[Mono-dev] Invitation to Unite11

2011-07-22 Thread Lucas Meijer

Every year Unity has a conference where we bring together employees, 
customers and friends, for a multiday learning, laughing and dancing event.

This year it is held in San Francisco, September 28-29-30.

This is an invitation for every contributor to the mono project to 
attend the conference. I hope some of you will be able to make it.

If you want to come, please let me know beforehand, so I can put you on 
the guestlist.

for more info: http://www.unity3d.com/unite

Hope to see you there,

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] debug embedded mono

2010-08-25 Thread Lucas Meijer
  On 8/25/10 10:59 PM, Michael Hutchinson wrote:
   I tried to create a dummy start up C sharp project and call my C sharp 
  code from there. The mono debugger works for the C sharp code, but it does 
  not find the C++ functions that are called from within C sharp. 
  MethodNotImplemented exception is thrown.
   The mono debugger does not work on C++ and regular debugger cannot access 
  to the Mono code in C sharp.
   So, any information on how to do it?
I often just use MonoDevelop to debug the c# parts, and simultanously 
attach xcode/visualstudio/gdb to the process to debug the c++ part.

You can also use XDebug ( http://www.mono-project.com/Debugging ), if 
you use gdb on linux, to make gdb smarter about the c# parts. it won't be
as good as the monodevelop softdebugger, but at least you get to see the 
names of the managed methods on the stack.

Bye, Lucas

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] reloading mono domain or assemblies

2010-08-13 Thread Lucas Meijer
  On 8/13/10 4:04 PM, Robert Jordan wrote:
 Well, it doesn't really matter who's creating the domains
 and loading the assemblies. It's by far easier to implement
 this in C# and then mono_runtime_invoke it from C++.

 Of course, you can invoke everything from C++ but this will
 likely triplicate the amount of code to be written.

 Furthermore, the only safe way to create a domain in C++ is
 mono_runtime_invoke-ing System.AppDomain.CreateDomain(), IIRC.
you can use mono_domain_create() and mono_domain_unload() just fine from 
c.  In fact, I suspect it's actually
easier to do from native code these days.  basically what you should do is:

create domain
set it active
load your assemblies
run your code

when you want to reload code,

unload the domain
load your assemblies again
run your code.

It gets tricky though, as you need to somehow maintain the state of 
your program. We use custom serialization
to remember the state of all objects,   tear down everything,  load new 
assemblies,  recreate all objects, and reconfigure them the way they were.
not an easy task by any means.

also make sure you load your assemblies from memory instead of from 
disk.  at least on windows, if you read them from disk, you will not be 
allowed to
overwrite your assemblies with new ones.

domain unloading/reloading is a bit of a notorious area, with plenty of 
memory leaks and bugs.  mostly because it is a way to use mono that not that
many people seem to be doing.  I would say from all the mono related 
work I do at Unity, about 80% is related to problems relating to domain 

Bye, Lucas
Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] Unite 2010 Invitation

2010-07-21 Thread Lucas Meijer
  Lovely mono people,

Unity will soonish(tm) be launching Unity3, which contains a lot of your 

We're upgrading to Mono2.6 (from mono 1.1.14 no less!), bundling a 
version of MonoDevelop, as well as supporting the wonderful new soft 

This November 10-12 we are organizing another Unite conference in 
Montreal. ( http://unity3d.com/unite/ )
All mono contributors are invited. If you want to join the fun, shoot me 
an email, and I'll get you on the guestlist.  We also have a call for 
speakers, should you feel chatty: http://unity3d.com/unite/call-for-speakers

Thanks for helping make Unity what it is today. It's very exciting to 
offer all these new goodies to our customers.

Bye, Lucas
Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] PATCH: fix memory leak in MonoSymbolFile unloading

2010-05-25 Thread Lucas Meijer


Mono forgets to release the memory of any debug image file that was 
loaded from memory. Attach patch fixicates.

Bye, Lucas
Index: debug-mono-symfile.c
--- debug-mono-symfile.c(revision 42294)
+++ debug-mono-symfile.c(working copy)
@@ -123,10 +123,11 @@
symfile-raw_contents = p = g_malloc (size);
memcpy (p, raw_contents, size);
symfile-filename = g_strdup_printf (LoadedFromMemory);
+   symfile-was_loaded_from_memory = TRUE;
} else {
MonoFileMap *f;
symfile-filename = g_strdup_printf (%s.mdb, 
mono_image_get_filename (handle-image));
+   symfile-was_loaded_from_memory = FALSE;
if ((f = mono_file_map_open (symfile-filename))) {
symfile-raw_contents_size = mono_file_map_size (f);
if (symfile-raw_contents_size == 0) {
@@ -165,7 +166,12 @@
g_hash_table_destroy (symfile-method_hash);
if (symfile-raw_contents)
-   mono_file_unmap ((gpointer) symfile-raw_contents, 
+   {
+   if (symfile-was_loaded_from_memory)
+   g_free(symfile-raw_contents);
+   else
+   mono_file_unmap ((gpointer) symfile-raw_contents, 
+   }
if (symfile-filename)
g_free (symfile-filename);
Index: debug-mono-symfile.h
--- debug-mono-symfile.h(revision 42294)
+++ debug-mono-symfile.h(working copy)
@@ -91,6 +91,7 @@
gchar *filename;
GHashTable *method_hash;
MonoSymbolFileOffsetTable *offset_table;
+   gboolean was_loaded_from_memory;
Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] JIT floating point behaviour change between 2.4.2 and 2.6

2010-01-12 Thread Lucas Meijer

In our process to upgrade to mono 2.6, we've hit a snag where floating 
point behaviour of the JIT is slightly differently. This program prints 
PASS on mono2.6, and FAIL on mono2.4, on both osx, and win32.

using System;

public class Test
 static private float x;
 static private float y;

 private static void Main()
 float a = DecodeSingle(0x3070787f);
 float b = DecodeSingle(0x48a296ba);
 float c = DecodeSingle(0x3ddc0d93);

 x = DecodeSingle(0xbfc2f2e5);
 y = DecodeSingle(0xbd35e18b);

 // test
 float abc = (a * b * c);

 float s = ((a * b * c) / sqrMagnitude);
//same calculation,just using a temporary variable, which seems to matter
 float t = ((abc) / sqrMagnitude);

 Console.WriteLine(Test: {0}, ((s == t) ? PASSED : 

 static private float sqrMagnitude
 get { return ((x * x) + (y * y)); }

 private static float DecodeSingle(uint value)
BitConverter.ToSingle(BitConverter.GetBytes(value), 0);

The good news is that mono2.6 behaviour looks correct, and Mono2.4 
behaviour wrong. I would really like to find out which svn revision has 
caused this change. We like the new behaviour, but want to temporarily 
get the old behaviour back, so we can succesfully run all our 
integrationtests, and feel confident that the mono upgrade didn't break 
anything. Because of the floating point difference, it's causing a lot 
of games in our regression suite to play back completely differently, 
which makes it hard to see if something else changed as well, or if the 
different playback is purely due to the floating point differences.

