Re: [Mono-dev] TimeZone/RegionInfo patches

2005-09-21 Thread Kornél Pál


2) TZ environment variable support on Win32. If TZ environment
variable is set, then it uses posix-compat timezone names
(its behavior depends on mingw though).


However, if people can still debug TimeZone related things easily
without this mode, then it is OK for me.

Time zone can easly be changed in Control Panel without restart on all
versions of Windows.

Example screen shot:

Well, then now I don't think we don't need any changes from the
existing RegioinInfo code at all. Current code uses static field to
store CurrentRegion, using the initial culture LCID which is
retrieved via Windows API (and nothing to do with *Current*Culture) .

If there is a proof of code that existing one is incorrect, then
I'd fix it.

The current code may be good, but at least has no basic problems. You posted
a patch to the list in the recent past that mixed CurrentRegion with Thread
the same thing you were talking about in this thread. That's why I tried to
explain the expected behaviour of CurrentRegion.

4) And I think parsing locale name in get_current_locale_id is not
at least on Windows as it returns current locale as an LCID that
is converted to a name then it is coverted back to and LCID.

Agreed. I added a tiny switch for PLATFORM_WIN32 in that function.

That's good.:)


Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] TimeZone/RegionInfo patches

2005-09-20 Thread Kornél Pál


2) TZ environment variable support on Win32. If TZ environment
variable is set, then it uses posix-compat timezone names
(its behavior depends on mingw though).

I don't think that this is a good idea. Time zone is used to convert local
time to UTC so if TZ contains a time zone other than that Windows uses you
will assume wrong offset of local time and will get a wrong UTC value.

I have never used mingw but using TZ environment variable should be done
only if mingw provides local time converted to TZ offset using it's own
runtime functions instead of a local time based on the Windows time zone

3) tiny change on RegionInfo.CurrentRegion to construct
apart from CultureInfo. In fact I have further patch to store
it inside Thread (as once Kornel suggested) but it is not
working perfectly now, so I just extracted minimal working part.
(This looks like independent but it shares a function with 1).

I never suggested to store current region inside Thread.:) Current region
should be stored in a static field of RegionInfo and should be initialized
when CurrentRegion is called for the first time and it should be the same
inside the entire AppDomain until CultureInfo.ClearCachedData() is called
that clear cached data that will be reinitialized when next time
CurrentRegion is called.

On Windows CurrentRegion and CurrentCulture sould be initialized based on
the value of GetUserDefaultLCID as it may change without restart.
CurrentUICulture should be initialized based on GetUserDefaultUILanguage.
But after their singleton instance was created on the first query they
should not be modified. On Posix some functionally equivalent value should
be used.

For more information:

4) And I think parsing locale name in get_current_locale_id is not required
at least on Windows as it returns current locale as an LCID that currently
is converted to a name then it is coverted back to and LCID.

The functionality of the other parts looks OK to me.


- Original Message -
From: Atsushi Eno [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 16, 2005 7:30 AM
Subject: [Mono-dev] TimeZone/RegionInfo patches


I made a set of patches for a few globalization related stuff.

1) native TimeZone name support. Now it returns native names
as long as they are provided by the locale-builder.

Am also planning to update locale data to the latest version
of CLDR (it has much more timezone names than existing one).

2) TZ environment variable support on Win32. If TZ environment
variable is set, then it uses posix-compat timezone names
(its behavior depends on mingw though).

3) tiny change on RegionInfo.CurrentRegion to construct
apart from CultureInfo. In fact I have further patch to store
it inside Thread (as once Kornel suggested) but it is not
working perfectly now, so I just extracted minimal working part.
(This looks like independent but it shares a function with 1).

Comments are welcome :-)

Atsushi Eno

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] TimeZone/RegionInfo patches

2005-09-20 Thread Atsushi Eno


2) TZ environment variable support on Win32. If TZ environment
variable is set, then it uses posix-compat timezone names
(its behavior depends on mingw though).

I don't think that this is a good idea. Time zone is used to convert local
time to UTC so if TZ contains a time zone other than that Windows uses you
will assume wrong offset of local time and will get a wrong UTC value.

I have never used mingw but using TZ environment variable should be done
only if mingw provides local time converted to TZ offset using it's own
runtime functions instead of a local time based on the Windows time zone

Mingw does provide TZ environment based timezone support, though
it is not good as we see today's Linux boxes (it does not support
e.g. Asia/Tokyo, only JST). Mingw also seems using Windows
API if TZ settings are not avaiable, but it is precise POSIX
behavior (in such case default timezone is dependent on the system).

As I said, it is done if TZ environment variable is set and
otherwise it keeps using Windows API. TZ is not used by Windows.

However, if people can still debug TimeZone related things easily
without this mode, then it is OK for me.

3) tiny change on RegionInfo.CurrentRegion to construct
apart from CultureInfo. In fact I have further patch to store
it inside Thread (as once Kornel suggested) but it is not
working perfectly now, so I just extracted minimal working part.
(This looks like independent but it shares a function with 1).

I never suggested to store current region inside Thread.:) Current region
should be stored in a static field of RegionInfo and should be initialized
when CurrentRegion is called for the first time and it should be the same
inside the entire AppDomain until CultureInfo.ClearCachedData() is called
that clear cached data that will be reinitialized when next time
CurrentRegion is called.

