Received an impressive mailer from Morrie Everett's   5th  Annual Hollywood 
Poster Auction and  what an impressive tease of  items for sale.  An INVISIBLE 
MAN insert,  a DRACULA  window  card,  DeMille's  first 10 COMMANDMENTS  
onesheet,   halfsheet of BABE COMES HOME along with many other impressive  
including one of my all-time favorite pieces of in theatre  movie paper,  the 
insert for TARZAN THE APE MAN. This is the one  with an illustrated Weissmuller 
swinging on a vine with Jane clutching  onto him for dear life and the  
shadow cast against the dark greens of the  jungle is that of an ape; such 
imaginative art.
I think there are pieces in auction that will make their mark  on the record 
books if in fact one is being  maintained.................?
Congratulations  Morrie  on an impressive line-up so  far.

freeman fisher
8601 west knoll dr. #7
west  hollywood, ca

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