I hope one of the JIT guys has a rough guess where this change might 
have been introduced,  if not I'll start a the big boring svn based 
binary search.

Thanks in advance,

Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] softdebugger integration

2009-12-30 Thread Lucas Meijer

With the help of kangaroo, I've gotten a very long way integrating the 
softdebugger. I can set breakpoints, have our embedded mono break on the 
breakpoints. I'm stuck now in the situation where embedded mono hits a 
breakpoint,  tells monodevelop about it.   Monodevelop then wants 
information from mono, such as the stacktrace, and later the stacktraces 
of all threads.   Monodevelop asks for this information. Embedded mono 
sends it back,  and at this point monodevelop seems stuck.
my debugger log ends with this:

[34CC] Sent event TYPE_LOAD, suspend=2.
[dbg] Received command TYPE(1), id=1049.
[dbg] Received command TYPE(6), id=1050.
[34CC] Suspended.
[dbg] Received command VM(4), id=1051.
[3210] Resuming vm...
[34CC] Resumed.
[34CC] Breakpoint hit, method=OnEnable, offset=0x12.
[34CC] Suspending vm...
[34CC] Interrupting 2C2C...
[34CC] Interrupting 00DC...
[34CC] Sent event BREAKPOINT, suspend=2.
[dbg] Received command OBJECT_REF(5), id=1052.
[34CC] Suspended.
[dbg] Received command OBJECT_REF(1), id=1053.
[dbg] Received command VM(2), id=1054.
[dbg] Received command OBJECT_REF(5), id=1055.
[dbg] Received command OBJECT_REF(1), id=1056.
[dbg] Received command THREAD(2), id=1057.
[dbg] Received command THREAD(2), id=1058.

I singlestepped trough mono to see that those last 7 requests were met, 
and okay looking response packets were sent to monodevelop.

At this point monodevelop just freezes for me. I'm pretty sure it's 
stuck in the GetBackTrace() method. It's hard to tell though, as I 
managed to have VisualStudio break all threads and inspect what's going 
on once, all the other tries visualstudio actually crashes with a gdi+ 
error (ugh).

I'm hoping this gives someone a hunch on what might be the problem.
Unfortunattely I can't yet singlestep trough Mono.Debugger.Soft, as I 
can't really succesfully build the classlibs on windows yet.

Bye, Lucas
Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] Patch: implement mono_chain_signal for win32

2009-12-28 Thread Lucas Meijer


Attached is a patch with an implementation for signal chaining on 
windows. We use this to make crashes in the mono runtime, or (much more 
often :) ), crashes in the Unity host, properly trickle down to our 
toplevel excetion filter, which invokes our BugReporter appliaction, 
which allows the user to send us the details of the crash.

at a glance, the changes are:

- have mono_chain_signal, call the old toplevel exception filter.
- exception filters (signal handler on win32) actually have a 
returntype, so we store the result, and return that result from mono's 
toplevel exception handler.
- not pass EXCEPTION_RECORD*, but EXCEPTION_POINTERS*, as that is 
required to create a minidump file, which can later on be reconstructed 
to a stacktrace if the original .pdb's are still around.

I haven't been able to test the amd64 implementation.

Let me know if something would need to change for this to go into mainline.

Bye, Lucas
Index: exceptions-amd64.c
--- exceptions-amd64.c  (revision 32648)
+++ exceptions-amd64.c  (working copy)
@@ -38,10 +38,12 @@
 static MonoW32ExceptionHandler ill_handler;
 static MonoW32ExceptionHandler segv_handler;
+LPTOP_LEVEL_EXCEPTION_FILTER old_win32_toplevel_exception_filter;
+guint64 win32_chained_exception_filter_result;
+gboolean win32_chained_exception_filter_didrun;
 #define W32_SEH_HANDLE_EX(_ex) \
-   if (_ex##_handler) _ex##_handler(0, er, sctx)
+   if (_ex##_handler) _ex##_handler(0, ep, sctx)
  * Unhandled Exception Filter
@@ -54,6 +56,7 @@
MonoContext* sctx;
LONG res;
+   win32_chained_exception_filter_didrun = FALSE;
er = ep-ExceptionRecord;
@@ -114,17 +117,20 @@
g_free (sctx);
+   if (win32_chained_exception_filter_didrun)
+   res = win32_chained_exception_filter_result;
return res;
 void win32_seh_init()
-   old_handler = SetUnhandledExceptionFilter(seh_handler);
+   old_win32_toplevel_exception_filter = 
 void win32_seh_cleanup()
-   if (old_handler) SetUnhandledExceptionFilter(old_handler);
+   if (old_win32_toplevel_exception_filter) 
 void win32_seh_set_handler(int type, MonoW32ExceptionHandler handler)
Index: exceptions-x86.c
--- exceptions-x86.c(revision 32648)
+++ exceptions-x86.c(working copy)
@@ -34,10 +34,12 @@
 static MonoW32ExceptionHandler ill_handler;
 static MonoW32ExceptionHandler segv_handler;
+LPTOP_LEVEL_EXCEPTION_FILTER old_win32_toplevel_exception_filter;
+guint64 win32_chained_exception_filter_result;
+gboolean win32_chained_exception_filter_didrun;
 #define W32_SEH_HANDLE_EX(_ex) \
-   if (_ex##_handler) _ex##_handler(0, er, sctx)
+   if (_ex##_handler) _ex##_handler(0, ep, sctx)
  * mono_win32_get_handle_stackoverflow (void):
@@ -167,6 +169,7 @@
struct sigcontext* sctx;
LONG res;
+   win32_chained_exception_filter_didrun = FALSE;
er = ep-ExceptionRecord;
@@ -219,6 +222,9 @@
g_free (sctx);
+   if (win32_chained_exception_filter_didrun)
+   res = win32_chained_exception_filter_result;
return res;
@@ -228,12 +234,12 @@
if (!restore_stack)
restore_stack = mono_win32_get_handle_stackoverflow ();
-   old_handler = SetUnhandledExceptionFilter(seh_handler);
+   old_win32_toplevel_exception_filter = 
 void win32_seh_cleanup()
-   if (old_handler) SetUnhandledExceptionFilter(old_handler);
+   if (old_win32_toplevel_exception_filter) 
 void win32_seh_set_handler(int type, MonoW32ExceptionHandler handler)
Index: mini-windows.c
--- mini-windows.c  (revision 32648)
+++ mini-windows.c  (working copy)
@@ -50,6 +50,10 @@
 #include jit-icalls.h
+extern LPTOP_LEVEL_EXCEPTION_FILTER old_win32_toplevel_exception_filter;
+extern guint64 win32_chained_exception_filter_result;
+extern gboolean win32_chained_exception_filter_didrun;
 mono_runtime_install_handlers (void)
@@ -67,9 +71,24 @@
+/* mono_chain_signal:
+ *
+ *   Call the original signal handler for the signal given by the arguments, 
+ * should be the same as for a signal handler. Returns TRUE if the original 
+ * was called, false otherwise.
+ */
 SIG_HANDLER_SIGNATURE (mono_chain_signal)
+   int signal = _dummy;

[Mono-dev] monowrap.cs patch

2009-12-27 Thread Lucas Meijer


The attached patch makes monowrap work on windows machines whose user 
has a space in its name. It turns out MSBuild places its responsefile in 
the users' temp folder, which almost always will have a space in its 
name (C:\Users\Lucas Meijer\Temp).

