Re: [Mono-dev] Mono-devel-list Digest, Vol 96, Issue 26

2013-04-24 Thread Konrad M. Kruczynski
XWT maybe? Don't know though whether it's mature enough.

On śro, 2013-04-24 at 13:09 +0100, Rauf Butt wrote:
 Hi Alexandre,
 WinForms is specific to Microsoft platform. Additionally, it will
 require license too. 
 The purpose of using GTK or Mono is specifically because of the cross
 platform compatibility.
 Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2013 11:00:28 +0600
 From: ?
 Subject: [Mono-dev] GSoC 2013 MonoDoc Editor
 Hi all.
 I am third year undergraduate from Perm State University,
 Russia and I
 have a question about MonoDoc Editor project. Is it necessary
 to use
 only proposed GUI toolkits for interface implementation? I
 mean GTK# for
 Windows and Linux. What about Winforms? Yes, GTK# is faster,
 but I think
 speed is not critical in this project. It is unlikely to be a
 and heavy interface.
 Aleksandr Shevchenko.
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Re: [Mono-dev] Few notes about finalization

2012-12-05 Thread Konrad M. Kruczynski
On śro, 2012-12-05 at 13:56 +0100, Konrad M. Kruczynski wrote:
 Hi all,
 it is rather known fact that adding a finalizer to the class can hurt
 performance quite badly with generational garbage collectors. This is
 due to the premortem finalization used by CLR. If an object is not
 reachable during GC, but has a finalizer, it will survive and probably
 be promoted to the next generation. Not so bad in its essence, but such
 object will transitively make all referenced objects alive and these
 will be promoted as well.
 Consider simple benchmark contained in the attached file Test705.cs. The
 intstances of classes are being born and dying, also they have reference
 to the table of objects. The class A has an finalizer. On my computer
 (SGEN, Mono 2.10.8) the result is:
 Took 00:00:32.4182579
 If you comment out the finalizer, the result is:
 Took 00:00:04.2515352
 So the difference is significant.
 Most of the time (at least from my experience) developers do not need
 premortem finalization. That is, they do not need to have the reference
 to the instance that is being finalized. What they need is some kind of
 simple callback called after this instance is GCd (the callback could
 also have some kind of parameter related to such instance). As you can
 see, this is also the case in the mentioned example -- the reference to
 the original instance is not needed.
 When I encountered internal sgen API for reference queues, I thought
 that this could be used to do postmortem finalization. Unfortunately,
 the API was not stable yet and therefore not public.
 But there is another, very simple idea. Instead of having a finalizer in
 A, one could do dummy class B (with its own finalizer) to instance of
 which A would have a reference. Therefore B's finalizer would serve as a
 callback function of A.
 The attached example Test706.cs is based on this idea. And the result
 Took 00:00:04.6424758
 So it is in the same order of magnitude.
 Yup, this is very simple idea, nonetheless works well and did not come
 to me as a solution immediately, so maybe this will be useful to
 someone. Or I am wrong somewhere ;)

It may be worth adding, that with the fresh Mono from GIT the results
are similar (although new sgen is faster in general which is a good
news), respectively:

Took 00:00:28.1762050
Took 00:00:03.5601241
Took 00:00:03.9642138


Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Inspecting x86 assembly

2012-11-16 Thread Konrad M.
Hi again,
forgot to cc previous mail to the list and maybe someone will find it
useful too. mono -v -v can be used to obtain assembly.

Btw, AOT output can not necessarily be the same.

On Fri, 2012-11-16 at 21:37 +1100, Daniel Lo Nigro wrote:
 You can use Ahead of Time compilation to generate a .so file with
 native code. Is this what you're looking for?
 On Fri, Nov 16, 2012 at 7:15 PM, Stack Pointer
 I want to inspect the x86 assembly that mono generates from
 my .exe. Mostly for specific functions. How do I achieve this?
 $ mono --help-devel
 tells me that I could compile a method and generate assembly
 for it. How should I be using it? If I do:
 $ mono --ncompile 1 --compile METHODNAME EXENAME EXEOPTIONS
 I get an error saying:
 Usage: mini --ncompile num --compile method assembly
 How do you guys inspect the generated assembly while
 developing? Is there some other internal option that enables
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Re: [Mono-dev] To say hello and ask some questions about Mono...

