[mou-net] State Fair Booth

2014-07-31 Thread Manley Olson

Fellow Birders

The place we have to meet the greatest number of people to promote 
birding and the MOU is the Minnesota State Fair. For many years we have 
had a booth just outside the DNR building where for 12 days we have 
talked with birders and non-birders. The program depends upon volunteers 
to staff the booth for 12 hours each day. The Fair starts in 3 weeks and 
we are short of volunteers. We need you to step up.

 I have been an MOU member for 50 years and a birder for longer than 
that.  Other than looking at birds and reading about birds, what I enjoy 
doing is talking with people about birds.  For many years I have spent 
several days at the MOU booth at the State Fair, talking with 
experienced birders, those with a casual interest and those who are just 
curious.  It is an opportunity for me to share my knowledge, interest 
and enthusiasm for birds with more folks than I do in the rest of the 
year combined.  It is especially rewarding to talk with kids and help 
build on their curiosity and wonder.

I will be doing my shifts again this year as will others.  But we need 
more of you to join us.  Kate Kelnberger and Jen Veith and their helpers 
do a great job of setting up our booth and assembling materials.  But 
volunteers are needed to give us coverage for the 12 days of the fair.  
Please volunteer to cover at least one shift. You can be reimbursed for 
your admission ticket.

Do not assume you need to be an expert.  Most of the questions are not 
difficult.  We have field guides to help them identify their mystery 
bird.  Always popular questions are about hummingbirds, owls, hawks 
and  wild turkeys.  Given the widespread invasion of Snowy Owls this 
past winter, I would expect people wanting to tell us about the one they 
saw.  With the recent news coverage about the glass walls of the new 
Vikings stadium and the threat to birds, I am sure there will be 
questions about that.

It is always fun to talk with birding friends who stop by and to 
non-birding friends who are surprised to see you.  But it is the kids 
who make my day.  Watching their excitement as they spin the 
identification wheel or compare their reach to the wingspan of an 
eagle.  These may well be the future leaders of MOU.

The MOU reaches more people at the State Fair than it does in any other 
activity.  Please join us in telling our story.

The sign up contact kkelnber...@boreal.org
There are always things for kids to do at the booth so bring them along.
See you at the Fair!
Thank you
Manley Olson
MOU Past President

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[mou-net] State Fair booth visitor's

2010-08-27 Thread Thomas Maiello
We would love to hear your comments, what worked, what didn't work, what do we 
do better next time, stories, first impressions, etc. you might have regarding 
your visit or staffing of the MOU booth this year. I am way to close to be able 
to have an unbiased opinion and I do see many areas that could be different.  
We only have one full day of experience with the spinning wheel, computer, new 
although temporary table covers, method to stretch out the handouts over the 
course of the entire fair, and every other aspect of the booth. First comments 
were that the booth was very busy, kids are flocking to the wheel, adults are 
engaged and entertained by the computer and, we would be more effective with at 
least three volunteers per shift and that the booth seems to be an easy opening 
to talk about MOU and what it offers birders, new birders, and unknown birders 

Please share you insights, opinions, comments off-server-line to me at 
tho...@angelem.com or to Jen or Kate if you have their email addresses.  

We, the Education Committee of MOU, truly represent you with the intention of 
sharing what we do as a state-wide birding club, what we have to offer, as well 
as our passions and fun. Your opinion is important.  

I have a feeling we will get a wide range of often contrasting opinions, so 
please know we will hear them all and use our best judgement to implement and 
improve the booth for next year as well as for the rest of this year's fair.

You do have a voice and we do have ears to hear what you think and say - 
actually eyes to read your emails (please don''t all rush to call me - my wife 
would like to see me come out of my home office occasionally).

Thomas Maiello
Angel Environmental Management, Inc.
Maple Grove, MN

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[mou-net] State Fair booth

2010-08-06 Thread Thomas Maiello
If you are having any doubts about your ability to staff the MOU booth, trust 
me on this one - no experience necessary! No one has done the booth we are 
setting up and it is easy as pie to staff.  You don't need to be a great or 
even above par or even below par birder - you just have to like birds and talk 
with folks who want to talk about birds. The visitors do practically all of the 
talking. Odds are you will be co-staffing with someone who complements you 
exactly so that no matter what questions anyone can come up with, you can throw 
out an answer of some sort.  My favorite answer is I don't know! and actually 
for most I don't. But being a birder, I can come up with possible leads for 
them to find the answer - like the MOU web site, or the bird books at the 
table, or the other guy at the booth. The new spinning wheel part of our booth 
will have bird pics - common easy birds for the most part - and the folks spin 
the wheel to win a bird tattoo or a poster or something else. Not a very bird 
intellectual job at the base level.

