Re: [MonoTouch] How do you actually listen to an UIScrollView scrolling

2014-01-03 Thread victoria
Ah, I was afraid of that. Really, I have to say, it's not much of an API
design when there are two ways of doing things and they silently break and
cancel each other out like this. We'll consider our options but as suspected
it'll probably not be possible to support both then.

Thanks Nic!

/ V

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Re: [MonoTouch] Autosize our app for iPhone 5...

2012-09-21 Thread victoria
I hate to reply to my own message, but for those of you who, like me, keep
hitting the brick wall and not getting the auto-resizie to work - here's the
answer: Give up, there is no such thing as magically expand yourself to
parent size layout manager style like in CSS, Java Swing, or Most Every
Other Toolkit Known to Man.

Instead, what you do is *always* use fixed positioning for everything. The
auto-resize thing only comes in to play when, well, the View is *resized*.

To get your table in a scrollview expand on to the full screen on both
iPhone4 and 5, and behave accordingly when the in-call status bar is
toggled, you'd do something like

// set container to full size of screen, fixed positions ftw
UIViewScrollView container = new UIScrollView(0,0, View.Frame.Width,

// content size to some large table size
container.ContentSize = new SizeF(table.Frame.Width, table.Frame.Height)

// how to resize the scrollview when the status bar is toggled
container.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleHeight

// add the table

I hope this helps someone in the future, it would have saved me quite a lot
time :-)

/ Vic

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[MonoTouch] Autosize our app for iPhone 5...

2012-09-19 Thread victoria
Dear list,

So iPhone 5 is on its way, and suddenly we have a new resolution to deal
with. Well, a quick peek on the source for my app shows me that I'm not
ready. At all. I have hard coded height/width everywhere. So I try the
mighty Google trying to understand how this AutoresizingMask stuff, nd
just as last time I really don't get it. That most examples are for using
IB doesn't really help either (screenshots like just makes me want to stab my head with a

It would be great if someone at Xamarin could write a recipe on how to
properly implement AutoResizing, but until then - I can't even get the most
basic things to work! From what I understand, what I want to do is anchor a
view at X,Y and then let it resize itself to fit the screen, then relatively
place stuff in it. Here's how you not do auto resize a view:

public class TestView : UIViewController
public override void ViewDidLoad ()
View.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Blue;

var test = new UIView(new RectangleF(10, 10, 200, 200)) 
BackgroundColor  = UIColor.Black,
AutoresizingMask = 


This, in my world, would anchor the black view at 10,10 have a minimum of
200,200 pixels and then resize its bottom to fit the screen. It of course
doesn't work at all because I'm probably thinking layout manager when I
should be thinking different. I must be missing something obvious. 

Short version: I have a UIView. Right now it's at a fixed position at 0,90
with a 320px width and 370px height. When the iPhone 5 is released, I'll
need that 370 to continue down to fill the whole screen. How do I do that?

Any help is as always very much appreciated!

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Re: [MonoTouch] What does iOS do to my poor app in the background?

2012-06-28 Thread victoria
Rolf Bjarne Kvinge to the rescue again, that did clear some things up... I
was somehow under the impression that iOS would just randomly reclaim memory
from the app while it was sleeping - that DidReceiveMemoryWarning was only
called while the app was in the foreground. Silly me. 

Many of the objects I keep in memory are for performance reasons, and while
I could always free them when the app enters background I'd probably have to
restore then when the user returns, which would make for a noticeable delay.
I'll just free them in DidReceiveMemoryWarning then. Finally things are
starting to fall into place, this is much easier than believing that iOS
would just randomly butcher parts of your app, super thanks!

... that does leave the seemingly random freezes as something of a mystery,
but I'll probably figure that out with your debugging tips. Cool! 

/ V

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[MonoTouch] What does iOS do to my poor app in the background?

2012-06-27 Thread victoria
Dear list,

App works fine and Monotouch is awesome. The final showstopper is the silly
user decides to do something else (gasp!) and puts the app in the
background, and when restored later on one of three things happens:

1 App returns to where it was, great!
2 App has been killed by iOS in the background and stars anew, can live with
3 Something in-between, and the app freezes. This isn't very good.

Up until now I haven't put much thought into the whole background/foreground
thing and find it surprisingly hard to come by any good resources how to do
this. The reason for the app freezing is probably me not properly restoring
the state of the application, but exactly what is it I need to save/restore?

The app I'm working on isn't the most complicated thing ever, but it's not
Hello ViewController either. For one thing, I have quite a few objects in
memory that responds to events. If iOS decides to kill them off, I can see
why the app freezes. If that's even possible? From what I understand, iOS
can reclaim memory (without killing the application), but exactly what
would that include? In memory objects? ViewControllers? Subviews? 