2012-10-02 Thread Konrad M.
do not hesitate to contact me if you like, but the idea seems rather
vague to me. Mono development is currently lead by Xamarin which is also
open to accept ideas and patches from community. How this really works,
you can observe at github: The amount
of community driven patches probably increased with git and github as it
simplifies submitting and merging patches.

On the Microsoft side, the actions that helped Mono development were
open sourcing some parts of .NET (for example DLR, lately Entity
Framework) using useful licence (Apache 2.0, for that matter). One could
probably create wishlist containing another parts. For example Nuget,
which theoretically admits Mono existence, but support is severely
limited (for example try to create package).

But the most important question here is: what is the role of the
foundation here?

On Sat, 2012-09-29 at 20:37 +0200, Leszek Ciesielski wrote:
 There's quite a few Mono contributors coming from Poland, starting
 with Xamarin's Marek Habersack. Other active community members include
 Marek Sieradzki and Konrad Kruczyński. Perhaps it would be best for
 you to reach out to those people personally?
 On Sat, Sep 29, 2012 at 5:45 PM, Robert Wilkens wrote:
  I'm not an expert (in complete honesty), but i think microsoft is free to 
  contribute to mono's development as long as they contribute it under i 
  believe it is the mit/x11 license, which may or may not be desirable to 
  I also have heard that as far as moonlight goes, the silverlight equivalent 
  for linux like platforms which i think is based on mono, I am pretty sure i 
  heard microsoft did make a contribution as far as providing unit tests or 
  something to that extent.
  On Sep 29, 2012, at 11:27 AM, Michał Smereczyński 
  Hello there,
  My name is Michael Smereczynski. I'm vice-chairman of Aegis - Polish open 
  source software foundation (we pretend to be like Apache Software 
  Foundation but now we are doing our job only in Poland).
  Personally, I'm not a programmer (but I allways wanted to do something by 
  myself - maybe in future). So if I'll ask You something stupid, please 
  don't hurt me ;)
  I am a man who comes from the assumption that the Linux users do not need 
  to be evangelized in using and creating open source software. I dream that 
  Windows users and programmers were so open as Linux users. that's why I 
  became interested in .NET and C#. I'm interested in cloud computing 
  solutions too, so I know Windows Azure, where developers using Windows 
  platform have an easier life...
  What is Mono status today? Is it posible to let Microsoft to help in 
  developing Mono?
  Best regards,
  Mono-devel-list mailing list
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Re: [Mono-dev] To say hello and ask some questions about Mono...

2012-10-02 Thread Konrad M.
On Tue, 2012-10-02 at 21:00 +0200, Michał Smereczyński wrote:
 Hello Leszek,
 W dniu 02.10.2012 20:04, Konrad M. Kruczyński pisze:
  do not hesitate to contact me if you like, but the idea seems rather
  vague to me.
 I have a lot of work lately... I plan to write to polish Mono developers 
 (and C#/.NET/Mono programmers) and ask whether you want to start the 
 Mono conference in Poland.

