Re: [Mono-dev] [MonoTouch] what happens with MonoTouch and Mono for Android now

2011-05-16 Thread Mauricio Henriquez
...and that on Miguel blog was the suspected good news??mmm, very 
uncertain the mono future is...
I really sad for the mono team situation and the decision of 
Attachamate, specially after such a great last couple of years of mono 
related products...just hope that at least the mono core survive and not 
be forced to re-write all my code in mmm java?...what else do we have?

Good luck with the new endeavour guys


On 05/16/2011 04:02 PM, Wally McClure wrote:

Does Attachmate have any plans for enhancing MonoTouch and Mono for 
Android now?


MonoTouch mailing list

Mauricio R. Henriquez Schott
Escuela de Ingeniería en Computación
Universidad Austral de Chile - Sede Puerto Montt
Los Pinos S/N, Balneario de Pelluco, Puerto Montt - Chile
Tel: 65-487440
Fax: 65-277156

attachment: buhochileno.vcf___
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] linux Serial Port

2011-03-18 Thread Mauricio Henriquez


try to give user permisions to /dev/ttySx or /dev/ttyUSBx depending on 
the device that you using...
you can do it more permanently with a udev rule,  but try first just 
given permision to the user that is going to run the program...



On 03/13/2011 06:31 PM, Mrhyde88 wrote:

Hi guys

im just starting with Mono on linux, and im having problems getting the
serial port to work, heres the code im using:

using System;
using Gtk;
using System.IO.Ports;

public partial class MainWindow : Gtk.Window
SerialPort sport= new System.IO.Ports.SerialPort(/dev/ttyS0, 9600,
Parity.None,8, StopBits.None);
public MainWindow () : base(Gtk.WindowType.Toplevel)
Build ();


protected void OnDeleteEvent (object sender, DeleteEventArgs a)
Application.Quit ();
a.RetVal = true;

//initialize serial port
public void serial(){
//SerialPort sport= new System.IO.Ports.SerialPort(/dev/ttyUSB0, 

if (sport.IsOpen==false){


//read serial port Data
public string ReadData()
byte tmpByte;
string rxString = ;

tmpByte = (byte) sport.ReadByte();

while (tmpByte != 255)
rxString += ((char) tmpByte);

tmpByte = (byte) sport.ReadByte();  

return rxString;

protected virtual void OnBtnimagePressed (object sender, 
txtserial.Text= ReadData();



The program crashes on the sport.Open() instruction,

System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by
the target of an invocation. ---  System.IO.IOException: Permission denied


View this message in context:
Sent from the Mono - Dev mailing list archive at
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Mauricio R. Henriquez Schott
Escuela de Ingeniería en Computación
Universidad Austral de Chile - Sede Puerto Montt
Los Pinos S/N, Balneario de Pelluco, Puerto Montt - Chile
Tel: 65-487440
Fax: 65-277156

attachment: buhochileno.vcf___
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-winforms-list] Text to Speech using Mono

2010-09-18 Thread Mauricio Henriquez

El 18-09-2010, a las 7:27, optimus_prime  

 I am developing applications using C# and Mono for Sugar OS which is
 actually based on a Fedora Core Linux. I have simple window having a  
 grid of
 buttons. Actually, I wanted to implement Text to Speech so that on  
 a button, a specific sound comes up.
 For normal C#, this is done by speech api’s (adding references of T 
 Reader) but will this work the same way for my application too?

if the TTS lib that you are referencing/using do native calls  (p/ 
invoke) for specific OS API functions (as most of the TTS Windows libs  
do, as far as I know), they will work just on that OS probably..Linux  
have some very cool TTS engines, so as part of the monoBOTICS 
), we include some simple wrappers  for espeack, festival and some  
other.They are simple in terms that they mostly interact with the  
command line TTS engine program, so, no much use of the engine api  
directly for customization at the moment, but they do what is needed.