The patch assumes that when it finds a @ in the compiler arguments, 
everything that follows after that is going to be the responsefile, and 
inserts quotes so that the real mcs.exe won't trip up over them.

Bye, Lucas

PS Not sure if you need it for simple patches like this, but fwiw, it's 
released under MIT-X11 license.
Index: monowrap.cs
--- monowrap.cs (revision 148912)
+++ monowrap.cs (working copy)
@@ -115,12 +115,19 @@
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable (MONO_PATH, 
sb.ToString ());
+   string compilerargs = compiler +   + String.Join ( 
, args);
+   int responseFileStart = compilerargs.IndexOf(@);
+   if (responseFileStart!=-1)
+   compilerargs = 
compilerargs.Insert(responseFileStart+1,\) + '\';
Console.WriteLine (Compiler: {0}, compiler);
Console.WriteLine (MONO_PATH: {0}, sb.ToString ());
+   Console.WriteLine (Arguments: {0}, compilerargs);
var pi = new ProcessStartInfo() {
FileName = mono_cmd,
WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden,
-   Arguments = compiler +   + String.Join ( , 
+   Arguments = compilerargs,
UseShellExecute = false
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Hiring Mono Runtime hacker

2009-10-20 Thread Lucas Meijer

Since I've received several mails asking: Yes, we want to upstream this 
work. We dislike maintaining forked code as much as the next guy, so an 
integral part of the job is being friendly with the core mono team, and 
doing the work in such a way that they deem it fit for inclusion in 
mainline mono.

Sometimes we might have to hack something to be done quicker, and those 
hacks might not be suitable for mainline, but that's supposed to be the 
exception, not the rule.

Bye, Lucas

Lucas Meijer wrote:
 Unity Technologies creates a game development tool called Unity. Mono is 
 an essential component of Unity.
 We are looking for a mono runtime hacker to join our team, who can help 
 us achieve the following:
 - more quickly be able to support new platforms by taking care of 
 porting mono to the platforms in question
 - reducing mono's memory and size footprints.
 Many games can be developed using only a small subset of what Mono 
 provides. Currently they still have to pay for a large part of the stuff 
 they don't use. We want to get into a situation where games that don't 
 use much, can get a lower footprint.
 You can work remotely, or choose to work at one of our offices 
 (Copenhagen, San Francisco, Vilnius, Kaunas, London)
 You can expect a relaxed working atmosphere at Unity. We're a bunch of 
 hackers that just love creating cool tech, and care about having a work 
 environments in which developers feel comfortable, and can be productive.
 Please feel free to contact me directly at lu...@unity3d.com, if you're 
 interested, or would like some more information.
 Mono-devel-list mailing list

Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] Hiring Mono Runtime hacker

2009-10-19 Thread Lucas Meijer

Unity Technologies creates a game development tool called Unity. Mono is 
an essential component of Unity.

We are looking for a mono runtime hacker to join our team, who can help 
us achieve the following:

- more quickly be able to support new platforms by taking care of 
porting mono to the platforms in question

- reducing mono's memory and size footprints.
Many games can be developed using only a small subset of what Mono 
provides. Currently they still have to pay for a large part of the stuff 
they don't use. We want to get into a situation where games that don't 
use much, can get a lower footprint.

You can work remotely, or choose to work at one of our offices 
(Copenhagen, San Francisco, Vilnius, Kaunas, London)

You can expect a relaxed working atmosphere at Unity. We're a bunch of 
hackers that just love creating cool tech, and care about having a work 
environments in which developers feel comfortable, and can be productive.

Please feel free to contact me directly at lu...@unity3d.com, if you're 
interested, or would like some more information.



Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] Invitation Unite Conference San Francisco October 27-30.

2009-10-19 Thread Lucas Meijer

Next week, (October 27-30), Unity is organizing its Unite conference in 
San Francisco. ( www.unity3d.com/unite )

As Unity is grateful to the mono community for making such a cool 
product, we'd like to invite all mono contributors to be our guests at 
the conference.

It's unfortunate that this conference directly overlaps with the 
MonoSpace conference. However if you're in the bay area, and are not 
going to MonoSpace, please send me an email, and I'll get your VIP badge 
sorted out :)

Bye, Lucas

Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] Invitation Unite Conference San Francisco October 27-30.

2009-10-19 Thread Lucas Meijer

Next week, (October 27-30), Unity is organizing its Unite conference in 
San Francisco. ( www.unity3d.com/unite )

As Unity is grateful to the mono community for making such a cool 
product, we'd like to invite all mono contributors to be our guests at 
the conference.

It's unfortunate that this conference directly overlaps with the 
MonoSpace conference. However if you're in the bay area, and are not 
going to MonoSpace, please send me an email, and I'll get your VIP badge 
sorted out :)

Bye, Lucas

Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] Which file did a method come from?

2009-08-28 Thread Lucas Meijer

If I have a .dll + .mdb, is there a way for me to find out which file a 
certain method came from? (without having to run it)

Bye, Lucas
Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] Hacking mono to make it more deterministic

2009-08-24 Thread Lucas Meijer

At Unity we have this internal testing system where we

1) play a game, and record all inputs
2) can replay that game, based on the recorded inputs
3) whenever we do a checkin on our sourcecode, we run all games in the 
testing setup against this new unity build, by making screenshots every 
5 seconds, and comparing those to the previous run.

This has proven to be very useful, as it finds regressions in our users 
games that we had not anticipated when committing a certain change to 
the unity codebase.

Currently, not all games are playing back deterministically on a single 
unity build. We don't think we'll ever reach full deterministicality (is 
that a word?) for 100% of our games, but the higher we get the number, 
the better we like it.

In order to do this, we mock out things like System.Random, 
DateTime.Now, to return the recorded values.

A frequent case where games fail to run identically is when our users 
iterate over a dictionary which has a custom type as its key. Since the 
dictionary uses GetHashCode() internally, and Object.GetHashCode() is 
based on the memory address of the object, it means that the order in 
which the KeyValuePair's get returned can differ per run.

Naturally our users shouldn't be doing this. But they do, as they don't 
realize that consistent ordering of iterating over a dictionary isn't 
guaranteed. it just works most of the time so most people don't notice.
I didn't realize this myself untill I started investigating this issue :)

I'm looking for advice on what would be the best solution to this.