The conference may be interesting. At least I would probably like to
take part in it;)

 OK, but I often hear from my friends (programmers) that the Mono project 
 is growing too slowly and because of their origin has some deficiencies 
 that result from the lack of openness in Microsoft.
 Mono community is much smaller than... C++ or Python community in Linux 

I see your point. Situation is going better lately, for example Mono has
already been noticed and respected by many OSS C# projects like
ServiceStack, Nancy etc (which had their origins in .NET). The role of
MonoTouch (and Android) and its popularity may be important reason here.
Nonetheless it could always be better ;)


Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] ConcurrentQueueT issues (repros)

2012-09-25 Thread Konrad M.
On Tue, 2012-09-25 at 16:57 +0300, Greg Young wrote:
 reviewing commits
 object pool is DEAD! and I don't mean 57005 :)

Btw, some tests I did with and without object pool (by reverting
introducing commit) showed that with SGEN it actually made things
slower, therefore it is better option also from this point.


Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Google Summer of Code project ideas

2012-04-04 Thread Konrad M. Kruczyński


 I have an idea of Summer of Code project.
 I call it Smart usings for C#. I'm writing code not only in C#, but
 in Java too, and I noticed one difference between C# and Java IDEs:
 while most java IDEs can automatically add imports (usings in C#), it
 seems that only ReSharper can do it in C#. I think that it will be
 nice to have such feature in MonoDevelop. Actually, I'm feeling very
 uncomfortable when I have to manually type usings in MonoDevelop after
 writing code in Eclipse.

Just a digression...

Although I would appreciate ReSharper-like hints while typing in MD
too, you do not really have to manually type usings even currently.
After typing unqualified name you can right click on it and then go
with Resolve and appropriate option (add using or make name fully
qualified). I am pretty sure that this is the way used in Visual Studio
without ReSharper installed. Usually I'm using MD built from the GIT
master (or newresolver), but the feature is there for quite a long

Or I did not understand what you meant.

Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] Nuget and xbuild

2012-02-01 Thread Konrad M. Kruczyński

Hi all,
during playing with nuget I discovered that xbuild has some problems
with playing with nuget's targets. Specifically nuget.targets contains
lines like that one:

During the build one can see errors like that one:
Unable to locate '$([System.IO.Path]::Combine(/some/path, another/path))'

Is it that Combine is not executed at all but rather taken as a string?
Is it a bug?

I'm attaching whole nuget.targets.

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
Project ToolsVersion=4.0 xmlns=;
SolutionDir Condition=$(SolutionDir) == '' Or $(SolutionDir) == '*Undefined*'$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\..\/SolutionDir
NuGetToolsPath$([System.IO.Path]::Combine($(SolutionDir), .nuget))/NuGetToolsPath
PackagesConfig$([System.IO.Path]::Combine($(ProjectDir), packages.config))/PackagesConfig
PackagesDir$([System.IO.Path]::Combine($(SolutionDir), packages))/PackagesDir
PackageOutputDir Condition=$(PackageOutputDir) == ''$(TargetDir.Trim('\\'))/PackageOutputDir

!-- Package sources used to restore packages. By default will used the registered sources under %APPDATA%\NuGet\NuGet.Config --

!-- Enable the restore command to run before builds --
RestorePackages Condition=$(RestorePackages) == ''false/RestorePackages

!-- Property that enables building a package from a project --
BuildPackage Condition=$(BuildPackage) == ''false/BuildPackage

!-- Commands --
RestoreCommand$(NuGetExePath) install $(PackagesConfig) -source $(PackageSources) -o $(PackagesDir)/RestoreCommand
BuildCommand$(NuGetExePath) pack $(ProjectPath) -p Configuration=$(Configuration) -o $(PackageOutputDir) -symbols/BuildCommand

!-- Make the build depend on restore packages --
BuildDependsOn Condition=$(RestorePackages) == 'true'

!-- Make the build depend on restore packages --
BuildDependsOn Condition=$(BuildPackage) == 'true'

Target Name=CheckPrerequisites
!-- Raise an error if we're unable to locate nuget.exe  --
Error Condition=!Exists('$(NuGetExePath)') Text=Unable to locate '$(NuGetExePath)' /

Target Name=RestorePackages DependsOnTargets=CheckPrerequisites
Exec Command=$(RestoreCommand)
  WorkingDirectory=$(NuGetToolsPath) /

Target Name=BuildPackage DependsOnTargets=CheckPrerequisites
Exec Command=$(BuildCommand)
  WorkingDirectory=$(NuGetToolsPath) /
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Reference queue

2012-02-01 Thread Konrad M.
On Wed, 2012-02-01 at 22:04 -0200, Rodrigo Kumpera wrote:
 I expect it to be exposed to further internal usage and which will
 better shape it.

