Now that I am using moonlight more often (and flash has this problem, but I 
turn off flash alot now),
I hate the issue of it stealing all key presses, so browser key short cuts 
don't work.

I can understand that its important to offer up as many keys to the moonlight 
plugin as possible,
but is there not some kind of combination (or custom pick for it in moonlight 
[right click settings])
that one could have browser get back focus?
How about ctrl-alt-^ ?  or maybe two odd key codes back to back  ctrl-z ctrl-z 
breaks it out?

This of course assumes there isn't already a way? But googling (against this 
annoyance in flash) didn't 
provide any answers, so I wouldn't be suprized if there isn't currently a focus 
breakout for moonlight.
Not sure if there is a way in silverlight for IE in Windows (not that I need 
that, but if it did exist, use same in linux world with moonlight).

ted leslie <>
Mono-list maillist  -

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