Okay  ignoring Bruce as an issue any issue,   how or where Gary is it determined that this particular piece is a repro?   I say that because I happened to have overseen the marketing at The CINEMA III in NYC  located in the basement of The Plaza which in its final three years where in fact it made more money renting to the Plaza for meeting space than the films playing.  But in its day when indeed specialized films played exclusively in one house  for all of Manhattan.  independents  and at times some of the larger studios would create special runs of posters  just for that market.  Their primary use, wild-posting.    
    Barbet Schroeder's trippy, excursion to Papau New Guinea with lots of pig clubbing (that's all I remember save for the bursts of laughter  speckled through out audience at times uncontrollable, no doubt due to the shrooms mixed in with their Snow Caps)  opened in late spring of  I thought '72  some have it as '77  anyway I have never heard this poster questioned especially in view of the fact it was printed.
    I still have several examples of onesheets  that actually measure 27 x 43 or 44 where  along top or bottom  Coming Soon To The Baronet/Coronet,  (Mommie Dearest)  or ZIEGFELD (Barry Lyndon).   To make the special printings  affordable,  it was actually more cost effective to print up a set standard amount  which was I believe 1500 or 2500 so obviously hundreds could be left over.  Case in point, while in DC  and working for Circle Theatres  and Circle Films. who were also the major partners behind CINEMA 5 years earlier,  I threw out at least 800 onesheets  for THE MAN WHO FELL TO EARTH,  and hundreds of SEVEN BEAUTIES,  JABBERWOCKY, GREASER'S PALACE AND f*ck me running who knew...... the black versions of GIMME SHELTER.  All had theatre ID's  so not much use in sending anywhere else unless out of standard posters  and we needed the closet space..........ohhhh the horror.
freeman fisher
8601 west knoll #7
west hollywood, CA
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