Re: [Mono-dev] [PATCH] System.Data API signature fixes

2006-05-31 Thread T Senganal

I am currently implementing 2.0 api in System.Data namespace and am
fixing any api
mismatches along the way.. 

 There are quite some API signature mismatches because Mono classes
 derive from base classes in that namespace. Do you want me to post a
 patch for this too 

If u havent already started fixing these, please ignore it.. I have
already made some changes and
will be comitting them soon with other related changes..

 Is it ok to commit the attached patch as is ?
seems fine to me..


Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] [patch] System.Web.HttpApplication.InitOnce

2006-05-31 Thread Andrew Skiba

While running in custom web hosting of NunitWeb I got a
NullReferenceException from TemplateParser.cs:118. The problem is that
HttpContext.Current is null. It's hard to reproduce in a small
standalone test, though. So I attach the stacktrace of my exception
together with the patch that fixes it. The fix changes the flow only
when HttpContext.Current is null, but probably it should set it always,
what do you guys think?

Also I found an interesting blog entry on the of HttpContext.Current
handling on dotnet:

Any idea about how to create a testcase for the flow like in my
stacktrace will be appretiated.

If no one objects, I will commit.

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an 
in [0x1] (at 
 System.Web.UI.TemplateParser:AddApplicationAssembly ()
in [0x0003d] (at 
 System.Web.UI.UserControlParser:.ctor (System.String virtualPath, 
System.String inputFile, System.Web.HttpContext context, System.String type)
in [0x9] (at 
 System.Web.UI.MasterPageParser:.ctor (System.String virtualPath, System.String 
inputFile, System.Web.HttpContext context)
in [0x3] (at 
 System.Web.UI.MasterPageParser:GetCompiledMasterType (System.String 
virtualPath, System.String inputFile, System.Web.HttpContext context)
in [0x00507] (at 
System.Web.UI.PageParser:ProcessMainAttributes (System.Collections.Hashtable 
in [0x00047] (at 
 System.Web.UI.TemplateParser:AddDirective (System.String directive, 
System.Collections.Hashtable atts)
in [0x002fe] (at 
 System.Web.UI.TemplateControlParser:AddDirective (System.String directive, 
System.Collections.Hashtable atts)
in [0x000ad] (at 
System.Web.UI.PageParser:AddDirective (System.String directive, 
System.Collections.Hashtable atts)
in [0x00131] (at 
 System.Web.Compilation.AspGenerator:TagParsed (ILocation location, TagType 
tagtype, System.String tagid, System.Web.Compilation.TagAttributes attributes)
in (wrapper delegate-invoke) 
in [0x00015] (at 
 System.Web.Compilation.AspParser:OnTagParsed (TagType tagtype, System.String 
id, System.Web.Compilation.TagAttributes attributes)
in [0x00100] (at 
 System.Web.Compilation.AspParser:Parse ()
in [0x00012] (at 
 System.Web.Compilation.AspGenerator:Parse (System.String file)
in [0x00011] (at 
 System.Web.Compilation.AspGenerator:Parse ()
in [0x0004a] (at 
 System.Web.Compilation.AspGenerator:GetCompiledType ()
in [0x8] (at 
System.Web.UI.PageParser:CompileIntoType ()
in [0x1] (at 
 System.Web.UI.TemplateControlParser:GetCompiledInstance ()
in [0xa] (at 
System.Web.UI.PageParser:GetCompiledPageInstance (System.String virtualPath, 
System.String inputFile, System.Web.HttpContext context)
in [0x4] (at 
 System.Web.UI.PageHandlerFactory:GetHandler (System.Web.HttpContext context, 
System.String requestType, System.String url, System.String path)
in [0x00068] (at 
 System.Web.HttpApplication:GetHandler (System.Web.HttpContext context)
in lt;0x00b3bgt; System.Web.HttpApplication+lt;Pipelinegt;__2:MoveNext ()

Description: HttpApplication.patch

[Mono-dev] Newlines and startup scripts

2006-05-31 Thread Brian Crowell

All right, so I'm a Linux n00b. So I don't have any clue whether what I'm about 
to describe is purely a Linux issue or a Mono issue. Here's what I've got.

I'm running Mono from a startup script as a background task, something like:



   echo Starting background process...
   /opt/mono- /opt/my-program/program.exe 

This program outputs diagnostic text every few minutes, but it looks like this:

  Whenever there is a line break,
 the text continues without resetting to th
  e first column. This makes any diagnostic
   output very difficult to read, a
  nd nearly impossible to read a long stack trace because it
takes up too ma
  ny lines.

