[Mpls] Heritage Park

2003-07-19 Thread timothy connolly
My curiousity was piqued by Zack Metoyer's depiction
of environmental conditions at Heritage Park so I
decided to take a look for myself.

Unfortunately someone nicked the rear wheel from my
bicycle so for the time being I'm on foot.

Since I was heading up Near North I stopped first at
the Farmer's Market to see if my old boss was there.
The few times I had been there this Spring he was
nowhere to be seen.

I grabbed a polish sauage for added sustenance before
heading out from the Farmer's Market. I can stil smell
the mustard on my hands.

I recalled seeing items on Ways and Means agendas over
the past year or so relating to additional monies
being budgeted for environmental work by Braun
Intertec in Heritage Park. 

I wondered to myself just how much was spent on
testing and soil remediation and if that was within
Budget on this project? Did the developers discover
early on the presence of unhealthy conditions and try
to finesse it through inspection?

I am no environmental engineer. I find myself wishing
I had been on the tour with Zach the previous day. It
was difficult looking for evidence when I arrived in
Heritage Park,

The one thing I noticed right away are the numerous
cracked sidewalks. This is a treeless plane in most
places so it's not as though roots have done the
damage. Either there is something going on sub-surface
or the Gunderson Brothers are the worst concrete guys
I have ever seen?

I don't encounter any visible ooze coming up through
the ground but I do find one of the playground areas
where there are a couple holes dug revealing a black
oily looking substance just inches below the surface.

If what I have discovered in a cursory investigation
is any indication I would guess they have some serious
problems with enviromental contamination in Heritage

It would not be that great a surprise to anyone with a
basic knowledge of geology and an inspection of the
properties upstream from the project. Beside the scrap
yard the city has used the Basset Creek watershed for
a dumping ground for years. Throw in a couple trucking
concerns, the train spur that runs along the creek and
who knows what else you have a pretty potent mishmash.
I wasn't there long enough to get a headache but it
doesn't surprise me that people living at Heritage
Park are experiencing medical effects like headaches
and diarrhea and perhaps worse.

Having satisfied myself as much as possible today I
headed out for the Wedge to buy my rice milk and water
crackers before heading home.

I would hope some enterprising reporter who monitors
this list would follow up on this story.

Tim Connolly




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RE: [Mpls] Library Funding

2003-07-19 Thread Michael Hohmann
Jim Mork says, in part:

> Just out of curiosity, I got out my list of proposed taxes for this year
> that came from the county.  As I suspected, for my midrange
> house, the total
> tax for the LIBRARY BOARD was $46.46.  Shoot!  At that level, I
> could raise
> it 50% without breaking a sweat.

[MH]  I don't believe the library referendum has even kicked in yet;  but
don't worry, I'm confident their amount will more than double within the
next few years.  It will be phased in over several years and remain for many
thereafter; all while service levels are reduced.

Michael Hohmann
Linden Hills

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Re: [Mpls] Friday Shooting at Nicollet & Lake

2003-07-19 Thread Anne McCandless
I heard that the victim's injuries were not life threatening and three
people were arrested.

Anne McCandless

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[Mpls] See HPV developed for York, AL Public Works Department

2003-07-19 Thread GarySimmbo
Artist Richard Saxon has been working with City workers in York Alabama to come up with creative, inexpensive ways to get around doing some of the city work.

He asked me to pass on the press release (included below my sig) and to also mention that he plans to be at the Soap Factory **all day** on Monday, and would love to speak with interested folks about his HPV watering vehicle, as well as about other utility HPVs.

Richard responded the request of york's mayor to develop inexpensive solutions for Public Works Department needs.  Richard now works with Public works Department employees and in York, alabama to create sustainable, inexpensive equipment to help with various tasks.

Please check out the press release below, and please do catch the exhibit!  I know that Richard would be encouraged if you could stop by to see him on Monday.