For me, it all comes down to this: When the user returns to the app, I need
to know what has iOS done to my application so I know how to respond.
Right now I answer that question with I have no idea and just hope scenario
1 or 2 plays out.

Any hints or docs on this is very very very much appreciated. This is, I
think, the last issue before I get super rich selling my app for $0 on the

/ V

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Re: [MonoTouch] Correct way to cache and restore a UIViewController

2012-06-21 Thread victoria

Tomasz Cielecki wrote
 I guess this should work, but mind that your app might run out of
 memory if you cache a lot of views in the memory. Also keep in mind
 that while the application is in suspended mode iOS may purge the
 memory of the application and you will have to reload the views

Ah, well aware of that! I simplified it a little bit, in reality the cache
Get method works something like this

public static T GetT() where T : class, new()
string key = typeof(T).ToString();
T data = null;

if (CachedViews.ContainsKey(key))
data = CachedViews[key] as T;

if (data == null)  // not in cache or eaten by a grue
   data = new T();
   CachedViews[key] = data;

   return data;

var controller = ViewControllerCache.GetMyFantasticView();

...would give me MyFantasticView if it's in the cache, or a new instance if
it's not. And that made me feel very smart for a few minutes. It all starts
to fall apart if I save a viewcontroller in the cache and then push it onto
the navigator later, deeper down the navigation hierarchy. 

Tomasz Cielecki wrote
 The normal approach is as you said yourself to create the view when
 needed and dispose of it when it is not needed anymore. I am not sure
 what the time consuming part of your views are, but usually my views
 load instantly and the loading of the data to be put into the views is
 what consumes most of the time.
 So maybe a better approach to this could be to save the state of the
 data in the view rather than the view itself. If it is really the view
 that is taking that much time to load, then try to see if it can be

Hmm, that's an idea worth exploring. For some reason I can't quite get the
profiling tools to work so I'm stuck with adding stopwatches here and there,
making it somewhat tricky to figure out what's really slowing down the
transitions. And it's not like it's unbearable, but having just a single
second delay between views really make the whole experience so much worse.

Xamarin people: Please give us a guide on how to best optimize our apps ;-)

On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 1:11 PM, victoria lt;iminurbase@gt; wrote:
 Dear list,

 Short version: What's the correct way to load a UIViewController when the
 application starts, and then restore it (much) later?


 I found creating UIViewControllers with somewhat complex Views to be a
 fairly expensive operation, so instead of just creating and pushing them
 onto the Navigator when needed, I had the idea to load all heavy views
 a simple object cache when the app starts (with a nice loading screen),
 then push/pop them at will while keeping them in memory. It works
 like this:

 1 AppStartUp
 |--- cache[finalView] = new ComplexViewController();
 |--- push Menu A onto the navigator
 2 Menu A Controller
 | --- user makes some kind of selection
 | --- (cache[finalView] as
 |---  push Menu B onto the navigator
 3 Menu B Controller
 | --- user makes some kind of selection
 | --- (cache[finalView] as
 |---  push cache[finalView] onto the navigator
 4 ComplexViewController
 | --- OMG Ponies!

 This method at first seemed to work great, and made the transition between
 Menu B and ComplexViewController *a lot* smoother. However, things started
 to fall apart recently with stuff going missing from the views in the
 So, I started adding lots of SetNeedsDisplay() in their ViewWillAppear
 methods, and this somewhat worked - except for UITables. And some custom
 controls. I'm fairly certain I've gone down the wrong path here, so are
 there any best practices for doing what I'm trying to accomplish?

 Any help or hints would be much appreciated!

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Med Venlig Hilsen / With Best Regards
Tomasz Cielecki
MonoTouch mailing list

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[MonoTouch] Best way of cropping out the transperancy of a PNG image?

2012-05-09 Thread victoria
Hello list!

I have a bunch of transparent PNG images, all the same size - I need to crop
out the transparent part around the actual content. It's been asked on stack
overflow before ( ) with
some more or less working solutions in objc, but I can't help to think that
there's a better way. So, have anyone done this successfully in Monotouch?
Actually cropping the image probably isn't needed in most cases, as long as
one could get the bounding box of the transparent part you could just
justify the frame.

Any thoughts on this or code to share would be much appreciated!

/ Victoria

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Re: [MonoTouch] CancelAsync on DownloadDataAsync crashes monotouch?

