Dear ALL,

A few visitors have reported that they have not been able to access the
MorphoLib website at, even suggesting that the URL
may not be valid. In fact, it is. What seems to happen is that some people
maybe behind a firewell that prevents access to websites with 'unusual'
domain names like '.pn' (which refers to the Pitcairn Islands!). In such
cases, I can only suggest trying access the site from a different location
(and a different ISP) and see if the problem persists.

MorphoLib is maintained entirely on the basis of my volunteer work, as a
service to the morphometrics community that for so many years has been so
helpful and resourceful to me. This means that I do not have any available
funds to maintain a domain and therefore resort to a free (but really very
reliable) hosting service which also offers me a free domain name (in this
case, "morpholib (dot) eu (dot) pn".

In a world where violence (both against people and the natural environment)
seems to prevail, it is my deepest conviction that we, scientists, should
be strongly commited to openness and the free (both as free speech and,
when possible, also as 'free beer') sharing of information (which includes
ideas, data, and tools to process and and share them).

With warmest regards, :-)

Dr. Mauro J. Cavalcanti

MORPHMET may be accessed via its webpage at

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