE_10 and 10.3 will be 
 end-of-life around the time we publish 2.6-final).

 The DRAFT release notes are here:

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[Mono-dev] Windows MSVC build broken

2009-09-24 Thread Jonathan Pobst
The windows MSVC build was broken in r142528.

C:\mono-workspace\mono\msvc\mono.sln (default target) (1) -
(Libraries\libmono target) -
   ..\mono\utils\mono-logger.c(144): error C2065: '__func__' : 
undeclared identifier
   ..\mono\utils\mono-logger.c(168): error C2065: '__func__' : 
undeclared identifier

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] [Gtk-sharp-list] Gtk depends on Winform s ¿?

2009-09-09 Thread Jonathan Pobst
Stefanos A. wrote:
 Την Wed, 09 Sep 2009 18:05:42 +0300,ο(η) Christian Hoff έγραψε:
 I would really appreciate some feedback from the community as to whether
 the new approach works (that is, if the attached application appears
 with visual styles enabled). Just reply with a screenshot of the running
 app on XP if you're not sure what I mean :-) .
 Didn't render with visual styles here (Vista x86 Business w/ SP2).
 What magic sauce is Application.DoEvents using? I wonder if it is  
 performing any static initialization (static constructors and/or fields).

You may need to look at the static constructor for XplatUIWin32.cs.

It does some stuff you may need like creating a foster window.

Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] Windows Eglib Build Broken

2009-09-02 Thread Jonathan Pobst
Hey guys,

The Windows Eglib (MSVC) build is broken.  The error is this:

C:\mono-workspace\mono\msvc\mono.sln (default target) (1) -
(Libraries\monoposixhelper target) -
   c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\include\stdio.h(358): 
error C3163: '_vsnprintf': attributes inconsistent with previous declaration

This error began in r140515 (gonzalo), but was probably introduced in 
r140453 (gonzalo).

(r140453 - r140512 were broken for a different reason.)

If anyone with some better C skills than me could take a look, I'd 
appreciate it.

Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] NET_4_0 Configure Flags

2009-06-15 Thread Jonathan Pobst
Recently we added the .Net 4.0 profile to the Mono build. Unfortunately, 
at this point, there isn't much there for the majority of users, and it 
nearly doubles the build time.

Do we have a make guru who can resurrect our --with-preview=no 
configure flag and change it so it turns off the 4.0 profile instead of 
the 2.0 profile?  (Or a new, similar flag if we want to still be able to 
turn off the 2.0 profile.)

I would suggest that until we are doing sizable development on 4.0, this 
should default to no.

For bonus points, it would be nice to have a --with-legacy flag that 
turns off building the 1.1 profile (except what is needed for bootstrap 
of course).  ;)

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] NET_4_0 Configure Flags

2009-06-15 Thread Jonathan Pobst
Marek informed me we have these flags:


I have updated the documentation here:

I would still argue we should default 4.0 to off, but at least I can 
turn it off and save myself some time.  :)


Jonathan Pobst wrote:
 Recently we added the .Net 4.0 profile to the Mono build. Unfortunately, 
 at this point, there isn't much there for the majority of users, and it 
 nearly doubles the build time.
 Do we have a make guru who can resurrect our --with-preview=no 
 configure flag and change it so it turns off the 4.0 profile instead of 
 the 2.0 profile?  (Or a new, similar flag if we want to still be able to 
 turn off the 2.0 profile.)
 I would suggest that until we are doing sizable development on 4.0, this 
 should default to no.
 For bonus points, it would be nice to have a --with-legacy flag that 
 turns off building the 1.1 profile (except what is needed for bootstrap 
 of course).  ;)
 Mono-devel-list mailing list

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Re: [Mono-dev] Installers

2009-05-18 Thread Jonathan Pobst
I am definitely against having a separate installer for these libraries, 
so I like the way you are thinking.  :)

Some of these make sense to put with the Gtk# installer, like Mono.Posix.

Generally on Windows, you ship your dependencies with your application. 
  I would say something like SharpZipLib should be shipped with MD.  I 
would say the same for Mono.GetOptions, *especially* since it is deprecated.

I could see Mono.Addins going either way.  It probably is used by enough 
Gtk# apps to justify it being in the Gtk# installer.


Mike Kestner wrote:
 I am currently working to provide some additional installation
 capabilities to support the porting of MD to windows.  This includes
 shipping libraries like Mono.Posix, Mono.GetOptions, SharpZipLib, and
 We've previously received requests to include Mono.Posix in the Gtk#
 for .net installer, as projects designed with the stetic designer in MD
 generally contain a Catalog dependency for string translation.  The Gtk#
 installer already ships Mono.Cairo.
 The above examples indicate that many gtk-sharp applications will likely
 contain dependencies drilling down into the mono stack.  Tomboy uses
 mono-addins.  MD uses several mono libs.
 My inclination is to just merge these additional libraries needed by MD
 into the current installer, as opposed to maintaining a separate
 installer which applications will need to add to their deployment
 instructions.  The current Gtk# for .Net installer weighs in at around
 8MB.  These additional libraries currently take up just under 1MB in a
 standalone installer, so the addition of them to the current installer
 is roughly a 12% increase in download size.
 I think the user convenience of being able to download all the mono
 stack goodness in one installer outweighs any advantage to be obtained
 by carving out subsets of the stack into independent installers.  It's
 conceivable we could add additional libraries from the stack in the
 future if the demand is high.
 Thus, my proposal is that we move to a single Mono Libraries for .Net
 installer which contains these mono stack libraries, including Gtk#.  I
 believe I would probably name the installer mono-libraries.msi and
 version it with the major/minor version number of the mono release, and
 an installer version to support updating gtk-sharp and mono-addins and
 other libraries we might add which don't conform to the mono release
 We can probably head off any potential issues related to the
 disappearance of the Gtk# for .net installer by providing some more
 detailed information about the contents of the installer on the
 Downloads page, but there may be some inertia out there around the
 existing installer name on some application download sites, ie Download
 the latest version of the Gtk# for .Net installer from the mono project
 downloads page.
 Feedback appreciated.  In particular I'd like to hear from those of you
 using the current Gtk# for .net installer or those considering win32
 ports in the future.  Which would you prefer, one installer or two?  If
 one, should it remain the Gtk# for .net installer for historical
 purposes, even containing the infusion of mono tastiness, or do we
 rename it to Mono Libraries for .Net?

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] as mentor for GSoC

2009-04-12 Thread Jonathan Pobst

Thank you for your interest, but it's a bit late to be a mentor.  All 
student applications have been finalized, and the ones that we are 
considering accepting already have people willing to mentor them.


Sharique uddin Ahmed Farooqui wrote:
 I have applied for mentor in GSoC for mono last week. I'm a regular
 reader of mono and monodevelop mailing list. I'm trying to get more
 INvolve in mono. I believe my comments will be helpful for stundets.
 Am I late to apply?
 I'm involved with various open source related work. My favorite FOSS
 projects are mono, monodevelop, drupal, Kde, fedora.
 I'm also mentor for Drupal this year.

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] New Mono API status pages.

2009-04-10 Thread Jonathan Pobst
It looks like adding the XHTML transitional doctype to this would help, 
at least in IE8.

!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN;


Eyal Alaluf wrote:
 Hi, Miguel.
 I like the visibility this page provides into how close Mono is to the
 target .Net platform in the various configurations.
 I am missing two things - I'd like to know how many symbols are in the
 .Net assembly (to put things in the right perspective), and for some
 reason in my browser (IE 7, white foreground, black background) I see
 only the numbers and only the tooltip says what they mean. It looks like
 I'd think that arranging it in a table or giving titles will make this
 much more readable and easy to use.
 Thanks, Eyal.
 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Miguel de
 Sent: Friday, April 10, 2009 1:48 AM
 To: mono-devel-list
 Subject: [Mono-dev] New Mono API status pages.
 Hello folks,
 We have updated the Mono status pages to be both faster and provide
 now two levels of detail:
 The default view mode will remove many of the missing attributes
 that do not apply to Mono (for example, DebuggerVisibility attributes or
 bits that are not supported in Mono).
 The new status pages should be more useful for developers
 contributing code to Mono.
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Re: [Mono-dev] ContextMenuStrip Work incorrectly

2009-04-06 Thread Jonathan Pobst

Can you please file this in our bugzilla so we can track it?


jingnan si wrote:
   When the context menu contains ToolStripDropDownItem and a normal 
 ToolStripItem, the normal ToolStripItem will not function after the 
 ToolStripDropDown show and hide, I have attached the simple test 
 project. Just right click on the form and bring up the context menu.
   I am using the lastest code from svn.
   After some research, I create a simple fix to make the ToolStripItem 
 Work, but I don't think the fix solved the bug, it just solved my 
 program, please find the diff below.
 Best Regards,
 Jingnan Si
 Index: class/Managed.Windows.Forms/System.Windows.Forms/ToolStrip.cs
 --- class/Managed.Windows.Forms/System.Windows.Forms/ToolStrip.cs   
 (Version 131066)
 +++ class/Managed.Windows.Forms/System.Windows.Forms/ToolStrip.cs   
 (Work copy)
 @@ -1521,6 +1521,12 @@
 foreach (ToolStripItem tsi2 in this.Items)
 if (tsi != tsi2)
 tsi2.Dismiss (ToolStripDropDownCloseReason.Keyboard);
 +   if (Application.KeyboardCapture != this) {
 +   Application.KeyboardCapture = this;
 +   }
 +   KeyboardActive = true;
 internal virtual bool OnMenuKey ()
 Mono-devel-list mailing list

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Re: [Mono-dev] 2.4RC3 build problems (and code problems with the build)

2009-03-22 Thread Jonathan Pobst
You can compare the warnings to a Linux build to see which are something 
unique to ppc:

Jay reports the same warnings on Linux as well.


