Re: Long Term IDN/punycode spoofing strategy concept

2005-03-08 Thread Gervase Markham
Ian G wrote:
 > Your original comment was that they are not
Not reversible assuming you don't have the original inputs. I would have 
thought that was a fairly obvious corollary. Just like "this safe is 
really hard for a thief to open" implies " long as they don't have 
a key".

Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Long Term IDN/punycode spoofing strategy concept

2005-03-05 Thread Ian G
Gervase Markham wrote:
Ian G wrote:
Yup.  Go through their logs, pull out all the URLs that
are cached there, and run them through the hash. 

Er... if the URLs are available in plain text in their "logs" (I 
presume you mean history), then there's no need for them to reverse 
the hash. They can just look at where they've been.

Or have I missed something?

Your original comment was that they are not
reversable.  That's a tricky assumption.  Above
I gave a way in which they can be "reversed"
but perhaps it wasn't in the way you expected.
Now, you might thing that's quibbling, but in
security work we cannot afford to take text
book security statements and just apply them
as if they always hold true.  Subtle things
matter, and the attacker has the ability to
change the rules.
(I'd have to go back to the original design
that you were discussing to see whether
the reversing I described results in a
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Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Long Term IDN/punycode spoofing strategy concept

2005-03-04 Thread HJ
Gervase Markham wrote:
HJ wrote:
The implementation will be publicly accesible by anyone, so you don't 
have a perfect world, so I can reverse it, because I know how it works!

So you really don't understand one-way hash algorithms, then. :-) This 
is a good introduction:

The key is that they are _not_reversible_.
Yeah, but then again, you don't know who you are messing with!
No, I haven't. Why do you ask?

Ok, another question: "So what do you think is more important, this 
preference or this SSL history?"

"Which is more important, the colour blue or a magpie?"
I don't understand the question.
It is very clear to me that you don't understand what you are talking 
about, but again, you and most of the Mozilla clan will soon find out 
the hard way.

Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Long Term IDN/punycode spoofing strategy concept

2005-03-04 Thread Gervase Markham
HJ wrote:
The implementation will be publicly accesible by anyone, so you don't 
have a perfect world, so I can reverse it, because I know how it works!
So you really don't understand one-way hash algorithms, then. :-) This 
is a good introduction:

The key is that they are _not_reversible_.
No, I haven't. Why do you ask?
Ok, another question: "So what do you think is more important, this 
preference or this SSL history?"
"Which is more important, the colour blue or a magpie?"
I don't understand the question.
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Long Term IDN/punycode spoofing strategy concept

2005-03-04 Thread Gervase Markham
Ian G wrote:
Yup.  Go through their logs, pull out all the URLs that
are cached there, and run them through the hash. 
Er... if the URLs are available in plain text in their "logs" (I presume 
you mean history), then there's no need for them to reverse the hash. 
They can just look at where they've been.

Or have I missed something?
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Long Term IDN/punycode spoofing strategy concept

2005-03-03 Thread HJ
Gervase Markham wrote:
HJ wrote:
You can hash a particular domain and say "has the user visited"; (which is the question the browser needs to 
know to do the "new site" indicator). But you can't say "give me a 
list of all the domains they visited."

In a perfect world maybe, but do we live in a perfect world, no.

I'm not sure what that's supposed to mean. I'm talking about the effects 
of a fundamental property of one-way hash algorithms. If you have some 
magic way of reversing (say) MD5 or SHA1, let us know :-)
The implementation will be publicly accesible by anyone, so you don't 
have a perfect world, so I can reverse it, because I know how it works!

p.s. I've asked you this question before, but you simply ignored it, 
so that's why I ask it again: "Gerv, have you set 'wallet.crypto' to 
'true' or not?" Yeah, one day you will find out why, as I did two 
years ago :-)

No, I haven't. Why do you ask?
Ok, another question: "So what do you think is more important, this 
preference or this SSL history?"

Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Long Term IDN/punycode spoofing strategy concept

2005-03-03 Thread Ian G
Gervase Markham wrote:
HJ wrote:
You can hash a particular domain and say "has the user visited"; (which is the question the browser needs to 
know to do the "new site" indicator). But you can't say "give me a 
list of all the domains they visited."

In a perfect world maybe, but do we live in a perfect world, no.

