Re: [MOPO] MOPO- still alivein Toledo May the 4th be with YOU all

2023-05-05 Thread Tom Martin

Thank you Toochis !!!
prayer is my Rocket fuel of my soul!!

Its a sunny day in Toledo , the birds are singing and i have given 
thanks To jesus..for all the great people that have touched my Core 

I went to  podiatrist  today..more antibiotic..ciproand Dopxycycline...2 
weeks afteri had 6 weeksof IV...yet he said its incheckand healing so he 
took blood to check  my kidneys///

Life isa balancing act...

I plan to pick up the scripts later and while I'm  at the pharmacy I 
will pick up some Kroger's salad kits but I love some pistachios and 
bananas and for a treat a California roll sushi
I may also get some blueberries in Mandarin oranges if I can fit in the 
basket and carry in my wheelchair

I am just so thankful for everyone my cab drivers today on time and very 
helpful and help me get into the doctors office with my low vision

I hope you and your significant other brant are in good health and happy
I was thinking of everyone I met on the MOPO group through the years  
liik3 Jim Episale , Adian Cowdrt..SUE, shelly whitworth. sam. Bruce, 
alan and allen, nathalie...and so many more... whata blessing you all 
have been even when we disaggreed on mitywhites..its been Greatandi have 
enjoued it all... Rich offerd many thoughts as well as JR and susan 
Olsen.david lieberman.David Kusomoto... allthe guys in UK> 
ger,amy.Italy, Romania.. Japan.. france, Italy..wonderful people

I have been so lucky to have your friendship
No matter what happenesto meI will always remember  the 
kindness..andgreat education oflife..Scotyt our great nerves of steel 
mopo leader thanks as well as all the quiet ones that allow me to rant 
and vent my
 I'm sorry if I've ever offended anybody I know everybody's sensitive 
about their beliefs and how to do business

I have felt very honored to be able to post on the group one of my 
favorite people in entertainment was Jerry Weintraub who promoted Elvis 
Frank Sinatra in Led Zeppelin and also manage John Denver and did many 
movies like karate kid in all the oceans movies and yet at the end of 
his life before he died he wrote a book called y'all know I'm dead when 
I stop talking which kind of sums me up also as I talk a lot but the 
most impressive part about Jerry to me with his summary of life he said 
the most important things are God family and friends and I agree 
wholeheartedly with him that's why I've admired hearing about your 
families and your lives because we're all brothers and sisters in the 
big picture I Imagine having being where all my deceased friends in 
movie people throughout my historyand family historic figures all meet 
up again and happiness and  joy and a giant picnic and we all celebrate 
peace and love together for eternity that's what I hope is this is the 
startofa journey of the real true life where it all makes sense why we 
had to suffer
And I believe Jesus told us that it would end in a good way is this life 
seems like a blinking of an eye
I would expect I would be hanging out with artists and inventors and 
creators and musicians and many common folk of all kinds as I love 
everybody regardless of stature or status regardless of how to intensity 
gender age or race or religion
God bless you all and please enjoy the nicer weather if you're in a good 
area Toledo is beautiful today so thankful
If I can help in anyway my phone number is 419-474-3065 I don't have all 
the answers but perhaps I can help in some small way I just friendly 
conversation OK god bless you all Tom

Hollywood dream Factory®
since 1977

On 2023-05-05 11:55, Toochis r wrote:

Tom, I’m praying for your healing  and protection. Thank you for
sharing your experiences.  You have indeed had a wonderful and
interesting life and I am looking forward to more writings of your


On Thu, May 4, 2023 at 8:10 AM Tom Martin

Irony I filed the police report on April 1 April fools day
I could perhaps be the worlds greatest fool
I have blundered everything possible to blonder in life marriage
relationships business steals your name

What a funny thing this last few years I watched it's a wonderful
again you see your Seagal I sent Frank Capra and Jimmy Stewart a
real Clock that I manufactured from Hollywood dream factory as a
Christmas gift Frank Capra secretary called me and said he wanted
send me some 8 x 10 stills from the film I was pleasantly surprised
wonders why by movie reel clock touched his heart
I never heard from Jimmy Stewart..
While watching the movie I had an epiphany at the beginning of the
the angels are talking amongst themselves about Clarence who is
to get his wings it turns out Clarence was the clockmaker and bingo
realized I was a clockmaker and his son Frank one of my clocks I
received a new design patent on the clock
I'min the 80s I believe around 1988 in the US and in Canada
I made the clock for paramount pictures Walt Disney, Warner
Ghostbusters part two, for Columbia pictures 

Re: [MOPO] MOPO- still alivein Toledo May the 4th be with YOU all

2023-05-05 Thread Toochis r
Tom, I’m praying for your healing  and protection. Thank you for sharing
your experiences.  You have indeed had a wonderful and interesting life and
I am looking forward to more writings of your adventures.


On Thu, May 4, 2023 at 8:10 AM Tom Martin <> wrote:

> Irony I filed the police report on April 1 April fools day
> I could perhaps be the worlds greatest fool
> I have blundered everything possible to blonder in life marriage
> relationships business steals your name
> What a funny thing this last few years I watched it's a wonderful life
> again you see your Seagal I sent Frank Capra and Jimmy Stewart a movie
> real Clock that I manufactured from Hollywood dream factory as a
> Christmas gift Frank Capra secretary called me and said he wanted to
> send me some 8 x 10 stills from the film I was pleasantly surprised and
> wonders why by movie reel clock touched his heart
> I never heard from Jimmy Stewart..
> While watching the movie I had an epiphany at the beginning of the film
> the angels are talking amongst themselves about Clarence who is trying
> to get his wings it turns out Clarence was the clockmaker and bingo I
> realized I was a clockmaker and his son Frank one of my clocks I
> received a new design patent on the clock
> I'min the 80s I believe around 1988 in the US and in Canada
> I made the clock for paramount pictures Walt Disney, Warner brothers,
> Ghostbusters part two, for Columbia pictures and it was used for many
> movies as a promotional item for Addams family, and Bronx tale with
> Robert De Niro
> It's a wonderful life is my favorite film of all time in the movie also
> George Bailey and Mary give the last $2000 they planned to take a
> honeymoon to Bermuda
> The book Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain is prominently featured at the end of
> the movie and Clarence writes a note to George Bailey saying no man is a
> failure who has friends
> My mom was from Bermuda and my great grandmother used to have tea with
> Mark Twain are
> When they filmed Jimmy Stewart praying in the movie he was not faking it
> or acting he was genuinely crying and praying
> Zuzu the little girl that says every time  a bell Rings a angel gets his
> wings
>   God act s inn mysterio
> My recent experiences have been like going to another planet like
> Dagobah in star wars.. Coincidence
> The Library of Congress offers free books for the blind in one book I
> recently listened to this by Ryan Holiday ...called tyhe ego is the
> enemy and others
> he is Ny times bestseller also the daily stoic..and heavy on Philosophy
> and history from all times Plato Socrates all the philosophers came to
> the same conclusion that we all really know nothing in the final
> analysis I have ignorance down to a science
> Yet I believe I can do all things by Christ who strengthens me and I can
> imagine the glory and wisdom of God and all the
> Wise people of all history I learned that the Muslims Jews and
> Christians all consider Abraham the founding father of all religions and
> even the Buddhist and the Hindus and others agree on the same principles
> of peace and love kindness and forgiveness which is what Jesus Christ
> taught a song what is important in the big picture my mom studied
> eastern philosophy and yeah he came in devoted Christian so did Saint
> Paul and many who were atheist and did not believe my longtime friend
> believes in UFOs and aliens and he thinks that they are coming and that
> they could be Jesus and the angels it would not surprise me at all I
> think everything with positive sincere mindset souls and hearts this way
> mankind will be redeemed before we destroy each other Ryan also wrote a
> book about silence is the key and has a great story behind the Cuban
> missile crisis with John F. Kennedy and home cool minds prevailed over
> anger and craziness between Russia and the US at that time I hope we can
> all find peace and love as I am not enjoying seeing the current worlds
> actions
> I apologize if I in anyway help promote violence to children by selling
> motion picture memorabilia I think everything can be good good and
> everything can be used for bad and negative the key is to inspire
> children to get along and love each other and help each other so that
> when they become adults they will also do the same I believe we can
> trace how the mind is developed in society to pop culture memorabilia
> and media that we're exposed to his children
> I've based my thoughts  46 years experience sign motion picture
> memorabilia
> A
> t the same time the negative teaches us to be able to discern the
> difference between kindness empathy and the opposite
> So we need the experience in order to know the difference of positive
> and negative the beauty of God's plan is we learned this by life
> experience
> That's why almost all religions believe that we moved to a next level
> after this life which sounds like a good plan especially if we can work
> out the 

Re: [MOPO] MOPO- still alivein Toledo

2023-05-04 Thread Tom Martin


And Greg I think you are a Christian because Saint Paul murdered 
Christians and yet became one of the biggest spokesman for Christ ever 
as far as my son I think of the prodigal son where he squandered his 
inheritance kings welcome him back with open arms because he loved them 
after the Sun lost everything on
GUYS AND BAD GUYS AND EVEN THE BAD are great teachers of what not to do
God bless you sir and your family and all the best health and wisdom 
thank you


2023-05-04 21:11, Greg Douglass wrote:

First; I must confess that I do not believe in God in the biblical
sense of an all-knowing sentient being...BUT I would fight to the
death for your right to believe in whatever gives you comfort.
Mr. Martin, I am one of the few people on this list who has had the
great pleasure of meeting you and I'm a pretty good judge of people.
You exude an innate goodness and gentleness that struck me as
remarkable immediately. You are quick to smile and I felt like I had
known you for a long time(which I kind of have from reading your
wonderful posts on MOPO.) For two people with whom you have been so
generous to betray you in order to rob you of property that is the
result of decades of hard work is beyond me.
It breaks my heart to read about the physical challenges that you have
had to overcome. You're right; all good people want love and peace in
the world, regardless of their belief system. I think Jesus was a
great man and I try to follow his teachings. Likewise Buddha,
Mohammed, Brahma, etc. Sadly, their beliefs in love and spitiual
balance in the world are often hijacked by people who use those
beautiful connections to something bigger than ourselves to control
and hurt others.
I have read enough of the bible to liken your situation to Job. Be
patient and hang in, my friend, but if you can find someone to plead
your cause...perhaps a lawyer who would take your case pro bono...I
urge you to go for it. What's being done to you is horrific.
A lot of people on this group love you, Tom. Remember that. I don't
know if that gives you any solace but it's true.
Your friend and fellow paper addict,
Greg Douglass

SENT: Wednesday, May 03, 2023 at 4:53 PM
 FROM: "Tom Martin" 
 SUBJECT: [MOPO] MOPO- still alivein Toledo
Hello folks-on January yes I had a vitreous hemorrhage in my left die
 yes I only have one eye that could see I also had foot surgery on my
 left foot my only remaining foot
 I was in the hospital from January 19 for 30 days then I was put in a
 rehab nursing home for another 30 days and did not get released until
 like March 4 meanwhile
 Meanwhile my son and my ex-wife conspired to have me ruled mentally
 unstable and put into a nursing home I assume to acquire my property

 I had given my son Tommy my car a year ago however he did not
 the title so I've been paying insurance on the car for over a year I
 guilty of enabling and I accept all responsibility however on April 1
 April fools day I contacted the Toledo police and also adult
 services to secure my rights I also got assessed by to mental health
 agencies and they said I was thinking stable and clear but every
 health agency I talked to agreed with me when I said how I've been
 dealing with all the stress with my prayer to Jesus Christ yes I've
 you before I believe that things are getting very rough because the
 world is in disarray and in the final stages before Jesus comes back
 which was predicted many many years ago and anybody who believes and
 even those that don't believe acknowledge that there is a deep
 disturbance in the force of the world with all the recent shootings I
 suggest you listen to my song on YouTube called Armageddon which was
 predictive of this and an asked the people in politics teach their

Re: [MOPO] MOPO- still alivein Toledo

2023-05-04 Thread Greg Douglass

First; I must confess that I do not believe in God in the biblical sense of an all-knowing sentient being...BUT I would fight to the death for your right to believe in whatever gives you comfort. 

Mr. Martin, I am one of the few people on this list who has had the great pleasure of meeting you and I'm a pretty good judge of people. You exude an innate goodness and gentleness that struck me as remarkable immediately. You are quick to smile and I felt like I had known you for a long time(which I kind of have from reading your wonderful posts on MOPO.) For two people with whom you have been so generous to betray you in order to rob you of property that is the result of decades of hard work is beyond me.

It breaks my heart to read about the physical challenges that you have had to overcome. You're right; all good people want love and peace in the world, regardless of their belief system. I think Jesus was a great man and I try to follow his teachings. Likewise Buddha, Mohammed, Brahma, etc. Sadly, their beliefs in love and spitiual balance in the world are often hijacked by people who use those beautiful connections to something bigger than ourselves to control and hurt others.