I totally agree on this point. Maybe I could have some use on this via
p/invoke to itself (using __Internal). What do you think?


Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Reference queue

2012-01-24 Thread Konrad M.
Hi all,
I think I was misunderstood. This is not beginner's question on how to
write classes with Disposable pattern (you mentioned) -- believe me, I
know that very well. Problem is rather as follows. Let's say we have an
object whose life is short - it is collected on first GC scan after
creation. But then if it has a finalizer it is not collected. Instead,
it is marked for finalization. After some time its finalizer is called.
And it is finally collected after next GC scan - so much more later than
in the first case. Things will get worse if it will be promoted to next
generation in the meantime. In other words such kind of object with
finalizer will stay in memory longer than it should and that is the
source of performance problems I mentioned. It can also hold reference
to another (fully managed) objects, that one to another and so on.

This is well known problem with objects implementing finalizers and one
of the reasons (among unpredictability) for recommending explicit (via
Dispose) release. But how can one do that if object is shared (the thing
you would, for instance in C++, do with reference counting)? Finalizers
are best as back-ups for such release, not the main mean, as you have

I think that callback after death mechanism is the solution here. About
the I/O operation invoked - I would not put it in the callback directly,
rather enqueue it in thread pool.

Oh, I've just found an article which talks about what I exactly meant:
Apparently this is possible in Java. It could be therefore useful also
for IKVM, as it has to be provided by it. I do not know how it is
implemented in it currently - probably using small objects with
finalizers on which they make proper notifications.

I hope it is clearer now.


Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Reference queue

2012-01-24 Thread Konrad M.
On Mon, 2012-01-23 at 23:35 -0200, Rodrigo Kumpera wrote:
 There is no specially collector for finalizable objects. The finalizer
 will be called
 around the same time the callback for such an object would be. 

I meant the sgen equivalent of the f-reachable queue. Callback will be
called around the same time, I agree, but the object itself (with the
one it points) can stay in memory longer.

 Even if performance was backed in, it would not help a lot since you
 have the large
 bottleneck of file backed. 

As I said, I would rather not delete file directly on the callback's
thread, but queue its deletion. Also the mentioned approach can be
useful for other kinds of resources.


Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] Reference queue

2012-01-23 Thread Konrad M. Kruczyński

I've just noticed that runtime offers mono_gc_reference_queue_new
function, which can be used to register callback executed after
object is collected.

Is there a possibility of exporting this functionality to class library
to have it available from C# code? (Mono.Runtime or sth like that).

Btw, I would also like to bump on my thread Stopwatch's frequency at
which no one responded.

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Reference queue

2012-01-23 Thread Konrad M. Kruczyński

Thanks for the answer.

Here is the case:
Let's say I have a class which contains some data in temporary
file (for example some kind of cache which should not stay in memory).
I'd like to have this file removed when object of this class dies. I
can implement a finalizer but if I do this, object will be reclaimed
later than it should, also putting additional pressure on GC. Problems
of objects with finalizers which are not manually invoked are generally
known. And this is scenario where such object can be shared and does
not fit into any kind of using block.

I think that mentioned API can resolve that kind of problems, because
I can set up a callback which deletes temporary file *after* object's
death. Therefore it is processed like any other object, without being
in special collection for disposable objects.

I think it would bring significant performance gain, especially if
objects are created often and we expect they die soon. It should be
measured, but for that I need some kind of API.

What do you think?