I'm not sure what that's supposed to mean. I'm talking about the 
effects of a fundamental property of one-way hash algorithms. If you 
have some magic way of reversing (say) MD5 or SHA1, let us know :-)

Yup.  Go through their logs, pull out all the URLs that
are cached there, and run them through the hash.  Any
that match a hash makes for a hit.  Relying on the
non-reversibility of the hash for security reasons does
mean keeping accesss to the original as a secret as well.
News and views on what matters in finance+crypto:
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Long Term IDN/punycode spoofing strategy concept

2005-03-03 Thread Gervase Markham
HJ wrote:
You can hash a particular domain and say "has the user visited"; (which is the question the browser needs to know 
to do the "new site" indicator). But you can't say "give me a list of 
all the domains they visited."
In a perfect world maybe, but do we live in a perfect world, no.
I'm not sure what that's supposed to mean. I'm talking about the effects 
of a fundamental property of one-way hash algorithms. If you have some 
magic way of reversing (say) MD5 or SHA1, let us know :-)

p.s. I've asked you this question before, but you simply ignored it, so 
that's why I ask it again: "Gerv, have you set 'wallet.crypto' to 'true' 
or not?" Yeah, one day you will find out why, as I did two years ago :-)
No, I haven't. Why do you ask?
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Long Term IDN/punycode spoofing strategy concept

2005-03-03 Thread HJ
Gervase Markham wrote:
HJ wrote:

So people are forced to trust other people, without having the option 
to clear it manually.
If you are using a computer you don't control totally, you are trusting 
other people.

Ok, but with my implementation you, the user, will at least have some 
control and IMHO having some control is better/saver.

Man, I'm sure that this will make people mad, just wait and see, 
because it is still a privacy issues, especially when someone writes 
an extension to display all of your hash keys :-)

I don't think you quite understand how the hash keys work.
You may 'think' that I don't understand the concept of hash keys, but I 
know how it works. You also seem to forget that it was me that wrote the 
lines to made it work for MultiZilla :-)

You can't reverse them to get the domain names back out again.
You can hash a particular domain and say "has the user visited"; (which is the question the browser needs to know 
to do the "new site" indicator). But you can't say "give me a list of 
all the domains they visited."
In a perfect world maybe, but do we live in a perfect world, no.
Note that the hash would include a user-specific component, so online 
dictionaries of hash values wouldn't be any use.
Now we're talking, because that's a key factor, but I can only hope that 
it will be better implemented, unlike the wallet code, because that 
sucks rocks!

p.s. I've asked you this question before, but you simply ignored it, so 
that's why I ask it again: "Gerv, have you set 'wallet.crypto' to 'true' 
or not?" Yeah, one day you will find out why, as I did two years ago :-)

Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Long Term IDN/punycode spoofing strategy concept

2005-03-02 Thread Gervase Markham
HJ wrote:
My question was if you are forcing people to look at punycode all the 
time, like now, but you already answered my question.

What TLD's are concidered to be save at the moment (the same onces as 
Opera checks in Beta 8)?
At the moment, none. Firefox 1.0.1 was released very soon after the 
story broke, and we only had time to make a simple change. So, we 
changed it to punycode for everyone.

Cool, so Mozilla Firefox won't re-enable the statusbar automatically?
Nope, I don't think so. We might one day do this for popups, perhaps. 
Interesting idea.

So people are forced to trust other people, without having the option to 
clear it manually.
If you are using a computer you don't control totally, you are trusting 
other people.

Man, I'm sure that this will make people mad, just wait and see, because 
it is still a privacy issues, especially when someone writes an 
extension to display all of your hash keys :-)
I don't think you quite understand how the hash keys work.
The hash keys would be things like:
You can't reverse them to get the domain names back out again.
You can hash a particular domain and say "has the user visited"; (which is the question the browser needs to know 
to do the "new site" indicator). But you can't say "give me a list of 
all the domains they visited."

Note that the hash would include a user-specific component, so online 
dictionaries of hash values wouldn't be any use.

Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Long Term IDN/punycode spoofing strategy concept

2005-03-01 Thread HJ
Gervase Markham wrote:
HJ wrote:
So you are forcing all people to look at punycode all the time, even 
if that makes it worse? What if I have a punycode look alike domain? 
Yeah, that will make it harder I guess.

Nope, we're never going to display the punycode and Unicode at the same 
time. It'll always be one or the other, depending on whether we trust 
the TLD not to issue homographic domains to different people.
My question was if you are forcing people to look at punycode all the 
time, like now, but you already answered my question.

What TLD's are concidered to be save at the moment (the same onces as 
Opera checks in Beta 8)?

How is this prevented by a Master Password? After you've typed the 
password in, the extension writer can then steal your data.

Bad extensions may be an issue, but they are unrelated to this one.
Yeah, just like I can real all of your password, with or without you 
knowing it, so that is crap in my eyes already!

What if I hide my status bar? Are you (Mozilla Firefox) re-enabling 
"MY" statusbar, just to be able to display that silly lock and text 

That's your choice to do so.
Cool, so Mozilla Firefox won't re-enable the statusbar automatically?
 > This is a problem for the Internet Cafe to deal with in their software
configuration. E.g. EasyInternetCafe completely wipes the computer and 
restarts between customers; this action would (obviously) clear the SSL 
history. But there won't be a button or UI to do it.
So people are forced to trust other people, without having the option to 
clear it manually.

