these are pretty funny........
10. Your saddle is Versace.
9. Instead of Home on the Range, you sing It's Raining Men
8. You enjoy ridin', ropin' and redecoratin'.
7. Sold your livestock to buy tickets to Mamma Mia!
6. After watching reruns of Gunsmoke, you have to take a cold shower.
5. Native Americans refer to you as Dances With Men.
4. You've been lassoed more times than most steers.
3. You're wearing chaps, yet your "ranch" is in Chelsea.
2. Instead of a saloon, you prefer a salon.
1. You love riding, but you don't have a horse.
Years ago I had changed the lyrics  of  Willie's great song MY HEROES HAVE ALWAYS BEEN COWBOYS   to   MY COWBOYS HAVE ALWAYS BEEN HOMOS.   I'd   sing a few bars but it probably would have the list running for the exits...............
    On a business note  I will be participating for the very first time as a seller  at a poster show joining such Mopo'ers  as Dan Strebin, Rich Halequa, Ray Ruggeri,  Bob Di Pietro  and other superstars of the biz........So if attending  the Courts  show this Fri and Sat come find me.......I'll have available a veritable plethora of Hollywood ephemera  including  original release onesheets WOMAN OF THE YEAR,  PRINCE AND THE SHOWGIRL, ON THE WATERFRONT, COPPOLA SIGNED GODFATHER 2 AND APOCALYPSE NOW, HESTON SIGNED 10 COMMANDMENTS,   BEYOND BENGAL, as well as a 40 x 60 VIVA ZAPATA, SHADOW OF A DOUBT & DEAD OF NIGHT 3 SHEET, as well as some swell looking French posters  and a ton of premiere lobby cards as well as a file of 10.00 lobby cards and $10  posters mostly from the 40's and 50's of titles you have never heard of!!!   To resist is futile!  Come by and say Howdy 
freeman fisher
8601 west knoll drive #7
west hollywood, ca
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