I have just uploaded version 2.19 of the tpsDig2 program to the
http://life.bio.sunysb.edu/morph server.


This version includes both 32 and 64 bit versions. It also fixes the INI
file storage problem (the help file also describes a way to force the
program to still use the program's folder - seems necessary on some
computers). Using the user's documents folder is more standard and also more
desirable because it enables different users of the same computer to save
different preferences.


There were also a number of small changes. For example, there are now
additional image enhancement options. The fit to window option is now
retained when moving from one image to the next. A printable user manual is
also included as a PDF file. It has identical information as contained in
the help file. It is just a different format that some may find more


Thanks to Lucia Alarcon Rios for letting me know that at least some Windows
7 computers still require the INI file to be placed with the program. Again,
please let me know if there are problems with this latest version.



F. James Rohlf, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Dept. of Ecol. & Evol.

Research Professor, Dept. of Anthropology

Stony Brook University 11794-4364

The much revised 4th editions of Biometry and Statistical Tables are now



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