Man, I'm sure that this will make people mad, just wait and see, because 
it is still a privacy issues, especially when someone writes an 
extension to display all of your hash keys :-)

Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Long Term IDN/punycode spoofing strategy concept

2005-03-01 Thread HJ
Gervase Markham wrote:
HJ wrote:
Lets take this example, Gerv wrote in his paper that SSL History 
should be user accessible,

That's not what I wrote. In fact, the reason it's a hash is so that 
no-one can look at it and see a list of sites visited.
Gerv, you seem to have missed this one:
 >> Another problem is that Gerv paper only covers SSL protected sites,
but most recent phishing attacks (example: ) do not even use SSL protection, so I 
might still be fooled, without being notified.

Of course you are being notified - the "" and lock you 
normally see on PayPal are totally absent! That's a massive UI difference.
Well, that's not what I call a 'notification' (no protection) and in 
that case you don't need any notification at all.

Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Long Term IDN/punycode spoofing strategy concept

2005-03-01 Thread Gervase Markham
HJ wrote:
Lets take this example, Gerv wrote in his paper that SSL History should 
be user accessible,
That's not what I wrote. In fact, the reason it's a hash is so that 
no-one can look at it and see a list of sites visited.

but I don't agree because what if I go to a public 
Internet cafe or use Internet from some public computer in my hotel?

Someone might add the wrong validation keys, and I'll end up visiting a 
phony site, without being notified about my error!
See my previous post on this. But, if you are suggesting this might 
happen, the previous malicious person may also install a malicious 
extension, or add dodgy certs to the root store, or anything. You can't 
trust a computer you don't have control of.

Another problem is that Gerv paper only covers SSL protected sites, but 
most recent phishing attacks (example: ) 
do not even use SSL protection, so I might still be fooled, without 
being notified.
Of course you are being notified - the "" and lock you 
normally see on PayPal are totally absent! That's a massive UI difference.

Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Long Term IDN/punycode spoofing strategy concept

2005-03-01 Thread Gervase Markham
HJ wrote:
So you are forcing all people to look at punycode all the time, even if 
that makes it worse? What if I have a punycode look alike domain? Yeah, 
that will make it harder I guess.
Nope, we're never going to display the punycode and Unicode at the same 
time. It'll always be one or the other, depending on whether we trust 
the TLD not to issue homographic domains to different people.

Now, you might wonder, do we really need this, yes we do, because my 
bank site (for example) makes use of a chromeless window, without 
navigation- and status bar, so I need to have a way of displaying the 
certificate info, or I would be lost and it would still very easy to 
deceive our users without this kind of information.
No, it doesn't make use of a window without the status bar, because the 
status bar is always-on in Firefox 1.0 and onwards.

- I don't think it's necessary to involve the whole "Master Password" 
thing. Most users don't use them anyway. 
The question is, should we explain them why they need one, or do we wait 
till some ill extension writer steals your sensitive data? 
How is this prevented by a Master Password? After you've typed the 
password in, the extension writer can then steal your data.

Bad extensions may be an issue, but they are unrelated to this one.
Did you consider adopting the UI suggestions in my paper?
I've said this before, and I keep repeating myself over and over again; 
go to a local school and ask young children what it is and you will find 
out that the 'silly character' suggestion doesn't stand long.
Not that one (I've rather gone off that idea); the ones in the "New 
Site" section I referred you to.

Also, using "new site" is a bit blurry to me
Is it a new domain name, are you visiting the site for the first time, 
didn't you store a key for it, did you clear your SSL History 
The SSL history would not be clearable, and would always store the hash. 
So the meaning of the indicator is clear.

or are you 
using a different profile/computer system? 
The indicator, fairly obviously, means that it's a new site for you on 
this computer. 99.99% of users don't use multiple profiles, and those 
who do tend to be technically competent, so I'm not worried about that case.

What about theme and 
extension authors, they can undo/change/hide this, so that won't work 
Again, malicious extensions and themes are outside the scope of the 

What if I hide my status bar? Are you (Mozilla Firefox) re-enabling "MY" 
statusbar, just to be able to display that silly lock and text again?
That's your choice to do so.
Think about this; John Doe visits in an 
Internet cafe, and you're next, right, you shouldn't visit your bank 
site in a public Internet Cafe, but that's what happens every day, more 
than you can imagine.

Ok, so now Jane Doe visits this Internet cafe, hopefully the owner is 
not a bad person, because they can already 'steal' lots of 
handy/important data for criminal use, anyway, she visits the same 
phishing site, without knowing it because she thinks that this is the 
right site, after all, there's no warning, right? So what happens to her 
money/bank account?
This is a problem for the Internet Cafe to deal with in their software 
configuration. E.g. EasyInternetCafe completely wipes the computer and 
restarts between customers; this action would (obviously) clear the SSL 
history. But there won't be a button or UI to do it.

Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Long Term IDN/punycode spoofing strategy concept

2005-03-01 Thread Gervase Markham
HJ wrote:
Lets take this example, Gerv wrote in his paper that SSL History should 
be user accessible,
That's not what I wrote. In fact, the reason it's a hash is so that 
no-one can look at it and see a list of sites visited.

but I don't agree because what if I go to a public 
Internet cafe or use Internet from some public computer in my hotel?

Someone might add the wrong validation keys, and I'll end up visiting a 
phony site, without being notified about my error!
See my previous post on this. But, if you are suggesting this might 
happen, the previous malicious person may also install a malicious 
extension, or add dodgy certs to the root store, or anything. You can't 
trust a computer you don't have control of.

Another problem is that Gerv paper only covers SSL protected sites, but 
most recent phishing attacks (example: ) 
do not even use SSL protection, so I might still be fooled, without 
being notified.
Of course you are being notified - the "" and lock you 
normally see on PayPal are totally absent! That's a massive UI difference.

Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Long Term IDN/punycode spoofing strategy concept

2005-03-01 Thread Gervase Markham
HJ wrote:
So you are forcing all people to look at punycode all the time, even if 
that makes it worse? What if I have a punycode look alike domain? Yeah, 
that will make it harder I guess.
Nope, we're never going to display the punycode and Unicode at the same 
time. It'll always be one or the other, depending on whether we trust 
the TLD not to issue homographic domains to different people.

Now, you might wonder, do we really need this, yes we do, because my 
bank site (for example) makes use of a chromeless window, without 
navigation- and status bar, so I need to have a way of displaying the 
certificate info, or I would be lost and it would still very easy to 
deceive our users without this kind of information.
No, it doesn't make use of a window without the status bar, because the 
status bar is always-on in Firefox 1.0 and onwards.

- I don't think it's necessary to involve the whole "Master Password" 
thing. Most users don't use them anyway. 
The question is, should we explain them why they need one, or do we wait 
till some ill extension writer steals your sensitive data? 
How is this prevented by a Master Password? After you've typed the 
password in, the extension writer can then steal your data.

Bad extensions may be an issue, but they are unrelated to this one.
Did you consider adopting the UI suggestions in my paper?
I've said this before, and I keep repeating myself over and over again; 
go to a local school and ask young children what it is and you will find 
out that the 'silly character' suggestion doesn't stand long.
Not that one (I've rather gone off that idea); the ones in the "New 
Site" section I referred you to.

Also, using "new site" is a bit blurry to me
Is it a new domain name, are you visiting the site for the first time, 
didn't you store a key for it, did you clear your SSL History 
The SSL history would not be clearable, and would always store the hash. 
So the meaning of the indicator is clear.

or are you 
using a different profile/computer system? 
The indicator, fairly obviously, means that it's a new site for you on 
this computer. 99.99% of users don't use multiple profiles, and those 
who do tend to be technically competent, so I'm not worried about that case.

What about theme and 
extension authors, they can undo/change/hide this, so that won't work 
Again, malicious extensions and themes are outside the scope of the 

What if I hide my status bar? Are you (Mozilla Firefox) re-enabling "MY" 
statusbar, just to be able to display that silly lock and text again?
That's your choice to do so.
Think about this; John Doe visits in an 
Internet cafe, and you're next, right, you shouldn't visit your bank 
site in a public Internet Cafe, but that's what happens every day, more 
than you can imagine.

Ok, so now Jane Doe visits this Internet cafe, hopefully the owner is 
not a bad person, because they can already 'steal' lots of 
handy/important data for criminal use, anyway, she visits the same 
phishing site, without knowing it because she thinks that this is the 
right site, after all, there's no warning, right? So what happens to her 
money/bank account?
This is a problem for the Internet Cafe to deal with in their software 
configuration. E.g. EasyInternetCafe completely wipes the computer and 
restarts between customers; this action would (obviously) clear the SSL 
history. But there won't be a button or UI to do it.

Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Long Term IDN/punycode spoofing strategy concept

2005-02-28 Thread Nelson Bolyard
HJ wrote:
First of all, i've just updated my screenshot: 
I doubt most users will ever "open this expander" :(
> Nelson B wrote:
While you're at it, you should display all the "subject alternative 
names" in the cert, in addition to the "Common Name".

I came to the same conclusion, at least I hope you are revering at this 
kind of info:

CN =
OU = Terms of use at (c)00
OU = Information Systems
O = Paypal, Inc.
L = Palo Alto
ST = California
C = US
All that info is part of the cert's "subject name".  The data shown
above follows the old legacy convention of putting the host's domain
name into the subject name's "common name" (CN) field.  Modern certs
don't do that any more.  They put the host names (there can be more
than one) into the cert's list of "subject alternative names", something
that is not part of the info shown above.
Today, mozilla doesn't show the "subject alternative names" info at all. :(
I propose that you change your UI to show that info.  If you do that, you
will have fixed bug
which is now over a year old.
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Long Term IDN/punycode spoofing strategy concept

2005-02-28 Thread Ian G
Duane wrote:
HJ wrote:

Another problem is that Gerv paper only covers SSL protected sites, but
most recent phishing attacks (example: )
do not even use SSL protection, so I might still be fooled, without
being notified.