The text is output using Console.WriteLine. I discovered recently-- and this is 
why I think it may purely be a Linux issue-- that the text appears correctly 
after I enter a username at the prompt. This may have something to do with the 
fact that my program's first lines of text always appear after the prompt.

Any clues? Suggestions?


Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Newlines and startup scripts

2006-05-31 Thread Brian Crowell

Brian Crowell wrote:
All right, so I'm a Linux n00b. So I don't have any clue whether what 
I'm about to describe is purely a Linux issue or a Mono issue. Here's 
what I've got.

Update: Definitely a Linux issue. This goes back to fun times with serial 

For anyone interested (and who didn't already know), the TTY devices in Linux 
still emulate serial devices, complete with stop bits, parities, baud rates, 
line-ending-translation, etc. Some getty programs, such as agetty, reset the 
terminal settings upon startup and then attempt to guess those settings after 
you've typed your login name and hit enter.

So my solution is just to disable agetty on the main terminal, and require 
anyone who wants to log in to switch to another terminal. That works for my 
solution. I'm sure there are other ways.


Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-list] error cs1508 - .resx

2006-05-31 Thread taiky taiky
hi everybody,i have a problem with .resx file ressource.i try to compile with monodevelop a program develop from Visual Studio .net but i can't doi have the messages : error CS1508 : the ressource identifier '
default.aspx.resx' has already been used in this assembly.I know i have several 'default.aspx.resx' but in several directoriesMonodevelop can't distinguishe the different file...? why..? these have not the same relative name!!!

Mono-list maillist  -

[Mono-list] Re: Another crash, this time more informative

2006-05-31 Thread Nikki Locke
Nikki Locke wrote:
 I just got another native code crash in my application. 
 Any ideas what to do now? 
 It said... 
 Got a SIGSEGV while executing native code. This usually indicates 
 a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries 
 used by your application. 

I suspect this was caused by calling Invalidate on a Windows.Form from the 
wrong thread. I am aware that you should not do this, but I suspect the error 
should have been trapped before it caused a SIGSEV.

I have reported it as a bug at

If more information is needed, I will try to create a simple test application 
which reproduces the problem.

Nikki Locke, Trumphurst Ltd.  PC  Unix consultancy  programming

Mono-list maillist  -

AW: [Mono-list] Mkbundle - Mono direct

2006-05-31 Thread Schmuck
Oops, running the app direct with mono-1.1.15 results in this message

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ mono-1.1.15/bin/mono gecoconfig.exe
Mono System.Windows.Forms Assembly [$auto_build_revision$]
Keyboard: German keyboard layout
KDE colorscheme read

Unhandled Exception: System.EntryPointNotFoundException: 
in (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Drawing.GDIPlus:GdipGetFontHeightGivenDPI 
in 0x00022 System.Drawing.Font:GetHeight (Single dpi)
in 0x00020 System.Drawing.Font:GetHeight ()
in 0xd System.Drawing.Font:get_Height ()
in (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.Drawing.Font:get_Height ()
in 0x0007e System.Windows.Forms.Form:GetAutoScaleSize 
(System.Drawing.Graphics g, System.Drawing.Font font)
in 0x0003e System.Windows.Forms.Form:.ctor ()
in 0x00011 GecoConfig.GecoConfig:.ctor ()
in (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) GecoConfig.GecoConfig:.ctor ()
in 0x00018 GecoConfig.GecoConfig:Main ()


Only tried it running in mono- direct, there it works??!!

- Installed Mono both using the given installer.



-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Schmuck 
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 31. Mai 2006 15:02
Betreff: [Mono-list] Mkbundle - Mono direct

Hello again,

got another Issue now.

We've managed to compile a windows .net-executable with mkbundle on Suse Linux 
10.0 (Using Mono / 1.1.15).
But running the resulting Linux-executable results in the error message shown 
What is confusing, because running the windows-executabel by ../bin/mono 
executable.exe gives not the error message.

Is this eventually a bug in mkbundle?