Paul wrote:
 I'm a tad worried about the build problems on mono. Looking at the
 throwback and comments coming from the compiler, I'm seeing lots of
 these sorts of problems which indicates bison problems and quite a lot
 of warnings while compiling the likes of boehm-gc.c (gc_priv.h line 1931
 - warning function declaration isn't a prototype - lots of these) and
 also a bit later on
 ../doltcompile gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I/usr/include/glib-2.0
 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include-DGC_LINUX_THREADS -D_GNU_SOURCE
 -D__mono_ppc__ -DUSE_COMPILER_TLS  -O2 -g -pipe -Wall
 -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector
 --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -m32 -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-strict-aliasing
 -Wdeclaration-after-statement -g -Wall -Wunused -Wmissing-prototypes
 -Wmissing-declarations -Wstrict-prototypes  -Wmissing-prototypes
 -Wnested-externs -Wpointer-arith -Wno-cast-qual -Wcast-align
 -Wwrite-strings -MT jni.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/jni.Tpo -c -o jni.lo jni.c
 jni.c:490: warning: function declaration isn't a prototype
 jni.c:494: warning: no previous prototype for 'ikvm_MarshalDelegate'
 jni.c:501: warning: no previous prototype for 'ikvm_CallOnLoad'
 mv -f .deps/jni.Tpo .deps/jni.Plo
 a load more of the same sort of warnings in macros.c, serial.c,
 zlib_macros.c and minizip/zip.c
 and finally before System.Xml.dll throws a big style wobbler,
 make[8]: Entering directory
 ./../../jay/jay -ct  ./../../jay/skeleton.cs System.Xml.XPath/Parser.jay 
 ./../../jay/jay: 21 rules never reduced
 ./../../jay/jay: 1 shift/reduce conflict, 42 reduce/reduce conflicts.
 sed s/\%start Expr/\%start Pattern/ System.Xml.XPath/Parser.jay 
 echo #define XSLT_PATTERN  Mono.Xml.Xsl/PatternParser.cs
 ./../../jay/jay -ct Mono.Xml.Xsl/PatternParser.jay  ./../../jay/skeleton.cs 
 ./../../jay/jay: 3 rules never reduced
 ./../../jay/jay: 1 shift/reduce conflict, 46 reduce/reduce conflicts.
 These conflicts are the most worrying and is more than likely the cause
 for the ppc build to fail.
 I'm not sure if this is a bison style problem but it is worrying that
 the likes of not checking a return value for fwrite when building mcs to
 start with is still being overlooked.
 I would suggest that before 2.4 hits the roads properly, these issues
 are carefully looked at (that is unless I'm needlessly worrying, but
 given that the likes of the gcc people stop when these problems occur
 suggests otherwise).
 Mono-devel-list mailing list

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Re: [Mono-dev] Announcing the release of Mono 2.2... use http instead of ftp for mono windows installer

2009-01-30 Thread Jonathan Pobst
Just change the ftp:// to http:// and it should work:


Daniel Morgan wrote:
 Can you please make the download of Mono for Windows setup exe via http 
 instead of ftp please?
 FTP is restricted where I work.
 --- On Tue, 1/13/09, Thomas Wiest wrote:
 From: Thomas Wiest
 Subject: [Mono-dev] Announcing the release of Mono 2.2...
 To: mono-devel
 Date: Tuesday, January 13, 2009, 5:43 PM
 Today we're announcing the immediate release of Mono

 The release notes are here:

 and downloads are available here:

 Thanks to all those who contributed to this release! :)


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Re: [Mono-dev] Ideas for Mono on Windows

2009-01-23 Thread Jonathan Pobst
It's not ideal, but you can grab daily precompiled assemblies from here: , and place them in your Mono's GAC:
C:\Program Files\Mono-2.2\lib\mono\gac.  (Or use Mono's gacutil to 
register them.)


SuperCiccio wrote:
 I'm writing a .NET application that uses Spring.NET and NHibernate, my 
 development tool is VS 2008 standard (I've also tried MonoDevelop, but 
 it is a bit far from VS for now).
 My final goal is to create an application that runs without (major) 
 changes on Win/.NET and Linux/Mono, I strongly believe in this fantastic 
 project (Mono) and in free OSes.
 In my intentions the (cyclic) dev process will be:
 1. develop on Win/VS
 2. quick test on Win/.NET and Win/Mono for architecture validation
 3. unit test on Win/.NET and Linux/Mono
 Unfortunately, I'me blocked on stage 2. because of a bug in Mono that 
 prevents Spring XmlApplicationContext from initializing correctly by 
 assembly embedded resources. This bug has been resolved a few days ago 
 I could grab a snapshot of source code and build it by myself, but I 
 haven't time for setting up the needed environment and build Mono, I 
 have to go on quickly on my project.
 Sadly, I have to wait for the next Windows/Linux build to go ahead on 
 step 2. If I had a simple way to build Mono on Windows, the (in)famous 
 F5, I could go on peacefully.
 Despite this hassle, I think Mono is a great work and I hope It will 
 play an important role in my future.
 Thanks to all!
 Mono-devel-list mailing list

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Fwd: Ideas for Mono on Windows

2009-01-23 Thread Jonathan Pobst
 3) the build process hang when building mono/docs, so I looked in the 
 Makefile of that directory and did a touch on the files it tried to 
 create (some *.tree and *.zip files). I figured since it's only 
 documentation it doesn't matter if I have those files or not.

We probably need a --disable-docs compile flag.  Unless I am mistaken, 
there is no reason for 99% of people to build the documentation on every 

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Complex script / international support in Winforms/libgdiplus

2009-01-23 Thread Jonathan Pobst
 I don't
 have all the formatting options supported yet, but then again, it
 doesn't look like the current cairo text module does either.
 Right. Only the most common formatting options are supported. A few of
 them have some limitations as well.

Another thing we had looked at was implementing Pango in 2.0's 
System.Windows.Forms.TextRenderer instead of going through 
System.Drawing.  (We have an internal version for 1.1, so we don't need 
separate code paths.)

It supports a different set of formatting options that may be easier to 

Also, implementing it here would not have the potential to break as much 
existing code, as not as many things use it.  Once it is implemented, 
controls would need to be updated to use this instead of System.Drawing. 
  Updating every control will not be fun, but as you already noticed, 
every control assumes LTR, so they would all have to be changed to 
support RTL anyways.

I'm not saying one approach is better than the other, just another 
option you may wish to consider.  :)

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] XIM problem with Winforms (svn)

2009-01-20 Thread Jonathan Pobst
You can see if it is a XIM problem by disabling XIM and trying it:



Paul wrote:
 I have a number of winforms applications which are failing to start
 correctly. They work fine until about 123650 under svn. 
 Under 123775, I had problems with FUTEX_WAIT (and it never completed).
 Under 123860, when I run using mono -v filename.exe, I get at the end
 (sorry for any mistakes, I'm on a different machine to the one the code
 is on) 
 Method System.Windows.Forms.X11Keyboard:SetupXIM() emitted at 0x5e7560
 to 0x5e765e (code length 254) [colourmixer.exe] 
 Method (wrapper managed-to-native)
 System.Windows.Forms.X11Keyboard:XSupportLocale () emitted 0x5e7688 to
 0x5e76cc (code length 68) [colourmixer.exe] 
 Method (wrapper managed-to-native)
 System.Windows.Forms.X11Keyboard:XSetLocaleModifiers (string) emitted at
 0x5e76d0 to 0x5e773b (code length 107) [colourmixer.exe] 
 Method (wrapper to native) System.Windows.Forms.X11Keyboard:XOpenIM
 (intptr, intptr, intptr, intptr) emitted at 0x5e7740 to 0x5e7793 (code
 length 83) [colourmixer.exe] 
 strace suggests something is either in an endless loop (I get a
 (time(NULL) = 1232452591, 4 semops, waitpid(3977, 0x3f8294, WNOHANG)=0,
 nanosleep((10, 0), null) = 0) continually) 
 Is there a simple fix for this or something I can look at to see if it
 is mono at fault or my X server? 
 Using Fedora rawhide, x86 
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Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] XIM problem with Winforms (svn)

2009-01-20 Thread Jonathan Pobst
We have bug #436000.  If this is different, please create a new bug for it.


Paul wrote:
 You can see if it is a XIM problem by disabling XIM and trying it:

 It is a XIM problem. It's still there in 123918 as well.
 Do I need to put it into the Novell BZ?
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Re: [Mono-dev] [PATCH] System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem nre fix.

2008-12-17 Thread Jonathan Pobst
I wrote a test for this, and committed both in r121709.


Bill Holmes wrote:
 The attached patch fixes the attached Program.cs.
 2008-12-17  Bill Holmes
   * ListViewItem.cs (ListViewSubItem.ctor): Initalizing the
 SubItemStyle member field.
   Contributed under MIT/X11 license.
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[Mono-dev] Eglib_test patch

2008-12-16 Thread Jonathan Pobst
Attached patch returns the number of failed tests for the program exit 
code instead of always returning 0.

I have a local automated build system building winmono/eglib and use 
this to determine if the tests failed or not.

Ok to commit?

Index: eglib/test/driver.c
--- eglib/test/driver.c (revision 121616)
+++ eglib/test/driver.c (working copy)
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@
-   return 0;
+   return global_tests - global_passed;
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Ideas for Mono on Windows

2008-12-09 Thread Jonathan Pobst
Hey Jonathan,

My interest is mainly the first approach, but building class libraries 
is an important part of either approach, so thank you for your effort on 
this.  :)

I would say especially for your use case, we probably don't need to 
worry about the 1.1 profile currently.  All contributing is probably 
going to happen in the 2.0+ profile, given how complete and obsolete 1.1 is.

The only concern then is libraries that we only ship runtime 1.1 
versions of.  Mono.Cecil.dll had been mentioned as one of these.  We 
probably need to come up with the list of assemblies that this includes. 
  Most, if not all, would probably be fine if they were compiled against 
2.0 for users' local testing.

Obviously, there are other factors in play such as correctness and 
cross-platformness, but I don't see any reason why users' patches 
wouldn't be accepted if they were written on Windows.