 We've thought about exporting such interface, but the maintenance burden
 made us back off.
 This interface has some short-coming and exposing it to managed code
 has it's problems. For example, it doesn't support unregistering.
 But, if you make your case on why such a feature would help you, I
 can look into it.

Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] Stopwatch's frequency

2012-01-03 Thread Konrad M. Kruczyński
lastly I've explored Stopwatch class implementation in Mono. It seems
that it has hardcoded 100ns resolution. However examining
mono_100ns_ticks function reveals that is written well and uses
platform specific high resolution timer.

My question is: why the initializer of the Frequency field (as well as
the IsHighResolution) is not some internal call to check hr frequency
using something like clock_getres?

I'd like to submit pull request with patch doing just that if I find
enough time, but first I would like to ask whether it would be
accepted. Are there some reasons for the current implementation?

  Konrad Kruczynski
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] mono numerical performance

2011-11-20 Thread Konrad M.

I'd like to add that you may gain something on MS JIT compiler using 
for (int i = 0 ; i  x.Length ; i++)
instead of
for (int i = 0 ; i  len ; i++)

This may seem counter intuitive, however that's the scenario in which
JIT eliminates array bound checking for the x array (however not for the
second one) as arrays have constant length. I am not sure whether Mini
recognizes that. I'm pretty sure that Hotspot is much smarter here ;)

As Zoltan wrote in the bug comments, enabling LLVM improves the results
a lot. This is, I guess, due to much better register allocation in which
domain Mini isn't too good - and probably other optimizations like
better loop unrolling.

If I remember correctly, there once was a branch of LLVM with array
bounds check elimination, is it still developed?

I am also curious which code patterns enable ABC elimination in Mini.

On Sun, 2011-11-20 at 08:01 -0500, Jonathan Shore wrote:
 Here is a link to and entry in bugzilla with attached code.  I could
 not send to the list:


Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] mono numerical performance

2011-11-20 Thread Konrad M.
Hi again,

 It is too bad that one cannot declare a primitive expression to be
 locally const in C#.  

Maybe one could get away with something like this:

public struct FinalBoxT
public FinalBox(T value)
this.value = value;

public T Value
return value;

public static implicit operator T(ReadOnlyBoxT box)
return box.value;

private readonly T value;

Such construct may inform JIT that given value won't change (if
getter/operator is inlined which I hope happens). And with implicit
operator it's quite usable.


Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] mono numerical performance

2011-11-20 Thread Konrad M.
On Sun, 2011-11-20 at 12:33 -0500, Jonathan Shore wrote:
 Yes, I see what you are doing.  There is no way to modify the structure.  
 However doesn't it still boil down to determining whether a local variable 
 reference is changed.

Yeah, exactly, this is rather pointless construct ;) There should be no
reference here (as this is struct) and can't be modified via its
interface but the whole structure can be overwritten (which in this case
is identical to field). int is in fact exactly such struct.


Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] mono numerical performance

2011-11-20 Thread Konrad M.
On the other hand, maybe it could be possible to add the final-like
mechanism to Mono's compiler. Such mechanism would be beneficial if the
CLR had some notion of local readonly variables. F# uses non-mutable
variables a lot, so maybe CLR recognizes it. I am not sure what kind of
transparent denotation could be used - maybe some kind of comment, like
it was done in MS Java in the pre-annotations days.

Does Mono team see this as something worth considering? Probably proper
analysis of assignments is a better idea.


Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] mono numerical performance

2011-11-20 Thread Konrad M.
On Sun, 2011-11-20 at 19:39 +0100, Dawid Weiss wrote:
 As far as I know the final on local variables is only a hint for the
 java compiler (javac), not jit (hotspot) engine. Detection of loop
 invariants is done at runtime (during code jitting) so there's really
 no difference between any of the following in modern Java jits:

Maybe that's the reason there is no local readonly in the C# language -
local variables are easily trackable. As to those used in closures (as
mentioned by Jonathan) - as far as I know, they aren't local variables
actually but rather fields in compiler-generated class which represents

Btw, about the documenting intent part - some of these cases may
probably be covered by the Code Contracts.

