[MOPO] Off Topic Sopanos Spoiler Warning

2007-06-10 Thread Flixspix
Do not continue if you haven't seen the finale.
David  regarding  whack or no whackthe main  point I was making was 
Chase left it shockingly ambiguous.  That was what  was spellbinding to me.  I 
think personally it was a race to the finish for  Tony's life,  either dead  
or alive but dead in hands of  Feds.First thought,  not enough muscle for 
an FBI  interceptand the individual going to the restroom called up 
Pacino going  to the head and coming out with more than just his dick in his 
hand.  But  beautifully up to us to debate.
But leave it to Chase to create suspense to near  unbearable heights 
brilliantly just by Meadow's inability to parallel   park wonderful,
As for AJ  his  character's  maddening  naivety , unrealistic, self-absorbed, 
purpose driven life was given  I think the needed extra time so to be 
served up by Chase and  skewered  a searing indictment on the current  lack of  
integrity,passion  and dedication of today's  youth for a better future.  This 
witnessing AJ's complete  surrender of any of his declarations to address 
dependency on oil,  rights  violations of Muslims,  Nuclear proliferation, and 
his supposed epiphany of  material wealth and conspicuous consumption with his 
SUV burned up  all  rendered moot when given an entry level film deal and a new 
car albeit with  somewhat better mileage and poof there went  global  
And it allowed once again the delusions of Tony and Carmela  the idea of 
success...that AJ is working for an active film production  
company.exactly one step up above porn now venturing into cheapie torture  
horror films.  
Carmela's  classic  yes make those phone calls and  get valuable contacts.
freeman fisher
8601 west knoll drive #7
west hollywood,  ca

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Re: [MOPO] Off Topic Sopanos Spoiler Warning

2007-06-10 Thread David Kusumoto
Oh no, Freeman, I agree.  And wasn't it great?  With regard to whether the 
FBI had the ability to intercept, that too, is up for debate.

** But it's pretty clear that by the time we reach the ending, everyone 
knows that w/the popping of rival gang leader Phil -- that Tony's enemies 
have lost their leader.  The motive to whack the Sopranos is lost because 
the rival gang's own top lieutenants tip their hands earlier -- even if they 
were lying -- that they has no stomach for war.  Phil's lieutenant, 
receiving no commitment to be made by Phil himself -- meets Tony at a 
neutral location and decides to let Tony hit his boss without hitting back.  
He won't provide Phil's location but the FBI is trying to hide its 
enthusiasm, giving Tony subtle leads about Phil's possible location, etc.

** The FBI has nothing to gain losing Tony and everything to gain by keeping 
him solvent.  The FBI has been setting up Tony from the beginning, making 
Tony feel like the FBI could actually help him survive.  Even the 
counter-terrorism stuff may be been a set-up -- because since the series 
premiered in 1999, the FBI has tried all sorts of things, playing 
cat-and-mouse with Tony, coming close to nailing him, but always missing.

** We as an audience know that the Sopranos are right wing mobsters who can 
be played w/the terrorism angle, and the vexing thing for the family is the 
issue about A.J. and his confusion about the world around him.  Because when 
the chips are down, despite their feelings about America, they'll let A.J. 
do anything even marginally illegal just to keep him from joining the Army.  
I agree the A.J. plot line gave A.J. something to do, providing a subtext 
that was close to a damn speech.  And this was starting to get annoying only 
because you can hear the audience saying to themselves, yes, yes, we get 
all that, but what's going to happen to Tony?

** I'm cancelling HBO tomorrow and renewing when Curb Your Enthusiasm 
returns in September.

Original Message Follows

Subject: Off Topic Sopanos  Spoiler Warning
Date: Sun, 10 Jun 2007 23:24:40 EDT

Do not continue if you haven't seen the finale.

David  regarding  whack or no whackthe main  point I was making was 
Chase left it shockingly ambiguous.  That was what  was spellbinding to me.  
I think personally it was a race to the finish for  Tony's life,  either 
dead or alive but dead in hands of  Feds.First thought,  not enough 
muscle for an FBI  interceptand the individual going to the restroom 
called up Pacino going  to the head and coming out with more than just his 
dick in his hand.  But  beautifully up to us to debate.

But leave it to Chase to create suspense to near  unbearable heights 
brilliantly just by Meadow's inability to parallel   park wonderful,

As for AJ  his  character's  maddening  naivety , unrealistic, 
self-absorbed, purpose driven life was given  I think the needed extra 
time so to be served up by Chase and  skewered  a searing  indictment on the 
current  lack of integrity,passion  and dedication of today's  youth for a 
better future.  This by witnessing AJ's complete  surrender of any of his 
declarations to address dependency on oil,  rights  violations of Muslims,  
Nuclear proliferation, and his supposed epiphany of  material wealth and 
conspicuous consumption with his SUV burned up  all  rendered moot when 
given an entry level film deal and a new car albeit with  somewhat better 
mileage and poof there went  global pro-activity.

And it allowed once again the delusions of Tony and Carmela  the idea of 
success...that AJ is working for an active film production 
company.exactly one step up above porn now venturing into cheapie 
torture  horror films.  Carmela's  classic  yes make those phone calls and  
get valuable contacts.

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