Re: [Mpls] The Fingerpointing Continues/ Hosmer and the GLBT section

2001-05-15 Thread Eva Young

Here's some fun excerpts.  But go to the site.  The story heavily
features list members Rick Stafford and Buck Humphrey:  

You Make the Call

We have heard from a number of sources that we were
right to single out Hubert “Buck” Humphrey IV at
the Minneapolis DFL City Convention.  In fact people
have informed us there is more to the story.  We
understand the week prior to the convention Buck was
busy making phone calls securing financial support for himself in his bid
for Secretary of State rather than calling delegates for support of Sharon
Sayles Belton. 

Ick.  I'm not fond of the incumbent SOS (she is too much from the Quistling
wingnuts of the Republican Party), and it would be nice if the DFL could
put a credible alternative.  I never quite got why they endorsed Edwina
Garcia over Dee Long.
The article continues:  

Since the convention he [Buck] has been making calls to find out if his
support base has wavered with the debacle on Saturday.  This goes to show
Humphrey is good at taking care of Number One even when the person he
should be most concerned about is Belton.  If Humphrey were truly committed
to the Belton cause he would put his efforts on hold until at least after
the September primary. 
Who did this come from?  I'm curious about the sources here.  Was Rick
Stafford an anonymous source here?  

The story goes on to say that Buck was taking credit for Stafford's work
with the Gore campaign also.  
Thanks to RT for answering my question so quickly.  I'd like to see
disclosure on the web -- but it's also important to have ways for
candidates to comply with disclosure requirements easily.  

Thanks also to Wizard Marks for responding so quickly..

It says something negative about the Hosmer library patrons, if the GLBT
books in a section were vandalized.  That's too bad.  And it seems that the
vandals got their way -- by destroying the books, they managed to
intimidate the library from having a GLBT section.  It's interesting that
Hosmer responded to this vandalism by trying to make Gay books more

There certainly are good reasons NOT to have a GLBT section, but just to
put the books throughout the library -- but doing it to respond to bigots
isn't a good way to deal with this attitude.  It really sends the wrong

Eva Young

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Re: [Mpls] energy policy/ Buck Humphrey/ Candidate Forums

2001-05-15 Thread Eva Young

Energy Policy:  
At 01:02 PM 5/15/01 -0500, Michael Hohmann wrote:
As Pres. Bush comes to St. Paul tomorrow to announce his new energy policy,
MN legislators continue to debate state energy policy.  Look for an op-ed on
the Bush energy plan by Mpls.' own David Morris tomorrow (Wednesday) in the
Star Tribune.  I'm sure David will provide a local twist to what is usually
described as a national energy plan/strategy; referencing concepts such as
distributed energy systems which have application right here in
Minneapolis--   local production for local consumption scenarios.
( )
Thanks for the headsup on this.  I got an email from the Sierra Club
regarding demonstrating at this speech.  Personally, I would really like to
see Bush's AIDs adviser, Scott Evertz come to Minneapolis -- an ideal time
for that would be when the Republican Party is having their regional
conference in Minneapolis -- end of July.  

Buck Humphrey: 

Many have questioned where I got the story regarding Buck Humphrey:  

Here is the link -- it was posted by Bill Dooley:

Interesting blurb in the May 13, 2001 edition of the CHECKS AND BALANCES
online political newsletter. Under the title You Make the Call, the story
basically blames Buck Humphrey for the Sharon Sayles Belton non-endorsement
because he did not work the delegates the week prior to the convention. Here
is the story:;
EY:  I'm still wondering who the sources were on this -- there seem to be
lots of folks within the DFL very irritated at Buck Humphrey.  I think it a
stretch to blame Buck for SSB's poor performance at the convention.  

Online Candidate Forums:  

Any chance of some Minneapolis online Mayor and City Council forums?  I'd
be glad to help with setting up an online eighth ward candidate forum.  I'm
also interested in some in person forums.  It would be good to get some
Brian Herron supporters to help with this also.  Matthea, Wizard, David
Finke -- is your candidate -- Brian Herron ready for competition in a forum
such as this?  Are any of you willing to help organize this forum -- or are
you afraid to have your candidate compete?  Robert Lilligren already has
introduced himself to the list, and posts regularly -- which lets people
know where he stands.  He's getting a reputation for being responsive to
people, and has a longstanding reputation for fairness and looking at all
sides of the issue.  Council Member Herron appears to read this list, but
does not post.  I'd like to invite Council Member Herron to post -- and let
us know more about his accomplishments as City Council Member for the last
8 years.  

Quick responses, that answer the question -- as RT did, are a quick and
direct way of dispelling rumors.