The lib can be use it as stand alone is gpl and the linux tts engines  
also work on Windows, or a small and easy wrapper for some of the  
Windows libs is also possible for a cross platform solution



 View this message in context:
 Sent from the Mono - WinForms mailing list archive at
 Mono-winforms-list maillist  -
Mono-winforms-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-dev] weird wrapper crash using wrappers in mono..#1 0x0098e4d6 in nanosleep () from /lib/

2010-09-03 Thread Mauricio Henriquez

El 03-09-2010, a las 7:22, Euan MacInnes  

interesting then that it's failing both on the av_registerdevice  
line and/or Sounds like they're both trying to open the  
same device and it's failing as it can't be opened twice.
Yeap, may be some USBish thing, since probably avregister_device do  
some USB scan/check and phidgets devices are also USB...
One another thing to add weirdness to all this, is that this was  
working Ok on Fedora 10 to a certain point, then in some moment, the  
ffmpeg guys (or RPM packagers), beging to provide libdc1394 as a  
separated package/lib (previously was included in ffmpeg-libs  
package), and from that moment the problem show up. Currently if I  
remove libdc1394xxxzzyy.RPM from my sys and both code are more happy  
together (not entirely becouse ffmpeg beging to act weird since it  
miss those bits, the libdc1394 need to be removen by force --nodeps  
to avoid uninstall the hole ffmpeg packages and some other softwares).

Weird, weird...

The thing that I miss here is how mono runtime is involve in all this,  
since as I mention playing with phidget + ffmpeg code in a pure C  
scenario don't make any problem...



Subject: Re: [Mono-dev] weird wrapper crash using wrappers in  
mono..#1 0x0098e4d6 in nanosleep () from /lib/ 

Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2010 22:36:49 -0400

El 02-09-2010, a las 21:40, Euan MacInnes escribió:

The first suspicious thing in the output is the pixel format of -1  
and the width/height of 0. This should not be the case for the sws  
to get it's correct pixel conversion context.

Alos, the merged C# program seems threaded as you're getting a stack  
trace halfway through the FFMpeg, with presumably some phidgets  
calls mixed in. FFmpeg is constantly creating memory buffers and  
dumping into that, if something from phidgets is leaking into  
memory, that can cause FFmpeg to trip.

The first thing to then do here is to work out which line of code is  
causing the problem, debug statements to narrow that down, and then  
look at what's happening before it.
Right, the ffmpeg part is easy as we know the wrapper ;-) , the  
ofending line (if is a ffmpeg fault) is av_registerdevice,  
commenting that one and all works. From phidgets perspective is the call, comnenting that and all works. Sadly I don't  
have the source code of that lib, I need to ask to the company if I  
can get the sourcecode to do a better debug..

Any other souspicios thing on the mono front in the meantime?, may  
be you guys see some simillar issue arround some other wrappers  

Thank Euan!, talk to you soon..


Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2010 18:51:43 -0400
Subject: [Mono-dev] weird wrapper crash using wrappers in mono..#1  
0x0098e4d6 in nanosleep () from /lib/

Hi guys,

This is by far the most weird thing that happend to me using mono,  
so be
patience with me trying to explaining..and is not easy to provide a  


We have a C# ffmpeg wrapper (nothing to fancy, just takeing frames  
media) and we also use Phidgets devices (also with a wrapper of  
course,, using both in a separated way with mono  
2.4 or

last mono 2.6 (linux 32bits and this happen on fedora 10,11,12, don't
know about 13...) and all works ok. Also, mixing ffmpeg C code plus
phidget C code into a sample program and also all good with the world
(all in C in this case, no wrapper).

But here the really, really weird thing, mixing both in a C# program  

running with mono on linux (.NET on Windows also ok) and all goes to
hell!!, the problems seems related to ffmpeg (may be compilation  

options or something else?), since in the stacktrace some messages
mention (beside a bunch of other libs), but the weird
thing is that if I remove the phidget code in the C# sample and no
problem with libdc1394 or any other ffmpeg wrapper realted call. Also
removing the ffmpeg wrapper related code from thesample and the C#
phidget code start to work again without problems...And as I mention,
both code doing just C code and all works nicely mono is
on the equation in some weird way...

I have a kind of reduce test, but you are going to need to compile  

libs to do a proper test and also I be forced to send you the phidget
libs (which I don't know if it breakes any licence, or you have to
download the lib from phidgets website..), so a test on your side
involve some work that I don't know if you have the time or are will  

do it...

So, I'm lost about where to start to look or do to fix the issue and I
prefer to ask here before to fill a hard to reproduce bug So, here
is the complete 

Re: [Mono-dev] weird wrapper crash using wrappers in mono..#1 0x0098e4d6 in nanosleep () from /lib/

2010-09-02 Thread Mauricio Henriquez

El 02-09-2010, a las 21:40, Euan MacInnes  

The first suspicious thing in the output is the pixel format of -1  
and the width/height of 0. This should not be the case for the sws  
to get it's correct pixel conversion context.