2012-04-17 Thread victoria
That is odd, I can't really make it more of a test case because that's all
there is. If I start a clean solution and a console project with just 

class MainClass
public static void Main (string[] args)
 string file =;;

 System.Net.WebClient client = new 
 client.DownloadDataAsync(new System.Uri(file));
 client.CancelAsync();  // still kabooms

I get the same crash. Are we using the same version? I'm on 2.10.9 (Stable)
and I'm not really in a position where I'd feel comfortable switching to the
beta branch... but if it works on beta and not stable then I guess I can
just wait for it to be fixed, the project I'm working on isn't due for
release for quite a while :-)

Rolf Bjarne Kvinge wrote
 On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 10:45 AM, victoria lt;iminurbase@gt; wrote:
 Hello list,
 I'm not sure if this is a Monotouch bug or if we're doing something wrong
 here. We're trying to use System.Net.WebClient to fetch some data async
 a nice optional Cancel this download button for the user - however
 to cancel the request blows up everything. Behold:

  // random somewhat big file to not download
  string file =;;

  WebClient client = new WebClient();
  client.DownloadDataAsync(new Uri(file));
  client.CancelAsync();  // kaboom

 I just tried this exact code, and it works fine for me.
 I've looked at both the exception and our WebClient implementation, and
 exception doesn't make much sense - so something is obviously going wrong.
 I suggest you file a bug with a complete test case, and I'll have a look
 it asap.

 The code above works just fine on .NET/Windows - also, changing
 DownloadDataAsync to DownloadStringAsync seems to work as we would expect
 to (no kaboom, but we need the raw data so unfortunately we can't use it)

 Thoughts? Bug? Help?

 / V

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[MonoTouch] CancelAsync on DownloadDataAsync crashes monotouch?

2012-04-16 Thread victoria
Hello list,

I'm not sure if this is a Monotouch bug or if we're doing something wrong
here. We're trying to use System.Net.WebClient to fetch some data async with
a nice optional Cancel this download button for the user - however trying
to cancel the request blows up everything. Behold:

  // random somewhat big file to not download
  string file =;;

  WebClient client = new WebClient();
  client.DownloadDataAsync(new Uri(file));
  client.CancelAsync();  // kaboom

The code above works just fine on .NET/Windows - also, changing
DownloadDataAsync to DownloadStringAsync seems to work as we would expect it
to (no kaboom, but we need the raw data so unfortunately we can't use it)

Thoughts? Bug? Help?

/ V

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Re: [MonoTouch] CancelAsync on DownloadDataAsync crashes monotouch?

2012-04-16 Thread victoria
Hoh, yes sorry... 

Running the four lines I posted I get this back:

Unhandled Exception: System.Threading.ThreadInterruptedException: Thread
  at (wrapper managed-to-native)
  at System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOne (Int32 millisecondsTimeout, Boolean
exitContext) [0x0] in filename unknown:0 
  at System.Net.WebAsyncResult.WaitUntilComplete (Int32 timeout, Boolean
exitContext) [0x0] in filename unknown:0 
  at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndGetResponse (IAsyncResult asyncResult)
[0x0] in filename unknown:0 
  at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse () [0x0] in filename
  at System.Net.WebClient.GetWebResponse (System.Net.WebRequest request)
[0x0] in filename unknown:0 
  at System.Net.WebClient.ReadAll (System.Net.WebRequest request,
System.Object userToken) [0x0] in filename unknown:0 
  at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadDataCore (System.Uri address,
System.Object userToken) [0x0] in filename unknown:0 
System.Threading.ThreadInterruptedException: Thread interrupted
  at (wrapper managed-to-native)
  at System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOne (Int32 millisecondsTimeout, Boolean
exitContext) [0x0] in filename unknown:0 
  at System.Net.WebAsyncResult.WaitUntilComplete (Int32 timeout, Boolean
exitContext) [0x0] in filename unknown:0 
  at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndGetResponse (IAsyncResult asyncResult)
[0x0] in filename unknown:0 
  at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse () [0x0] in filename
  at System.Net.WebClient.GetWebResponse (System.Net.WebRequest request)
[0x0] in filename unknown:0 
  at System.Net.WebClient.ReadAll (System.Net.WebRequest request,
System.Object userToken) [0x0] in filename unknown:0 
  at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadDataCore (System.Uri address,
System.Object userToken) [0x0] in filename unknown:0 

Rolf Bjarne Kvinge wrote
 On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 10:45 AM, victoria lt;iminurbase@gt; wrote:
 Hello list,

 I'm not sure if this is a Monotouch bug or if we're doing something wrong
 here. We're trying to use System.Net.WebClient to fetch some data async
 a nice optional Cancel this download button for the user - however
 to cancel the request blows up everything. Behold:

 Can you be a bit more specific than blows up everything? Is an exception
 thrown? Is anything printed to the application output / console? Any crash

  // random somewhat big file to not download
  string file =;;

  WebClient client = new WebClient();
  client.DownloadDataAsync(new Uri(file));
  client.CancelAsync();  // kaboom

 The code above works just fine on .NET/Windows - also, changing
 DownloadDataAsync to DownloadStringAsync seems to work as we would expect
 to (no kaboom, but we need the raw data so unfortunately we can't use it)

 Thoughts? Bug? Help?