Out of all the spam emails that seem to by pass my filtering rules, I'm
yet to see any actually using SSL, most try to hide the real URL with
html, but for the most part a quick most over shows the real non-SSL URL...

I saw one about a year ago.  I followed it all
the way through, trying to figure out how
they'd "stolen" the cert.  It took me about
10 mins to work it out, and it was a real
"doh!" moment.
Basically, they'd just got a cert issued in
some random name like ""
and used that.
You won't ever see much SSL activity on phishing
until the browser forces the user to start looking
for SSL.  That's the beef with the little padlock...
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Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Long Term IDN/punycode spoofing strategy concept

2005-02-28 Thread Duane
HJ wrote:

> Another problem is that Gerv paper only covers SSL protected sites, but
> most recent phishing attacks (example: )
> do not even use SSL protection, so I might still be fooled, without
> being notified.

Out of all the spam emails that seem to by pass my filtering rules, I'm
yet to see any actually using SSL, most try to hide the real URL with
html, but for the most part a quick most over shows the real non-SSL URL...


Best regards,
 Duane - Free Security Certificates - Think globally, network locally - Telecommunications Freedom - Sell your photos over the net! - Using Enum.164 to interconnect asterisk servers

"In the long run the pessimist may be proved right,
but the optimist has a better time on the trip."
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Long Term IDN/punycode spoofing strategy concept

2005-02-28 Thread Ian G
HJ wrote:
Nelson B wrote:
HJ wrote:
Having troubles reading the text, try this one: 

First of all, i've just updated my screenshot: 

Excellent.  HJ, I would say your english is too
good and too formal and too techie :-)  There are
simply too many long words there.
Having said that, I'm not the right person to
construct fewer words;  I'm never ever been
caught being concise when I have a chance
of being comprehensive ;)
Finding the right set of words is the prize.
I suggest you talk to lots of people, who aren't
techies, and don't understand.  Use the
experience to distill out the real essence of
the message.
Something like:
"MultiZilla sees a new secure website!
Are you sure this is the one you wanted?
If it is, click [YES] and MultiZilla will remember
that in future.
If not, this may be a phishing site for one of
your special trusted sites?
Check the certificate details...
If unsure, click [UNSURE] and MultiZilla will
put a big red question mark on the site in
the future.
If this site is bad, click [BAD]... "

Hmmm too many words...

The "Common Name" is no longer considered the "right" place to 
contain the server's domain name.  The right place is in the 
certificate's list of
"subject alternative names", and that list may contain multiple domain
names and/or IP addresses.

It's good to continue to display the common name, as many legacy 
still use that.  But more and more we see modern certs that don't 
have the
domain name in the "common name", and hence the server's domain name 
appear in that dialog.  If the dialog was fixed to display subject 
names, that would help a lot.

It's a shame that this wasn't fixed in mozilla years ago.  But PSM is an
orphan.  You're doing more to help PSM than has been done in a long 
and I (for one) appreciate it.  I just wish your work was going into the
main mozilla PSM source, rather than into an offshoot.

Well, at least we're discussing a possible solution, and who knows 
what happens at the end. It sure won't hurt ;)

Lets take this example, Gerv wrote in his paper that SSL History 
should be user accessible, but I don't agree because what if I go to a 
public Internet cafe or use Internet from some public computer in my 

That's a special case.  If the place is untrusted, then
it matters not what you do, as an attack involves
perverting everything.
It's better to fix what we can fix for the average
stable user - Alice at home on her Windows PC.
Later on, improve that and also tune for the
exceptions like public computers.
Someone might add the wrong validation keys, and I'll end up visiting 
a phony site, without being notified about my error!

In practice, a proper company like Kinkos or
whichever re-installs the whole thing every
user.  At least, that's the ideal, and I gather
they do that because the FBI was grumbling
that they couldn't get the data on what
terrorists were communicating about...
Another problem is that Gerv paper only covers SSL protected sites, 
but most recent phishing attacks (example: ) do not even use SSL protection, so I 
might still be fooled, without being notified.