Alos, the merged C# program seems threaded as you're getting a stack  
trace halfway through the FFMpeg, with presumably some phidgets  
calls mixed in. FFmpeg is constantly creating memory buffers and  
dumping into that, if something from phidgets is leaking into  
memory, that can cause FFmpeg to trip.

The first thing to then do here is to work out which line of code is  
causing the problem, debug statements to narrow that down, and then  
look at what's happening before it.
Right, the ffmpeg part is easy as we know the wrapper ;-) , the  
ofending line (if is a ffmpeg fault) is av_registerdevice, commenting  
that one and all works. From phidgets perspective is the  
call, comnenting that and all works. Sadly I don't have the source  
code of that lib, I need to ask to the company if I can get the  
sourcecode to do a better debug..

Any other souspicios thing on the mono front in the meantime?, may be  
you guys see some simillar issue arround some other wrappers  

Thank Euan!, talk to you soon..


Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2010 18:51:43 -0400
Subject: [Mono-dev] weird wrapper crash using wrappers in mono..#1  
0x0098e4d6 in nanosleep () from /lib/

Hi guys,

This is by far the most weird thing that happend to me using mono,  
so be
patience with me trying to explaining..and is not easy to provide a  


We have a C# ffmpeg wrapper (nothing to fancy, just takeing frames  
media) and we also use Phidgets devices (also with a wrapper of  
course,, using both in a separated way with mono  
2.4 or

last mono 2.6 (linux 32bits and this happen on fedora 10,11,12, don't
know about 13...) and all works ok. Also, mixing ffmpeg C code plus
phidget C code into a sample program and also all good with the world
(all in C in this case, no wrapper).

But here the really, really weird thing, mixing both in a C# program  

running with mono on linux (.NET on Windows also ok) and all goes to
hell!!, the problems seems related to ffmpeg (may be compilation  

options or something else?), since in the stacktrace some messages
mention (beside a bunch of other libs), but the weird
thing is that if I remove the phidget code in the C# sample and no
problem with libdc1394 or any other ffmpeg wrapper realted call. Also
removing the ffmpeg wrapper related code from thesample and the C#
phidget code start to work again without problems...And as I mention,
both code doing just C code and all works nicely mono is
on the equation in some weird way...

I have a kind of reduce test, but you are going to need to compile  

libs to do a proper test and also I be forced to send you the phidget
libs (which I don't know if it breakes any licence, or you have to
download the lib from phidgets website..), so a test on your side
involve some work that I don't know if you have the time or are will  

do it...

So, I'm lost about where to start to look or do to fix the issue and I
prefer to ask here before to fill a hard to reproduce bug So, here
is the complete stacktrace in case you see anything souspicious or may
be I can do something to give you more proper infoThanks in  



ISE.Media.FFmpeg: opening input file
Input #0, avi, from '/home/buho/Desktop/War3-Movie-Trailer.avi':
   Duration: 00:00:29.99, start: 0.00, bitrate: 1040 kb/s
 Stream #0.0: Video: mpeg4, yuv420p, 800x340 [PAR 1:1 DAR  
40:17], 24

tbr, 24 tbn, 30k tbc
 Stream #0.1: Audio: mp3, 44100 Hz, 2 channels, s16, 128 kb/s
ISE.Media.FFmpeg: Found 2 Streams
ISE.Media.FFmpeg: Processing Stream 0...
ISE.Media.FFmpeg: Video Stream...
ISE.Media.FFmpeg: Processing Stream 1...
ISE.Media.FFmpeg: Audio Stream...

Native stacktrace:

ISE.Media.FFmpeg: Setting Up Video Frame
ISE.Media.FFmpeg: Pixel Format: fmt: -1 w: 0 h: 0
ISE.Media.FFmpeg: Frame buffer size: 816000
[swscaler @ 0x9254a00]No accelerated colorspace conversion found.
ISE.Media.FFmpeg: Got sws context
ISE.Media.FFmpeg: Video Frames established
 /usr/bin/mono() [0x80c6cbb]
 /usr/bin/mono() [0x805b058]
 /usr/lib/ [0xb6a22e79]
 /usr/lib/ [0xb6a3c782]
 /usr/lib/ [0xb632fd6c]
 /usr/lib/ [0xb63226be]
 /usr/lib/ [0xb632fc95]
 /lib/ [0x986ab5]
 /lib/ [0x8b183e]

Debug info from gdb:

OutputWidth = 800, OutputHeight 

Re: [Mono-winforms-list] Casting question (creating things on the fly)

2010-05-25 Thread Mauricio Henriquez
Hi Paul:

What you can do is deserialize a object from a previously XML  
serialized object, something like:

When you serialize a object to a XML file, you are saving the string  
representation of the object state at a given time, fron there you can  
rebuild the object when you want from the stored info on the XML..