Jonathan Chambers wrote:
   I broke down the 'Mono on Windows' topic into two distinct 
 approaches. I have mainly been working on the second approach as it 
 seemed to be easier and provide more value.
 The first approach is to provide a way to build mono on windows without 
 cygwin installed. This approach provides uses no MS tools and provides 
 no VS integration for the class libraries. The runtime would still be 
 built with MSVC at this point in the plan. It's simply a way for Windows 
 developers to quickly build mono on windows. It should be much faster 
 than the current cygwin based build and require let setup.
 The second approach (the one I have been working on) was to provide a 
 'prepare' tool to generate csproj files for all the class libs. I also 
 generate a solution containing all the projects. The user can then build 
 all the mono class libraries (and unit tests) with one click (it's also 
 per profile 1.1, 2.0, 3.5).
 So as for an update to the second approach. I have a rudimentary 
 Makefile parser and am using it to generate csproj files for the class 
 libraries. I have run into a few problems/issues:
 1. The conscensus on #monodev was that the build could use the MS 
 compiler, but that we should reference mono class libraries as 
 references. So, I build corlib first and then try and build the 
 System.dll referencing our corlib rather than the MS one via -nostdlib 
 compiler option (for the 1.1 profile). Visual Studio 2008 allows users 
 to specify what framework version to target for a specific project, but 
 2.0 is the minimum version (2.0, 3.0, and 3.5 are the options). The csc 
 compiler errors out when building System.dll as it is looking for 2.0 
 specific items in corlib. The specific error is:
 error CS0656: Missing compiler required member 
 I hacked around this by making that field public when build inside of 
 Visual Studio. However, that is a hack and some in #monodev seemed to 
 indicate we'd hit more issues going down this path.
 So, in short I think we may be stuck trying to build 1.1 profile 
 libraries (referencing our 1.1 corlib) using the csc compiler.
 I have a couple questions that hopefully I can get some responses on.
 1. What's the impact of building the 1.1 class libraries against the 2.0 
 2. Should this approach (VS integration) be able to build a fully 
 working mono image?
 3. If so, are we confident enough that contributors could use this build 
 mechanism to make changes/patches? Or would this be viewed as a second 
 class, and we would expect them to build on Linux or with cygwin before 
 actually commiting changes?
 4. If we don't expect this approach to build a fully working mono image, 
 what exactly is the goal/use case? Is it just so Windows hackers can 
 quickly build a single class library in VS? They can debug a class 
 library in VS?
 I'm still hoping to make things better on Windows for mono, but am not 
 sure which direction to go now. Any (potential) mono hackers on Windows 
 please let your opinions be known.
 On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 4:42 PM, Miguel de Icaza [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   The upside of the mechanism I am using is that all of that would
   work the same, because I am still using the .sources files instead of
   having a .csproj.  The downside is we still wouldn't have
 .csproj's, so
   it doesn't make working in VS any easier, it just makes it
 possible to
   build Mono for Windows in under two hours.
 Thanks for this information.
 Is there a reason why we could not generate the .csproj files from
 the .sources and the Makefile settings for the entire tree in one
 prepare step?
 We need to have a good Visual Studio experience from the get-go and not
 only a faster command line buidl.
 Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Fwd: Patch for DataGridView crash after Columsn.Clear

2008-11-18 Thread Jonathan Pobst
jingnan si wrote:
 The r119060 code fix my previous problem, but it introduce another 
 crash, my application is too complex, so I put a simple test code in the 
 attachment to show how the crash occurs . I just take a simple look at 
 the crash, it seems the DataGridView.OnColumnRemovedInternal has a bug.
 The test code is a simple form with DataGridView and a Button, click 
 on the button will crash the application.

Trust me, I much prefer a simple test case than having to dig through a 
complex application.  :)

Should be fixed in r119164.

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Fwd: Patch for DataGridView crash after Columsn.Clear

2008-11-17 Thread Jonathan Pobst

When I started writing some tests to verify your changes, I realized 
that RowTemplate should never contain any Cells.  I made changes to make 
us behave more like .Net.

I don't know what your original issue is, so I do not know if this fixes 
it, but the changes I made are in r119060.  If you can still reproduce a 
crash, please let us know.


jingnan si wrote:
 -- Forwarded message --
 From: *jingnan si*
 Date: 2008/11/17
 Subject: Re: [Mono-dev] Patch for DataGridView crash after Columsn.Clear
 To: Andreas Färber [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
I checked with latest version from svn, the bug is partially fixed, 
 but still crash the application, I re-make the diff file and attached 
 based on the svn latest code (At revision 118988), please check.
 2008/11/16 Andreas Färber [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Am 13.11.2008 um 02:35 schrieb jingnan si:
 diff -r
  while(Count  0)
   base.List.Clear ();
 Please use unified diffs (`diff -u` or `svn diff`) for readability.
 Did you check it's not already fixed in SVN trunk?
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Re: [Mono-dev] TableLayout problem in winforms between Win32 (.NET) and mono

2008-11-13 Thread Jonathan Pobst
Please file a bug.  Thanks!


Paul wrote:
 I've built an application which runs happily under Win32 and mono. The
 design work was done under VS C# 2008, was compiled on there and tested
 on both my Linux (fedora) boxes and an XP box.
 On XP, everything works fine. Under Linux, the text boxes are not
 correctly sized.
 The setup code from the Win designer for the table is this
 this.table.ColumnCount = 6;
 this.table.Controls.Add(this.checkBox4, 5, 4);
 this.table.Controls.Add(this.checkBox3, 5, 3);
 this.table.Controls.Add(this.checkBox2, 5, 2);
 this.table.Controls.Add(this.diff4, 4, 4);
 this.table.Controls.Add(this.ass4, 3, 4);
 this.table.Controls.Add(this.teach4, 2, 4);
 this.table.Controls.Add(this.active4, 1, 4);
 this.table.Controls.Add(this.diff3, 4, 3);
 this.table.Controls.Add(this.ass3, 3, 3);
 this.table.Controls.Add(this.teach3, 2, 3);
 this.table.Controls.Add(this.active3, 1, 3);
 this.table.Controls.Add(this.diff2, 4, 2);
 this.table.Controls.Add(this.ass2, 3, 2);
 this.table.Controls.Add(this.teach2, 2, 2);
 this.table.Controls.Add(this.active2, 1, 2);
 this.table.Controls.Add(this.diff1, 4, 1);
 this.table.Controls.Add(this.ass1, 3, 1);
 this.table.Controls.Add(this.teach1, 2, 1);
 this.table.Controls.Add(this.label6, 5, 0);
 this.table.Controls.Add(this.label5, 4, 0);
 this.table.Controls.Add(this.label4, 3, 0);
 this.table.Controls.Add(this.label3, 2, 0);
 this.table.Controls.Add(this.label2, 1, 0);
 this.table.Controls.Add(this.label1, 0, 0);
 this.table.Controls.Add(this.numericUpDown1, 0, 1);
 this.table.Controls.Add(this.numericUpDown2, 0, 2);
 this.table.Controls.Add(this.numericUpDown3, 0, 3);
 this.table.Controls.Add(this.numericUpDown4, 0, 4);
 this.table.Controls.Add(this.active1, 1, 1);
 this.table.Controls.Add(this.checkBox1, 5, 1);
 this.table.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(6, 6);
 this.table.Name = table;
 this.table.RowCount = 5;
 this.table.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(605, 202);
 this.table.TabIndex = 1;
 So, as you can see, the table width is 605, two columns make 100 leaving
 505, there is a gap between each cell so the largest textbox there can
 be is 495 in length).
 The window itself has a radio button which that does the following
 1. Makes all except active1-4 visible=false
 2. Sets the column span to 4
 3. Makes the active1-4 textboxes 495,39
 The other radio button does the reverse.
 The problem is that under Linux there are gaps where they shouldn't be.
 I've uploaded two screenshots showing what is happening
 Is this a known bug or do I need to put it into BZ?
 Mono-devel-list mailing list

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Re: [Mono-dev] Ideas for Mono on Windows

2008-11-12 Thread Jonathan Pobst
Atsushi Eno wrote:
 Here is what I do for adding new source files into svn:
 - Update *.dll.sources file:
ls ../../build/common/*.cs */*.cs | sort  System.Foo.Bar.dll.sources
 - Collect which files should be mentioned in ChangeLog:
svn diff FooBar.dll.sources
- copy the rectangle(s) on the console output
 - Add new files to svn (and svn propdel svn:executable):
copypaste those lines in svn add command line.
 Can these tasks ever easier by switching to your beautiful xml csproj?
 In MWF land did we create csproj-sources converter?

The upside of the mechanism I am using is that all of that would still 
work the same, because I am still using the .sources files instead of 
having a .csproj.  The downside is we still wouldn't have .csproj's, so 
it doesn't make working in VS any easier, it just makes it possible to 
build Mono for Windows in under two hours.

 Classlib hackers who uses Visual Studio: how do you do those tasks?

I manually add new classes to the project in VS.  Before I commit, I 
manually add those classes to the .sources file.  I then write my 
ChangeLog by hand.  I then commit using TortoiseSVN, where I just click 
the files I want to commit, and TortoiseSVN handles doing adds or 
commits or whatever.

In MWF, there is script that builds the .csproj from the .sources file, 
however it is written in bash, so it isn't usable on Windows without 
cygwin/bash.  Therefore, I just manually maintain my own .csproj.  This 
works for MWF because it is very rare at this point to add any new 
classes.  For other projects, that may not be true.

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Ideas for Mono on Windows

2008-11-12 Thread Jonathan Pobst
Daniel Morgan wrote:
 Where is this sources-csproj converter and how do you setup and use it?

It is part of the normal mcs checkout.

Go to mcs/class/Managed.Windows.Forms, and run build-csproj2k5.  Note 
that it is all hardcoded to build the MWF csproj.  It is not a general 
.sources - .csproj converter.