I have read enough of the bible to liken your situation to Job. Be patient and  hang in, my friend, but if you can find someone to plead your cause...perhaps a lawyer who would take your case pro bono...I urge you to go for it. What's being done to you is horrific.

A lot of people on this group love you, Tom. Remember that. I don't know if that gives you any solace but it's true.

Your friend and fellow paper addict,

Greg Douglass


Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2023 at 4:53 PM
From: "Tom Martin" 
Subject: [MOPO] MOPO- still alivein Toledo

Hello folks-on January yes I had a vitreous hemorrhage in my left die
yes I only have one eye that could see I also had foot surgery on my
left foot my only remaining foot
I was in the hospital from January 19 for 30 days then I was put in a
rehab nursing home for another 30 days and did not get released until
like March 4 meanwhile
Meanwhile my son and my ex-wife conspired to have me ruled mentally
unstable and put into a nursing home I assume to acquire my property

I had given my son Tommy my car a year ago however he did not transfer
the title so I've been paying insurance on the car for over a year I am
guilty of enabling and I accept all responsibility however on April 1
April fools day I contacted the Toledo police and also adult protective
services to secure my rights I also got assessed by to mental health
agencies and they said I was thinking stable and clear but every mental
health agency I talked to agreed with me when I said how I've been
dealing with all the stress with my prayer to Jesus Christ yes I've told
you before I believe that things are getting very rough because the
world is in disarray and in the final stages before Jesus comes back
which was predicted many many years ago and anybody who believes and
even those that don't believe acknowledge that there is a deep
disturbance in the force of the world with all the recent shootings I
suggest you listen to my song on YouTube called Armageddon which was
predictive of this and an asked the people in politics teach their
children to love not to hate
My own son who is brainwashed by his mother who is a non-believer in God
and soul it was no surprise to me that she was up to her old tricks she
contacted my doctors and told them that I said I wanted to kill myself
which was untrue and she also said that I thought the Chinese had caused
the doctor to make my eyes bad so he thought I'd lost my mind and he
contacted my other doctors and that's when I had to come clean with the
police and let everybody kn
I've been abused by the woman my ex-wife since before the year 2000
that's why we got divorced she caused me to go chapter 13 and was just
very dishonest with my customers and my friends so she managed I gave
Tommy my passwords to my computer and the keys to my house and they
merely took advantage of me I'm not looking for pity I'm just trying to
let you guys know what I've been through if it helps promote Jesus
Christ plan I am embracing everything that the devil throws at me
because I know it's spiritual attack and when you're trying to walk with
God is when it seems that the devil comes and tries to throw you off
your game so for any of you that are sad or depressed please take it
from Tom the best answer is to pray for your enemies forgive them even
though they've hurt you and they are malicious and do dirty tricks
because the only way the devil wins is if you become a hater also which
look at the evidence in society right now that's why these kids are
shooting people because they want
But I will tell you this there is 10 to one more positive spiritual
loving people that care I'm both Jewish Muslim Hindu Christians
worldwide I've spoke to people all over the world and they all

Re: [MOPO] MOPO- still alivein Toledo May the 4th be with YOU all

2023-05-04 Thread Tom Martin

Irony I filed the police report on April 1 April fools day
I could perhaps be the worlds greatest fool
I have blundered everything possible to blonder in life marriage 
relationships business steals your name

What a funny thing this last few years I watched it's a wonderful life 
again you see your Seagal I sent Frank Capra and Jimmy Stewart a movie 
real Clock that I manufactured from Hollywood dream factory as a 
Christmas gift Frank Capra secretary called me and said he wanted to 
send me some 8 x 10 stills from the film I was pleasantly surprised and 
wonders why by movie reel clock touched his heart

I never heard from Jimmy Stewart..
While watching the movie I had an epiphany at the beginning of the film 
the angels are talking amongst themselves about Clarence who is trying 
to get his wings it turns out Clarence was the clockmaker and bingo I 
realized I was a clockmaker and his son Frank one of my clocks I 
received a new design patent on the clock

I'min the 80s I believe around 1988 in the US and in Canada
I made the clock for paramount pictures Walt Disney, Warner brothers, 
Ghostbusters part two, for Columbia pictures and it was used for many 
movies as a promotional item for Addams family, and Bronx tale with 
Robert De Niro
It's a wonderful life is my favorite film of all time in the movie also 
George Bailey and Mary give the last $2000 they planned to take a 
honeymoon to Bermuda

The book Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain is prominently featured at the end of 
the movie and Clarence writes a note to George Bailey saying no man is a 
failure who has friends
My mom was from Bermuda and my great grandmother used to have tea with 
Mark Twain are
When they filmed Jimmy Stewart praying in the movie he was not faking it 
or acting he was genuinely crying and praying
Zuzu the little girl that says every time  a bell Rings a angel gets his 

 God act s inn mysterio
My recent experiences have been like going to another planet like  
Dagobah in star wars.. Coincidence
The Library of Congress offers free books for the blind in one book I 
recently listened to this by Ryan Holiday ...called tyhe ego is the 
enemy and others

he is Ny times bestseller also the daily stoic..and heavy on Philosophy 
and history from all times Plato Socrates all the philosophers came to 
the same conclusion that we all really know nothing in the final 
analysis I have ignorance down to a science
Yet I believe I can do all things by Christ who strengthens me and I can 
imagine the glory and wisdom of God and all the
Wise people of all history I learned that the Muslims Jews and 
Christians all consider Abraham the founding father of all religions and 
even the Buddhist and the Hindus and others agree on the same principles 
of peace and love kindness and forgiveness which is what Jesus Christ 
taught a song what is important in the big picture my mom studied 
eastern philosophy and yeah he came in devoted Christian so did Saint 
Paul and many who were atheist and did not believe my longtime friend 
believes in UFOs and aliens and he thinks that they are coming and that 
they could be Jesus and the angels it would not surprise me at all I 
think everything with positive sincere mindset souls and hearts this way 
mankind will be redeemed before we destroy each other Ryan also wrote a 
book about silence is the key and has a great story behind the Cuban 
missile crisis with John F. Kennedy and home cool minds prevailed over 
anger and craziness between Russia and the US at that time I hope we can 
all find peace and love as I am not enjoying seeing the current worlds 
I apologize if I in anyway help promote violence to children by selling 
motion picture memorabilia I think everything can be good good and 
everything can be used for bad and negative the key is to inspire 
children to get along and love each other and help each other so that 
when they become adults they will also do the same I believe we can 
trace how the mind is developed in society to pop culture memorabilia 
and media that we're exposed to his children
I've based my thoughts  46 years experience sign motion picture 

t the same time the negative teaches us to be able to discern the 
difference between kindness empathy and the opposite
So we need the experience in order to know the difference of positive 
and negative the beauty of God's plan is we learned this by life 
That's why almost all religions believe that we moved to a next level 
after this life which sounds like a good plan especially if we can work 
out the details and learn from our mistakes and seek all the good things 
that we have made mistakes on in this life

Son believe it's all random and we have no control over anything
I hope they are wrong and that everything matters for a grand purpose 
Whatever you believe I hope you have a good life of peace and love 
whoever you are and your families also

SINCE 1977


Re: [MOPO] MOPO- still alivein Toledo

2023-05-03 Thread S & N Yafet
Have been thinking about you and wondering what was going on?  Continuing
to pray.
I'll call you this weekend.