To find more usefull info about it, use C# XML Serialization on Mr.  
Google :-)

Hope that it helps and if is like the thing that you are looking for



El 25-05-2010, a las 2:13, Paul escribió:


 Is it possible to create a winform object using something stored in a

 For example

 string m = Label;
 object n = (object)m;

 n foo = new n();

 I'd imagine it can be, but after 20 mins of googling around, can't see
 anything that says I can...


 Biggles was quietly reading his favourite book when Algy burst through
 the door. Distracted for a moment, Biggles surveyed what had happened
 and turned a page. Algy old man he said, clearing his throat, use  
 handle next time... - Taken from Biggles combs his Hair
 Mono-winforms-list maillist  -
Mono-winforms-list maillist  -

[Mono-dev] dbus C#

2007-11-06 Thread Mauricio Henriquez
Hi to all:

I want to write some central message proxi for a number of apps and I 
think that dbus is the correct choice, so my question is if you know a 
specific mail list dedicated to the dbus + c# technics or is correct to 
make related question here on this list?



Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Syscall.mmap problem

2007-10-28 Thread Mauricio Henriquez
ok, sorry but I don't recive the previous mail I check my trash and spam 
forlder but nothing...
anyway, here is the situation:
in my mmap test the /pr.txt file exist so the error handling is only 
for test porpuses and to watch if any of the mmap paremeter is wronge 
(this is a test of the mmap not the final working with the mmap on the, in my case the file descriptor is correct (not  0), 
in any case thak you Jonathan for your test code, if I run your code I 
get the same Console.WriteLine(start.ToString()) = -1 and this message 
with the error handling:

mmap: Value too large for defined data type //I don't know what means

the lenght returned by len = statbuf.st_size is 6 and this is correct 
becouse is the same value as the C code and offcourse is the lenght of 
the file.

In other mail Jonathan ask me about the len and offset values, the len 
is 6 and offset 0, is the same code of a C working mmap program.

I don't know what else can I check...

thank you.


Robert Jordan wrote:
 Mauricio Henriquez wrote:
 Please guys help me a little with this!!!, I realy need to solve this 
 weird thing to help in the Video4Linux.Net proyect
 ..or at least tell me what kind of test do you need to help you to find 
 the source problem.

 You've got an answers, so please check your SPAM folder or
 look at:


 In advance, thank you very much


 Mauricio Henriquez wrote:
 about the Syscall.mmap function call, if I ask for the 
 Mono.Unix.Native.Stdlib.GetLastError(), I get a
 EOVERFLOW error message.
 what can I do to solve this or give you a better bug report?



 Mauricio Henriquez wrote:
 Hi to all:

 I trying to help to Tim Taubert in they implementation of 
 Video4Linux.Net and now I have problems with the Syscall.mmap function, 
 so I traslate a C mmap working example  code and allways crash, here is 
 my code:

 int fdin;
 IntPtr start;
 Mono.Unix.Native.Stat statbuf;
 long len;
 if((fdin =,  OpenFlags.O_RDONLY))  0)
 Console.WriteLine(open crash);
 Console.WriteLine(open fine);

 if((Syscall.fstat(fdin, out statbuf))  0)
 Console.WriteLine(fstat crash);
 Console.WriteLine(fstat ok);

 len = statbuf.st_size;
 //file lenght is 6, I test this with a mmap C code
 Console.WriteLine(length = {0}, len); //OK

 start = Syscall.mmap
 if (start == Syscall.MAP_FAILED)
 throw new Exception(mmap crash.);

 do you see some mistake?, I use Fedora 5 with mono-, may be you 
 can send me a workin Mono.Posix or Mono.Unix dll, becouse I prefer don't 
 compile all mono stuff only for this dll, becouse all other stuff work 

 In advance, thank you very much.