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Ideas for Mono on Windows

2008-11-12 Thread Jonathan Pobst
Avery Pennarun wrote:
 Have you thought about using a gcc-to-cygwin cross compiler running on
 Linux?  I do that with some of my projects, and it's a whole lot
 faster. I'd never want to go back to building on pure cygwin.

We do have cross-compiling:

But if we have things setup to run without cygwin/make on Windows, we 
can probably do a full compile in the same amount of time on Windows 
without having to have a second machine or VM to do it.

Chambers is quoting 30-120 seconds for the unmanaged part.
Based on my work, I would guess about 4-5 minutes for the managed part, 
significantly less if parallelized.

The linux buildbots are currently taking about 25-30 minutes to build. 
I don't know why that is, they used to take around 7-8 minutes to build.

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Ideas for Mono on Windows

2008-11-11 Thread Jonathan Pobst
Hey Jonathan,

I'm glad to hear that you have the runtime building nicely on Windows. 
In my spare time, I have been playing with making an MSBuild script for 
the managed pieces, and was hoping you might have something similar for 
the unmanaged part.  (Which I know nothing about.)

The route I took (and this is my first time playing with MSBuild) was to 
write an McsTask that simply calls (g)mcs with the same command line as 
the make system.  In this way, I simply use the existing .sources files. 
  This may be an easier scenario to achieve than switching over to 
.csproj files, as it allows people to continue doing things the way they 
always have.

It would be nice to have all platforms build with xbuild, but if that's 
not possible, at least the burden of maintaining two build systems this 
way is a lot less than if we tried to maintain changes to .csproj files.


Jonathan Chambers wrote:
 Hello All,
   Mono on Windows has never been easy. However, lately things to 
 have continually gotten worse (or I and others have just gotten more 
 annoyed). Setting up an environment takes a lot of effort for a normal 
 windows developer. Cygwin and the whole Makefile based process is very 
 foreign for Windows developers. Not to mention the busted make in cygwin 
 and cygwin issues on Vista (amd64). Most people have had enough interest 
 in building mono on windows that they took the time to work things out 
 (usually at least a day). But that's just the first time; try setting 
 everything up again on a different machine or updating your cygwin and 
 things start over.
 I see the basic issues as:
 1) Cygwin development environment is less than ideal. It's foreign to 
 most Windows developers and is a barrier to entry for most people.
 2) Debugging is mostly impossible. gdb seems to provide little help on 
 Windows (echoed by others on #monodev)
 3) Compilation takes forever. I am working on a Dual Quad Core machine 
 (8 cores) at 3.6 Ghz. The mono build process still takes hours on my 
 machine. This may be aggravated by virus scanners or other similar 
 software, but the fact remains that all Windows users run virus scanners.
 As to not just be a complainer, I am offering some suggestions/ideas and 
 hoping for others to do the same (or at least critique mine ;-)). Before 
 I offer any suggestions, I think we need to balance between two things. 
 One is making life easy for the mono build/package team to produce a 
 Windows product. It's not real easy now, but we shouldn't make it any 
 harder. The second thing is making life easy for those who wish to 
 work/contribute to mono on Windows. This second item is tough at this point.
 1) We should consider using MSVC as the default compiler for C code on 
 Windows. I can compile the entire Visual Studio solution for the runtime 
 in minutes. It takes 20-30 seconds if I do a parallel build. We can also 
 use the Visual Studio debugger on Windows, which IMO is betten than gdb 
 on Windows.
 2) Two propositions for the class libraries have been mentioned 
 previously. One is a lightweight, 'managed make' system that could be 
 run easily on windows in place of all the build infrastructure provided 
 by cgywin. This obviously allows us to keep using Makefiles on other 
 platforms and keep a unified build process, but requires someone write 
 the tool (and maintain it). Another option is to moved to MSBuild/xbuild 
 for the class libraries. This would change the build process on all 
 platforms, and require some fixing of our current xbuild tool. 
 MSYS/MinGW has also been mentioned, but I don't consider that much 
 better than Cygwin. I attempted to get it working one time, but gave up 
 after a few days of hacking.
 Simply opening a csproj file for a class library, hacking on it, testing 
 under .Net and mono, and then contributing the changes seems a like a 
 good goal to aim for in regards to contributors. The build/packaging 
 guys can respond with what they are looking for on Windows.
 Any thoughts/responses on making mono better on Windows is appreciated.
 Mono-devel-list mailing list

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Mono 2.0 download

2008-10-08 Thread Jonathan Pobst
The biggest reason is that Debian/Ubuntu ships Mono with their system, 
and chops it up differently than Suse does.  This means there is a good 
chance that our packages would cause problems on your machine when we 
overwrite those packages with the new ones.  IE: things like Banshee, 
F-Spot, and Tomboy might no longer work.  Therefore, we believe it is 
better to let Debian/Ubuntu make packages that are compatible with their 

Hopefully, 2.0 packages for Debian/Ubuntu will soon start appearing in 
the places listed on


Casper Bang wrote:
 I know SUSE sponsors the project, but is there a good reason for not 
 producing .deb packages for Debian/*buntu, the most popular line of distro?
 Anyway congrats with the release, looking forward to taking it for a spin!
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] ListViewSubItemCollection different behaviour in .net mono enviroment

2008-09-18 Thread Jonathan Pobst
Weird, I wonder why it adds a subitem for the item passed in as the 
owner.  But it does, please file a bug and we'll fix it.


marcos b wrote:
 If i run the following test using .net environment subItems.Count returns 2,
 if I do it using mono environment subItems.Count returns 1.
 I'm having other problems also with the list view so my question is if there
 are many bugs reported about this control and related classes.
 public void ListViewSubItemCollectionTest()
 subItems = new
 subItems.Add(bla bla);
 Thanks in advance

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Is Moma (Mono migration analyzer) available for mono 2.0 rc1 version?

2008-09-09 Thread Jonathan Pobst
Not officially.  There is a preview available here:

Note that report submission is disabled in this version.


marcos b wrote:
 Is Moma (Mono migration analyzer) available for mono 2.0 rc1 version?

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Mono 2.0 Preview 1 is out!!

2008-08-20 Thread Jonathan Pobst
 1) On screenshot you can see that there is a problem with buttons 
 alignment in New image dialog.

Yep, that's definitely a bug.

 2) MDI broken again. Next code cause a message box with error:
 var child = new Form {MdiParent = this};
 error is next: Failed to create window, calss 'SWFClass0' Error: 0

If that's for paint-mono, it is being ported to run on Linux.  It will 
not run on Windows.  If that's a general bug, please file it.

 3) You asked post bug reports. OK. I looked in tracker - there are 171 
 bugs only in SWF (some of them are mine). Some bugs assigned to 
 developers. But most of them not assigned. What do you plan to do with 
 such bugs? Will you ignore them and make 2.0 release?

We do our best to fix as many of them as we can.  However, they may or 
may not be fixed in the future depending on their severity and our 
manpower.  This is expected with all software development.  All 
non-trivial software is released with known bugs.

For example:
Winforms has ~180 open bugs.
Mono has ~1050 open bugs.
Ubuntu has ~46,500 open bugs.
Apache's httpd has ~840 open bugs.
Firefox has ~14,300 open bugs.

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] does mono runtime fully implemented?

2008-08-19 Thread Jonathan Pobst

The WebBrowser control is implemented.  There are a few bugs that cause 
native crashes that we plan to have fixed in time for 2.0.


Ray Wang wrote:
 hello folks
 i have a very simple script to test WebBrowser control in System.Windows.Forms
 but when i instancelize a class to an object. it dumps errors. 
 does mono runtime fully implemented? or there is a bug?
 the attachments are a error message and a sample
 Mono-devel-list mailing list

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] does mono runtime fully implemented?

2008-08-19 Thread Jonathan Pobst
We currently have about 5 bug reports on it, so I think its covered.  ;)


Ray Wang wrote:
 Hello Jonathan,
 thank you very much for reply, should i fire a bug for it? 
 Or i should wait for the WebBrowser control issue to be fixed until 2.0 is 
 Jonathan Pobst [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/19/08 10:07 PM  
 The WebBrowser control is implemented.  There are a few bugs that cause 
 native crashes that we plan to have fixed in time for 2.0.
 Ray Wang wrote:
 hello folks

 i have a very simple script to test WebBrowser control in 
 but when i instancelize a class to an object. it dumps errors. 

 does mono runtime fully implemented? or there is a bug?
 the attachments are a error message and a sample



 Mono-devel-list mailing list

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Mono 2.0 Preview 1 is out!!

2008-08-18 Thread Jonathan Pobst
Here is the ported version running on Mono/openSUSE:

My guess is that the unported version is hitting an exception somewhere 
in paint code (probably from a win32 call) and exiting the drawing loop 


sasha wrote:
 Maybe some parts of Paint.NET has specific Win32 code, but there are
 problems with toolbars, with status bars, with dialogs, ets...
 Compare next screenshots:
 1) Screenshot from .NET:
 2) Screenshot from Mono:
 It is clear that most of this problems are SWF implementation bugs? 
 isn't it?
 Mono-devel-list mailing list

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] DataGridView Virtual Mode

2008-07-18 Thread Jonathan Pobst
No, datagridview's virtual mode is not currently implemented in a 
release or SVN.


Cetin Sert wrote:
 Dear Mono Devs,
 Is the virtual mode of winforms DataGridView already usable in the 
 latest mono releases or at least in the SVN repository?
 Best Regards,
 Cetin Sert
 Mono-devel-list mailing list

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] DataGridView virtual mode, exception

2008-07-11 Thread Jonathan Pobst
No, it will not be in Mono 2.0.  Perhaps it will be in 2.1 or 2.2.


Anhell wrote:
 Jonathan Pobst wrote:
 Virtual mode, and indeed much of DataGridView, does not work under
 Mono 1.9. I have been improving it for Mono 2.0, but it is highly
 unlikely that virtual mode will be working by then.
 So, what are the current plans for the DataGridView virtual mode. Any 
 chances we will see it on Mono 2.0 final release? Thanks in advance.
 View this message in context: Re: DataGridView virtual mode, exception
 Sent from the Mono - Dev mailing list archive at
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Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] One Version of Mono.Cairo

2008-07-02 Thread Jonathan Pobst
Currently we ship 2 versions of Mono.Cairo.dll in Mono, a 1.0 and a 2.0 
version.  However, there is no difference in these versions.  This can 
cause issues if different assemblies reference different versions and 
the runtime tries to load them both.