This is however not to say that you experts out there would be bored.  Most 
folks love to hear the details and deeper look and understanding of birds they 
have seen or have questions about.  They might whistle a bird call or give a 
vague description that with your years of experience can figure out.  They love 
it and quite honestly I did to for the times I worked it out.

When I do the booth, I love putting tattoos on the kids or adults that come by 
and the only requirement before was for them to say the name of the bird.  For 
many it was the first time they had ever said the words. It is a huge joy to 
see their face when they get Ruby-throated Hummingbird out instead of just 

You make the booth by being whoever you are - as a person who likes birds.  
That is actually the only requirement. Except maybe a willingness to be with 
other birder or folks who might be interested.  And perhaps it could be a 
requirement to have fun, to revel in connecting with a child about birds, to 
give a eager ear to someone's bird story, to let someone be heard about a bird 
they saw, to people watch till your eyes get tired. OK so that was more than 
just one possible requirement.

Trust me here, you know more about birds than you think or you are more capable 
of connecting with other birders than you think.

Every time I have staffed the bird booth at the fair, I have at least one life 
experience that I get to savor and tell others about for years. I get to smile 
again about it.  I get to feel warm again about it. I get to feel like I give 
for the sake of giving again and I get to feel like I make a difference in 
other people's life in my own way - again.

Please join me in this experience. I look forward to seeing you there and 
hearing your stories of your experiences.

Not to mention all the new stuff we have added to make our combined experience 
- visitor and staff - sweet.

Did I mention how good this looks on a resumá½³?

Here's how:
1 Go_www.google.com_ (http://www.google.com)
2. Click Sign In on the top right hand corner of your screen.
3. Sign in using mouvolunteer as your email and ilovemou as your 
4. Click the more drop down menu item located at just about the G in Google 
along the top of your screen.
5.  Click Calendar from the drop down menu.
6.  You will see a calendar centered on today's date.  Scroll through until 
you get to August 26th 2010 where you will start to see the MOU booth shifts 
in red.
7.  Click on the shift that you want to sign up for.  I find that clicking on 
the actual word Shift 1(or 2 or 3) is the quickest and easiest.  
8.  Write your name after shift 1, 2, or 3, in the what box at the top of 
the form.  
9. Click save
10. Log out (on top right hand corner of the screen).

OR email Jen or Thomas and tell us what shift you want.  
Jen Vieth: jenni...@carpenternaturecenter.org
Thomas Maiello: tho...@angelem.com

Thomas Maiello
Angel Environmental Management, Inc.
Maple Grove, MN

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[mou-net] State Fair booth cheerleading

2009-07-28 Thread Thomas Maiello
If any one is concerned that they don't know enough about birds,  
aren't smart enough, aren't experienced enough, wouldn't be a good  
representative of MOU, aren't a member of MOU so I can't, can't ID all  
birds yet or ID them by call, or might look stupid, or whatever other  
misconceptions we all share, please give me a read on holding down a  
shift at the MOU booth this year.

I meet all of the above criteria and I love staffing the booth.  I am  
an introvert by nature - believe it or not.  No one puts me under the  
gun at the booth.  They ask questions and if I can't answer them, I  
try to get the person with me to help or even another person visiting  
the booth.  The opportunity is to share your passion for birds - not  
necessarily your knowledge or skill.  I bet the best birders in the  
world sign deeply when someone asks them to ID a bird based on another  
person's observations.  Very difficult to do and best to just say we  
can only guess or would need to see it ourselves to be sure (even that  
is often stretching the truth for me!).

Staffing the booth is a hoot, just a real hoot.  The greatest people  
in the world drop by - people who share your interest and likely your  
passion for birds.  There were free handouts when I was there and  
people loved them.  I got to see kids get passionate about birds just  
from hanging for a few minutes with adults telling bird stories and  
radiating their passion.

Plus you get in free!  There is a great fruit smoothie booth within 75  
feet of the booth that I hit hard after my shift.  Then there is a  
great coffee and chai tea booth within 125 feet that I hit before my  

Often, depending on where the booth is, the crowds who just watched  
the raptor show come by with awe in their eyes and I could warm my  
hands and read a book by their glow!

This is a wonderful opportunity to be with other birders, meet new  
people, share you passion, get in the fair free, and be a  
contribution.  I enjoy birds year round and use the bird servers to  
share my experiences and learn and hear others share their bird  
experiences.  This is a great way to contribute to this community and  
enroll others who just might make a huge difference in your life just  
as you might make a difference in their lives.

Four hours fly by - trust me.  That is why I sign up for several.  I  
go early to visit the barns especially when the FFA kids are there.  I  
go real early to see them tend their animals.  I stay late to see the  
fireworks.  And I eat healthy - (it is possible).

Please sign up.  I will join you if you wish.  Or take a chance and  
staff with someone you get to meet.

Don't miss this opportunity again.

Thomas Maiello
Angel Environmental Management, Inc.
Maple Grove, MN

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