On Sat, Feb 20, 2016 at 05:37:39PM -0500, Hendrik Boom wrote:
> Once again I'm setting up a mtn data base and am having problems with
> privileges.

Before you waste time investigating this, I've already foud one 
problem, thanks to rereading my own message a few days later in a 
different mindset in a coffeeshop.  It seems to have the wrong uri to 
connect to!

> mtn: connecting to 'mtn://topoi.pooq.com/www'

'www' should hae been 'howto'.

No wonder it blocked me.  It would have been nice if usher had a better 
message, such as that my branch ID didn't match the pattern it had for 
www, but it does look as it that was the problem.

Not sure how the www got into my URI.

Still, a checklist would be convenient.

I'll try to write one someime.

-- hendrik

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