 1) (final) int max = array.length;
 for (int i = 0; i  max; i++) {}
 2) for (int i = 0; i  array.length; i++) {}

Yes, hotspot does really good analysis these days.


Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] LLVM with current Mono

2011-10-19 Thread Konrad M.
 which branch of mono's LLVM repository should I use to compile mono
2.10.6 with --enabled-llvm? mono-2-10 one gives me:
mini-llvm-cpp.cpp: In function ‘LLVMOpaqueExecutionEngine*
mono_llvm_create_ee(LLVMOpaqueModuleProvider*, unsigned char*
(*)(LLVMOpaqueValue*, int), void (*)(LLVMOpaqueValue*, void*, void*),
void (*)(void*))’:
mini-llvm-cpp.cpp:469: error: cannot allocate an object of abstract type
mini-llvm-cpp.cpp:59: note:   because the following virtual functions
are pure within ‘MonoJITMemoryManager’:
/usr/include/llvm/ExecutionEngine/JITMemoryManager.h:115: note: virtual
void llvm::JITMemoryManager::deallocateFunctionBody(void*)
/usr/include/llvm/ExecutionEngine/JITMemoryManager.h:131: note: virtual
void llvm::JITMemoryManager::deallocateExceptionTable(void*)


Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Bug in Mono System.Net.Socket (was: Re: COM, Threads and Mono)

2011-09-15 Thread Konrad M.
On Thu, 2011-09-15 at 10:24 +0100, Andres G. Aragoneses wrote: 
 This is not related to COM or Threads. Next time try to not hijack 
 threads please :)

OK ;)

 If nobody reviews the patch in a few days I would harass Gonzalo on IRC 
 if I were you ;) (Although providing unit tests for the bug you're 
 trying to fix may work better!)

I was wondering about unit tests, but for this particular case they
would need to set up local TCP server and client. Such test could
therefore fail for many reasons, it is not as unit as the patch ;) But
if you think, it should be added, it could be done.


Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] HeapShot like GUI

2011-08-31 Thread Konrad M. Kruczyński
  is there some kind of HeapShot like GUI for Mono profiler?

  Konrad Kruczynski
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Warnings version conflict mono 2.10 xbuild

2011-08-10 Thread Konrad M. Kruczyński
It happened to me when I had references to libraries compiled against 
3.5 (which in turn referenced System etc.) in an assembly compiled 
against 4.0 (which referenced System too). In my case I could just 
recompile those libraries to 4.0.

 Hi all,

 I'm developing on windows in Visual Studio 2010. However, we made a build
 server(linux) that builds under mono (version 2.10 with xbuild). When I
 build on in VS, I don't receive any warnings. However, when building on
 linux i have 72 warnings of which the most of them are reference conflicts

 /opt/mono-2.10/lib/mono/4.0/Microsoft.Common.targets:  warning : Found a
 conflict between : 'System.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral,
 PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' and 'System.Core, Version=,
 Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'. Using 'System.Core,
 Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'

 I'm building in .Net 4.0 and, as you can see, this is not an error but a
 warning, so building the project succeeds but with a huge ammount of
 warnings. Is there a chance this might be solvable such that these warnings
 don't show up cause I do prefer no warnings at all.

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Unable to build current master on Linux

2011-05-23 Thread Konrad M . Kruczyński
Hi Leszek,

 I'm trying to build current master branch on Linux, today it keeps failing 

I can confirm that. Using git bisect I was able to find that first
time compilation has been broken after 5c82e32b676 commit, i.e. using
new versions of functions to moving and zeroing memory. Apparently
author knew that, because few commits later one can found a commit to
fix broken build - new functions are using old one there. There is one
more commit dealing with this which probably should fix those new
functions and therefore again setting project to use them. However it
does not work for me and Leszek.

