
I wish to alert you to a new method John Denton and I just published in 
Evolution. The approach enables one to compare rates of phenotypic evolution 
between two or more multivariate traits in a phylogenetic context under 
Brownian motion.  The method is described in our paper "A new phylogenetic test 
for comparing multiple high-dimensional evolutionary rates suggests interplay 
of evolutionary rates and modularity in lanternfishes (Myctophiformes; 
Myctophidae). Evolution. 69:2425-2440." The paper may be found on my web page 
(publications page).

Additionally, the approach will be implemented in the upcoming version of 
geomorph (2.1.7), which is set for release in the next few weeks. For those who 
cannot wait that long, they may download and install this version from the 
develop branch of the program on Github (instructions at:

Best to all,


Dr. Dean C. Adams
Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology
       Department of Statistics
Iowa State University<>
phone: 515-294-3834

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