Unhandled Exception: System.DllNotFoundException: libc
in (wrapper managed-to-native) Mono.Unix.Native.Syscall:sys_poll 
in 0x000de Mono.Unix.Native.Syscall:poll (Mono.Unix.Native.Pollfd[] fds, 
UInt32 nfds, Int32 timeout)
in 0x00225 System.Windows.Forms.XplatUIX11:UpdateMessageQueue ()
in 0x0019a System.Windows.Forms.XplatUIX11:GetMessage 
(System.Windows.Forms.MSG msg, IntPtr handle, Int32 wFilterMin, Int32 
in 0x0001e System.Windows.Forms.XplatUI:GetMessage (System.Windows.Forms.MSG 
msg, IntPtr hWnd, Int32 wFilterMin, Int32 wFilterMax)
in 0x00686 System.Windows.Forms.Application:RunLoop (Boolean Modal, 
System.Windows.Forms.ApplicationContext context)
in 0x00024 System.Windows.Forms.Application:Run (System.Windows.Forms.Form 
in 0x0001f GecoConfig.GecoConfig:Main ()


Stephan Schmuck

GeCOSoft mbH
Tel: +49 (7 31) 9 62 24 - 22

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Mono-list maillist  -

[Mono-list] Re: AW: Mkbundle - Mono direct

2006-05-31 Thread Robert Jordan

Schmuck wrote:

Oops, running the app direct with mono-1.1.15 results in this message

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ mono-1.1.15/bin/mono gecoconfig.exe
Mono System.Windows.Forms Assembly [$auto_build_revision$]
Keyboard: German keyboard layout
KDE colorscheme read

Unhandled Exception: System.EntryPointNotFoundException: 
in (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Drawing.GDIPlus:GdipGetFontHeightGivenDPI 
in 0x00022 System.Drawing.Font:GetHeight (Single dpi)
in 0x00020 System.Drawing.Font:GetHeight ()
in 0xd System.Drawing.Font:get_Height ()
in (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.Drawing.Font:get_Height ()
in 0x0007e System.Windows.Forms.Form:GetAutoScaleSize 
(System.Drawing.Graphics g, System.Drawing.Font font)
in 0x0003e System.Windows.Forms.Form:.ctor ()
in 0x00011 GecoConfig.GecoConfig:.ctor ()
in (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) GecoConfig.GecoConfig:.ctor ()
in 0x00018 GecoConfig.GecoConfig:Main ()


Only tried it running in mono- direct, there it works??!!

- Installed Mono both using the given installer.

Mono is probably picking the wrong
Assure that it finds the right one (it's $monoprefix/lib/


Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-list] Re: AW: Mkbundle - Mono direct

2006-05-31 Thread Wade Berrier
On Wed, 2006-05-31 at 16:25 +0200, Robert Jordan wrote:
 Schmuck wrote:
  Oops, running the app direct with mono-1.1.15 results in this message
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ mono-1.1.15/bin/mono gecoconfig.exe
  Mono System.Windows.Forms Assembly [$auto_build_revision$]
  Keyboard: German keyboard layout
  KDE colorscheme read
  Unhandled Exception: System.EntryPointNotFoundException: 
  in (wrapper managed-to-native) 
  System.Drawing.GDIPlus:GdipGetFontHeightGivenDPI (intptr,single,single)
  in 0x00022 System.Drawing.Font:GetHeight (Single dpi)
  in 0x00020 System.Drawing.Font:GetHeight ()
  in 0xd System.Drawing.Font:get_Height ()
  in (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.Drawing.Font:get_Height ()
  in 0x0007e System.Windows.Forms.Form:GetAutoScaleSize 
  (System.DrawingGraphics g, System.Drawing.Font font)
  in 0x0003e System.Windows.Forms.Form:.ctor ()
  in 0x00011 GecoConfig.GecoConfig:.ctor ()
  in (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) GecoConfig.GecoConfig:.ctor ()
  in 0x00018 GecoConfig.GecoConfig:Main ()
  Only tried it running in mono- direct, there it works??!!
  - Installed Mono both using the given installer.
 Mono is probably picking the wrong
 Assure that it finds the right one (it's $monoprefix/lib/

I think you're right.  10.0 ships with libgdiplus 1.1.8.  The Linux
installer adds env variables to $HOME/.bashrc.  Make sure those settings
are loaded before trying.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part
Mono-list maillist  -

[Mono-list] .NET Hosting Suggestions?

2006-05-31 Thread David P. Donahue
Not sure how off-topic this is for this group, but I'll ask anyway just 

Can anyone recommend a good (and low-priced, if possible) web host for 
hosting .NET web applications?

I ask because my friend and I have been working on and testing a site as 
part of a small business endeavor.  We're going to host it 100% 
ourselves eventually, but need to kick-start the income a bit in order 
to budget a production-class web server and commercial internet 
connection.  So what we need is a host where we can run our .NET website 
(which, in and of itself, is pretty simple), a database for it to 
reference where we can, of course, have control over our tables (MySQL 
would be preferred, but not entirely necessary), and be able to use an 
outbound SMTP service to go along with .NET's Mail object in the code (a 
minor concern, but necessary for the site to do its stuff).