Build is broken while one of the first uses of freshly built MCS,
because it is the first attempt to run managed code and, therefore,
modified garbage collector.

What is more interesting, I wasn't able to fix the build by reverting
last commit made to gc.c. This is strange, because effectively it
should tell new functions just to use the old one. Maybe not
everywhere. Probably Rodrigo Kumpera should check this out.

Are there other able to reproduce this?


Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Unable to build current master on Linux

2011-05-23 Thread Konrad M . Kruczyński
Hello again,

 I'm trying to build current master branch on Linux, today it keeps failing 

I just pulled from origin and discovered that it is fixed now by
revert by grendello. And that's the reason, reverting gc.c did not
fix build - it was just a coincidence.

Sorry to bother you, it's building fine now.


Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] JIT register binding

2011-05-21 Thread Konrad M . Kruczyński
Hi Miguel,

 Could you try the same code, but using LLVM as the code generation

As expected, llvm generation is as optimal, as can be seen:
 movsd  0x8(%ebx),%xmm4
 movsd  0x8(%edi),%xmm1
 subsd  %xmm1,%xmm4
 movaps %xmm4,%xmm1
 mulsd  %xmm1,%xmm1
 movsd  0x10(%ebx),%xmm2
 movsd  0x10(%edi),%xmm3
 subsd  %xmm3,%xmm2
 movaps %xmm2,%xmm3
 mulsd  %xmm3,%xmm3
 addsd  %xmm1,%xmm3
 movsd  0x18(%ebx),%xmm1
 movsd  0x18(%edi),%xmm5
 subsd  %xmm5,%xmm1
 movaps %xmm1,%xmm5
 mulsd  %xmm5,%xmm5
 addsd  %xmm3,%xmm5
No store operations and pointless data moves between register. I am
not sure what technique is used by llvm, but probably some kind of
graph coloring with foregoing register coalescing.

 But I do agree that it would be nice to fix it in the regular case.

I think there are two problems here. One is that using llvm causes
some cpu and memory overhead during compilation, so overall
application performance can be lower. The other one is that using llvm
is nonstandard: some people know that it can be used, however it is
not as easy, because it does not come in package (maybe some USE flags
can be used at gentoo). For instance, folks at alioth debian shootout
aren't using llvm with mono; these tests are mainly computational and
mono results are suboptimal. If somebody just glances at the result,
he won't probably wonder whether there are some options to improve
performance, such as llvm, or not.

Some time ago I came across an article about generation time optimized
version of graph coloring algorithm, used by llvm in their jit mode.
Maybe some kind of that should be implemented. What algorithm is used
currently? As I can tell by file name, it is probably linear scan, but
there are couple versions of linear scan and one can find a couple of
FIXMEs in the implementation so I don't know how complete is it.

Btw, as I understood from the article, llvm has a special jit mode,
where only low cost optimizations are used. Is that what mono is


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[Mono-dev] JIT register binding

2011-05-17 Thread Konrad M. Kruczyński
Hello all,
  lastly I was looking at n-body test on shootout 
  in the context of Mono. Program is very simple so it is a nice piece 
to analyze
  sources of performance problems. I've also contributed SIMD version, 
but it has
  minor meaning as it wasn't significantly faster than the usual one.

