I arrived at the Superior Entry at the end of Wisconsin Point at 9:45am.  Peder 
Svingen joined me for a day of gull watching around 10:45am and we left at 
4:30pm. Tom Bloom from Mpls. came by and spent sometime with us as well.


Immature Black-legged Kittiwake:  I first noticed the kittiwake most likely in 
Wisconsin waters and say this because the gull was slightly towards the WI side 
of the entry way. The Kittiwake was flying northeast towards Duluth allowing 
Peder Svingen, Tom Bloom and myself to watch the gull drift towards Duluth for 
about 3-4 minutes before we loss sight of the gull as it kept moving down 
Minnesota Pt. 

2. Thayer's Gulls  ( 10 first cycle gulls, 2 adults and one 2nd winter gull )
3. Iceland Gull ( 1st cycle gull )
4. Great Black-backed Gull ( 1st cycle gull )
5. Lesser Black-backed Gull ( adult )
6. Glaucous Gull ( 1st cycle gull )
7. Ring-billed Gull ( 40 gulls )
8. Herring Gull ( 1800 gulls )

* No sighting of the Slaty-backed Gull
* No sightings of any Bonaparte's Gull

Had a terrific day!!!


Mike Hendrickson
Duluth, Minnesota
Website: http://webpages.charter.net/mmhendrickson/
Blog: http://colderbythelakebirding.blogspot.com/

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