Oh X-)

Well, then now I don't think we don't need any changes from the
existing RegioinInfo code at all. Current code uses static field to
store CurrentRegion, using the initial culture LCID which is
retrieved via Windows API (and nothing to do with *Current*Culture) .

If there is a proof of code that existing one is incorrect, then
I'd fix it.

4) And I think parsing locale name in get_current_locale_id is not required
at least on Windows as it returns current locale as an LCID that currently
is converted to a name then it is coverted back to and LCID.

Agreed. I added a tiny switch for PLATFORM_WIN32 in that function.

Atsushi Eno

Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] TimeZone/RegionInfo patches

2005-09-16 Thread Atsushi Eno

I made a set of patches for a few globalization related stuff.

1) native TimeZone name support. Now it returns native names
as long as they are provided by the locale-builder.

Am also planning to update locale data to the latest version
of CLDR (it has much more timezone names than existing one).

2) TZ environment variable support on Win32. If TZ environment
variable is set, then it uses posix-compat timezone names
(its behavior depends on mingw though).

3) tiny change on RegionInfo.CurrentRegion to construct
apart from CultureInfo. In fact I have further patch to store
it inside Thread (as once Kornel suggested) but it is not
working perfectly now, so I just extracted minimal working part.
(This looks like independent but it shares a function with 1).

Comments are welcome :-)

Atsushi Eno

Index: tools/locale-builder/Driver.cs
--- tools/locale-builder/Driver.cs	(revision 50129)
+++ tools/locale-builder/Driver.cs	(working copy)
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
 private Hashtable langs;
 private Hashtable currency_types;
 private Hashtable regions;
+private ArrayList timezones;
 		// The lang is the language that display names will be displayed in
 		public string Lang {
@@ -82,6 +83,7 @@
 langs = new Hashtable ();
 cultures = new ArrayList ();
 regions = new Hashtable ();
+timezones = new ArrayList ();
 			LookupRegions ();
@@ -116,6 +118,9 @@
 			ArrayList regionList = new ArrayList (regions.Values);
 			regionList.Sort (RegionComparer.Instance);
+			timezones.Sort (TimeZoneEntryComparer.Instance);
 			int number = 0;
 			foreach (RegionInfoEntry r in regionList)
 r.RegionId = number++;
@@ -163,6 +168,7 @@
 writer.WriteLine (#define NUM_CULTURE_ENTRIES  + cultures.Count);
 writer.WriteLine (#define NUM_REGION_ENTRIES  + regionList.Count);
+writer.WriteLine (#define NUM_TIMEZONE_ENTRIES  + timezones.Count);
 writer.WriteLine (\n);
 // Sort the cultures by lcid
@@ -245,6 +251,15 @@
 writer.Write (builder);
 writer.WriteLine (};\n\n);
+builder = new StringBuilder ();
+foreach (TimeZoneEntry ti in timezones) {
+	ti.AppendTableRow (builder);
+	builder.Append (,\n);
+writer.WriteLine (static const TimeZoneEntry timezone_entries [] = {);
+writer.Write (builder);
+writer.WriteLine (NULL};\n\n);
 builder = new StringBuilder ();
 rcount = 0;
 foreach (RegionInfoEntry ri in regionList) {
@@ -321,12 +336,44 @@
 ci.DateTimeFormatEntry = null;
 ci.NumberFormatEntry = null;
+			// TimeZones
+			XPathNodeIterator iter = doc.CreateNavigator ()
+.Select (/ldml/dates/timeZoneNames/zone);
+			while (iter.MoveNext ()) {
+nav = iter.Current;
+int lcid;
+try {
+	if (ci.SpecificLcid.StartsWith (0x))
+		lcid = int.Parse (ci.SpecificLcid.Substring (2), NumberStyles.HexNumber);
+	else
+		lcid = int.Parse (ci.SpecificLcid);
+} catch {
+	Console.WriteLine (Invalid LCID: '{0}', ci.SpecificLcid);
+	throw;
+timezones.Add (new TimeZoneEntry (
+	lcid,
+	nav.GetAttribute (type, String.Empty),
+	EvaluateAsString (nav, long/standard/text()),
+	EvaluateAsString (nav, long/daylight/text()),
+	EvaluateAsString (nav, short/standard/text()),
+	EvaluateAsString (nav, short/daylight/text(;
+			}
 langs [lang] = ci;
 cultures.Add (ci);
 return true;
+		private string EvaluateAsString (XPathNavigator nav, string xpath)
+		{
+			XPathNodeIterator i = nav.Select (xpath);
+			if (i.MoveNext ())
+return i.Current.Value;
+			return String.Empty;
+		}
 private void ParseLocale (string locale)
 CultureInfoEntry ci;
Index: tools/locale-builder/
--- tools/locale-builder/	(revision 50129)
+++ tools/locale-builder/	(working copy)
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
 			 NumberFormatEntry.cs	\
 			 RegionInfoEntry.cs \
 			 TextInfoEntry.cs	\
+			 TimeZoneEntry.cs	\
 supp_data_files = supp/ar_AE.xml supp/ar_EG.xml supp/ar_KW.xml supp/ar_MA.xml	\
Index: mono/metadata/culture-info-tables.h
--- mono/metadata/culture-info-tables.h	(revision 50129)
+++ mono/metadata/culture-info-tables.h	(working copy)
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@