Re: [Monotone-devel] Re: [Revctrl] improvements to *-merge

2005-09-03 Thread Oren Ben-Kiki
On Friday 02 September 2005 21:48, Bram Cohen wrote:
 First of all though, there's a point I have to get out of the way.
 Just how does one pronounce 'precise-*-merge'? Star-merge is already
 taken as a term, and asterisk-merge just doesn't roll off the tongue
 in quite the same way.

Precis(e)tar-r-merge? :-)

 This approach is entirely based on values, not graph node

There's a subtlety involved:

   / \
  d1  b1
   \ / \
b?  c1   

b? would have been a conflict, resolved in favor of b. So the rule is:

In case of a conflict resolved for one of the values, you keep the 
winner's generational number.

On the other hand,

     /  \
    b1   a1
     \  /

Here there would have been a clean merge to b1, overridden for a, so the 
rule is: 

In case a clean merge is overridden for the losing value, you increment 
the generation number.

It sounds like a potential divergence between the programmer's intent 
and the algorithm's interpretation. It does seem to work however... Any 

Then there's implicit undo :-) The whole approach philosophically 
opposes implicit undo, since the undone generation number _must_ be 
higher than the original, causing conflicts. I really don't see how you 
could even approach trying to make implicit undo work...

Have fun,

Oren Ben-Kiki

Monotone-devel mailing list

[Monotone-devel] Re: [Revctrl] improvements to *-merge

2005-09-02 Thread Bram Cohen
Okay, I've read over this and thought about it, and have figured out how
to give it proper convergence.

First of all though, there's a point I have to get out of the way. Just
how does one pronounce 'precise-*-merge'? Star-merge is already taken as a
term, and asterisk-merge just doesn't roll off the tongue in quite the
same way.

This approach is entirely based on values, not graph node relationships.
Values are obviously the normal a, b, c, etc. but they also have implicit
generation numbers, b1, b2, b3, etc. The usual generational number of any
value is 1. If a b1 has ever appeared and been overwritten anywhere in the
history, then if the value is set to b the implicit generational number is
b2, unless b2 has already been done away with, in which case it's b3,
unless it needs to be b4, etc.

Here's the simplest example:


Nothing to merge in the above, just demonstrating how generation numbers

Here's the case which keeps tripping up *-merge, which I'd like to calle
the 'staircase' case, since Nathaniel asked for a name for it:

   / \
  d1  b1
   \ / \
b1  c1

In this case b1 has already been done away with (specifically, by c1, but
which one immediately followed on doesn't matter) so c1 wins.

/ \
|  b1
|  |
   b1  a2

b1 has already been beaten, so a2 wins. Note that a1 was beaten, but a2
has not been, so a2 is still permitted to win.

 /  \
b1   c1
| \ / |
|  X  |
| / \ |
b1   c1

b1 and c1 have both been beaten (or, viewed alternatively, each one has
beaten the other) so both sides lose, which is presented to the user as a

  b1  b2
   \ /

In this case b2 wins, because by definition of when b2 appears b1 must
already have been defeated.

 /  \
b1   b1
| \ / |
   a2  X  a2
| / \ |
|/   \|

Obviously b2 wins this one.

 /  \
b1   a1
 \  /

Nothing to merge here, just wanted to point out that this must have been
presented to the user as a clean resolve to b, and even though one of the
ancestors is the same as the descendant it's still a different generation

  /  \
 b1  |
 |   |
 a2  c1

Neither a2 nor c1 has been beaten, so this is a conflict. I still haven't
worked out a way of adding implicit undo to this approach. I suspect that
there's an algorithm for recognizing situations like this one and
resolving them automatically, in a conservative way which only affects
conflict cases and only automatically resolves them when there's a clear
right answer.

I'm generally very happy with this algorithm. I think that with the
addition of implicit undo it may really be the uber-merge algorithm for
scalars, and even without implicit undo it's pretty darn close.


Monotone-devel mailing list

[Monotone-devel] Re: [Revctrl] improvements to *-merge

2005-08-30 Thread Nathaniel Smith
On Tue, Aug 30, 2005 at 02:21:18AM -0700, Nathaniel Smith wrote:
 Corollary 1: If *(A)  B, and any element R of *(B) is R  A, then
  value(A) = value(B).
 The nastiest case of this is where *(A)  B, but some elements of *(B)
 are  A -- so we silently make B win, but it's really not _quite_
 clear that's a good idea, since A also beat B sometimes -- and we're
 ignoring those user's intentions.
 This is the nice thing about Corollary 1 (and why I didn't just
 collapse it into Corollary 2) -- it assures us that the only time this
 _weak_ form of ambiguous clean can happen is when A and B are already

It occurs to me belatedly that there are actually even more
complexities here than I realized.  In particular, we need Corollary 1
to show that in the (v) case:

   a   b1
\ /

with b2 unmarked, then *(b2) = *(b1).  It's in principle possible
that *(b2) is merely a subset of *(b1), in case some element of *(a)
masked out an element of *(b1).  That would be bad, if we were
dropping intentions on the floor...

OTOH, if that happened, then that element of *(a) would also be an
element of *(b2), so perhaps the proof of Corollary 1 is overcomplex,
and we could have just used the theorem that said all elements of
*(b2) have value b.

I also noticed something interesting, in this regard.  One of the
biggest differences between the *-merges and the codeville-merges they
came from is that in codeville merge, each node has associated with it
one or more source revisions, analogous to *(A).  The difference is
that in codeville merge, you have to write these down for each node,
or else do some content-sensitive annotation-like traversal of the
graph; there isn't the same sense that *'s are things associated with
particular _ancestor_ nodes, and *() just reads off the nearest one(s)
from the graph topology.

I'd been thinking of this as a *-merge advantage mainly because it's
what makes the analysis of *-merge so tractable.  On further
reflection, I think it is actually a theoretical advantage as well.
Inasmuch as we are modeling user intentions, there is something wrong
the the idea that an intention could be expressed at one point in the
graph, and then later on the value changes to something else -- but
without any intervening intention being expressed!  For example, the

   / \
  b1* c1*
  |\ /|
  | X |
  |/ \|
  b2  c2

b2 is a child of c1, yet there is no record of any intention that
overrode the c1 intention to explain how the value changed from c1 to

So now I think that the particular way *-merge uses graph topology is
in some ways a design feature, not just a convenient fact.

-- Nathaniel

- Don't let your informants burn anything.
- Don't grow old.
- Be good grad students.
  -- advice of Murray B. Emeneau on the occasion of his 100th birthday

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