I think we need to:
- Not ship a 2.0 version.
- Ship a policy file that maps both versions to the 1.0 version.

This should allow existing programs to work while reducing us to only 
one version Mono.Cairo.

Some other assemblies that we appear to ship 1.0 and 2.0 versions of 
without any differences between them (looking at the 1.9.1 Win/Mono Gac):
- CustomMarshallers.dll
- Mono.Data.dll
- Mono.Data.SybaseClient.dll
- Mono.Data.TdsClient.dll
- Mono.Http.dll
- Mono.Posix.dll
- Mono.Security.Win32.dll
- Novell.Directory.Ldap.dll
- Npgsql.dll
- OpenSystem.C.dll

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] [Patch] Implement basic AutoComplete support for ComboBox

2008-07-01 Thread Jonathan Pobst
Looks fine.  Please commit.


Carlos Alberto Cortez wrote:
 Attached is a patch that implements support for ComboBox.
 The idea is to use the available support in TextBox, so the TextBox has
 direct access to our items. Since this is not the clearest approach,
 it's the better in terms of performance, since otherwise we should
 create a IList of item's text, and modifying or updating it as items are
 modified in ComboBox.Items collection.
 Observe that this patch only makes use of the basic properties of Auto
 complete in TextBox. As soon as I check in the keyboard navigation in
 TextBox for automplete, I will come with a second patch for ComboBox ;-)
 Mono-devel-list mailing list

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] DirectoryInfo.GetDirectories Bug

2008-05-23 Thread Jonathan Pobst
Nevermind, this function is dependent on the underlying filesystem on 
Windows.  NTFS and CDFS are alphabetic case-insensitive as listed, 
however on FAT, it is the order in which the files were created.

I will do the sort in winforms.


Jonathan Pobst wrote:
 Hey guys, I am working on bug #393931.  Basically the bug is that 
 winforms' open file dialog sorts directories case sensitive instead of 
 insensitive, so directories like Mono and Projects come before bin.
 The code we use is this:
 DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo (Environment.CurrentDirectory);
 DirectoryInfo[] dirs = di.GetDirectories ();
 foreach (DirectoryInfo d in dirs)
   Console.WriteLine (d.Name);
 On Windows, this would return:
 A, b, C
 On Linux, this would return:
 A, C, b
 I realize the Linux filesystem is different, but my question is do we 
 want to replicate the Windows behavior on Linux or not?  If not, I can 
 work around it in winforms, but I thought this might be something we 
 wanted to emulate MS on.  (MONO_IOMAP has no effect either.)
 Mono-devel-list mailing list

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Migrating Mono 2.0. Crossplatform GUI components.

2008-05-17 Thread Jonathan Pobst
I guess it depends on your requirements.  .Net (and Mono) comes with a 
toolbar, grid, and tree.  So part of it will be figuring out what 
additional functionality you need that you are getting from third party 

Right now, I do not know of any third party controls that work out of 
the box with Mono.  Hopefully, with the release of Mono 2.0, this will 
change as we work with some third party vendors to get their controls 
working on Mono.


Yakov Danilov wrote:
 Hi everyone.
 Because of Mono 2.0. release our firm has some plans about creation of 
 crossplatorm client that could be used with .Net 2.0 on Windows and Mono 2.0 
 on Linux systems.
 Business logic can be used without any problem, but GUI has been created 
 using Infragistics components that have too many Win Api calls and can be 
 used only on Windows.
 Thats why we need components written in managed C# and WinForms that can 
 be used on both platforms. Basically we need Toobar, Grid, Tree. At this time 
 I find only SourceGrid. Can anybody advice us such components? Writing own 
 components too  laborious.
 p.s. Sorry if my English is not so well.
 Mono-devel-list mailing list

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Mono.Media for GSOC

2008-05-06 Thread Jonathan Pobst
There were a lot more organizations participating this year, and as a 
result we received less slots than we would have liked.

So we had to make some really hard decisions on which projects to choose 
based not only on the projects but the applicants themselves.  In the 
end, we obviously felt the projects and applicants we chose were more 
interesting and had higher chances of success.  :)


Justin Cherniak wrote:
 I'm just curious, does anyone know why nobody was selected for this 
 project for GSOC?  Even without the codec capabilities, it seemed like a 
 very useful worthwile project, so I'm just curious why it wasn't selected?
 On another note, for at least the PCM audio portions, if someone would 
 want to mentor me, I would be willing to invest some time into getting 
 it up and running; even without GSOC funding as it is in my opinion one 
 of the biggest lackings of Mono/.NET.
 On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 3:57 PM, BlueWall [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is very interesting! Especially the midi framework! It would be
 great if
 it would connect to jack-midi as well.
 Prashant Vaibhav wrote:
   Dear Miguel,
   Dear All,
   Glad to hear codecs are not a focus for Mono.Media (at present).
   most discussion in this area seems to be focused on re-implementing
   gstreamer or creating bindings for it (a/v format coding/decoding in
   general). Last weekend I submitted an application for Mono.Media
 GSoC. My
   proposal seeks to provide high performance, low-level audio/MIDI
   for Mono, rather than a generic coder/decoder framework. One
 thing I have
   focused on is fairly complete MIDI support.
   I didn't base my proposal on the Java media framework (I don't
 have much,
   any, experience with Java, plus I saw discussion on how JMF's heavily
   asynchronous design is undesirable), so I might be missing some
   features. I'll appreciate if the Mono dev community could comment
 on my
   Following is an excerpt from the proposal:
   The architecture of the Mono.Media.Audio section would be as follows:
   - Classes representing audio devices will be implemented. These will
   abstract out platform-specific code (ie. the same AudioDevice
 would use
   WDM/KS on Windows and Jack/Alsa on Linux)
   - Classes representing audio sources will be implemented. These
 will have
   methods to *provide* audio.
   - Classes representing audio consumers will be implemented.
 These act
   sinks. An AudioSourcePlayer for example will continuously stream
   an AudioSource to an AudioDevice. The AudioDevice will have a
   method on its own high priority thread to get audio buffers.
   - Further classes like Mixer, CrossFader, Equalizer etc. might be
   implemented as a combination of sinks and sources.
   - Classes for reading/writing simple audio files (.wav, .aiff
 etc.) will
   also be implemented.
   The MIDI architecture will consist of :
   - Classes for MIDI input and output devices. These will represent
   devices on Windows (which does not support the concept of virtual
   and software ports on Linux and Mac. The winmm API will be used on
   CoreMIDI on Mac, and ALSA sequencer API on Linux.
   - Classes for MIDI events (a generic event, NoteOn, NoteOff events,
   MetaEvents, Controller etc.). These will allow easy
   MIDI data, shielding the programmer from the actual byte-stream.
   - Classes for storing/manipulating these (e.g. MidiTrack,
   MidiRecorder etc.)
   - Classes for handling MIDI file input/output
   - Classes for handling MIDI time code and transport control messages
   Basically the MIDI framework will be a fairly complete
 implementation of
   everything that MIDI has to offer (except perhaps highly specialized
   standards like Sample Dump Standard). If we have time, an OSC
   might also be implemented.
   Of course this design is open to discussion. Thanks for your time!
   On 07/04/2008, Miguel de Icaza [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I'm interested in applying for GSOC to work on Mono.Media and
 I was
just wondering if I could get a few more details about the
Has any work been completed on it?  How comprehensive in terms of
codec support are you looking for?
   I do not believe that there is much along 

Re: [Mono-dev] Exception when disassembling using Reflector

2008-04-20 Thread Jonathan Pobst
I've already fixed this in SVN.  Thanks!