-- still pedaling for peace and eco-justice in Minneapolis -- Gary Hoover


open forum, open house 
with artist, Richard Saxton and curator, Todd Bockley
MONDAY July 21, 2003  2pm-5pm
At the Soap Factory
on 2nd Street SE between 5th & 6th Avenue SE in Minneapolis
In association with the exhibition, open forum, currently on view at the Soap Factory.
Artist Richard Saxton, along with curator, Todd Bockley, will be available on Monday, July 21st from 2 - 5 PM at the Soap Factory to discuss the municipalWORKSHOP UTILITY NOW! water tricycle and the current exhibition, open forum at the Soap Factory in Minneapolis.   The municipalWORKSHOP developed after York, Alabama’s mayor, Carolyn Mitchell-Gosa requested ideas on a creative way to solve a current civic issue.  The city of York’s Public Works Department required additional equipment and transportation for the city crew to complete their duties; however sufficient funding wasn’t available to provide a conventional solution.  Artist, Richard Saxton, responded and commenced to work with the City of York’s Public Works Department to develop pedal-powered street-sweepers and utility tricycles and bicycles to meet this need.  By combining high-tech bike mechanics with salvaged water drums, gardening equipment and various salvaged building materials, Mr. Saxton not only created utilitarian vehicles which will aid in the in the day-to-day activities of the city workers, but the concept, creative design and use of the vehicle art objects will continue to inspire the community of York, Alabama, with mobile public art. The most recent mobile art utility tricycle is currently on display at the Soap Factory as part of the Untitled Water Work collaboration for the open forum exhibition.  After the exhibition, the trike and trailer will be used by York, Alabama's Parks and Recreation Department as a watering vehicle.  The excitement generated with the UTILITY NOW! project inspired the permanent creation the municipalWORKSHOP.  This program situates the artist’s studio in a portion of York, Alabama’s municipal building to continue to allow Mr. Saxton to create public artwork, demonstrations, and lectures while working side by side with the city employees and their duties.  


[Mpls] Friday Shooting at Nicollet & Lake

2003-07-19 Thread ABerget
Friday there was a shooting (murder?) in the Office Max parking lot at Nicollet & Lake about 1pm.  The place was cordoned off and covered with police.  Several bystanders said a man had just been shot in the head.  

Curiously nothing appears in the Strib about it today.  Does anyone know more about it?  

Ann Berget

[Mpls] Library Funding

2003-07-19 Thread Jim Mork
Just out of curiosity, I got out my list of proposed taxes for this year 
that came from the county.  As I suspected, for my midrange house, the total 
tax for the LIBRARY BOARD was $46.46.  Shoot!  At that level, I could raise 
it 50% without breaking a sweat.  Maybe that's what we need to do.  The 
library has a wonderful voice response unit.  I use it to renew books all 
the time.  If they could just program it right, they could have people call 
in and voluntarily up their tax that goes to libraries.  And then maybe they 
could spare some or all of their programs!  I have IRAs, and I no longer 
mail in proxy votes because all of them now are set up to phone in proxy 
votes.  They give you a unique and secret PIN, you call the number, put in 
your account number, put in your PIN, and then press keys to vote your 
votes. That way, no one else can vote for you, you can only vote once, and 
the expense of postage and processing are saved.  I think it is a GREAT idea 
for all kinds of things.  I know there is a percentage of folks out there 
barely making it.  But if those of us who are doing better would vote MORE 
than 20 percent (or whatever the Pawlenty cut is), that would make up for 
those who can't pay a cent more.

But if the Library Board thinks this too imaginative, well, then let them 
email me (not here, use [EMAIL PROTECTED] where I get all the spam) and 
tell me where to mail a check for the $23 which would be a 50 percent raise.

Mind I'm not writing them a permanent blank check.  This is just to spite 
Tim Pawlenty.  But its worth it to do that (to me, anyway).