The problem with providing *any* protection for
non SSL phishing is that even if it is done and
done well, it still doesn't cover the DNS attack.
The phisher can always just install a virus or
poison the DNS system, so any protection will
be a short term fix.
(DNS viruses have been deployed against online
payment systems, as of about 4-6 months back.)
So the strategy is to de-emphasise non-SSL protections,
and to emphasise that SSL protects against phishing.
But it can only do that if the cert info and naming
info is displayed and under user control.  So there
are several steps needed to get to that point.
News and views on what matters in finance+crypto:
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Long Term IDN/punycode spoofing strategy concept

2005-02-28 Thread HJ
HJ wrote:
Nelson B wrote:
HJ wrote:

Lets take this example, Gerv wrote in his paper that SSL History should 
be user accessible, but I don't agree because what if I go to a public 
Internet cafe or use Internet from some public computer in my hotel?
Err, make that: "...shouldn't be user accessible,..."
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Long Term IDN/punycode spoofing strategy concept

2005-02-28 Thread HJ
Nelson B wrote:
HJ wrote:
Having troubles reading the text, try this one: 
First of all, i've just updated my screenshot:
While you're at it, you should display all the "subject alternative names"
in the cert, in addition to the "Common Name".
I came to the same conclusion, at least I hope you are revering at this 
kind of info:

CN =
OU = Terms of use at (c)00
OU = Information Systems
O = Paypal, Inc.
L = Palo Alto
ST = California
C = US
The "Common Name" is no longer considered the "right" place to contain 
the server's domain name.  The right place is in the certificate's list of
"subject alternative names", and that list may contain multiple domain
names and/or IP addresses.

It's good to continue to display the common name, as many legacy 
still use that.  But more and more we see modern certs that don't have the
domain name in the "common name", and hence the server's domain name 
appear in that dialog.  If the dialog was fixed to display subject 
names, that would help a lot.

It's a shame that this wasn't fixed in mozilla years ago.  But PSM is an
orphan.  You're doing more to help PSM than has been done in a long time,
and I (for one) appreciate it.  I just wish your work was going into the
main mozilla PSM source, rather than into an offshoot.
Well, at least we're discussing a possible solution, and who knows what 
happens at the end. It sure won't hurt ;)

Lets take this example, Gerv wrote in his paper that SSL History should 
be user accessible, but I don't agree because what if I go to a public 
Internet cafe or use Internet from some public computer in my hotel?

Someone might add the wrong validation keys, and I'll end up visiting a 
phony site, without being notified about my error!

Another problem is that Gerv paper only covers SSL protected sites, but 
most recent phishing attacks (example: ) 
do not even use SSL protection, so I might still be fooled, without 
being notified.

Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Long Term IDN/punycode spoofing strategy concept

2005-02-27 Thread Nelson B
HJ wrote:
Having troubles reading the text, try this one: 
While you're at it, you should display all the "subject alternative names"
in the cert, in addition to the "Common Name".
The "Common Name" is no longer considered the "right" place to contain the 
server's domain name.  The right place is in the certificate's list of
"subject alternative names", and that list may contain multiple domain
names and/or IP addresses.

It's good to continue to display the common name, as many legacy certificates
still use that.  But more and more we see modern certs that don't have the
domain name in the "common name", and hence the server's domain name doesn't
appear in that dialog.  If the dialog was fixed to display subject alternate
names, that would help a lot.
It's a shame that this wasn't fixed in mozilla years ago.  But PSM is an
orphan.  You're doing more to help PSM than has been done in a long time,
and I (for one) appreciate it.  I just wish your work was going into the
main mozilla PSM source, rather than into an offshoot.
Nelson B
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Long Term IDN/punycode spoofing strategy concept

2005-02-25 Thread HJ
Jean-Marc Desperrier wrote:
Gervase Markham wrote:
- The text used to explain the feature isn't at all clear to average 
users. What is an "encrypted security key"? What does it mean if it's 
missing? The message bar doesn't say.

+1 I thought it would be *really* obscure for the average user.
Ok, so what would you have used?
It is easy to blame one for not using the right words/expressions, but 
again, this is a concept, and not adding the "right words/expressions" 
yourself doesn't help anybody.

Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Long Term IDN/punycode spoofing strategy concept

2005-02-25 Thread HJ
Gervase Markham wrote:
HJ wrote:
Anyway, you may, or may not, nitpick about the used text and what not, 
but a fact is a fact, this works for MultiZilla users, but what do you 
think about this?
So this is an implementation of "New Site", from
Yeah, that seems pretty much the same as what I did...I must be on the 
right track, this time :-)

If so, that's great :-) However, I have a few comments on the 
Sure, burn away, after all this is a concept ;)
- The text used to explain the feature isn't at all clear to average 
users. What is an "encrypted security key"? What does it mean if it's 
missing? The message bar doesn't say.

- IMO, there's no need for preferences for this stuff. Firefox isn't 
going to have UI for an IDN preference, or a "display as punycode" 
So you are forcing all people to look at punycode all the time, even if 
that makes it worse? What if I have a punycode look alike domain? Yeah, 
that will make it harder I guess.

- The explanatory text in the popup is too verbose.
Ok, but which part? The top, middle or bottom?
Please note that that middle part is in fact an  but without 
the CSS love that it needs.