On Wed, May 3, 2023, 7:53 PM Tom Martin <> wrote:

> Hello folks-on January yes I had a vitreous hemorrhage in my left die
> yes I only have one eye that could see I also had foot surgery on my
> left foot my only remaining foot
> I was in the hospital from January 19 for 30 days then I was put in a
> rehab nursing home for another 30 days and did not get released until
> like March 4 meanwhile
> Meanwhile my son and my ex-wife conspired to have me ruled mentally
> unstable and put into a nursing home I assume to acquire my property
> I had given my son Tommy my car a year ago however he did not transfer
> the title so I've been paying insurance on the car for over a year I am
> guilty of enabling and I accept all responsibility however on April 1
> April fools day I contacted the Toledo police and also adult protective
> services to secure my rights I also got assessed by to mental health
> agencies and they said I was thinking stable and clear but every mental
> health agency I talked to agreed with me when I said how I've been
> dealing with all the stress with my prayer to Jesus Christ yes I've told
> you before I believe that things are getting very rough because the
> world is in disarray and in the final stages before Jesus comes back
> which was predicted many many years ago and anybody who believes and
> even those that don't believe acknowledge that there is a deep
> disturbance in the force of the world with all the recent shootings I
> suggest you listen to my song on YouTube called Armageddon which was
> predictive of this and an asked the people in politics teach their
> children to love not to hate
> My own son who is brainwashed by his mother who is a non-believer in God
> and soul it was no surprise to me that she was up to her old tricks she
> contacted my doctors and told them that I said I wanted to kill myself
> which was untrue and she also said that I thought the Chinese had caused
> the doctor to make my eyes bad so he thought I'd lost my mind and he
> contacted my other doctors and that's when I had to come clean with the
> police and let everybody kn
> I've been abused by the woman my ex-wife since before the year 2000
> that's why we got divorced she caused me to go chapter 13 and was just
> very dishonest with my customers and my friends so she managed I gave
> Tommy my passwords to my computer and the keys to my house and they
> merely took advantage of me I'm not looking for pity I'm just trying to
> let you guys know what I've been through if it helps promote Jesus
> Christ plan I am embracing everything that the devil throws at me
> because I know it's spiritual attack and when you're trying to walk with
> God is when it seems that the devil comes and tries to throw you off
> your game so for any of you that are sad or depressed please take it
> from Tom the best answer is to pray for your enemies forgive them even
> though they've hurt you and they are malicious and do dirty tricks
> because the only way the devil wins is if you become a hater also which
> look at the evidence in society right now that's why these kids are
> shooting people because they want
> But I will tell you this there is 10 to one more positive spiritual
> loving people that care I'm both Jewish Muslim Hindu Christians
> worldwide I've spoke to people all over the world and they all want love
> and peace it's just a few rotten apples are spoiling the world how it is
> if we turn the love and peace that's the answer God bless you all and I
> wish you all well and I'm getting help I've had so many blessings in the
> last month aside from the negative as I'm Easter Sunday 22 water pipe
> was broken and the Columbia Gas fixed it for free all the way from the
> basement to the road then recently in February while I was in the
> hospital my basement flooded and ruined a wood subfloor in the basement
> in my insurance company said I didn't have drain back up insurance
> however the city of Toledo gave me a flood grant to replace the plumbing
> in the basement so it couldn't back up any longer thank God and also
> while I was in the hospital I received a phone call from the city who
> awarded me a brand new roof for my house which I never would've been
> able to afford song are countless blessings
> They say count your blessings in what I do when I pray I pray for
> everybody even the ones who have abused me and then I pray for my family
> my son that he finds peace in in harmony and sees the light I think
> everybody can change because even Saint Paul who murdered Christians
> became one of the best disciples of Christ ever so it's possible that
> any man can change their heart and their mind and your soul and any
> woman also but you have to wish it and surrender to God
> So pray for everyone pray for your children pray for your neighbors and

Re: [MOPO] MOPO- still alivein Toledo

2023-05-03 Thread Tom Martin

Allen- God Bless you
thanks so much best to youand Family

On 2023-05-03 21:15, allen day wrote:

Keep plugging away

I'm rooting for you


On Wed, May 3, 2023 at 7:53 PM Tom Martin

Hello folks-on January yes I had a vitreous hemorrhage in my left
yes I only have one eye that could see I also had foot surgery on
left foot my only remaining foot
I was in the hospital from January 19 for 30 days then I was put in
rehab nursing home for another 30 days and did not get released
like March 4 meanwhile
Meanwhile my son and my ex-wife conspired to have me ruled mentally

unstable and put into a nursing home I assume to acquire my

I had given my son Tommy my car a year ago however he did not
the title so I've been paying insurance on the car for over a year
I am
guilty of enabling and I accept all responsibility however on April
April fools day I contacted the Toledo police and also adult
services to secure my rights I also got assessed by to mental
agencies and they said I was thinking stable and clear but every
health agency I talked to agreed with me when I said how I've been
dealing with all the stress with my prayer to Jesus Christ yes I've
you before I believe that things are getting very rough because the

world is in disarray and in the final stages before Jesus comes
which was predicted many many years ago and anybody who believes
even those that don't believe acknowledge that there is a deep
disturbance in the force of the world with all the recent shootings
suggest you listen to my song on YouTube called Armageddon which
predictive of this and an asked the people in politics teach their
children to love not to hate
My own son who is brainwashed by his mother who is a non-believer
in God
and soul it was no surprise to me that she was up to her old tricks
contacted my doctors and told them that I said I wanted to kill
which was untrue and she also said that I thought the Chinese had
the doctor to make my eyes bad so he thought I'd lost my mind and
contacted my other doctors and that's when I had to come clean with
police and let everybody kn
I've been abused by the woman my ex-wife since before the year 2000

that's why we got divorced she caused me to go chapter 13 and was
very dishonest with my customers and my friends so she managed I
Tommy my passwords to my computer and the keys to my house and they