 Mauricio Henriquez

 Mono-devel-list mailing list

 Mono-devel-list mailing list


 Mono-devel-list mailing list


Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] libsigc++ signal wrapper

2007-10-28 Thread Mauricio Henriquez

Sorry if is the wronge place to ask this kind of stuff, but the 
libsigc++ mail list don't have much traffic and I'm sure that you have a 
lote of experience working with wrappers.

  Currently, I need to write a wrapper to allow a C# program to connect 
to a signal exposed in a class that use the libsigc++ library, and I 
want to ask if you have any idea, suggestion or documentation related to 
this kind of stuff??, I know how to write wrapper for native C/C++ 
inpout/output functions, but this is the first time that I need to write 
a wrapper for a event.

In advance thank you very much.

Mauricio Henriquez

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Syscall.mmap problem

2007-10-27 Thread Mauricio Henriquez
Please guys help me a little with this!!!, I realy need to solve this 
weird thing to help in the Video4Linux.Net proyect
..or at least tell me what kind of test do you need to help you to find 
the source problem.

In advance, thank you very much


Mauricio Henriquez wrote:
 about the Syscall.mmap function call, if I ask for the 
 Mono.Unix.Native.Stdlib.GetLastError(), I get a
 EOVERFLOW error message.
 what can I do to solve this or give you a better bug report?



 Mauricio Henriquez wrote:
 Hi to all:

 I trying to help to Tim Taubert in they implementation of 
 Video4Linux.Net and now I have problems with the Syscall.mmap function, 
 so I traslate a C mmap working example  code and allways crash, here is 
 my code:

 int fdin;
 IntPtr start;
 Mono.Unix.Native.Stat statbuf;
 long len;
 if((fdin =,  OpenFlags.O_RDONLY))  0)
 Console.WriteLine(open crash);
 Console.WriteLine(open fine);

 if((Syscall.fstat(fdin, out statbuf))  0)
 Console.WriteLine(fstat crash);
 Console.WriteLine(fstat ok);

 len = statbuf.st_size;
 //file lenght is 6, I test this with a mmap C code
 Console.WriteLine(length = {0}, len); //OK

 start = Syscall.mmap
 if (start == Syscall.MAP_FAILED)
 throw new Exception(mmap crash.);

 do you see some mistake?, I use Fedora 5 with mono-, may be you 
 can send me a workin Mono.Posix or Mono.Unix dll, becouse I prefer don't 
 compile all mono stuff only for this dll, becouse all other stuff work 

 In advance, thank you very much.

 Mauricio Henriquez

 Mono-devel-list mailing list


 Mono-devel-list mailing list


Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Syscall.mmap problem

2007-10-25 Thread Mauricio Henriquez
about the Syscall.mmap function call, if I ask for the 
Mono.Unix.Native.Stdlib.GetLastError(), I get a
EOVERFLOW error message.
what can I do to solve this or give you a better bug report?



Mauricio Henriquez wrote:
 Hi to all:

 I trying to help to Tim Taubert in they implementation of 
 Video4Linux.Net and now I have problems with the Syscall.mmap function, 
 so I traslate a C mmap working example  code and allways crash, here is 
 my code:

 int fdin;
 IntPtr start;
 Mono.Unix.Native.Stat statbuf;
 long len;
 if((fdin =,  OpenFlags.O_RDONLY))  0)
 Console.WriteLine(open crash);
 Console.WriteLine(open fine);

 if((Syscall.fstat(fdin, out statbuf))  0)
 Console.WriteLine(fstat crash);
 Console.WriteLine(fstat ok);

 len = statbuf.st_size;
 //file lenght is 6, I test this with a mmap C code
 Console.WriteLine(length = {0}, len); //OK

 start = Syscall.mmap
 if (start == Syscall.MAP_FAILED)
 throw new Exception(mmap crash.);

 do you see some mistake?, I use Fedora 5 with mono-, may be you 
 can send me a workin Mono.Posix or Mono.Unix dll, becouse I prefer don't 
 compile all mono stuff only for this dll, becouse all other stuff work 

 In advance, thank you very much.