So far the best idea I've came up with is to make mono_object_hash just 
return 0. That probably has some severe performance implications, but we 
can live with those. I'm hoping this will only make things go a lot 
slower, but wanted to ask this list:

- if I should expect other problems than slowdown
- if you can think of a better/different way to make our users code 

Thanks, Lucas
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] using coreclr in mono embedding sample project

2009-06-15 Thread Lucas Meijer

 On Sun, 2009-06-14 at 01:34 +0200, Lucas Meijer wrote:

 In order to figure out how to properly use the new coreclr 
 functionality, verifiers etc, I've taken the
 test-metadata.c  sample that shows how to simply embed mono,  and I'm 
 adding some coreclr stuff to it.

 The sample works and runs fine with core clr disabled.

 If I add:

 mono_security_enable_core_clr ();
As Sebastien pointed out offlist, I should have added here that I 
actually also call mono_security_set_core_clr_platform_callback.  The 
provided however never gets called.  I guess I was a bit overzealous in 
making a as-minimal-as-I-can reprocase.

Bye, Lucas
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] assert in mono_local_regalloc in head/trunk

2009-06-13 Thread Lucas Meijer
Mark Probst wrote:
 On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 4:45 PM, Lucas Meijerlu...@lucasmeijer.com wrote:
 I'm getting this stacktrace. (embedded mono trunk, windows).  If I
 replace the trunk dll with a mono 2.4 dll, things work fine.
For whoever gets this stacktrace in the future:   You're doing it wrong :)
your cpu-x86.h file is likely out of date, because that gets 
autogenerated from cpu-x86.md,
by the genmdesc program, which you probably omitted to run.

That was my problem at least.

Thanks to Zoltan for pointing this out to me,

Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] using coreclr in mono embedding sample project

2009-06-13 Thread Lucas Meijer

In order to figure out how to properly use the new coreclr 
functionality, verifiers etc, I've taken the
test-metadata.c  sample that shows how to simply embed mono,  and I'm 
adding some coreclr stuff to it.

The sample works and runs fine with core clr disabled.

If I add:

mono_security_enable_core_clr ();

before mono_jit_init(),  the mscorlib fails to load. When stepping 
trough the program with a debugger,
the point where these two (with coreclr and without) diverge,  is that 
line 465 of coree.c:

ModuleHandle = LoadLibrary(FileName);

returns a valid handle when coreclr is turned off, and it returns 0 when 
coreclr is turned on.

This is on windows, with r135921 runtime+corlib, using msvc2008 built 
mono using the stock msvc projectfile.

I'm a bit surprised by this actually, as I wouldn't expect a call into 
the win32 api to behave differently based on the
coreclr settings. (the FileName variable is identical in both cases).

Am I doing something wrong?

A verifier related question:  in do_mono_image_load(),  there are these 

mono_verifier_verify_pe_data().   this one requires image-raw_data_len 
to be set.  (in verify_msdos_header)
mono_verifier_load_pe_data().   this one actually sets 
image-raw_data_len.  (in do_load_header)

they're executed in the order above, which causes the first one to 
always fail for me.

Bye, Lucas
Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] assert in mono_local_regalloc in head/trunk

2009-06-12 Thread Lucas Meijer

I'm getting this stacktrace. (embedded mono trunk, windows).  If I 
replace the trunk dll with a mono 2.4 dll, things work fine.

Here's the stacktrace.  I'm hoping someone has a hunch on what might be 
causing this:

asserts in line 1070 in mono_local_regalloc, with the following stacktrace:

g_assert (ins-dreg != -1); 

 mono-1-vc.dll!mono_local_regalloc(MonoCompile * cfg=0x08cc7470, 
MonoBasicBlock * bb=0x08cc8030)  Line 1070 + 0x26 bytesC
 mono-1-vc.dll!mono_codegen(MonoCompile * cfg=0x08cc7470)  Line 2918 
+ 0xd bytesC
 mono-1-vc.dll!mini_method_compile(_MonoMethod * method=0x08cc62a0, 
unsigned int opts=64055807, _MonoDomain * domain=0x08b14ea0, int 
run_cctors=1, int compile_aot=0, int parts=0)  Line 3714 + 0x9 bytesC
 mono-1-vc.dll!mono_jit_compile_method_inner(_MonoMethod * 
method=0x08cc62a0, _MonoDomain * target_domain=0x08b14ea0, int 
opt=64055807)  Line 4041 + 0x17 bytesC
 mono-1-vc.dll!mono_jit_compile_method_with_opt(_MonoMethod * 
method=0x08cc62a0, unsigned int opt=64055807)  Line 4231 + 0x11 bytesC
 mono-1-vc.dll!mono_jit_compile_method(_MonoMethod * 
method=0x08cc62a0)  Line 4249 + 0xf bytesC
 mono-1-vc.dll!mono_jit_runtime_invoke(_MonoMethod * 
method=0x08cc61e8, void * obj=0x09154fc0, void * * params=0x002ddee4, 
MonoObject * * exc=0x)  Line 4386 + 0x9 bytesC
 mono-1-vc.dll!mono_runtime_invoke(_MonoMethod * method=0x08cc61e8, 
void * obj=0x09154fc0, void * * params=0x002ddee4, MonoObject * * 
exc=0x)  Line 2529 + 0x18 bytesC
 mono-1-vc.dll!create_exception_two_strings(_MonoClass * 
klass=0x08cc5aa8, MonoString * a1=0x09153fc0, MonoString * 
a2=0x)  Line 128 + 0x13 bytesC
 mono-1-vc.dll!mono_exception_from_name_two_strings(_MonoImage * 
image=0x08c918e8, const char * name_space=0x08a01910, const char * 
name=0x08a018f8, MonoString * a1=0x09153fc0, MonoString * 
a2=0x)  Line 151 + 0x11 bytesC
 mono-1-vc.dll!mono_runtime_init(_MonoDomain * domain=0x08b14ea0, 
void (unsigned int, void *, void *)* start_cb=0x088c9270, void (unsigned 
int, void *)* attach_cb=0x088c92e0)  Line 226 + 0x1c bytesC
 mono-1-vc.dll!mini_init(const char * filename=0x08132048, const 
char * runtime_version=0x)  Line 5086 + 0x13 bytesC
 mono-1-vc.dll!mono_jit_init(const char * file=0x08132048)  Line 
1810 + 0xb bytesC
monoFrameworkPath=C:/Program Files 
(x86)/Unity/WebPlayer/mono/2.x.x/Data/lib, const 
resourcePath=C:/Program Files 
(x86)/Unity/WebPlayer/player/2.x.x/Data/lib, int argc=1, const char * * 
argv=0x08131cd8)  Line 2133 + 0x13 bytesC++
monoPath=C:/Program Files (x86)/Unity/WebPlayer/mono/2.x.x, const 
unityPath=C:/Program Files (x86)/Unity/WebPlayer/player/2.x.x, const 
monoDll=C:/Program Files 
(x86)/Unity/WebPlayer/mono/2.x.x/mono-1-vc.dll, const char * 
stdoutFile=0x049d7ba0)  Line 79 + 0x21 bytesC++
 webplayer_win.dll!PreInitializeCommon(HINSTANCE__ * 
dllInstance=0x1000, const char * playerPath=0x049d9230, const char * 
monoPath=0x049d92a0, const char * monoDllPath=0x049d92a0, const char * 
openalDllPath=0x049d9230, const char * stdoutPath=0x049d7ba0, 
CrashHandler * crhandler=0x049d2968, const char * 
instanceID=0x049d2810)  Line 461 + 0x73 bytesC++
 webplayer_win.dll!UnityWinWebStartData(UnityLoaderData * 
data=0x002df5f0)  Line 489 + 0x3d bytesC++

using mono runtime and corlib from r135921

Any ideas?