merely took advantage of me I'm not looking for pity I'm just
trying to
let you guys know what I've been through if it helps promote Jesus
Christ plan I am embracing everything that the devil throws at me
because I know it's spiritual attack and when you're trying to walk
God is when it seems that the devil comes and tries to throw you
your game so for any of you that are sad or depressed please take
from Tom the best answer is to pray for your enemies forgive them
though they've hurt you and they are malicious and do dirty tricks
because the only way the devil wins is if you become a hater also
look at the evidence in society right now that's why these kids are

shooting people because they want
But I will tell you this there is 10 to one more positive spiritual

loving people that care I'm both Jewish Muslim Hindu Christians
worldwide I've spoke to people all over the world and they all want
and peace it's just a few rotten apples are spoiling the world how
it is
if we turn the love and peace that's the answer God bless you all
and I
wish you all well and I'm getting help I've had so many blessings
in the
last month aside from the negative as I'm Easter Sunday 22 water
was broken and the Columbia Gas fixed it for free all the way from
basement to the road then recently in February while I was in the
hospital my basement flooded and ruined a wood subfloor in the
in my insurance company said I didn't have drain back up insurance
however the city of Toledo gave me a flood grant to replace the
in the basement so it couldn't back up any longer thank God and
while I was in the hospital I received a phone call from the city
awarded me a brand new roof for my house which I never would've
able to afford song are countless blessings
They say count your blessings in what I do when I pray I pray for
everybody even the ones who have abused me and then I pray for my
my son that he finds peace in in harmony and sees the light I think

everybody can change because even Saint Paul who murdered
became one of the best disciples of Christ ever so it's possible
any man can change their heart and their mind and your soul and any

woman also but you have to wish it and surrender to God
So pray for everyone pray for your children pray for your neighbors
pray for your enemies and pray for everyone who's ever hurt you or
others because they all need help my foot doctor had to remove bone

Re: [MOPO] MOPO- still alivein Toledo

2023-05-03 Thread Tom Martin

Thanks Jim..God Bless

On 2023-05-03 21:25, James Gresham wrote:

Tom thanks for sharing your heart, your love of God, your concerns and
your problems.  We are all with you and I pray God comforts you, Jim

On Wed, May 3, 2023 at 9:15 PM allen day  wrote:

Keep plugging away

I'm rooting for you


On Wed, May 3, 2023 at 7:53 PM Tom Martin

Hello folks-on January yes I had a vitreous hemorrhage in my left
yes I only have one eye that could see I also had foot surgery on
left foot my only remaining foot
I was in the hospital from January 19 for 30 days then I was put
in a
rehab nursing home for another 30 days and did not get released
like March 4 meanwhile
Meanwhile my son and my ex-wife conspired to have me ruled
unstable and put into a nursing home I assume to acquire my

I had given my son Tommy my car a year ago however he did not
the title so I've been paying insurance on the car for over a
year I am
guilty of enabling and I accept all responsibility however on
April 1
April fools day I contacted the Toledo police and also adult
services to secure my rights I also got assessed by to mental
agencies and they said I was thinking stable and clear but every
health agency I talked to agreed with me when I said how I've
dealing with all the stress with my prayer to Jesus Christ yes
I've told
you before I believe that things are getting very rough because
world is in disarray and in the final stages before Jesus comes
which was predicted many many years ago and anybody who believes
even those that don't believe acknowledge that there is a deep
disturbance in the force of the world with all the recent
shootings I
suggest you listen to my song on YouTube called Armageddon which
predictive of this and an asked the people in politics teach
children to love not to hate
My own son who is brainwashed by his mother who is a non-believer
in God
and soul it was no surprise to me that she was up to her old
tricks she
contacted my doctors and told them that I said I wanted to kill
which was untrue and she also said that I thought the Chinese had
the doctor to make my eyes bad so he thought I'd lost my mind and
contacted my other doctors and that's when I had to come clean
with the
police and let everybody kn
I've been abused by the woman my ex-wife since before the year
that's why we got divorced she caused me to go chapter 13 and was
very dishonest with my customers and my friends so she managed I
Tommy my passwords to my computer and the keys to my house and
merely took advantage of me I'm not looking for pity I'm just
trying to
let you guys know what I've been through if it helps promote
Christ plan I am embracing everything that the devil throws at me

because I know it's spiritual attack and when you're trying to
walk with
God is when it seems that the devil comes and tries to throw you
your game so for any of you that are sad or depressed please take
from Tom the best answer is to pray for your enemies forgive them
though they've hurt you and they are malicious and do dirty
because the only way the devil wins is if you become a hater also
look at the evidence in society right now that's why these kids
shooting people because they want
But I will tell you this there is 10 to one more positive
loving people that care I'm both Jewish Muslim Hindu Christians
worldwide I've spoke to people all over the world and they all
want love
and peace it's just a few rotten apples are spoiling the world
how it is
if we turn the love and peace that's the answer God bless you all
and I
wish you all well and I'm getting help I've had so many blessings
in the
last month aside from the negative as I'm Easter Sunday 22 water
was broken and the Columbia Gas fixed it for free all the way
from the
basement to the road then recently in February while I was in the

hospital my basement flooded and ruined a wood subfloor in the
in my insurance company said I didn't have drain back up
however the city of Toledo gave me a flood grant to replace the
in the basement so it couldn't back up any longer thank God and
while I was in the hospital I received a phone call from the city
awarded me a brand new roof for my house which I never would've
able to afford song are countless blessings
They say count your blessings in what I do when I pray I pray for

everybody even the ones who have abused me and then I pray for my
my son that he finds peace in in harmony and sees the light I
everybody can change because even Saint Paul who murdered
became one of the best disciples of Christ ever so it's possible
any man can change their heart and their mind and your soul and
woman also but you have to wish it and surrender to God
So pray for everyone pray for your children pray for your

Re: [MOPO] MOPO- still alivein Toledo

2023-05-03 Thread Tom Martin

Thank You Ira God bless

On 2023-05-03 21:47, Ira Rubenstein wrote:

God bless you !   I am glad you are recovering.
Stay positive.


Sent via mobile.Please excuse typos and autocorrects.

On May 3, 2023, at 7:53 PM, Tom Martin 

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of PBS. Do not click 
links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the 
content is safe.