Eva Young

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Re: [Mpls] tagging

2001-05-15 Thread Michael Atherton

Robert Wood wrote:

 Personally, I
 like graffitti when it is interesting artistically and contains an
 interesting message culturally or politically, tagging fits neither of
 those definitions.

Artistically interesting or not, graffiti typically appears on the
property of others, not one's own.  Ignoring zoning laws for the
sake of argument, I think that graffiti done with the consent
of a property owner would have strong First Amendment
protection.  The problem is that graffiti is normally applied
without consent and is thus a property crime. Any argument
to support such illegal behavior would also support the act of
burning down someone's house as instance of performance art.

We should respect the right of another to not be subject
to actions against their will.

Michael Atherton
Prospect Park

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Re: [Mpls] tagging

2001-05-15 Thread Conor Donnelly

Michael Atherton wrote:

 Any argument
 to support such illegal behavior would also support the act of
 burning down someone's house as instance of performance art.

Conor Donnelly replies:

Comparing graffiti to arson is laughable, even if only to make your
point, that we hold private property sacred above all else. Property
crime is just one problem of many facing the city. Of all property
crimes (theft, arson, etc.) graffiti seems to me, by far the least
serious. However, I'm not a lawyer, judge, or property owner, so those
factors might be clouding my judgment on this.

The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once.

-Albert Einstein
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Re: [Mpls] Mark Stenglein's checkbook

2001-05-15 Thread Jordan S. Kushner

A disclosure of a candidate's previous campaign contributions is certainly a
legitimate and fair way to infer political beliefs or allegiances.  The
information becomes particularly valuable for a candidate who has not
disclosed his agenda in any detail.  In such instances, it is necessary to
do some independent investigation to try to determine a candidate's agenda.
Unfortunately, Mark Steinglen's website provides hardly any substantive
information.  The only theme that I can discern is that he thinks that
government should be run more like private business in order to cut costs
and save the taxpayers' money.  Not exactly an earth shattering proposal; at
most, we know that he probably cannot be labelled as a leftist.

The other available information appears to be a City Pages cover story
several weeks ago.  A main theme of that article was that Mark Stenglein's
positions on the County Board do not indicate any clear pattern that  reveal
a political philosophy or make it feasible to predict where he will stand on
future matters.  Stenglein's quotes in the City Pages indicated that his
approach is by design; he believed that decisions should be made on an
issue-by-issue basis.  One of his quotes revealed another county
commissioner's criticism that Stenglein does not have a political soul, to
which Stenglein responded that he does not believe he should have a
political soul.

Most of us political observers/activists are interested in figuring out a
candidate's political philosophy.  Although someone could probably make a
case for not having a political philosophy, a lot of us are skeptical of
such a claim.  Why would someone leave a  lucrative business career for
government service without some sort of substantive philosophy of what
government should be about?  The likely responses that come to some our
cynical minds are either 1) the candidate's main goal is to obtain the power
and prestige of high elective office, and will take any position at any time
in order to advance that goal, or 2) the candidate is hiding his real agenda
in order to avoid offending voters.  The revelation that at the beginning of
his political career, Mark Stenglein made substantial campaign contributions
to a candidate and a PAC that can fairly be described as far rightwing,
supports an inference that Stenglein's purported lack of philosophy is a
mask to cover an ctual political ideology that would  be offensive to most
Minneapolis voters.

The burden is on the candidate to provide enough information.  Stenglein
also now needs to explain his previous financial loyalties.  Does he agree
with the political agendas of Gingrich, McKigney, Boshwitch, etc?  What
exactly does he intend to accomplish as mayor?  What will he do about the
lack of affordable housing?  What is his stand on corporate subsidies?  What
is his perspective on racial profiling?  What is his environmental agenda?
There is already a lot of information available about the other mayoral
candidates on these issues, from both their records and their campaign
statements.  A summary of information available about Stenglein is that he
professes not to have a political ideology,  wants less government spending,
and used to donate a lot of money to candidates who are too far right to win
elections in Minneapolis.  Any more information would be welcome.

Jordan Kushner
Powderhorn, Ward 8

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Re: [Mpls] Buck Humphrey or Chris Allison

2001-05-15 Thread BastilleChris2

In a message dated 5/15/01 2:29:38 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Buck Humphrey: 

Many have questioned where I got the story regarding Buck Humphrey:  

Here is the link -- it was posted by Bill Dooley:

Interesting blurb in the May 13, 2001 edition of the CHECKS AND BALANCES
online political newsletter. Under the title You Make the Call, the story
basically blames Buck Humphrey for the Sharon Sayles Belton non-endorsement
because he did not work the delegates the week prior to the convention. Here
is the story:;
EY:  I'm still wondering who the sources were on this -- there seem to be
lots of folks within the DFL very irritated at Buck Humphrey.  I think it a
stretch to blame Buck for SSB's poor performance at the convention.  