Thanks, Lucas
Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] Mono.Tasklest naming

2009-06-02 Thread Lucas Meijer

Before mono2.6 ships, and the API for tasklets/continuations cannot be 
changed anymore:

Why is the class itself called Continuation,  and the 
namespaceassembly it lives in Tasklet ?

I don't have a strong preference for any of the two, but I'd say it make 
sense not to give this thing two names,
there's enough confusion over how these things work already imho.

Bye, Lucas
Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] Win32 sockets regression on trunk.

2009-02-16 Thread Lucas Meijer

While upgrading our mono to get all the latest bugfixes, I'm running into the 
following, which looks like a win32 socket regression.
When the program below is executed on mono trunk (r126917)
it outputs:

error on socket s
error on socket s2
available data on socket s
available data on socket s2

When run on a previous mono. (Mono2.0ish don't have the exact svn for this one, 
but around november 29, 2008), this program outputs:

available data on socket s2

Which seems to me like the correct output.

Reported as: https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=476138

Here's the program. you need to make sure to actually have something listening 
on port 1234.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Net;

class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var s = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, 

var ep = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(, 5655);
s.Blocking = false;

var s2 = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, 
s2.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0));
s2.Blocking = false;

//You actally need to be running something on port 1234. 
s2.Connect(IPAddress.Parse(, 1234); 
catch (SocketException se)
// ignore blocking connect exception. shouldn't there be some other 
way to do this...
if (se.ErrorCode != 10035)
throw se;

var errorList = new ListSocket();
var readList = new ListSocket();
var writeList = new ListSocket();

Socket.Select(readList, null, errorList, 100);

if (errorList.Contains(s))
Console.WriteLine(error on socket s);
if (errorList.Contains(s2))
Console.WriteLine(error on socket s2);
if (readList.Contains(s))
Console.WriteLine(available data on socket s);
if (readList.Contains(s2))
Console.WriteLine(available data on socket s2);

-- Lucas Meijer | GameDev  Unity3D Consulting 
-- Blog: http://lucasmeijer.com/blog
-- twitter: lucasmeijer

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] correction for Compiling Mono on WIndows' page.

2009-02-15 Thread Lucas Meijer
Adar Wesley wrote:
 This depends on the shell you are using.  If you are using /bin/bash 
 or other
 /bin/sh derivative the instructions are correct.
 Call the script directly as:
 to run the commands in a sub-shell, or
 . /tmp/build_deps/env.sh
 to run the commands in the current shell (notice the '.' in the 
 beginning of the line)
Aha.  The dot at the beginning off the line threw me off. Since I'm used
to run shell scripts just like /tmp/whatever.sh.  I'm guessing this will 
to other users as well, especially since the how to make this work on 
guide is likely to be read by people not intimately fermiliar with linux 

Bye, Lucas
Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] correction for Compiling Mono on WIndows' page.

2009-02-14 Thread Lucas Meijer

Note sure if this list is the right place to send this, but on this page:

it explains the way you can build mono from svn on windows.
In this process a env.sh gets created that sets up environment variables.
The isntructions to run it says:


however, I believe that is incorrect, and that it should instead be:

source /tmp/build_deps/env.sh

Bye, Lucas

-- Lucas Meijer | GameDev  Unity3D Consulting 
-- Blog: http://lucasmeijer.com/blog
-- twitter: lucasmeijer

Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] Arguing for reconsideration of WONTFIX status of 425512

2009-02-12 Thread Lucas Meijer

Our team has been busy porting some unit testing related frameworks to mono.
porting is probably not the right word, it's mostly creating repro cases 
of mono bugs,
reporting them, and waiting for them to be fixed. (Which happens fast by 
the way. Thanks!)

So far we're looking at NInject, Moq and xUnit.

There are / have been bugs in mono that prevent all of these projects 
from running.
Most of them are valid mono bugs, nothing special here.

In addition to real mono bugs, there's also the fact that many of these 
frameworks, use this
commonly used trick:

FieldInfo remoteStackTraceString = 
BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);

This doesn't work on mono, since in mono the private field storing the 
stacktrace is called remote_stack_trace.

This issue has been reported before as issue 425512 ( 
https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=425512 )

One could argue, and the reason for the wontfix status of the issue does 
so,  that these folks rely on undocumented internals.
They shouldn't do it, and Mono shouldn't rename it's own private field 
to match that of the CLR.

However, in the real world(tm),  this prevents many projects from 
running on Mono unmodified.

I would like to argue that in this specific case, where the (percieved 
by me, maybe incorrectly) amount of work for mono to change it's private 
fieldname to
match that of the CLR, is a reasonable cost for enabling this quite 
frequently found in the wild trick of grabbing the internal stack trace 
of an exception.

Maybe I'm underestimating the amount of work to rename the mono 
fieldname to match the clr one. If that's the case, please consider this 
as another datapoint of three useful .net frameworks unable to run on 
mono unmodified.

Here's a bit more info on the trick:

Here is a bit more background on the trick:

Bye, Lucas
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Arguing for reconsideration of WONTFIX status of 425512

2009-02-12 Thread Lucas Meijer
Alan McGovern wrote:
 But it's the hacks that you added to your program which are causing 
 the issue in the first place ;) You want a hack to make your hack 
 work. What you really need is another hack which will work in all 
 cases. Unfortunately I can't think of a way which will work in all cases.
I didn't add these hacks to a program.

Consider a new user trying out mono. 
He tries mono with some useful tool that he uses in .NET
Turns out it doesn't work.

Yes, maybe it's the tools fault.  But the end result is that it doesn't 
work, and the user thinks
arg, apparenlty mono doesn't run my .net stuff, I'm sticking to clr 
thank you very much.

Bye, Lucas

PS Please note that there is no official way to do what these programs 
are doing trough their hack.
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Arguing for reconsideration of WONTFIX status of 425512

2009-02-12 Thread Lucas Meijer
 Take the reverse situation, why would Mono devs care on supporting 
 application X because some users would like to run X on Mono ?
It depends on what the mono team sees as the goal of mono.
If it is to provide a nice programming environment for linux programmers 
to make linux applications,  then no reason to change.
If it also is to make it easy for .net applications to run on linux, and 
to have windows .net developers try mono, and adopt mono as one of their 
then it would make sense to cahnge.