Hello folks-on January yes I had a vitreous hemorrhage in my left die
yes I only have one eye that could see I also had foot surgery on my
left foot my only remaining foot
I was in the hospital from January 19 for 30 days then I was put in a
rehab nursing home for another 30 days and did not get released until
like March 4 meanwhile
Meanwhile my son and my ex-wife conspired to have me ruled mentally
unstable and put into a nursing home I assume to acquire my property

I had given my son Tommy my car a year ago however he did not transfer
the title so I've been paying insurance on the car for over a year I 

guilty of enabling and I accept all responsibility however on April 1
April fools day I contacted the Toledo police and also adult 

services to secure my rights I also got assessed by to mental health
agencies and they said I was thinking stable and clear but every 

health agency I talked to agreed with me when I said how I've been
dealing with all the stress with my prayer to Jesus Christ yes I've 

you before I believe that things are getting very rough because the
world is in disarray and in the final stages before Jesus comes back
which was predicted many many years ago and anybody who believes and
even those that don't believe acknowledge that there is a deep
disturbance in the force of the world with all the recent shootings I
suggest you listen to my song on YouTube called Armageddon which was
predictive of this and an asked the people in politics teach their
children to love not to hate
My own son who is brainwashed by his mother who is a non-believer in 
and soul it was no surprise to me that she was up to her old tricks 

contacted my doctors and told them that I said I wanted to kill myself
which was untrue and she also said that I thought the Chinese had 

the doctor to make my eyes bad so he thought I'd lost my mind and he
contacted my other doctors and that's when I had to come clean with 

police and let everybody kn
I've been abused by the woman my ex-wife since before the year 2000
that's why we got divorced she caused me to go chapter 13 and was just
very dishonest with my customers and my friends so she managed I gave
Tommy my passwords to my computer and the keys to my house and they
merely took advantage of me I'm not looking for pity I'm just trying 

let you guys know what I've been through if it helps promote Jesus
Christ plan I am embracing everything that the devil throws at me
because I know it's spiritual attack and when you're trying to walk 

God is when it seems that the devil comes and tries to throw you off
your game so for any of you that are sad or depressed please take it
from Tom the best answer is to pray for your enemies forgive them even
though they've hurt you and they are malicious and do dirty tricks
because the only way the devil wins is if you become a hater also 

look at the evidence in society right now that's why these kids are
shooting people because they want
But I will tell you this there is 10 to one more positive spiritual
loving people that care I'm both Jewish Muslim Hindu Christians
worldwide I've spoke to people all over the world and they all want 
and peace it's just a few rotten apples are spoiling the world how it 
if we turn the love and peace that's the answer God bless you all and 
wish you all well and I'm getting help I've had so many blessings in 

last month aside from the negative as I'm Easter Sunday 22 water pipe
was broken and the Columbia Gas fixed it for free all the way from the
basement to the road then recently in February while I was in the
hospital my basement flooded and ruined a wood subfloor in the 

in my insurance company said I didn't have drain back up insurance
however the city of Toledo gave me a flood grant to replace the 

in the basement so it couldn't back up any longer thank God and also
while I was in the hospital I received a phone call from the city who
awarded me a brand new roof for my house which I never would've been
able to afford song are countless blessings
They say count your blessings in what I do when I pray I pray for
everybody even the ones who have abused me and then I pray for my 

my son that he finds peace in in harmony and sees the light I think
everybody can change because even Saint Paul who murdered Christians
became one of the best disciples of Christ ever so it's possible that
any man can change their heart and their mind and your soul and any
woman also but you have to wish it and 

Re: [MOPO] MOPO- still alivein Toledo

2023-05-03 Thread Ira Rubenstein
God bless you !   I am glad you are recovering.   
Stay positive.   


Sent via mobile.Please excuse typos and autocorrects. 

> On May 3, 2023, at 7:53 PM, Tom Martin 
>  wrote:
> CAUTION: This email originated from outside of PBS. Do not click links or 
> open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.
> Hello folks-on January yes I had a vitreous hemorrhage in my left die
> yes I only have one eye that could see I also had foot surgery on my
> left foot my only remaining foot
> I was in the hospital from January 19 for 30 days then I was put in a
> rehab nursing home for another 30 days and did not get released until
> like March 4 meanwhile
> Meanwhile my son and my ex-wife conspired to have me ruled mentally
> unstable and put into a nursing home I assume to acquire my property
> I had given my son Tommy my car a year ago however he did not transfer
> the title so I've been paying insurance on the car for over a year I am
> guilty of enabling and I accept all responsibility however on April 1
> April fools day I contacted the Toledo police and also adult protective
> services to secure my rights I also got assessed by to mental health
> agencies and they said I was thinking stable and clear but every mental
> health agency I talked to agreed with me when I said how I've been
> dealing with all the stress with my prayer to Jesus Christ yes I've told
> you before I believe that things are getting very rough because the
> world is in disarray and in the final stages before Jesus comes back
> which was predicted many many years ago and anybody who believes and
> even those that don't believe acknowledge that there is a deep
> disturbance in the force of the world with all the recent shootings I
> suggest you listen to my song on YouTube called Armageddon which was
> predictive of this and an asked the people in politics teach their
> children to love not to hate
> My own son who is brainwashed by his mother who is a non-believer in God
> and soul it was no surprise to me that she was up to her old tricks she
> contacted my doctors and told them that I said I wanted to kill myself
> which was untrue and she also said that I thought the Chinese had caused
> the doctor to make my eyes bad so he thought I'd lost my mind and he
> contacted my other doctors and that's when I had to come clean with the
> police and let everybody kn
> I've been abused by the woman my ex-wife since before the year 2000
> that's why we got divorced she caused me to go chapter 13 and was just
> very dishonest with my customers and my friends so she managed I gave
> Tommy my passwords to my computer and the keys to my house and they
> merely took advantage of me I'm not looking for pity I'm just trying to
> let you guys know what I've been through if it helps promote Jesus
> Christ plan I am embracing everything that the devil throws at me
> because I know it's spiritual attack and when you're trying to walk with
> God is when it seems that the devil comes and tries to throw you off
> your game so for any of you that are sad or depressed please take it
> from Tom the best answer is to pray for your enemies forgive them even
> though they've hurt you and they are malicious and do dirty tricks
> because the only way the devil wins is if you become a hater also which
> look at the evidence in society right now that's why these kids are
> shooting people because they want
> But I will tell you this there is 10 to one more positive spiritual
> loving people that care I'm both Jewish Muslim Hindu Christians
> worldwide I've spoke to people all over the world and they all want love
> and peace it's just a few rotten apples are spoiling the world how it is
> if we turn the love and peace that's the answer God bless you all and I
> wish you all well and I'm getting help I've had so many blessings in the
> last month aside from the negative as I'm Easter Sunday 22 water pipe
> was broken and the Columbia Gas fixed it for free all the way from the
> basement to the road then recently in February while I was in the
> hospital my basement flooded and ruined a wood subfloor in the basement
> in my insurance company said I didn't have drain back up insurance
> however the city of Toledo gave me a flood grant to replace the plumbing
> in the basement so it couldn't back up any longer thank God and also
> while I was in the hospital I received a phone call from the city who
> awarded me a brand new roof for my house which I never would've been
> able to afford song are countless blessings
> They say count your blessings in what I do when I pray I pray for
> everybody even the ones who have abused me and then I pray for my family
> my son that he finds peace in in harmony and sees the light I think
> everybody can change because even Saint Paul who murdered Christians
> became one of the best disciples of Christ ever so it's possible that
> any man can change their heart and their mind and your 