Eva Young


Anyone who is so dissatisfied with Buck Humphrey, no matter which party you 
are traditionally part of, you are welcome to get involved with the planning 
of Green Party Member Chris Allison's campaign for Secretary of State.

Chris Allison
announced candidate for Secretary of State, seeking Green Party endorsement
appointed member of Gov. Ventura's Advisory Commission on redistricting
Green Party of MN Coordinating Committee member
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Re: [Mpls] Buck Humphrey, Political Superman

2001-05-15 Thread ABerget
Feeling a bit of a contrarian today...Ya know, if Buck indeed WERE wily 
enough to singlehandedly sabotage SSB's endorsement, he would be one heck of 
a guy and his diabolical power should be harnessed and used against worthier 

Ann Berget
Kingfield 10-10

Re: [Mpls] energy policy

2001-05-15 Thread ChaosLegs

I have a question for list members.

Is anyone, companies or government harnessing the hydroelectric power of St. 
Anthony Falls?

Should Minneapolis (no disrespect to St. Paul) as an economic focal point of 
the region, develop a municipal power structure to ensure its continued 
strength in the region?  Basically, we could attract business if we were able 
to guarantee that we will not have brown outs like they have in California.

The reason I was thinking of this was because Minneapolis become the world's 
greatest flour producer (for many years) on the strength of the grain mills 
using hydro power.  Are we letting this natural loss of potential energy go 
untapped?  In light of power / energy issues, came we make Minneapolis a 
stronger city with a municipal power plant that serves the city.

Josh Kroll
Powderhorn Park

 As Pres. Bush comes to St. Paul tomorrow to announce his new energy policy,
  MN legislators continue to debate state energy policy.  Look for an op-ed 
  the Bush energy plan by Mpls.' own David Morris tomorrow (Wednesday) in the
  Star Tribune.  I'm sure David will provide a local twist to what is usually
  described as a national energy plan/strategy; referencing concepts such as
  distributed energy systems which have application right here in
  Minneapolis--   local production for local consumption scenarios.
  ( )
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Re: [Mpls] energy policy

2001-05-15 Thread Dennis Jon

Addressing Mr. Kroll's question regarding harnessing St. Anthony Falls
for hydroelectric power generation, Northern States Power (now Xcel
Energy) currently operates a 12 megawatt hydroelectric facility on the
Mississippi River at Hennepin Island (adjacent to St. Anthony Falls on
the north side of the river). According to NSP's web site, they've
operated at or near the St. Anthony Falls site since 1923.

Dennis Jon
Ward 11 - Park District 6
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[Mpls] MCNC 8th Annual River Clean Up and Celebration

2001-05-15 Thread Clsartell
Mississippi Corridor Neighborhood Coalition Eighth Annual River Clean-Up 

“We Drink the Water, We Breathe the Air” 
Saturday, May 19th 
9:00 - 11:00 a.m. clean-up 
11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. food and entertainment at Boom Island 
1:30 p.m. boat ride boarding; 2:00 p.m. boat leaves (fee required)* 

Special appearances by Ronald McDonald, Crystal Clear Water Princess, Billy 
Bass the Fish. 
Entertainment includes Paul Metsa and other musicians 
Pick-up sites: Boom Island, Grain Belt site, Edgewater site (Marshall and 
Lowry), Marshall Terrace Park, North Mississippi Regional Park, Broadway 
Station Pizza, Federal Reserve Bank, East End of Stone Arch Bridge and a site 
to be determined near Cedar Riverside 
The Mississippi Corridor Neighborhood Coalition (MCNC) was formed in 1993 and 
now has 20 community groups as members. 
Can we count on your participation? Fraternal groups, youth groups, church 
groups, artists, neighborhood organizations and anyone interested in keeping 
our river clean is invited. We attract from 500 - 600 great volunteers every 
year. We offer free bags and gloves, free food and entertainment, 
environmental exhibits and a half-price river boat ride courtesy of the 
Padelford Packet Boat Company. Local businesses have generously supported our 
efforts over the years to reward our hard working volunteers. 

We are fortunate in living near one of the world’s great rivers - a national 
and world renowned water resource. As the current stewards of the river, we 
need to keep it free from trash and contaminants. With your help, we can 
educate more people about the significance of the Mighty Mississippi and keep 
it “clean and green.” Thank you for your participation! 
Please call our volunteer clean-up coordinator, Randy Kouri at 612-788-0249 
or leave a message at our voice mail, 612-789-3672, if you have any questions 
or comments, and we will return your call. 

Bring a friend and neighbor - see you on May 19th! 