 Also, all of the applications cited are open-source AND free software 
 which allow you to patch them freely.
They are all opensource, and I have submitted patches (except for xunit, 
upcomig). The reason I bring this up is not to make my life easier. I can
make all these tools work for me and move on.  I bring it up because I 
feel mono is a really great project, and I would love to make it work more
out of the box, even for programs that sometimes cross the line of what 
they are allowed to be doing.

You could also say that from the 3 projects I would like to use on 
mono,  100% of them didn't work because of this.
That means there are probably a lot of  other projects out there using 
this as well, that don't know about mono, and didn't receive
a patch for me to provide mono compatibility.

Anyway, I think most arguments for and against have been made, and from 
this point the mono team should just do what it
feels is right.

Bye, Lucas
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Arguing for reconsideration of WONTFIX status of 425512

2009-02-12 Thread Lucas Meijer
Hey Miguel,
 It seems to me that talking to upstream developers and get them to 
 provide a more robust implementation from the get-go would be a much 
 better outcome.   Have them probe for .NET version, fall back to Mono 
 and if none of those are available, gracefully degrade the functionality.
This should defenitely happen, and we're talking to the upstream 
developers to deal with this situation in a better way.

The main theme of my message is not how to get these 3 projects from 
running on mono, but if we can make the N others
that we do not know about run on mono as well.

I'm not advocating for _not_ implementing more proper behaviour upstream.
 I did not get the feeling (or maybe it is part of my lost email) that 
 I have heard the againsts yet.
So far I think it can be summarized as:

1)  It takes nonzero time, and there are a zillion more important things 
to do.
2)  It could break projects that are mono-only and rely on the same hack.
3)  In the original comment on the bugzilla issue, it was noted that the 
field is shared with the runtime, and that
 that would make a fix ugly.

I actually think #1 is a good argument against,  #2 is not very likely, 
but not totally impossible either, and to what extent #3 is a problem,
I don't know.

Bye, Lucas


-- Game Development Blog: http://lucasmeijer.com/blog

Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] cruisecontrol.net on mono.

2009-02-12 Thread Lucas Meijer

I mentioned to Miguel that we're running cruisecontrol.net on mono on 
osx, to produce Unity3D generated builds
of our game. Miguel insisted I write to mono-devel and tell a bit more 
about it. Unsure why, as I'd rather talk about how nice it is that
I can run mono in Unity3D in a browser, and have it communicate with a 
server built on mono on the backend,
how we can use visualstudio to write  debug c#, how we get to use 
continuations, and how the switch to mono
has been such a breath of fresh air for us.

But none of that :-), Cruisecontrol.net.   This what often gets referred 
to as a Continous Integration server. Which is
fancy talk for something that builds your project on every commit, and 
maybe or maybe not does something with the results.
Usually people use it to check up on themselves and teammembers to make 
sure nobody broke any unit tests, makes
sure the project still builds on all the platforms it is supposed to 
build on, etc. (you'd have a seperate CI server per platform
for that scenario in most cases).

Anyway, CruiseControl.net is written in c#. I just tried to run it on 
mono, and it ran out of the box. The parts we've tried
work as advertised. I haven't used the webinterface part of the tool. We 
use CCNet.Tray to control it. It's a windows only
system tray application that you can use to make it start a build, and 
that turns red if something is wrong with a build.

We're happy with how it works. It's mono running cruisecontrol.net, 
which is running mono to run gmcs, which is compiling
our c# code to CIL. then it runs mono to run nunit on our unit tests. it 
tells unity3d to make a build, and uses a custom rsync
setup to distribute the results in an easy way for our teammembers to 
quickly get the results of the build.

Ironically enough, if you google for stackTraceString, the #3 thing you 
find is somebody who was unable to run cc.net on mono because
of the stackTraceString thing. ducking. It got properly fixed 
upstream. :-)

Bye, Lucas

-- Lucas Meijer | GameDev  Unity3D Consulting 
-- Blog: http://lucasmeijer.com/blog
-- twitter: lucasmeijer

Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] Exception not carrying .Msg when thrown from IL called constructor.

2009-01-08 Thread Lucas Meijer

Excuse the verbose subjectline :)

When investigating the necessary steps to get NInject to work on Mono, I 
found several failing tests.
One category of failing tests boil down to the following behaviour. It 
looks like a bug to me, but I could be wrong.
The attached repro program prints out SomeImportantMessage on the CLR, 
and prints out  on mono.

It looks like the .Msg property of an exception thrown in a constructor 
is not available to a catchblock, if the constructor

was called trough dynamically generated IL.

If someone can confirm I'm not doing anything silly, and this is indeed 
a bug, I'll file a bugzilla on it.

I tested on 2.0 and svn trunk.

Bye, Lucas
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Emit;

public class MonoTest1
static void Main()
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine(Test1: Exception caught. Msg:  + e.Message+  
Type: +e.GetType());
Console.WriteLine(On the CLR Msg = SomeImportantMessgage);
Console.WriteLine(On Mono,   Msg = nothing);

public static void ILTest()
var constructor = 
var dm = new DynamicMethod(String.Empty, typeof(object), new[] { 
typeof(object[]) });

ILGenerator il = dm.GetILGenerator();

il.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, constructor);

var md = dm.CreateDelegate(typeof(MyDelegate)) as MyDelegate;
md.Invoke(new object[0]);

public delegate object MyDelegate(params object[] arguments);

public class ClassWithThrowingConstructor
public ClassWithThrowingConstructor()
throw new Exception(SomeImportantMessage);
Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] GC.Collect() CLRMono difference.

2009-01-08 Thread Lucas Meijer
Here's another one.  (Unsure if these are considered ontopic. If not, 
please let me know)

This small test program shows GC.Collect() + WeakReference working 
different on CLR
than they do on Mono. In mono, the WeakReference is still alive after 
in the clr, the WeakReference is no longer active.

using System;

public class MonoTest2
public static void Main()
var obj = new Version();
WeakReference reference = new WeakReference(obj);
obj = null;
Console.WriteLine(reference.IsAlive:  + reference.IsAlive);
//mono outputs true
//clr outputs false

If people think this is a a bug, I'll file a report.

Bye, Lucas
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] problem compiling on cygwin.

2008-11-29 Thread Lucas Meijer
Robert Jordan wrote:
 When I do a which mcs I get:
 /cygdrive/h/Program\ Files/Mono-2.0/bin/mcs
 which seems okay to me.

 The space in Program Files might break the build system.
 At least it did it in the past.

 Try to reinstall Mono into c:\Mono\, adjust the path,
 re-autogen and rebuild.

To anybody running into this in the future:  I got past this bump by 
doing a make clean after changing mono
to live in a path without spaces.