Re: [MOPO] MOPO- still alivein Toledo

2023-05-03 Thread James Gresham
Tom thanks for sharing your heart, your love of God, your concerns and your
problems.  We are all with you and I pray God comforts you, Jim

On Wed, May 3, 2023 at 9:15 PM allen day  wrote:

> Keep plugging away
> I'm rooting for you
> ad
> On Wed, May 3, 2023 at 7:53 PM Tom Martin <
>> wrote:
>> Hello folks-on January yes I had a vitreous hemorrhage in my left die
>> yes I only have one eye that could see I also had foot surgery on my
>> left foot my only remaining foot
>> I was in the hospital from January 19 for 30 days then I was put in a
>> rehab nursing home for another 30 days and did not get released until
>> like March 4 meanwhile
>> Meanwhile my son and my ex-wife conspired to have me ruled mentally
>> unstable and put into a nursing home I assume to acquire my property
>> I had given my son Tommy my car a year ago however he did not transfer
>> the title so I've been paying insurance on the car for over a year I am
>> guilty of enabling and I accept all responsibility however on April 1
>> April fools day I contacted the Toledo police and also adult protective
>> services to secure my rights I also got assessed by to mental health
>> agencies and they said I was thinking stable and clear but every mental
>> health agency I talked to agreed with me when I said how I've been
>> dealing with all the stress with my prayer to Jesus Christ yes I've told
>> you before I believe that things are getting very rough because the
>> world is in disarray and in the final stages before Jesus comes back
>> which was predicted many many years ago and anybody who believes and
>> even those that don't believe acknowledge that there is a deep
>> disturbance in the force of the world with all the recent shootings I
>> suggest you listen to my song on YouTube called Armageddon which was
>> predictive of this and an asked the people in politics teach their
>> children to love not to hate
>> My own son who is brainwashed by his mother who is a non-believer in God
>> and soul it was no surprise to me that she was up to her old tricks she
>> contacted my doctors and told them that I said I wanted to kill myself
>> which was untrue and she also said that I thought the Chinese had caused
>> the doctor to make my eyes bad so he thought I'd lost my mind and he
>> contacted my other doctors and that's when I had to come clean with the
>> police and let everybody kn
>> I've been abused by the woman my ex-wife since before the year 2000
>> that's why we got divorced she caused me to go chapter 13 and was just
>> very dishonest with my customers and my friends so she managed I gave
>> Tommy my passwords to my computer and the keys to my house and they
>> merely took advantage of me I'm not looking for pity I'm just trying to
>> let you guys know what I've been through if it helps promote Jesus
>> Christ plan I am embracing everything that the devil throws at me
>> because I know it's spiritual attack and when you're trying to walk with
>> God is when it seems that the devil comes and tries to throw you off
>> your game so for any of you that are sad or depressed please take it
>> from Tom the best answer is to pray for your enemies forgive them even
>> though they've hurt you and they are malicious and do dirty tricks
>> because the only way the devil wins is if you become a hater also which
>> look at the evidence in society right now that's why these kids are
>> shooting people because they want
>> But I will tell you this there is 10 to one more positive spiritual
>> loving people that care I'm both Jewish Muslim Hindu Christians
>> worldwide I've spoke to people all over the world and they all want love
>> and peace it's just a few rotten apples are spoiling the world how it is
>> if we turn the love and peace that's the answer God bless you all and I
>> wish you all well and I'm getting help I've had so many blessings in the
>> last month aside from the negative as I'm Easter Sunday 22 water pipe
>> was broken and the Columbia Gas fixed it for free all the way from the
>> basement to the road then recently in February while I was in the
>> hospital my basement flooded and ruined a wood subfloor in the basement
>> in my insurance company said I didn't have drain back up insurance
>> however the city of Toledo gave me a flood grant to replace the plumbing
>> in the basement so it couldn't back up any longer thank God and also
>> while I was in the hospital I received a phone call from the city who
>> awarded me a brand new roof for my house which I never would've been
>> able to afford song are countless blessings
>> They say count your blessings in what I do when I pray I pray for
>> everybody even the ones who have abused me and then I pray for my family
>> my son that he finds peace in in harmony and sees the light I think
>> everybody can change because even Saint Paul who murdered Christians
>> became one of the best disciples of Christ ever so it's possible that
>> any 

Re: [MOPO] MOPO- still alivein Toledo

2023-05-03 Thread allen day
Keep plugging away

I'm rooting for you


On Wed, May 3, 2023 at 7:53 PM Tom Martin <> wrote:

