Doug that sucks.  For two pieces to have made it through 60 plus years  only to have some nimrod  feel the mail service was handled by a butterfly's wings is just outrageous.  I would neg  him.
Reminds me of my two disasters.  First was paying a fortune for a mint vinyl Jawa (Star Wars collectors know the small figure I am referencing where an extremely limited amount were made with a vinyl cape in lieu of wool which proved far more durable) and it was shipped with  zero packing simply stuck in a white business envelope.   The other was a guy shipped me the only known halfsheet style B from the original release of THE WOMEN  without taking it out of its metal frame and regular glass plane.  He placed halfsheet in a box  with several inches to spare on all sides with only one paper dinner napkin  taped over two-thirds of the glass and nothing else.  Shattered glass simply rocked back and forth across the three stars faces from Durham to LA.  I was so pissed off I shipped the broken glass back to him hoping he would cut himself.
freeman fisher
8601 west knoll drive #7
west hollywood, ca
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