Xerxes Battiwalla wrote:
 I received the following error while using Reflector under Ubuntu Gutsy 
 and submitted it to their bug list. Lutz replied back and said it was a 
 Mono bug. I couldn't find a bugzilla report matching this, and didn't 
 want to dupe it just in case.
 should i log this under bugzilla?
 -- Forwarded message --
 From: *Lutz Roeder* [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 21 Apr 2008 03:36
 Subject: Re: Bug Report for .NET Reflector
 This is a mono issue
 Sent from my iPhone
 On Apr 20, 2008, at 4:25 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Tried to run a disassemble on
 System.Configuration.ClientSettingsSection.Properties, using
 Reflector on Ubuntu Gutsy. the problem occurs when trying to
 disassemble any member.
 '2' is not a valid value for 'Value'. 'Value' should be between
 'Minimum' and 'Maximum'
 Parameter name: Value
  at System.Windows.Forms.ScrollBar.set_Value (Int32 value) [0x0]
  at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check)
 System.Windows.Forms.ScrollBar:set_Value (int)
  at System.Windows.Forms.TextBoxBase.CaretMoved (System.Object
 sender, System.EventArgs e) [0x0]
  at System.Windows.Forms.TextBoxBase.ScrollToCaret () [0x0]
  at System.Windows.Forms.TextBoxBase.CreateHandle () [0x0]
  at System.Windows.Forms.Control.CreateGraphics () [0x0]
  at System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox.HandleControl
 (System.Windows.Forms.RTF.RTF rtf) [0x0]
  at (wrapper delegate-invoke)
 System.MulticastDelegate:invoke_void_RTF (System.Windows.Forms.RTF.RTF)
  at System.Windows.Forms.RTF.RTF.RouteToken () [0x0]
  at System.Windows.Forms.RTF.RTF.Read () [0x0]
  at System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox.InsertRTFFromStream
 (System.IO.Stream data, Int32 cursor_x, Int32 cursor_y,
 System.Int32 to_x, System.Int32 to_y, System.Int32 chars) [0x0]
  at System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox.InsertRTFFromStream
 (System.IO.Stream data, Int32 cursor_x, Int32 cursor_y) [0x0]
  at System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox.set_Rtf (System.String value)
  at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check)
 System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox:set_Rtf (string)
  at ?.? () [0x0]
  at ?.? (Boolean A_0, Boolean A_1, Boolean A_2) [0x0]
  at ?.? (System.EventArgs A_0) [0x0]
  at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ChangeParent
 (System.Windows.Forms.Control new_parent) [0x0]
  at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check)
 System.Windows.Forms.Control:ChangeParent (System.Windows.Forms.Control)
  at System.Windows.Forms.Control+ControlCollection.Add
 (System.Windows.Forms.Control value) [0x0]
  at System.Windows.Forms.Control+ControlCollection.AddRange
 (System.Windows.Forms.Control[] controls) [0x0]
  at ?.? () [0x0]
  at ?.? (IWindow A_0) [0x0]
  at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) ?:? (Reflector.IWindow)
  at ?.? (System.String A_0) [0x0]
  at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) ?:? (string)
  at ?+?.? (Boolean A_0) [0x0]
  at ?.? () [0x0]
  at ?.? (System.String A_0) [0x0]
  at ?.? (System.String A_0) [0x0]
  at ?.? (System.String A_0) [0x0]
  at Reflector.Application.ApplicationManager.? (System.Object A_0,
 System.EventArgs A_1) [0x0]
  at (wrapper delegate-invoke)
  at System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem.OnClick (System.EventArgs e) [0x0]
  at System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem.PerformClick () [0x0]
  at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check)
 System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem:PerformClick ()
  at System.Windows.Forms.MenuTracker.OnMouseUp
 (System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs args) [0x0]
  at System.Windows.Forms.Form.WndProc (System.Windows.Forms.Message
 m) [0x0]
  at ?.? (System.Windows.Forms.Message A_0) [0x0]
  at System.Windows.Forms.Control+ControlWindowTarget.OnMessage
 (System.Windows.Forms.Message m) [0x0]
  at System.Windows.Forms.Control+ControlNativeWindow.WndProc
 (System.Windows.Forms.Message m) [0x0]
  at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.WndProc (IntPtr hWnd, Msg msg,
 IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam) [0x0]
 .NET Reflector
 .NET Framework 2.0.50727.42
 Culture: en-AU (en-AU)
 %ProgramFiles%\Reference Assemblies
 %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Silverlight

Re: [Mono-dev] DataGridView virtual mode, exception

2008-04-04 Thread Jonathan Pobst
Virtual mode, and indeed much of DataGridView, does not work under Mono 
1.9.  I have been improving it for Mono 2.0, but it is highly unlikely 
that virtual mode will be working by then.

I do not know of any alternatives either.  Perhaps someone else does.


Cetin Sert wrote:
 Dear Mono Devs,
 mono DGVV.exe
 Unhandled Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not 
 set to an instance of an object
   at System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView.set_RowCount (Int32 value) [0x0]
   at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) 
 System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView:set_RowCount (int)
   at DGVV.Form1..ctor () [0x0]
   at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) DGVV.Form1:.ctor ()
   at DGVV.Program.Main () [0x0]
 when setting RowCount property on a DataGridView instance in virtual 
 mode, I get the above exception with Mono 1.2.4, 1.2.6 and 1.9.
 Is virtual mode of DataGridView usable in Mono (1.9)?
 If it is, what am I doing wrong?
 If it is not, what other winforms grid control do you suggest me to use? 
 (It should have a virtual mode support... I tested SourceGrid but it 
 does not draw properly when in virtual mode.)
 Best Regards,
 Cetin Sert
 using System;
 using System.Collections.Generic;
 using System.ComponentModel;
 using System.Data;
 using System.Drawing;
 using System.Text;
 using System.Windows.Forms;
 namespace DGVV
 public partial class Form1 : Form
 public DataGridView dgv = new DataGridView();
 public Form1()
 dgv.VirtualMode = true;
 dgv.CellValueNeeded += new 
 // Add columns to the DataGridView.
 DataGridViewTextBoxColumn companyNameColumn = new 
 companyNameColumn.HeaderText = Company Name;
 companyNameColumn.Name = Company Name;
 DataGridViewTextBoxColumn contactNameColumn = new 
 contactNameColumn.HeaderText = Contact Name;
 contactNameColumn.Name = Contact Name;
 dgv.AutoSizeColumnsMode = 
 dgv.EditMode = DataGridViewEditMode.EditProgrammatically;
 dgv.AllowUserToAddRows = false;

 dgv.RowCount = 4;
 void dgv_CellValueNeeded(object sender, 
 DataGridViewCellValueEventArgs e)
 switch (e.ColumnIndex)
 case 0:
 e.Value = Sertcom;
 case 1:
 e.Value = e.RowIndex  2 ? Cetin : Metin;
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Re: [Mono-dev] Contribute to the Mono project

2008-03-31 Thread Jonathan Pobst
There is also:

though I am unsure how updated it is, so I would propose a topic before 
actually starting it.


Michael Hutchinson wrote:
 On Sun, Mar 30, 2008 at 12:22 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  we are two Italian undergraduate students in Computer Science. Until
  now we developed only university-related projects for our exams, but we'
  d like to contribute to the Mono project. We know that it could be
  challenging because we have never been involved in a big project, but
  we think that our current skills are enough to face the issues we will

  We already read the to-do list and we'd like to know if it's updated
  or not and if there is some
  other new project/task to assign. Our idea is take a task like a
  thesis subject and develop it as a team.

  We look forward to hear from you,
  Andrea Carpineti
  Igor Leboroni
 I suggest looking at some of the larger, more complex tasks at Although that page is
 used for listing possible google summer of code projects, many of the
 projects would be ideal for thesis work, and we'd be happy to give
 advice on how to go about implementing them.

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] GSoC anyone?

2008-03-28 Thread Jonathan Pobst

We generally don't pick mentors until we go through the applications and 
decide which ones to accept.  Pretty much the whole Mono team is signed 
up as mentors, we will just see whose skills are needed based on the 

Most of us felt there was no need to spam introductions to the GSoC 
mentors list, so we have refrained so far.  :)


 Hi there,
 I've tried to reach the list yesterday, but I'm afraid my email was 
 I was accepted as Mentor for GSoC at the mono project, and I'm now 
 receiving tons of emails with introductions.
 I didn't realize any other mono mentors out there (I probably missed the 
 emails), so I'd like to who is going to be mentoring which projects...
 I'll try to help in the MonoDevelop debugger integration.
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Re: [Mono-dev] RightToLeftLayout functions

2008-03-08 Thread Jonathan Pobst
I don't really think there are many left to be stubbed.  The only places 
I see ones that are missing or throw notimplement are:

- AxHost - we don't support any of this, everything throws notimplement
- DataGridView - we aren't supporting this in time for Mono 2.0
- WebBrowser - andreia is taking care of implementing and stubbing 
everything here

All the other ones are already implemented as TODO, unless I am missing 


Dennis Hayes wrote:
 I am considering going through and stubbing out the RightToLeftLayout 
 functions that are missing,  and adding ToDO: needs implementing.
 1)  These show up a good bit in the MoMa reports.
 2)  If they are missing, or even throw notimplment, the application 
 will not run.
 3)  If the sets do nothing, and the gets always return false (or a 
 value from the parent or client) it will be correct in almost all cases, 
 and worst case, will be displayed backwards. This seems beter than 
 always crashing.
 Good idea?
 Bad Idea?
 Comments or suggestions?
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Re: [Mono-dev] Deprecating some Mono commands, Cecil mono-api-info

2008-03-03 Thread Jonathan Pobst
 Additionally, I believe that the Cecil-based mono-api-info is a
 better implementation than the SRE-based implementation.   And am
 wondering if we should just replace our current implementation with the
 version living in cecil (this would also eliminate mono-api-info and

I just tried running both versions on 2.0's Accessibility.dll.  The SRE 
one is 122k, the Cecil one is 55k.  So I don't think the Cecil one is 
ready yet for primetime.


Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Deprecating some Mono commands, Cecil mono-api-info

2008-03-03 Thread Jonathan Pobst
Right, it is more condensed because it is missing the rest of the 
information.  :)

For your example, it is missing the attributes on the parameters.  Both 
files should be exactly the same.


Alan McGovern wrote:
 Well, if you look at the output you'll see that the cecil one is 
 considerably more condensed and readable than the SRE one, so that could 
 easily explain the filesize difference.  For example, the 'ClearProps(in 
 System.Byte, in System.UInt32, in System.Guid, in System.Int32)' 
 method is  7 lines in the cecil version but  about 24 lines in the SRE 
 On Mon, Mar 3, 2008 at 5:06 PM, Jonathan Pobst [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Additionally, I believe that the Cecil-based mono-api-info is a
   better implementation than the SRE-based implementation.   And am
   wondering if we should just replace our current implementation
 with the
   version living in cecil (this would also eliminate mono-api-info and
 I just tried running both versions on 2.0's Accessibility.dll.  The SRE
 one is 122k, the Cecil one is 55k.  So I don't think the Cecil one is
 ready yet for primetime.
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Re: [Mono-dev] Mono 1.9.0 Preview 3 is out - mono 1.9 pre3 / gtk# 2.10.3 not working on Win32

2008-02-26 Thread Jonathan Pobst
I filed this bug, which I think is the same issue:


Brad Taylor wrote:
 I'm not sure if there is a bug for this or not.

 The gtk# 2.10.3 that comes with the mono 1.9.0 preview
 3 windows installer is broken.  In particular, setting
 or getting a value from a tree model.  
 Weird, we at Medsphere haven't had any issues with this installer when
 running applications that make extensive use of TreeView.  Do you have a
 test case you can provide for this issue?
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Re: [Mono-dev] Mono 1.9.0 Preview 3 is out - mono 1.9 pre3 / gtk# 2.10.3 not working on Win32

2008-02-26 Thread Jonathan Pobst
Yes, I think they are going to make a 2.10.4 to ship with Mono 1.9.