Now, you might wonder, do we really need this, yes we do, because my 
bank site (for example) makes use of a chromeless window, without 
navigation- and status bar, so I need to have a way of displaying the 
certificate info, or I would be lost and it would still very easy to 
deceive our users without this kind of information.

Let me ask you another question; do you trust the site, the certificate, 
the domain holder or the CA that issued that certificate?

- I don't think it's necessary to involve the whole "Master Password" 
thing. Most users don't use them anyway. 
The question is, should we explain them why they need one, or do we wait 
till some ill extension writer steals your sensitive data? I could ask 
you this; why have a Master Password feature in Mozilla/Mozilla Firefox, 
if "Most users" don't use it (your words)? Not using an important 
feature should be on the educational list for end users, how else would 
this anti phishing prevention work, because humans are still, and will 
always be, the weakest link...

On a site note, do you have "wallet.crypto" set to 'true' or 'false'? I 
keep telling people to use 'true' and I made an extension to 
proof/explain why, I think that was about two years ago now. Some 
people, and I'm not pointing fingers, would have called that *the* first 
"MafiaZilla" extension :-)

A "hashed SSL domain history" is even less privacy-invading than
keeping a cache of SSL certificates, which is a fairly uncontentious 
thing for a browser to do.
Good, because I don't keep certificates cached, that would be insane, 
but I keep a cache of hash keys, made out of the serial number and SHA-1 
fingerprint of the certificate. Note the "MultiZilla validates websites 
that utilize SSL authentication..." part of the BIM text. How else can 
we validate certificates?

Did you consider adopting the UI suggestions in my paper?
I've said this before, and I keep repeating myself over and over again; 
go to a local school and ask young children what it is and you will find 
out that the 'silly character' suggestion doesn't stand long.

Also, using "new site" is a bit blurry to me
Is it a new domain name, are you visiting the site for the first time, 
didn't you store a key for it, did you clear your SSL History or are you 
using a different profile/computer system? What about theme and 
extension authors, they can undo/change/hide this, so that won't work 

What if I hide my status bar? Are you (Mozilla Firefox) re-enabling "MY" 
statusbar, just to be able to display that silly lock and text again?

Oh btw, and not being able to clear SSL History, other than removing the 
file, is not a good thing, just think about public Internet spots.

Think about this; John Doe visits in an 
Internet cafe, and you're next, right, you shouldn't visit your bank 
site in a public Internet Cafe, but that's what happens every day, more 
than you can imagine.

Ok, so now Jane Doe visits this Internet cafe, hopefully the owner is 
not a bad person, because they can already 'steal' lots of 
handy/important data for criminal use, anyway, she visits the same 
phishing site, without knowing it because she thinks that this is the 
right site, after all, there's no warning, right? So what happens to her 
money/bank account?

Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Long Term IDN/punycode spoofing strategy concept

2005-02-25 Thread Jean-Marc Desperrier
Gervase Markham wrote:
- The text used to explain the feature isn't at all clear to average 
users. What is an "encrypted security key"? What does it mean if it's 
missing? The message bar doesn't say.
+1 I thought it would be *really* obscure for the average user.
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Long Term IDN/punycode spoofing strategy concept

2005-02-24 Thread Gervase Markham
HJ wrote:
Anyway, you may, or may not, nitpick about the used text and what not, 
but a fact is a fact, this works for MultiZilla users, but what do you 
think about this?
So this is an implementation of "New Site", from
If so, that's great :-) However, I have a few comments on the 

- The text used to explain the feature isn't at all clear to average 
users. What is an "encrypted security key"? What does it mean if it's 
missing? The message bar doesn't say.

- IMO, there's no need for preferences for this stuff. Firefox isn't 
going to have UI for an IDN preference, or a "display as punycode" 

- The explanatory text in the popup is too verbose.
- I don't think it's necessary to involve the whole "Master Password" 
thing. Most users don't use them anyway. A "hashed SSL domain history" 
is even less privacy-invading than keeping a cache of SSL certificates, 
which is a fairly uncontentious thing for a browser to do.

Did you consider adopting the UI suggestions in my paper?
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Long Term IDN/punycode spoofing strategy concept

2005-02-23 Thread Ian G
HJ wrote:
I have a working concept that might be used for VanillaZilla, but I 
don't know if this is what you need/like:

Here's a screenshot of MultiZilla's BIM (Browser Info Message) 
displayed when a new SSL protected site, without SSL Hash key, has 
been detected: 

Here's a screenshot after you click on the displayed BIM: 

Having troubles reading the text, try this one: 

I also modified MultiZilla's Advanced Pref Panel, here's a screenshot 
of it: 

Anyway, you may, or may not, nitpick about the used text and what not, 
but a fact is a fact, this works for MultiZilla users, but what do you 
think about this?