Voice: 612-789-3672 FAX: 612-781-1191 E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Candyce L. Sartell
Mississippi Corridor Neighborhood Coalition

[Mpls] Minnehaha Creek path meeting

2001-05-15 Thread List Manager

The Strib covered the Watershed's District's public meeting in today's
paper; sorry I didn't get a chance to post the link until now. Looks like
list members' opinions got through!

David Brauer
List manager, Minneapolis-Issues

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[Mpls] Mayoral Candidate Stenglein

2001-05-15 Thread Fran Guminga

At the April Mpls Property Rights meeting, I believe Mark Stenglein said the
following (paraphrased):

It doesn't make sense to put poor people out in Minnetonka when Minneapolis
has the infrastructure to take care of them.

Can anyone confirm that he made a statement like that?

One statement Stenglein did make was to say that he was a good friend of
Joe Biernat. He was asked why he has not been able to use his influence with
his good friend to address some of the housing issues in the city such as
the continuing loss of affordable rental housing, the number of boarded
buildings, punishing houses (demolition) rather than bad tenants or
landlords, the silly Biernat-sponsored ordinance that will charge people
with empty houses a $400 annual fee and the like. His response was that he
did not always agree with his good friend, but that he wasn't going to
start a war with Joe.

One has to ask why using your influence with a colleague (and a good friend)
to make changes you support is starting a war. Further, if questioning a
council member who is your good friend would be tantamount to starting a
war, how will Stenglein deal with city council members if be becomes mayor?

He claims to be the candidate of change. What will he change and how will he
do it? Jordan Kushner's post regarding how to assess a candidate's political
philosophy may be a good place to start answering that question.

The likely responses that come to some our cynical minds are either 1) the
candidate's main goal is to obtain the power and prestige of high elective
office, and will take any position at any time in order to advance that
goal, or 2) the candidate is hiding his real agenda in order to avoid
offending voters.

Fran Guminga
Bottineau, Ward 3
County District 2

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Re: [Mpls] energy policy

2001-05-15 Thread Sheldon Mains

 Dennis Jon
Northern States Power (now Xcel
Energy) currently operates a 12 megawatt hydroelectric facility on the
Mississippi River at Hennepin Island (adjacent to St. Anthony Falls on
the north side of the river). According to NSP's web site, they've
operated at or near the St. Anthony Falls site since 1923.

Warning--the following is all from memory but I do have an (old) electrical
engineering degreee grin

I don't remember the date but the first hydro electric plant in the western
hemisphere was at St. Anthony Falls (West side of the river though).  There
is a historic marker about it just across Main Street from Tuggs Bar.

NSP was also operating a hydro facility at the lower St. Anthony Falls (I
think it was about 40 MW--megawatt). I don't know if that plant is still
operating. Also, the Ford Plant owns the dam right below the 46th St (Mpls)
Ford Parkway bridge and operate a small hydro facilty there.

To put this capaicty in perspective, The Sherco Coal plant on the
Mississippi has three gerating facilities of about 800 MW each.  The Alan S
King Coal Plant on the St.Croix is between 300 and 600 MW.  The power
capacity of the supply to the average house is 24 KW (or 0.024 MW).
Assuming that at peak use a house uses about half of that capacity, the 12
MW capacity at the falls would power 1000 homes.

NSP did have a proposal to expand the capacity of the St. Anthony Falls to
something under 100 MW.  The problem was that for a significant part of the
summer, fall and winter, ALL the water going over the falls would be
diverted to the hydro faclity.

sheldon mainsseward neighborhoodminneapolis  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
the shameless agitator  in  the electronic town square

yes, i really am running for library board. check for details.

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[Mpls] St. Anthony Falls (Was: energy policy)

2001-05-15 Thread Mark Holtz

Sheldon Mains wrote:


 NSP did have a proposal to expand the capacity of the St. Anthony Falls to
 something under 100 MW.  The problem was that for a significant part of the
 summer, fall and winter, ALL the water going over the falls would be
 diverted to the hydro faclity.

Hrmph. Do you mean to say, then, that in the springtime some of the
water would be allowed to get downstream without actually having done
any work? Seems like an irresponsible waste to me. You're right, that
is a problem. I'm glad somebody shot *that* idea dead in the street.

Seriously, though - I know this may seem to be getting a little bit
off topic, but does anyone know whether the original falls would ever
be reclaimable in any sort of worthwhile form? I know this is almost
purely hypothetical, but should something ever make the generating
plant no longer feasible, might there be a chance of getting that
geological marvel back in operational order? What a fabulous
centerpiece that would make for a downtown that claims to value the
heritage of its river. That'd be, like, really cool, eh?

Mark Holtz
Kea'au, Hawaii (Formerly of Downtown, 7th Ward)
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