Jim Mork
Cooper Neighborhood
Longfellow Community
Minneapolis, MN
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Re: [Mpls] HiltonFund/NRP

2003-07-19 Thread j c harmon
It's my understanding that the reason MCDA had to be formally dismantled at 
the legislative level, and CPED then created in its stead, was so the city 
would have direct access to Common Project funds in addition to the Hilton 
money. The Hilton funds have been brought up for years as some sort of 
fix-all for various projects of interest...sure hope it's gaining good 
interest...heh, heh.
Jill Harmon

From: "Lisa McDonald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Mpls] HiltonFund/NRP
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2003 10:07:43 -0500
After reading this mornings article in the Strib, I'm wondering if the City 
is successful in raiding the Hilton Hotel Funds for the MCDA,will the MCDA 
no longer take the $2.1 million a year they are getting to administer the 
Common Project? Maybe in the spirit of generosity and cooperation with the 
neighborhoods the MCDA will return that money to NRP to be used for 
neighborhood programs.

Lisa McDonald
East Harriet
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Re: [Mpls] Environment Activist Not Welcome

2003-07-19 Thread WizardMarks


After the dust cleared today from the city of Minneapolis work crews 
at Heritage Park, Mr. Edwards, Mr. Flowers and myself decided to 
evaluate the progress. This resulted in lies being told to armed 
security guards, the Minneapolis Park Police and the Minneapolis 
Police Department. All of this occurred as Minneapolis department head 
Kim Havey, and two unidentified participants watched for over 40 
minutes from the same city sidewalk that we stood on.

I don't understand why Havey would be there. He's head of the Enterprise 
Zone stuff. Does the EZ have money in Heritage Park?

WizardMarks, Central

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[Mpls] Environment Activist Not Welcome

2003-07-19 Thread ZippinZack
After the dust cleared today from the city of Minneapolis work crews at Heritage Park, Mr. Edwards, Mr. Flowers and myself decided to evaluate the progress. This resulted in lies being told to armed security guards, the Minneapolis Park Police and the Minneapolis Police Department. All of this occurred as Minneapolis department head Kim Havey, and two unidentified participants watched for over 40 minutes from the same city sidewalk that we stood on.

The security, park police and city police department all of course were armed with firearms. We were armed with a camera. When the police arrived, we waited for about ten minutes while the property manager told the police that we had been all over the construction site. This was not true. When I heard these statements, I told Ron Edwards, "man we better leave, this could get very ugly." It was clear to me that the property manager felt comfortable when telling tall tails and who knew what was about to be said. Mr. Edwards agreed with me that we should leave even though we had done nothing wrong. As we attempted to walk down the city street to our car, we were stopped and asked for identification by Minneapolis police. The result was us being told not to come back or we would face trespassing charges. 

Warning! If you are an environment activist. Do not go to Heritage Park. You may also be detained and insulted by the security guards in front of the city and park police. Oh yes, the police stood by as the security guards heightened their verbal abuse and insults in a very threatening manner. I asked the officer three times to ask the man to stop. After the man made the statement to me "I will put you under the ground," the officer asked him to move down the sidewalk. It was clear that this man was trying to intimidate me and put a show on for the property management and Minneapolis department head Kim Havey as they watched from a short distance away.

So much for the embarrassment and intimidation that we encountered.

Here is what we found out before they headed us off. The playground had been dug up. The contaminated wood chips were used again. But now they are also covered with toxic mud. I have pity for the child that falls in this playground, then puts their toxic muddy fingers in their mouth. I was told that drain tile was going to be put in the playground so that it would drain off. Inspection of the playground revealed that drain tile had not been installed.

The pond was full to the brim. It bubbled like a pot on a stove. Why does it bubble? What is the petroleum like substance floating on top of the pond? Why did the city leave it full of black liquid?

As I looked at the new Basset Creak I noticed that it has sewer like drainage pipes that drain into it. Where are these pipes coming from? What type of substances will come out of them into Basset Creak? I noticed that the improper low elevations and drainage of the development has many drain grates. What type of fluid will travel down these drains to Basset Creek?

If you are an environmental activist, a humanitarian, or feel for defenseless children's well-being, chance it. Chance going to Heritage Park. Chance being confronted by our Police department, the Park Police, and the hired security, as they are directed by the management of Heritage park and city department heads watch on.

In the coming days, the city will be devastated at what it hears about Heritage Park.

Zachary Metoyer
8th ward