The next bump was after mono had succesfully compiled, this error would 
come up when trying to run mono:
entry point g_spawn_command_line_sync_utf8 not found in libglib-2.2.0.

I'm pretty new at this, but I believe this is because the windows build 
(http://www.mono-project.com/Compiling_Mono#Windows_Compilation) are out 
of date. It lists a glib and a glib dev package as dependencies.  
However, the error above went away as soon as I replaced those glib's 
linked to in the instructions by a more recent libglib downloaded from 
gtk. (http://www.gtk.org/download-windows.html)

It looks like this was the last bump. After a few full days of pulling 
my hair out, I have a self built mono on windows, with monoco.  Hurray!

Bye, Lucas
Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] problem compiling on cygwin.

2008-11-28 Thread Lucas Meijer

I'm compiling mono on windows in sygwin.
After a few bumps on the road that google and the mono-devel archive took
care of, I'm now running into this one:


make[7]: Entering directory `/usr/src/mono/mcs/build'
make[7]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/mono/mcs/build'
make[6]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/mono/mcs/build'
make[6]: Entering directory `/usr/src/mono/mcs/jay'
make all-local
make[7]: Entering directory `/usr/src/mono/mcs/jay'
make[7]: Nothing to be done for `all-local'.
make[7]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/mono/mcs/jay'
make[6]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/mono/mcs/jay'
make[6]: Entering directory `/usr/src/mono/mcs/mcs'
make all-local
make[7]: Entering directory `/usr/src/mono/mcs/mcs'
MCS [basic] mcs.exe

Unhandled Exception: System.ArgumentException: Illegal enum value: 2051.
Parameter name: access
   at System.AppDomain.InternalDefineDynamicAssembly(AssemblyName name,
BuilderAccess access, String dir, Evidence evidence, PermissionSet
ssions, PermissionSet optionalPermissions, PermissionSet refusedPermissions,
ckCrawlMark stackMark, IEnumerable`1 unsafeAssemblyAttributes)
   at System.AppDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(AssemblyName name,
ccess access, String dir)
   at Mono.CSharp.CodeGen.Init(String name, String output, Boolean
   at Mono.CSharp.Driver.Compile()
   at Mono.CSharp.Driver.Main(String[] args)
make[7]: *** [../class/lib/basic/mcs.exe] Error 77
make[7]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/mono/mcs/mcs'
make[6]: *** [do-all] Error 2
make[6]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/mono/mcs/mcs'
make[5]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1


Does this ring a bell for anybody?

When I do a which mcs I get:
/cygdrive/h/Program\ Files/Mono-2.0/bin/mcs
which seems okay to me.

Bye, Lucas
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] problem compiling on cygwin.

2008-11-28 Thread Lucas Meijer
Robert Jordan wrote:
 I'm compiling mono on windows in sygwin.
 After a few bumps on the road that google and the mono-devel archive took
 care of, I'm now running into this one:

 MCS [basic] mcs.exe

 This is a MS.NET exception:

 Unhandled Exception: System.ArgumentException: Illegal enum value: 2051.
 Parameter name: access
at System.AppDomain.InternalDefineDynamicAssembly(AssemblyName name,

 It seems that you've somehow managed to run mcs on MS.NET's runtime.
 This is not supported and not intended but it could be caused
 by this:
 When I do a which mcs I get:
 /cygdrive/h/Program\ Files/Mono-2.0/bin/mcs
 which seems okay to me.

I uninstalled mono, and reinstalled it at H:\Mono-2.0.  I updated my 
.bashrc, source'd it,   reran autogen.sh, and ran
make.  I get the exact same error.   At least I now realizes this error 
actually comes from the CLR,  instead from the mono runtime.   Now to 
find out why this is happening.

Bye, Lucas
Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] Coroutines, Monoco, and why we love them.

2008-11-21 Thread Lucas Meijer

At the Unite conference, I was delighted to meet up with Miguel, as that 
would let me underline the parts of mono (existing or nonexisting) that 
are very important to our mono using projects. He asked me if I could 
write a message to mono-dev explaining not only privately why these 
things are important to us.

We're working on a multiplayer MMO game. The backend is written in c# 
running on mono, the client uses Unity3D, whose scripting is powered by 

Eariler in the project the plan was to write the backend in Stackless 
Python, because of its coroutines support.  I was thrilled to find Tomi 
Valkeinen's MonoCo. (http://www.bat.org/~tomba/monoco.html) (Thanks 
Tomi!).  MonoCo brings stackless style coroutines to mono, and this made 
us switch to mono.

Monoco makes my life a lot easier.  Often monoco or stackless python are 
mistaken for a solution to multithreaded problems. It is not. I consider 
it an elegant implementation of asynchronous programming.  Imagine this 
piece of backend code asking a player what move to make:

//excuse the c#  pseudocode mix.

public class ImaginaryBackend
public void NeverEndingGameLoop()
  while (players.Count  0)
PlayerAction pa = 
//this call has blocked our microthread'
//the returned message is immidiately available on the 
next line of code.

if (!pa.Validate()) pa = new EndTurnPlayerAction();

where the meat is in the AskWhatToDo method call.  Somewhere in this 
methodcall, a request packet gets sent to our player, with some 
questionID.  this microthread then gets put in the fridge.  while the 
packet is travelling trough a series of tubes, my other microthreads are 
happily running.   When the player responds (tagged with the same 
questionID),  the network reading code sees that there is a microthread 
in the fridge, that is waiting for an answer to the question that this 
incoming message is answering.   So it requeues the microthread, and 
supplies it the incoming message.

So I can program as if the call were a blocking call, but the behaviour 
does not block my (most likely only) thread.  my other code can keep on 
running.   Basically it's an alternative to a state machine.

Another example is in scripting behaviour for computer controlled agents 
in a game:

public class AnnoyingDragon
public void MicroThreadEntryPoint()

With each of these calls blocking the microthread untill the action 
has actually completed..  The non-coroutines solution to this problem 
would look like:

public class AnnoyingDragon
public void Update()
   DragonState mystate = DragonState.Idle;

   switch (mystate)
case DragonState.Nothing:
mystate = DragonState.WalkingToBridge;
case DragonState.WalkingToBridge:
if (!closeEnoughTo(bridge))  return MoveMoreTowards(bridge);
mystate = DragonState.OpeningBridge:
   case DragonState.OpeningBridge:
if (!Bridge.FullyOpen())  return Wait();
mystate = DragonState.WalkingToCastle;
  case DragonState.WalkingToCastle:
if (!closeEnoughTo(castle)) return MoveMoreTowards(castle);
mystate = DragonState.OpeningCastleDoor;
  case DragonState.OpeningCastleDoor:
if (!castledoor.FullyOpen()) return Wait();
mystate = DragonState.PuttingWholeFreakinCastleOnFire;
  case DragonState.PuttingWholeFreakinCastleOnFire:
if (!EverythingBurning(castle)) return ThrowMoreFire();

so the coroutine approach basically allows us to store the state of an 
object on the callstack, instead of having to remember it myself from 
one frame to the next.  Granted the statemachine example here could 
probably be written a bit more elegantly, and I am not showing the code 
inside the methods that the coroutine variant is calling, but I hope 
this example illustrate the convenience coroutines bring to people who 
would otherwise have to resort to a statemachine to deal with their 
asynchronous programming problems.