These are fantastic!  Rush them out!
Yes, I would nitpick on the text you use :-)  The error message
in the first picture seems meaningless tech drivel on first
casual reading.
Perhaps:  "MultiZilla thinks '' is a new website, ..."
Experimentation called for here.
(The next steps after that is to consider how you display the CA
name, and how you would store a petname for that site.)
Good stuff!
News and views on what matters in finance+crypto:
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Long Term IDN/punycode spoofing strategy concept

2005-02-23 Thread J. Greenlees

HJ wrote:
HJ wrote:
J. Greenlees wrote:
HJ wrote:
Duane wrote:
HJ wrote:
Having troubles reading the text, try this one: 

any thoughts on the problem of sites using multiple private
keys/certificates over multiple domains for the same hostname?

Each certificate/security change will trigger a new BIM(Sheet) so 
that should not be a problem, but I don't have an example to verify 
this, do you have one for me?

free webmail system that uses at least two certs.
( one with a name error [ instead of] so 
it's real clear that it's a different cert )

That's just perfect, thanks J

No, they just use one certificate for two different domain names :-(
sorry, didn't know that.
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Long Term IDN/punycode spoofing strategy concept

2005-02-23 Thread HJ
HJ wrote:
J. Greenlees wrote:
HJ wrote:
Duane wrote:
HJ wrote:
Having troubles reading the text, try this one: 

any thoughts on the problem of sites using multiple private
keys/certificates over multiple domains for the same hostname?

Each certificate/security change will trigger a new BIM(Sheet) so 
that should not be a problem, but I don't have an example to verify 
this, do you have one for me?

free webmail system that uses at least two certs.
( one with a name error [ instead of] so it's 
real clear that it's a different cert )

That's just perfect, thanks J
No, they just use one certificate for two different domain names :-(
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Long Term IDN/punycode spoofing strategy concept

2005-02-23 Thread HJ
J. Greenlees wrote:
HJ wrote:
Duane wrote:
HJ wrote:
Having troubles reading the text, try this one: 

any thoughts on the problem of sites using multiple private
keys/certificates over multiple domains for the same hostname?

Each certificate/security change will trigger a new BIM(Sheet) so that 
should not be a problem, but I don't have an example to verify this, 
do you have one for me?

free webmail system that uses at least two certs.
( one with a name error [ instead of] so it's 
real clear that it's a different cert )
That's just perfect, thanks J
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Long Term IDN/punycode spoofing strategy concept

2005-02-23 Thread J. Greenlees

HJ wrote:
Duane wrote:
HJ wrote:

Having troubles reading the text, try this one: 

any thoughts on the problem of sites using multiple private
keys/certificates over multiple domains for the same hostname?

Each certificate/security change will trigger a new BIM(Sheet) so that 
should not be a problem, but I don't have an example to verify this, do 
you have one for me?

free webmail system that uses at least two certs.
( one with a name error [ instead of] so it's 
real clear that it's a different cert )

Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Long Term IDN/punycode spoofing strategy concept

2005-02-23 Thread Duane
HJ wrote:

> Each certificate/security change will trigger a new BIM(Sheet) so that
> should not be a problem, but I don't have an example to verify this, do
> you have one for me?

I'm theorising about the possibility of it, for example large
installations using clusters while it possibly isn't good security
practise to reuse the same privatekey/certificate for a bunch of servers
but I bet it occurs for things like large webmail installations if not
banking clusters etc...


Best regards,
 Duane - Free Security Certificates - Think globally, network locally - Telecommunications Freedom - Sell your photos over the net! - Using Enum.164 to interconnect asterisk servers

"In the long run the pessimist may be proved right,
but the optimist has a better time on the trip."
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Long Term IDN/punycode spoofing strategy concept

2005-02-23 Thread HJ
Duane wrote:
HJ wrote:

Having troubles reading the text, try this one:

any thoughts on the problem of sites using multiple private
keys/certificates over multiple domains for the same hostname?
Each certificate/security change will trigger a new BIM(Sheet) so that 
should not be a problem, but I don't have an example to verify this, do 
you have one for me?

Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Long Term IDN/punycode spoofing strategy concept

2005-02-23 Thread Duane
HJ wrote:

> Having troubles reading the text, try this one:

any thoughts on the problem of sites using multiple private
keys/certificates over multiple domains for the same hostname?


Best regards,
 Duane - Free Security Certificates - Think globally, network locally - Telecommunications Freedom - Sell your photos over the net! - Using Enum.164 to interconnect asterisk servers

"In the long run the pessimist may be proved right,
but the optimist has a better time on the trip."
Mozilla-security mailing list

Re: Long Term IDN/punycode spoofing strategy concept

2005-02-23 Thread HJ
Note that MultiZilla's BIM Sheets are displayed just like 
View/Toolbars/Customize in Mozilla Firefox, sort of a drop down window.

Also note that this is my own 'work in progress concept' from the days 
before (January 15th to be exact) Gerv Blogged about something like this :-)

Mozilla-security mailing list