 / V

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Re: [MonoTouch] Subscribing to ScrollAnimationEnded on a uitableview has strange results?

2012-03-07 Thread victoria
Okay, thanks! That makes sense - but it also makes for some really unexpected
behaviour that doesn't show until runtime - and if you're not aware of it,
it can take quite some time to nail what's happening. (I'm not saying it's
bad design, but an exception or warning or SOMETHING would have saved many
work hours yesterday! ;-)

While I'm really having a hard time accepting the hack of saving the Source
and re-set it in the handler, it does seem to work and I'll just pray we
don't have to subscribe to the ScrollAnimationEnded again for this project.
Maybe next time we can go with Monotouch.Dialog and not implement a custom
hack of a pull-to-refresh feature ourselves, which is what
ScrollAnimationEnded was needed for.

Thanks again,
 / V

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[MonoTouch] Subscribing to ScrollAnimationEnded on a uitableview has strange results?

2012-03-06 Thread victoria
Hello list, hope you can shed some light on this odd issue we're having.

Today I helped track down a really obscure bug. What it came down to is
this: deep in the code an uitableview had its ScrollAnimationEnded
subscribed to, and when that happened the uitableview.Source for some reason
got set to null.

I think the best way I can explain it is with a simple test case:

class DoNothing : UITableViewSource
  public override int RowsInSection (UITableView tableview, int section)
{ return 0; }
  public override UITableViewCell GetCell (UITableView tableView,
NSIndexPath indexPath)
return new UITableViewCell();
public override void ViewDidLoad ()
  UITableView tableview = new UITableView();
  tableview.Source = new DoNothing();
  Console.WriteLine(source null?  + (tableview.Source == null));  //
  tableview.ScrollAnimationEnded += (s, e) = { };
  Console.WriteLine(source null?  + (tableview.Source == null));  //
true, what happened here?

we worked around the problem by saving the uitableview.source just before
subscribing to the event, then in the event handler we simply set the source
again. This seem to work and luckily we don't really need the source until
the event has fired, but I can't for my life understand WHY .source is
cleared on subscribing to the event, or what else happens that we haven't
noticed yet (hint: this is the real question that worries me).

This by the way, doesn't work either:

var tmp = tableview.Source;
tableview.ScrollAnimationEnded += (s, e) = { };
tableview.Source = tmp;

Because setting Source to tmp clears the subscribed event. Is this really
expected behavior, are we missing something? Or maybe, what is the proper
way to subscribe to ScrollAnimationEnded without strange side effects?

/ V

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[MonoTouch] Backgroundtworker or new Thread

2012-01-11 Thread victoria
Hi list!

I have two working solutions here and I'm wondering which I should go with.
I'm firing off a thread in the background to do some heavy lifting and at
first I use new Thread() and ran it like so:

var thread = new Thread(Load);
thread.IsBackground = true;  // Might not be needed? I don't remember

public Load() {
  using(var pool = new NSAutoreleasePool()) { doStuff();
InvokeOnMainThread(() = { done(); } }

Now, while that works fine, I really like BackgroundWorker because threads
are scary, so I ran with this instead:

BackgroundWorker bw = new BackgroundWorker();
bw.DoWork += (sender, e) = { doStuff(); }
bw.RunWorkerCompleted += (sender, e) = { InvokeOnMainThread(() = { done();
} }


Are both methods above 100% equivalent, or is one better than the other when
it comes to Monotouch?

Do I still need to wrap the content of the backgroundworker anonymous method
in a NSAutoreleasePool?

Any input on this would be much appreciated!

/ Victoria

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[MonoTouch] Using images instead of text labels on bars with CorePlot

2011-11-06 Thread victoria

Like many, I'm fairly new to MonoTouch but have a history with both Mono and
.NET. So far, we're getting along fine - until now. I've spent literally the
whole weekend with one simple goal; to change the BarPlot.cs sample
application from the CorePlotiOSSample to use images (think icons) on top of
the bars instead of text labels saying bar 0, bar 1, and so on. From the
objc examples I've found it looks like this should be possible, and fairly
simple by using CPTPlotSpaceAnnotation. But, I can't for the life of me get
it to work with MonoTouch.

Question: Have anyone done this in MonoTouch before and have just a few
lines of sample code to share, or at least can point me in the right
direction? Or is this just not possible with the MonoTouch bindings (during
my trials and errors there have been a few times when the icons simply don't
seem to display anywhere)? The closest thing I've gotten to work is to
manually place images on top of the bars by hardcoding their X/Y positions.
Any help here would be greatly appreciated.

/ Victoria

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