> Hello folks-on January yes I had a vitreous hemorrhage in my left die
> yes I only have one eye that could see I also had foot surgery on my
> left foot my only remaining foot
> I was in the hospital from January 19 for 30 days then I was put in a
> rehab nursing home for another 30 days and did not get released until
> like March 4 meanwhile
> Meanwhile my son and my ex-wife conspired to have me ruled mentally
> unstable and put into a nursing home I assume to acquire my property
> I had given my son Tommy my car a year ago however he did not transfer
> the title so I've been paying insurance on the car for over a year I am
> guilty of enabling and I accept all responsibility however on April 1
> April fools day I contacted the Toledo police and also adult protective
> services to secure my rights I also got assessed by to mental health
> agencies and they said I was thinking stable and clear but every mental
> health agency I talked to agreed with me when I said how I've been
> dealing with all the stress with my prayer to Jesus Christ yes I've told
> you before I believe that things are getting very rough because the
> world is in disarray and in the final stages before Jesus comes back
> which was predicted many many years ago and anybody who believes and
> even those that don't believe acknowledge that there is a deep
> disturbance in the force of the world with all the recent shootings I
> suggest you listen to my song on YouTube called Armageddon which was
> predictive of this and an asked the people in politics teach their
> children to love not to hate
> My own son who is brainwashed by his mother who is a non-believer in God
> and soul it was no surprise to me that she was up to her old tricks she
> contacted my doctors and told them that I said I wanted to kill myself
> which was untrue and she also said that I thought the Chinese had caused
> the doctor to make my eyes bad so he thought I'd lost my mind and he
> contacted my other doctors and that's when I had to come clean with the
> police and let everybody kn
> I've been abused by the woman my ex-wife since before the year 2000
> that's why we got divorced she caused me to go chapter 13 and was just
> very dishonest with my customers and my friends so she managed I gave
> Tommy my passwords to my computer and the keys to my house and they
> merely took advantage of me I'm not looking for pity I'm just trying to
> let you guys know what I've been through if it helps promote Jesus
> Christ plan I am embracing everything that the devil throws at me
> because I know it's spiritual attack and when you're trying to walk with
> God is when it seems that the devil comes and tries to throw you off
> your game so for any of you that are sad or depressed please take it
> from Tom the best answer is to pray for your enemies forgive them even
> though they've hurt you and they are malicious and do dirty tricks
> because the only way the devil wins is if you become a hater also which
> look at the evidence in society right now that's why these kids are
> shooting people because they want
> But I will tell you this there is 10 to one more positive spiritual
> loving people that care I'm both Jewish Muslim Hindu Christians
> worldwide I've spoke to people all over the world and they all want love
> and peace it's just a few rotten apples are spoiling the world how it is
> if we turn the love and peace that's the answer God bless you all and I
> wish you all well and I'm getting help I've had so many blessings in the
> last month aside from the negative as I'm Easter Sunday 22 water pipe
> was broken and the Columbia Gas fixed it for free all the way from the
> basement to the road then recently in February while I was in the
> hospital my basement flooded and ruined a wood subfloor in the basement
> in my insurance company said I didn't have drain back up insurance
> however the city of Toledo gave me a flood grant to replace the plumbing
> in the basement so it couldn't back up any longer thank God and also
> while I was in the hospital I received a phone call from the city who
> awarded me a brand new roof for my house which I never would've been
> able to afford song are countless blessings
> They say count your blessings in what I do when I pray I pray for
> everybody even the ones who have abused me and then I pray for my family
> my son that he finds peace in in harmony and sees the light I think
> everybody can change because even Saint Paul who murdered Christians
> became one of the best disciples of Christ ever so it's possible that
> any man can change their heart and their mind and your soul and any
> woman also but you have to wish it and surrender to God
> So pray for everyone pray for your children pray for your neighbors and
> pray for your enemies and pray for everyone who's ever hurt you or hurt

[MOPO] MOPO- still alivein Toledo

2023-05-03 Thread Tom Martin
Hello folks-on January yes I had a vitreous hemorrhage in my left die 
yes I only have one eye that could see I also had foot surgery on my 
left foot my only remaining foot
I was in the hospital from January 19 for 30 days then I was put in a 
rehab nursing home for another 30 days and did not get released until 
like March 4 meanwhile
Meanwhile my son and my ex-wife conspired to have me ruled mentally 
unstable and put into a nursing home I assume to acquire my property

I had given my son Tommy my car a year ago however he did not transfer 
the title so I've been paying insurance on the car for over a year I am 
guilty of enabling and I accept all responsibility however on April 1 
April fools day I contacted the Toledo police and also adult protective 
services to secure my rights I also got assessed by to mental health 
agencies and they said I was thinking stable and clear but every mental 
health agency I talked to agreed with me when I said how I've been 
dealing with all the stress with my prayer to Jesus Christ yes I've told 
you before I believe that things are getting very rough because the 
world is in disarray and in the final stages before Jesus comes back 
which was predicted many many years ago and anybody who believes and 
even those that don't believe acknowledge that there is a deep 
disturbance in the force of the world with all the recent shootings I 
suggest you listen to my song on YouTube called Armageddon which was 
predictive of this and an asked the people in politics teach their 
children to love not to hate
My own son who is brainwashed by his mother who is a non-believer in God 
and soul it was no surprise to me that she was up to her old tricks she 
contacted my doctors and told them that I said I wanted to kill myself 
which was untrue and she also said that I thought the Chinese had caused 
the doctor to make my eyes bad so he thought I'd lost my mind and he 
contacted my other doctors and that's when I had to come clean with the 
police and let everybody kn
I've been abused by the woman my ex-wife since before the year 2000 
that's why we got divorced she caused me to go chapter 13 and was just 
very dishonest with my customers and my friends so she managed I gave 
Tommy my passwords to my computer and the keys to my house and they 
merely took advantage of me I'm not looking for pity I'm just trying to 
let you guys know what I've been through if it helps promote Jesus 
Christ plan I am embracing everything that the devil throws at me 
because I know it's spiritual attack and when you're trying to walk with 
God is when it seems that the devil comes and tries to throw you off 
your game so for any of you that are sad or depressed please take it 
from Tom the best answer is to pray for your enemies forgive them even 
though they've hurt you and they are malicious and do dirty tricks 
because the only way the devil wins is if you become a hater also which 
look at the evidence in society right now that's why these kids are 
shooting people because they want
But I will tell you this there is 10 to one more positive spiritual 
loving people that care I'm both Jewish Muslim Hindu Christians 
worldwide I've spoke to people all over the world and they all want love 
and peace it's just a few rotten apples are spoiling the world how it is 
if we turn the love and peace that's the answer God bless you all and I 
wish you all well and I'm getting help I've had so many blessings in the 
last month aside from the negative as I'm Easter Sunday 22 water pipe 
was broken and the Columbia Gas fixed it for free all the way from the 
basement to the road then recently in February while I was in the 
hospital my basement flooded and ruined a wood subfloor in the basement 
in my insurance company said I didn't have drain back up insurance 
however the city of Toledo gave me a flood grant to replace the plumbing 
in the basement so it couldn't back up any longer thank God and also 
while I was in the hospital I received a phone call from the city who 
awarded me a brand new roof for my house which I never would've been 
able to afford song are countless blessings
They say count your blessings in what I do when I pray I pray for 
everybody even the ones who have abused me and then I pray for my family 
my son that he finds peace in in harmony and sees the light I think 
everybody can change because even Saint Paul who murdered Christians 
became one of the best disciples of Christ ever so it's possible that 
any man can change their heart and their mind and your soul and any 
woman also but you have to wish it and surrender to God
So pray for everyone pray for your children pray for your neighbors and 
pray for your enemies and pray for everyone who's ever hurt you or hurt 
others because they all need help my foot doctor had to remove bone 
infection out of my foot and then I had a second bone infection so it's 
been a long journey are they've got me on antibiotics again after they 
had me