Ideally, we'd want something more geared towards geeks, where we can 
keep the whole thing simple and avoid all the marketing speak.

I've never actually used 3rd party hosting before, so I honestly don't 
even know where to look.  Of course, Google searches for things like 
.NET web hosting return about half the internet.  And I'd much rather 
have a first-hand account of someone who's been happy with a particular 
one, for whatever reasons.

Any advice would be much appreciated.  Thank you.

-David P. Donahue
Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-list] .NET Hosting Suggestions?

2006-05-31 Thread Joe Audette
I recommend


joe_audette [at] yahoo dotcom

- Original Message 
From: David P. Donahue [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: mono-list
Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2006 12:07:45 PM
Subject: [Mono-list] .NET Hosting Suggestions?

Not sure how off-topic this is for this group, but I'll ask anyway just 

Can anyone recommend a good (and low-priced, if possible) web host for 
hosting .NET web applications?

I ask because my friend and I have been working on and testing a site as 
part of a small business endeavor.  We're going to host it 100% 
ourselves eventually, but need to kick-start the income a bit in order 
to budget a production-class web server and commercial internet 
connection.  So what we need is a host where we can run our .NET website 
(which, in and of itself, is pretty simple), a database for it to 
reference where we can, of course, have control over our tables (MySQL 
would be preferred, but not entirely necessary), and be able to use an 
outbound SMTP service to go along with .NET's Mail object in the code (a 
minor concern, but necessary for the site to do its stuff).

Ideally, we'd want something more geared towards geeks, where we can 
keep the whole thing simple and avoid all the marketing speak.

I've never actually used 3rd party hosting before, so I honestly don't 
even know where to look.  Of course, Google searches for things like 
.NET web hosting return about half the internet.  And I'd much rather 
have a first-hand account of someone who's been happy with a particular 
one, for whatever reasons.

Any advice would be much appreciated.  Thank you.

-David P. Donahue
Mono-list maillist  -

Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-list] .NET Hosting Suggestions?

2006-05-31 Thread Matt Raffel
I like DailyRazor.  Plesk is the admin tool 
I use to configure my sites.  Their service is responsive and usually 
gets it right the first time.  I had just one problem with changing my 
billing from qtrly to annual. 

I tried using Click on Hosting.  Their service was the worst I have ever 
experienced.  I paid for a full yr with them and left after 2 months.  I 
didnt even bother trying to get a refund.  


David P. Donahue wrote:
Not sure how off-topic this is for this group, but I'll ask anyway 
just incase...

Can anyone recommend a good (and low-priced, if possible) web host for 
hosting .NET web applications?

I ask because my friend and I have been working on and testing a site 
as part of a small business endeavor.  We're going to host it 100% 
ourselves eventually, but need to kick-start the income a bit in order 
to budget a production-class web server and commercial internet 
connection.  So what we need is a host where we can run our .NET 
website (which, in and of itself, is pretty simple), a database for it 
to reference where we can, of course, have control over our tables 
(MySQL would be preferred, but not entirely necessary), and be able to 
use an outbound SMTP service to go along with .NET's Mail object in 
the code (a minor concern, but necessary for the site to do its stuff).

Ideally, we'd want something more geared towards geeks, where we can 
keep the whole thing simple and avoid all the marketing speak.

I've never actually used 3rd party hosting before, so I honestly don't 
even know where to look.  Of course, Google searches for things like 
.NET web hosting return about half the internet.  And I'd much 
rather have a first-hand account of someone who's been happy with a 
particular one, for whatever reasons.

Any advice would be much appreciated.  Thank you.

-David P. Donahue
Mono-list maillist  -

Mono-list maillist  -

[Mono-list] Running EXE's without Mono preamble

2006-05-31 Thread Lee


I am starting to write some apps with C# on mono and I need to be able to
call the executeable directly instead of as mono myapp.exe.

I have tried running the example commands on:
(Running your first mono application)

But when running 

Modprobe binfmt

I get FATAL Module binfmt not found and I cannot go further. 

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Warm Regards,


Mono-list maillist  -

[Mono-list] Apache Conf API

2006-05-31 Thread Corbin Hoenes
I am not sure this is exactly the best place to ask this but ultimately I'd like to find a C# Apache configuration API suitable for programatically creating a website and configuring that website.Is there such an API out there for C# or for some other language (Java/C)?

Mono-list maillist  -