Please realize I'm not saying that the current implementation of MonoCo 
is good (or bad). I'm just looking at it from a user's point of view. I 
know next to nothing about the internals of the VM.

Other elements that are very important to our game development 
activities, are being able to use the visual studio debugger on a mono 
process. I just cannot wait until that beta starts.  We 

[Mono-dev] Coroutines, Monoco, and why we love them.

2008-11-21 Thread Lucas Meijer

At the Unite conference, I was delighted to meet up with Miguel, as that 
would let me underline the parts of mono (existing or nonexisting) that 
are very important to our mono using projects. He asked me if I could 
write a message to mono-dev explaining not only privately why these 
things are important to us.

We're working on a multiplayer MMO game. The backend is written in c# 
running on mono, the client uses Unity3D, whose scripting is powered by 

Eariler in the project the plan was to write the backend in Stackless 
Python, because of its coroutines support.  I was thrilled to find Tomi 
Valkeinen's MonoCo. (http://www.bat.org/~tomba/monoco.html) (Thanks 
Tomi!).  MonoCo brings stackless style coroutines to mono, and this made 
us switch to mono.

Monoco makes my life a lot easier.  Often monoco or stackless python are 
mistaken for a solution to multithreaded problems. It is not. I consider 
it an elegant implementation of asynchronous programming.  Imagine this 
piece of backend code asking a player what move to make:

//excuse the c#  pseudocode mix.

public class ImaginaryBackend
   public void NeverEndingGameLoop()
 while (players.Count  0)
   PlayerAction pa = 
   //this call has blocked our microthread'
   //the returned message is immidiately available on the 
next line of code.

   if (!pa.Validate()) pa = new EndTurnPlayerAction();

where the meat is in the AskWhatToDo method call.  Somewhere in this 
methodcall, a request packet gets sent to our player, with some 
questionID.  this microthread then gets put in the fridge.  while the 
packet is travelling trough a series of tubes, my other microthreads are 
happily running.   When the player responds (tagged with the same 
questionID),  the network reading code sees that there is a microthread 
in the fridge, that is waiting for an answer to the question that this 
incoming message is answering.   So it requeues the microthread, and 
supplies it the incoming message.

So I can program as if the call were a blocking call, but the behaviour 
does not block my (most likely only) thread.  my other code can keep on 
running.   Basically it's an alternative to a state machine.

Another example is in scripting behaviour for computer controlled agents 
in a game:

public class AnnoyingDragon
   public void MicroThreadEntryPoint()

With each of these calls blocking the microthread untill the action 
has actually completed..  The non-coroutines solution to this problem 
would look like:

public class AnnoyingDragon
   public void Update()
  DragonState mystate = DragonState.Idle;

  switch (mystate)
   case DragonState.Nothing:
   mystate = DragonState.WalkingToBridge;
   case DragonState.WalkingToBridge:
   if (!closeEnoughTo(bridge))  return MoveMoreTowards(bridge);
   mystate = DragonState.OpeningBridge:
  case DragonState.OpeningBridge:
   if (!Bridge.FullyOpen())  return Wait();
   mystate = DragonState.WalkingToCastle;
 case DragonState.WalkingToCastle:
   if (!closeEnoughTo(castle)) return MoveMoreTowards(castle);
   mystate = DragonState.OpeningCastleDoor;
 case DragonState.OpeningCastleDoor:
   if (!castledoor.FullyOpen()) return Wait();
   mystate = DragonState.PuttingWholeFreakinCastleOnFire;
 case DragonState.PuttingWholeFreakinCastleOnFire:
   if (!EverythingBurning(castle)) return ThrowMoreFire();

so the coroutine approach basically allows us to store the state of an 
object on the callstack, instead of having to remember it myself from 
one frame to the next.  Granted the state machine example here could 
probably be written a bit more elegantly, and I am not showing the code 
inside the methods that the coroutine variant is calling, but I hope 
this example illustrate the convenience coroutines bring to people who 
would otherwise have to resort to a state machine to deal with their 
asynchronous programming problems.

Please realize I'm not saying that the current implementation of MonoCo 
is good (or bad). I'm just looking at it from a user's point of view. I 
know next to nothing about the internals of the VM.

Other elements that are very important to our game development 
activities, are being able to use the visual studio debugger on a mono 
process. I just cannot wait until that beta starts.  We type all our 
code in Visual 

Re: [Mono-dev] Ideas for Mono on Windows

2008-11-13 Thread Lucas Meijer
Atsushi Eno wrote:
 Classlib hackers who uses Visual Studio: how do you do those tasks?
I'm no classlib hacker, but do use Visual Studio for my game project 
that is running ontop of mono.

We currently use scons as our build software, and have 
visualstudiosolution as a seperate target.
the scons script will basically scan trough my project's filesystem in a 
way I have told it to, and look
for all .cs files.   It then creates .csproj's for each assembly, and a 
.sln file containing all those projects.

Creating those files is as simple as taking a template .csproj file 
prepared by me, and adding a line for each .cs file.

When you do an svn-update you just have to regenerate your visualstudio 
solution, which takes about a second.
When you add new files yourself trough visual studio, you don't need to 
do anything.

I might not have a helicopter view of the problems with building mono, 
but at least this works great for our project.

Bye, Lucas
Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] Socket.Select() behaviour difference between osxlinux.

2008-06-27 Thread Lucas Meijer


It looks like Socket.Select() behaves differently on osx  linux in the 

where a socket instance is placed in both the readlist, and the errorlist.
On osx, after having called socket.Listen(),  calling Socket.Select() 
with the socket
instance being in the read and errorlist,  the select call will return 
once a connection

is established, however it will return with empty readlist and errorlists.

on linux, the resulting readlist is filled with the socket instance. 
(Which I believe is the correct


Attached is a demo program that exhibits this behaviour for me.

Bye, Lucas

PS I hope it's okay to pre-report a bug on this list. I'd file an 
official bug report, but I'm
new to mono, so I figured I'd check with people in the know if it's 
really a bug or some

form of pilot error.
using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class Server
  static void Main()
Socket ms = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, 
ms.Blocking = false;
ms.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any,5656));
Console.WriteLine(Waiting for incoming connection);
ListSocket readList = new ListSocket();
ListSocket errorList = new ListSocket();

//comment out the line below to make osx behave like linux.

if (readList.Count0)
  Console.WriteLine(read event);  //this happens on linux
  Console.WriteLine(no read event);   //this happens on osx

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