 Mauricio Henriquez

 Mono-devel-list mailing list


Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] Syscall.mmap problem

2007-10-24 Thread Mauricio Henriquez
Hi to all:

I trying to help to Tim Taubert in they implementation of 
Video4Linux.Net and now I have problems with the Syscall.mmap function, 
so I traslate a C mmap working example  code and allways crash, here is 
my code:

int fdin;
IntPtr start;
Mono.Unix.Native.Stat statbuf;
long len;
if((fdin =,  OpenFlags.O_RDONLY))  0)
Console.WriteLine(open crash);
Console.WriteLine(open fine);
if((Syscall.fstat(fdin, out statbuf))  0)
Console.WriteLine(fstat crash);
Console.WriteLine(fstat ok);
len = statbuf.st_size;
//file lenght is 6, I test this with a mmap C code
Console.WriteLine(length = {0}, len); //OK
start = Syscall.mmap
if (start == Syscall.MAP_FAILED)
throw new Exception(mmap crash.);

do you see some mistake?, I use Fedora 5 with mono-, may be you 
can send me a workin Mono.Posix or Mono.Unix dll, becouse I prefer don't 
compile all mono stuff only for this dll, becouse all other stuff work 

In advance, thank you very much.

Mauricio Henriquez

Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] C# festival TTS wrapper

2007-10-20 Thread Mauricio Henriquez

Recently I build a very, very basic Festival (text to speech engine) 
wrapper for C#, with this you can make talk your C# app :-), anyone 
interesting?, where can I put the files to make this available?.


Mauricio Henriquez.

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-list] [Mono-dev] Need your help: Mainsoft/Novell Race to Linux

2007-01-29 Thread Mauricio Henriquez
Please take a look to and tell me if a software 
like that is what you are looking ??
I have some litle parts (test) running on mono


Miguel de Icaza wrote:
 Hey folks,

 Mainsoft and Novell are organizing an event to port applications
 from Windows to Linux using Mono or Grasshopper.

 And we are looking for good candidates to port: we need some
 interesting, .NET-based open source applications that would be
 interesting to port to Linux.

 If you have some suggestions of what could be a good challenge for
 an ASP.NET, Winforms or server app to port, please email me your

 Mono-devel-list mailing list


Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-dev] Need your help: Mainsoft/Novell Race to Linux

2007-01-26 Thread Mauricio Henriquez
Please take a look to and tell me if a software 
like that is what you are looking ??
I have some litle parts (test) running on mono


Miguel de Icaza wrote:
 Hey folks,

 Mainsoft and Novell are organizing an event to port applications
 from Windows to Linux using Mono or Grasshopper.

 And we are looking for good candidates to port: we need some
 interesting, .NET-based open source applications that would be
 interesting to port to Linux.

 If you have some suggestions of what could be a good challenge for
 an ASP.NET, Winforms or server app to port, please email me your

 Mono-devel-list mailing list


Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] [Mono-devel-list] Operating System in C# Project

2006-10-30 Thread Mauricio Henriquez
sorry, what is the main idea??, develop a operating system in C#, sorry 
I lost the first post.
If that is the case, I have a prototype OS in C# (for educational 
pospuses only), offcourse is very, very, very basic, for the moment only 
open one or more proto-assembler files (like compiled programs), and 
allocate memory for each proceess, define a PCB for each process and 
begin the execution of each assembly line with a implementation of the 
Round-Robbin algorith, also do context change to change from one 
process to other ready process, and show all the execution information.

anyone interesting??


Brian Crowell wrote:
 jmacdonagh wrote:
 Glad to see I'm not the only one interested in ths. I've also toyed around
 with this idea for some time. I began looking at traditional operating
 system development to learn a little more.

 What interests me most about this is a C# program as a first-class citizen, 
 or really, every API in the system being not only available, but *designed 
 for* managed programs.

 I think a good example of that can be found in Microsoft's DirectX, which we 
 were just discussing. Compare Managed DirectX to XNA. The differences are 
 big. XNA exposes, for the most part, the very same APIs, but in a much more 
 intuitive and friendly manner than Managed DirectX.

 You could consider fully object-oriented operating systems, where the design 
 of the API is every bit as important as its concept. You could organize the 
 system around safe plug-ins, each providing some service to the whole, such 
 as a windowing system, file systems, etc., but which are most importantly *as 
 easy to write as implementing an interface or an abstract base class.*

 I'd be very interested in participating on design of such a thing. I've been 
 trying to teach myself good object-oriented design over the years, and I 
 think I would have some good input to give past the initial problem of 
 booting such an environment.