Daniel Morgan wrote:
 Will the gtk# fix that Mike Kestner did make it into
 the Mono 1.9 windows installer?
 --- Jonathan Pobst [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I filed this bug, which I think is the same issue:


 Brad Taylor wrote:

 I'm not sure if there is a bug for this or not.

 The gtk# 2.10.3 that comes with the mono 1.9.0
 3 windows installer is broken.  In particular,
 or getting a value from a tree model.  
 Weird, we at Medsphere haven't had any issues with
 this installer when
 running applications that make extensive use of
 TreeView.  Do you have a
 test case you can provide for this issue?



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Re: [Mono-dev] MonoDevelop on Windows

2008-02-22 Thread Jonathan Pobst
I pretty much just compiled trunk on Linux with --disable-gnomeplatform, 
and don't put an option for gtksourceview2, and it will just use the new 
managed source editor.  Later I wrote a WindowsPlatform addin, and got 
Lluis to remove a few Unix-isms.

After that, Geoff Norton pretty much took over and made the real 
progress.  He made a lot of fixes for remoting and such to make it work 
much better.  Next week, when he gets back from the conference he is at, 
I will try to prod him to put his changes into SVN.


Daniel Morgan wrote:
 What steps did you use to build and run MonoDevelop on
 Windows?  And what dependencies did you use?
 I understand from your blog that a lot of it does not
 work, but I still would like to see it at least run. 
 I'm sure others would be interested in helping and/or
 testing it.
 Hopefully, you can commit your fixes to svn so others
 can try it out.
 Never miss a thing.  Make Yahoo your home page.

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Re: [Mono-dev] mono 1.9

2008-02-20 Thread Jonathan Pobst
I'm pretty sure the support is 0%.  Although we have implemented some of 
the 3.0 and 3.5 base class libraries, they are not shipped yet in our 

These are done in our Olive module:

Oh, 1.9 will ship with nearly complete support for C# 3, but none of the 
base class libraries.


Scott Fluto wrote:
 I was wondering if anyone knows what percentage of support 1.9 has with 
 regards to .net 3.0 and 3.5 , is there a place to see the percentage of 
 method coverage it has or will have?
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Re: [Mono-dev] mono 1.9

2008-02-20 Thread Jonathan Pobst
No, it will be pretty much 0% complete for 3.0 and 3.5.

The ONLY post-2.0 piece that will be available is the C# compiler which 
will support the new C# 3 language features (such as extensions and 
partial LINQ support) and the one base class library needed to support this.

It will not support any of the 3.0 base class libraries (WCF, WF, WPF) 
or any of the new 3.5 base class libraries (other than parts of 

I know its complicated, the thing to remember is C# 3 is not .Net 3.0 or 
.Net 3.5.  It's just an enhancement to the language which shipped 
(ironically enough) in .Net 3.5.   :)

Hope this helps!

Scott Fluto wrote:
 hmm, so what I can gather then is that it will be pretty much 3.0
 complete but just partially 3.5 complete given 3.5 has a lot of base
 class library enchantments?
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jonathan
 Sent: February-20-08 10:33 AM
 To: Jonathan Pobst
 Cc: Scott Fluto;
 Subject: Re: [Mono-dev] mono 1.9
 On Wed, 2008-02-20 at 09:11 -0600, Jonathan Pobst wrote:
 I'm pretty sure the support is 0%.  Although we have implemented some
 the 3.0 and 3.5 base class libraries, they are not shipped yet in our 

 These are done in our Olive module:

 Oh, 1.9 will ship with nearly complete support for C# 3, but none of
 base class libraries.
 System.Core.dll should be in 1.9, which is required for such C# 3
 features as extension methods and LINQ.
  - Jon
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Re: [Mono-dev] MoMA: Changes in 1.2.6 Version

2007-12-14 Thread Jonathan Pobst
UPDATE: I forgot that the new definitions contained a method signature 
that MoMA was unable to handle, so you actually DO have to download a 
new copy from the MoMA home page for 1.2.6 to work. Sorry for the 
confusion.   :(


Jonathan Pobst wrote:
 Hey guys!
 I generally don't make any announcement when I release a new MoMA for 
 the new Mono release.  This is because you just click the Check for 
 newer version link, which magically downloads the new definition file 
 and life is chock full of rainbows and ponies.  However, for the 1.2.6 
 release, we made 2 important changes to the definition files that 
 warrant a mention.
 - Removal of Design Namespaces -
 One of our awesome mono-vangelists pointed out that people scan their 
 app (and third party controls) and see all kinds of warnings about 
 things missing in the Design classes.  However, these classes are not 
 used to run apps, just for designers such as Visual Studio.  So we are 
 potentially scaring off users for no reason.  Therefore, beginning with 
 1.2.6, we no longer include the Design namespaces in MoMA reports.  (If 
 you really want the Design stuffs, you can download the definition file 
 that includes them on the MoMA home page:
 - Addition of .Net 3.0/3.5 Classes -
 Beginning with 1.2.6, we include the definitions needed to scan your 
 .Net 3.0 and 3.5 apps.  At this point, we report everything as missing.  
 Even though we have implemented some of these classes in our Olive 
 ( project, we do not currently ship 
 this with the released Mono, and MoMA tracks the Mono releases.
 So what good is adding the 3.0/3.5 stuffs if we are going to report it 
 all as missing?  We will soon be getting to the point where we need to 
 figure out what new stuff to implement next.  By scanning your app with 
 MoMA and submitting the missing report, we can see which parts are the 
 most important to our users so we can prioritize.  (And yes, we _really_ 
 use this data.  MoMA reports 
 [] have pretty much 
 dictated our prioritization since it was released a year ago.)
 - How Do I Get These New Features? -
 So how do you get the new stuff?  Just click on the Check for newer 
 version link in MoMA, sit back, relax, and enjoy the rainbows and 
 ponies.  Or if you don't already have MoMA, you can grab it at:
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[Mono-dev] MoMA: Changes in 1.2.6 Version

2007-12-13 Thread Jonathan Pobst
Hey guys!

I generally don't make any announcement when I release a new MoMA for 
the new Mono release.  This is because you just click the Check for 
newer version link, which magically downloads the new definition file 
and life is chock full of rainbows and ponies.  However, for the 1.2.6 
release, we made 2 important changes to the definition files that 
warrant a mention.

- Removal of Design Namespaces -
One of our awesome mono-vangelists pointed out that people scan their 
app (and third party controls) and see all kinds of warnings about 
things missing in the Design classes.  However, these classes are not 
used to run apps, just for designers such as Visual Studio.  So we are 
potentially scaring off users for no reason.  Therefore, beginning with 
1.2.6, we no longer include the Design namespaces in MoMA reports.  (If 
you really want the Design stuffs, you can download the definition file 
that includes them on the MoMA home page:

- Addition of .Net 3.0/3.5 Classes -
Beginning with 1.2.6, we include the definitions needed to scan your 
.Net 3.0 and 3.5 apps.  At this point, we report everything as missing.  
Even though we have implemented some of these classes in our Olive 
( project, we do not currently ship 
this with the released Mono, and MoMA tracks the Mono releases.

So what good is adding the 3.0/3.5 stuffs if we are going to report it 
all as missing?  We will soon be getting to the point where we need to 
figure out what new stuff to implement next.  By scanning your app with 
MoMA and submitting the missing report, we can see which parts are the 
most important to our users so we can prioritize.  (And yes, we _really_ 
use this data.  MoMA reports 
[] have pretty much 
dictated our prioritization since it was released a year ago.)

- How Do I Get These New Features? -
So how do you get the new stuff?  Just click on the Check for newer 
version link in MoMA, sit back, relax, and enjoy the rainbows and 
ponies.  Or if you don't already have MoMA, you can grab it at:

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] MoMA: Changes in 1.2.6 Version (Jonathan Pobst)

2007-12-13 Thread Jonathan Pobst
Aw crap.  Download the new executable from, it should contain the fix for that.


Engler, Eric wrote:
 Hash: SHA256
 for the 1.2.6 release, we made 2 important changes to the definition
 I can't use these new files at all. Every time I try to analyze an
 assembly I get this (running on Windows with MS CLR):
 See the end of this message for details on invoking 
 just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.
 ** Exception Text **
 System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Length cannot be less than zero.
 Parameter name: length
at System.String.InternalSubStringWithChecks(Int32 startIndex, Int32
 length, Boolean fAlwaysCopy)
at MoMA.Analyzer.Method.ParseMethod()
at MoMA.Analyzer.BaseChecker..ctor(Stream input)
at MoMA.Analyzer.AssemblyAnalyzer.LoadDefinitions(Stream
 monoTodoDefinitions, Stream notImplementedDefinitions, Stream
at MoMA.Analyzer.AssemblyAnalyzer.LoadDefinitions(String
at MoMA.MainForm.AnalyzeAssemblies()
at MoMA.MainForm.NextButton_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message m, MouseButtons
 button, Int32 clicks)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message m)
at System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message m)
 System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg,
 IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
 NOTICE:  The information contained in this electronic mail transmission is 
 intended by the sender for the sole use of the named individual or entity to 
 which it is directed and may contain information that is privileged or 
 otherwise confidential.  Please do not copy it or use it for any purposes, or 
 disclose its contents to any other person.  To do so could violate state and 
 Federal privacy laws.  If you have received this electronic mail
 transmission in error, please delete it from your system without copying or 
 forwarding it, and notify the sender of the error by reply email or by 
 telephone, so that the sender's address records can be corrected.  Thank you 
 for your cooperation.
 Version: PGP Universal 2.6.2
 Charset: us-ascii
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Re: [Mono-dev] should we really use Mono[NotSupported|Limitation|Blah]Attributes?