  I also made a comparison of performance of this test on Windows, using 
  It took about 70% of time that Mono needed, that is little interesting as
  well. However reasons behind that can be interesting. I made small 
analysis of
  code emitted by JIT in both cases. Let's analyze a part of code, 
  instruction, which computes square of length of vector which is 
difference between
  positions of two bodies:
  double dx = bi.x - bj.x, dy = bi.y - bj.y, dz = bi.z - bj.z;
  double d2 = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
  On .NET emitted jit code is:
   fld qword ptr [edx+4]
   fsubqword ptr [eax+4]
   fld qword ptr [edx+0Ch]
   fsubqword ptr [eax+0Ch]
   fld qword ptr [edx+14h]
   fsubqword ptr [eax+14h]
// here we have differences in st - st(2)
   fld st(2)
   fld st(2)
   faddp   st(1),st
   fld st(1)
   faddp   st(1),st
  Here one can see code generated by Mono's jit engine (here is used ATT
  notation, but it shouldn't be a problem while reading):
   fldl   0x8(%ebx)
   fldl   0x8(%edi)
   fsubrp %st,%st(1)
   fstpl  -0x18(%ebp)
   fldl   0x10(%ebx)
   fldl   0x10(%edi)
   fsubrp %st,%st(1)
   fstpl  -0x20(%ebp)
   fldl   0x18(%ebx)
   fldl   0x18(%edi)
   fsubrp %st,%st(1)
   fstpl  -0x28(%ebp)
   // we have differences in three offsets from ebp (local variables)
   fldl   -0x18(%ebp)
   fldl   -0x18(%ebp)
   fmulp  %st,%st(1)
   fldl   -0x20(%ebp)
   fldl   -0x20(%ebp)
   fmulp  %st,%st(1)
   faddp  %st,%st(1)
   fldl   -0x28(%ebp)
   fldl   -0x28(%ebp)
   fmulp  %st,%st(1)
   faddp  %st,%st(1)
   fstpl  -0x30(%ebp)

  Similarly to .NET, Mono is holding pointers to objects bi and bj in 
registers (in Mono's case edi
  and ebx as one can see). There is however a important difference in 
fact that .NET treats registers
  (floating point stack positions) as local variables while Mono always 
stores result from registers
   to stack allocated memory. In fact, in these case, stack variables 
for dx etc can be fully eliminated
   and this is what .NET jit does. Optimization which should be adopted 
here is to bound local variables
   to registers if possible. On the amd64 architecture problem is very 
similar but with respect to xmm

  Problem is very common for all programs that do a lot of computations. 
Agree, this may be minority
  of software runned on Mono, but still.

  Was anyone investigating such kind of optimization? Is it too hard to 
achieve due to nature of Mini or
  any other problems? If I was interested in providing such optimization 
what should be my
  introduction to Mini's code?

  Thanks in advance for answers,
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] [MonoTouch] what happens with MonoTouch and Mono for Android now

2011-05-16 Thread Konrad M. Kruczyński

On 2011-05-16 22:13, Mauricio Henriquez wrote:
...and that on Miguel blog was the suspected good news??mmm, very 
uncertain the mono future is...
I really sad for the mono team situation and the decision of 
Attachamate, specially after such a great last couple of years of mono 
related products...just hope that at least the mono core survive and 
not be forced to re-write all my code in mmm java?...what else do we have?

Good luck with the new endeavour guys


As can be read:
Continue to contribute, maintain and develop the open source Mono and 
Moonlight components. As I understood, mono remains to be supported and 
will still be GPL.

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] FULL-AOT problem in SUSE 11.2

2011-05-07 Thread Konrad M. Kruczyński

On 2011-05-07 20:18, Zoltan Varga wrote:

   You don't need full-aot, it is full platforms where no JITting is 
 possible, on normal platforms, it won't lead to much perf increase. 
 Also, AOT does not increase performance, it only decreases startup 
 speed, since it avoids JITting during application startup.


Minor annotation: can AOT be used with LLVM? If it can, it could improve
performance quite considerably, if used with computation intensive
code. On the other hand compilation being done by LLVM is pretty slow,
therefore making it an ideal goal for AOT.

Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] Pull requests on bug fixes

2011-05-05 Thread Konrad M. Kruczyński
   lastly I posted two pull requests corresponding to bugs founded in 
   One of these has even already be closed, however nobody showed 
   in pulling my changes or rejecting them. Could anyone with privileges 
   it out?

   One can find requests here:

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