 Perhaps the project could be approached in two stages? Half where we boot the 
 managed environment, and half where we assume the managed environment. You 
 could design and implement these independently of each other. You could even 
 design a set of classes to emulate the kernel on top of an ordinary runtime, 
 for the purposes of unit testing. One strategy I've become fond of, 
 especially where components and unit testing come into play, is generous use 
 of the IServiceProvider interface; if components accessed kernel objects this 
 way (or a similar way, where you ask for a base class but not a specific 
 implementation), they would neither need to know or care whether they're 
 using the real thing or not.

 Several thoughts. Exciting stuff.

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Re: [Mono-dev] [Mono-devel-list] Operating System in C# Project

2006-10-30 Thread Mauricio Henriquez
...tell me if you have problems with the rar attached files...

Mauricio Henriquez wrote:
 all that I mention is in C#, please keep in mind that is a probe of 
 concepts test code, is not a serious effor as the proposed in this 
 thread, I love to work on this proyect, I know about assembler on 
 windows, linux and a little IL, I also know a lote of OSs behinds (I'm 
 Operating System class teacher on my university)


 Johann MacDonagh wrote:
 I would love to see what you have accomplished so far. What portion 
 of what
 you mentioned is in C#?

 Mauricio Henriquez wrote:
 sorry, what is the main idea??, develop a operating system in C#, 
 sorry I lost the first post.
 If that is the case, I have a prototype OS in C# (for educational 
 pospuses only), offcourse is very, very, very basic, for the moment 
 only open one or more proto-assembler files (like compiled 
 programs), and allocate memory for each proceess, define a PCB for 
 each process and begin the execution of each assembly line with a 
 implementation of the Round-Robbin algorith, also do context 
 change to change from one process to other ready process, and 
 show all the execution information.

 anyone interesting??


 Brian Crowell wrote:

 jmacdonagh wrote:

 Glad to see I'm not the only one interested in ths. I've also toyed
 with this idea for some time. I began looking at traditional 
 system development to learn a little more.
 What interests me most about this is a C# program as a first-class
 citizen, or really, every API in the system being not only 
 available, but
 *designed for* managed programs.

 I think a good example of that can be found in Microsoft's DirectX, 
 we were just discussing. Compare Managed DirectX to XNA. The 
 are big. XNA exposes, for the most part, the very same APIs, but in a
 much more intuitive and friendly manner than Managed DirectX.

 You could consider fully object-oriented operating systems, where the
 design of the API is every bit as important as its concept. You could
 organize the system around safe plug-ins, each providing some 
 service to
 the whole, such as a windowing system, file systems, etc., but 
 which are
 most importantly *as easy to write as implementing an interface or an
 abstract base class.*

 I'd be very interested in participating on design of such a thing. 
 been trying to teach myself good object-oriented design over the 
 and I think I would have some good input to give past the initial 
 of booting such an environment.

 Perhaps the project could be approached in two stages? Half where 
 we boot
 the managed environment, and half where we assume the managed
 environment. You could design and implement these independently of 
 other. You could even design a set of classes to emulate the kernel on
 top of an ordinary runtime, for the purposes of unit testing. One
 strategy I've become fond of, especially where components and unit
 testing come into play, is generous use of the IServiceProvider
 interface; if components accessed kernel objects this way (or a 
 way, where you ask for a base class but not a specific 
 they would neither need to know or care whether they're using the real
 thing or not.

 Several thoughts. Exciting stuff.

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Re: [Mono-dev] [Mono-devel-list] Operating System in C# Project

2006-10-30 Thread Mauricio Henriquez
...try from here:
but please move the kernel.rar file to other place when you can access, 
is a very unestable server...sorry least is an object oriented kernel emulator.


Brian Crowell wrote:
 Mauricio Henriquez wrote:
 all that I mention is in C#, please keep in mind that is a probe of 
 concepts test code, is not a serious effor as the proposed in this 
 thread, I love to work on this proyect, I know about assembler on 
 windows, linux and a little IL, I also know a lote of OSs behinds (I'm 
 Operating System class teacher on my university)

 That's actually more of an emulator than an operating system, but it would 
 still be worthwhile to have someone on hand with assembly experience, so 
 stick around.

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[Mono-devel-list] some GtkGlExt-Sharp list??

2005-04-24 Thread Mauricio Henriquez
Hi to all:

Anyone knows about some GtkGlExt mail-list??, I try to work with
TAO/OpenGl in a Gtk window on mono/linux, and I need some help, I can make a
glut window from a C# program on mono/linux with TAO, but I don't know how
to make some opengl stuff inside a gtk window.

Any idea??, any list about this kind of stuff??



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