2007-05-31 Thread Jonathan Pobst
MoMA has been updated to report:
- MonoTODO
- MonoLimitation
- MonoNotSupported

It will not report:
- MonoDocumentationNote
- MonoExtension
- MonoInternalNote

However, they all just show as TODO on MoMA reports/GUI, so developers 
are still encouraged to include a message explaining what is missing. 
This is a definition file change, so if you are using definition files 
for 1.2.3 or 1.2.4, you have this update.  You do not need a new version 
of MoMA.

The class status pages have not been modified, and currently only report 
the traditional MonoTODO.


Atsushi Eno wrote:
 I just noticed that after replacing MonoTODO attributes with one
 of those derived ones such as MonoNotSupported, they get *hidden*
 from the class status pages. As a result, we're getting wrong MoMA
 reports. Is it really intended, or should we avoid using those
 derived attributes? (For example see
 System.ComponentModel.MemberDescriptor.GetInvocationTarget() in
 I don't think those attributes are ready to be used unless
 corcompare stuff are changed to consider them.
 Atsushi Eno
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Re: [Mono-dev] mono builder down?

2007-05-17 Thread Jonathan Pobst
It had moved.  The new one is:

Which wiki page needs to be updated?


 Is it ok that builder for calss status in down for a long time?
 Or it have moved and wiki page is not update?
 Olivier Dufour
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Re: [Mono-dev] Mono 1.2.4, preparation rituals.

2007-04-23 Thread Jonathan Pobst
Jackson ported it to 1.2.4 in SVN r76147, so it will be in the final 
1.2.4 release.


Frederik Carlier wrote:
 Pressing ENTER in a single line textbox on a form that has a default 
 button causes an extra character to be added to the textbox instead of 
 the button being pressed.
 Also, pressing backspace to remove this non-printable character leaves a 
 Thanks for filing the bug.

 Although this bug report came too late, we have already branched the
 tree and it does not seem like there is a bug fix yet.
 A bug fix has been commited (Bug 81408, SVN r76143). Is there a 
 possibility this fix can find its way into 1.2.4?
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Re: [Mono-dev] Mono 1.2.4, preparation rituals.

2007-04-18 Thread Jonathan Pobst
Can you elaborate any on this?  There are no bugs about this in 
bugzilla, and it's the first I've heard of it.

If you could file a bug with a test case, we will definitely look into 
it because it sounds pretty serious.


Paul wrote:
 I humbly request that the ThreadPool patches that were posted in 
 completionPortThreads in threadpool.c not used? on April 1st make it in.
 And that keyboard events actually work on a Winform.
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Re: [Mono-dev] Binding navigator patch

2007-04-05 Thread Jonathan Pobst
Often times we don't keep the VS projects in sync with the .sources file 
used to build mono.  Generally you already have the file from SVN, you 
just need to add it to your project.  In this case, the file should be 


 For my second patch, I have take the first class missing in mono winforms ;).
 I have try to fit to coding guideline. If there are still issue, make a feed
 I have issue on winforms test project because Eventlogger is not recognize. 
 So I
 can not compile it and launch test. So maybe my test do not pass on windows
 So, if someone know how fix that, I will test it and resend the patch.
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Re: [Mono-dev] missing class scrollProperties (

2007-03-30 Thread Jonathan Pobst
Hey Olivier!

Thanks for your patch!  I took it and added the implementation and tests 
as well.  It is committed in SVN as r75208.

Please read up on our coding guidelines 
( if you submit more stuff 
in the future.  I fixed it all this time, but next time we won't accept 
it until it's up to standards.

Thanks for your work!

 Hi All,
 I am making a winform gui for monotorrent and I see with moma that some
 properties are missing to make my code compile on mono. So I just code a basic
 structure for missing class but it is still unfinished (Monotodo attributes)
 because I do not know very well the internal things of mono framework. Hope It
 can help.
 If I do bad, make a feed back and I will fix my code.
 There are no methodes (only properties) so I have done no unit test.
 Duff (olivier dufour)
 Mono-devel-list mailing list

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Re: [Mono-dev] Race to Linux

2007-03-21 Thread Jonathan Pobst
Hey Paul,

The splash page is available here:

Which has links to regular download packages as well:

The release is primarily fixes to ASP.Net that should be helpful for 
people porting their webapps for Race to Linux, but of course anyone is 
welcome to download and use it.  We are hoping to do a regular full 
release in a month or so.


Paul wrote:
 I've noticed there is a different version available of Mono for the Race
 to Linux thing. Is this different version going to be made available to
 the rest of us in the near future as a non-VM version?
 Mono-devel-list mailing list

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[Mono-dev] Class Status Pages (was: NET_2_0 class status not available)

2006-12-12 Thread Jonathan Pobst
Speaking of the class status pages, it has this really great feature 
where if you Ctrl-Click on a node, it takes you to the SVN for that 
class.  However, it is still set to  If it's not too 
hard, could this be updated to point to the current SVN?


Miguel de Icaza wrote:
 The NET_2_0 class status seems to be broken:
 It is sometimes broken when the build is broken. When it is broken,
 check the build status:
 Wade changed the setup so that the generation of pages would not break
 even if the build does.
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Re: [Mono-dev] Windows Shell

2006-11-29 Thread Jonathan Pobst
My opinion, but what I think we need to achieve, and how to get there is 

- Get the Moma results of P/Invoke calls, sorted by call frequency.
- For each one:
   - Try to figure out why it's being called (what the user is trying to 
accomplish, which is not always easy or possible)
   - Determine if there is something already in the managed API that we 
should be pointing users to.
   - If not, design a .Net style function that accomplishes what the 
user is trying to do (which may or may not look like the Win32 API call)
   - *!!* Document on the wiki every API call we examine, and what the 
suggested replacement is.

Another route is to simply duplicate the exact Win32 API syntax and try 
to make it perform the same on *nix.  This route would probably be 
easier for porters, at the expense of new users who would prefer to 
accomplish the task without learning Win32 API.  (IMO, a large, large 
percentage of .Net developers have no desire to touch Win32, think VB.)

Most likely, it would be a mix of both.  SendMessage would be a pretty 
straight call, whereas GetIconFromFile could be made easier to use. 
Place all the results in a .dll called Mono.Compatibility or 
Mono.Platform or something.  Position it as both a library to help 
people porting to Mono, as well as an abstraction layer to make the 
Win32 easier for .Net people.


Steve K wrote:
 Aplologies for replying to my own message, but I have a few questions to 
 1) Does Mono simply need to provide an API to get the icons for files 
 and folders, and find the location in the filesystem of the Recent 
 Documents list?
 2) Or do we need to expose the Shell/Nautilus/etc Namespace in more 
 detail, for example, being able to enumerate over the contents of folders.
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Re: [Mono-dev] Moma early results.

2006-11-27 Thread Jonathan Pobst
Usage frequency I suppose.  If DataRowCollection.Count is listed 100 
times for example, it doesn't mean the property is called 100 times at 
runtime, it actually means the user has typed it out 100 times in their 
code, and would need to replace/change/fix all 100 occurrences.

It's probably more useful for the user's results report than the 
submitted report, but we can still use it to determine that implementing 
this one little property is going to alleviate 1000 calls across 10 apps 
instead of 10 calls over 10 apps.


Alan McGovern wrote:
 Not sure if this has been fixed already or not, but if you look at the 
 largest file in the archive, it has the same methods reported multiple 
 times (100's of times?). Is there any point to that?
 On 11/27/06, *Miguel de Icaza*  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hey folks,
 I have posted the 102 results that have been submitted so far from
 running Moma on people's binaries.
 The results have been cleaned up a little bit, I removed a few
 methods that were implemented and methods that had bogus MonoTODO
 entries, which were removed in the last couple of weeks since the
 original databases for Moma were created.
 The results are available here:
 It is worth noticing that in some cases, an API in the documentation
 is flagged as existing in 1.1 and 2.0, while the actual method was
 introduced in 2.0.
 This happens because in 1.1 you could still call the method, and the
 call would be satisfied by calling into the parent class of a method.
 For example Exception.GetType() is a method that calls into
 base.GetType(), it is flagged in the documentation as available in
 1.1, but it did not actually exist back then.
 So to implement methods like this, the #if NET_2_0 must be used;
 The same happens extensively in Windows.Forms, when they had to override
 a few methods to catch some values (is my guess), they are
 documented as
 being in 1.1, but they were not.
 It is important thus to check the results of corcompare, see:
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[Mono-dev] 2.0 Class Status Page Not Updating

2006-07-25 Thread Jonathan Pobst

The 2.0 Class Status page hasn't been updated since
July 10th.
( Can
someone please put updating this back into the daily build cycle?


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[Mono-dev] [PATCH] Implement Graphics.ReleaseHdc()

2006-07-14 Thread Jonathan Pobst

Patch to implement 2.0 parameterless Graphics.ReleaseHdc()

- Creates a private variable to hold the IntPtr that GetHdc() returns.
- Stores IntPtr to private variable in GetHdc().
- In ReleaseHdc(), call ReleaseHdc(IntPtr) passing stored IntPtr.
- Set private variable back to IntPtr.Zero.

Please review and commit.

Index: Graphics.cs
--- Graphics.cs (revision 62615)
+++ Graphics.cs (working copy)
@@ -52,6 +52,9 @@
private bool disposed = false;
private static float defDpiX = 0;
private static float defDpiY = 0;
+#if NET_2_0
+   internal IntPtr deviceContextHdc = IntPtr.Zero;
 #if !NET_2_0
@@ -1771,6 +1774,9 @@
IntPtr hdc;
GDIPlus.CheckStatus (GDIPlus.GdipGetDC 
(this.nativeObject, out hdc));
+#if NET_2_0
+   deviceContextHdc = hdc;
return hdc;
@@ -2034,11 +2040,18 @@
Status status = GDIPlus.GdipReleaseDC (nativeObject, 
GDIPlus.CheckStatus (status);
+#if NET_2_0
+   if(hdc == deviceContextHdc)
+   deviceContextHdc = IntPtr.Zero;
 #if NET_2_0
public void ReleaseHdc()
+   if(deviceContextHdc != IntPtr.Zero)
+   ReleaseHdc(deviceContextHdc);
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