[Mpls] incident at art-a-whirl

2004-05-18 Thread brian monroe
I have heard several stories of alleged police brutality at art-a-whirl last 
friday evening near old science renovation on marshall. does anyone know the 
straight story?

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[Mpls] smoke 'em if ya got 'em

2004-05-11 Thread brian monroe
As part owner of a coffee shop in Mpls I am very concerned about the 
impending smoking ban. At this point it seems the only hope of avoiding it 
is the mayor's veto.
 I feel that people misuse the term public. I own a Private business or 
establishment. There are many bars and restaurants to choose from. It is 
different than the post office or airport that are publically owned or that 
their is no alterative. People don't have to come in at all, so I have to 
try to cater to what they want. If the demand for smoke free places is so 
high from the people wouldn't their be more smoke free bars? It seems that a 
majority of our customers smoke and with our climate I don't think they 
should have to freeze outside in Jan. to do so. (that doesn't seem healthy 
either) If people don't want any smoke at all there is another coffeeshop 
across the street that is smoke free. Years ago the New Riverside Cafe was 
also across the street. We inherited alot of their regular customers when 
they decided to become smoke free. Many people there looked at the smoke 
free decision as the final nail in their coffin.
Another concern I have is that the sidewalk in front of here is too 
skinny to allow sidewalk seating (i.e. a smoking section) but other places 
have big enough sidewalks. If they ban smoking they will force me to 
alienate most of my customers and likely force them to go somewhere else. Or 
even worse they will loiter out front smoking and the city will come down on 
us again.
   The city council should and does have better things to worry about. For 
example keeping the smoke free libraries open more than a few hours every 
other day.

  Brian Monroe
  2nd ward
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[Mpls] new years election

2002-11-22 Thread brian monroe
I don't know if Shane Price intends to run or not. I have heard rumor both ways. I am pretty sure Valdis Rozentals is running and I definitely am. I believe we got off the wrong track last election by replacing Cherryholmes, Sayles-Belton, and Campbell. Now it's time to get on the right track. For example, not including subpoena power in the new police review board seems ridiculous. Brian Monroe  SheridanGet more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download : http://explorer.msn.com

[Mpls] unexpected stop in senate race

2002-10-31 Thread brian monroe
Ray Tricomo will be speaking this weekend at Mayday Books 301 Cedar ave. in the West Bank. The time has been tentatively set for 4p.m. Saturday. Call 333-4719 for more info. Ray is the green party candidate who won in the primary. Unfortunately, he has not gotten much coverage. He is definitely worth checking out.Brian Monroe PhillipsGet more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download : http://explorer.msn.com

[Mpls] joe has got to go

2002-09-20 Thread brian monroe
I ran against Joe last election. One thing I wanted to do was add a recall amendment to the City Charter. Currently there isn't. At this point I can't imagine Joe hanging on much longer. Some theorize he is holding on until the new districts would take effect. If he resigned today the old district would be used. They think he wants to pass the torch to another DFL insider and if he can hold on long enough to use the new ward she can run. Others say it's as simple as he likes the paycheck. Regardless of his motivation, the court has rejected his many motions, so whether through removal or resignation he will soon be gone.    Brian Monroe  still in Phillips  looking NE       P.s. Paul Zerby (second ward council) did say he should resign. Get more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download : http://explorer.msn.com

[Mpls] racism, the police, etc.

2002-08-29 Thread brian monroe
Two things relating:  1. TODAY (Aug 29th) there is a meeting in room 317 of City Hall concerning the Civilian Review Authority at 5 p.m. They will sum up what they learned at several community mtgs. and there will be time for public comment.   2. Friday (Aug 30th) there will be a Unity Rally at the Brian Coyle Community Center in the West Bank ( behind the      highrises) at 5 p.m. It is to bridge south and north Mpls and the Somali and Jordan area community in concerns and      sympathy.      Hope to see you there,     Brian Monroe     still in PhillipsGet more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download : http://explorer.msn.com

[Mpls] Local candidate largely ignored

2002-08-28 Thread brian monroe
A bit of positive news from North MPLS: Booker T Hodges and Kamal Buchanan are the first black ticket for governor in the states history. Booker is also the youngest candidate at 25. Unfortunately until receiving a racist note at the State Fair  ( http://www.startribune.com/stories/468/3194443.html) their campaign has been largely ignored by the major media, putting them at even more of a disadvantage than the well funded major parties. Which brings me to my point until Sept. 3 individuals can "loan" up to $50 to one candidate that will be refunded in 6 weeks. If a campaign gets enough they qualify for matching funds. If you haven't already you should consider supporting a Local candidate.Brian Monroe currently PhillipsGet more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download : http://explorer.msn.com

[Mpls] bicycle registration

2002-05-31 Thread brian monroe
Bike registration is being used in South Mpls. as a form of harassment. Worse, at a glance it would appear to be targeting the sort of  people who might support critical mass. The mayor was quoted in Skyway News saying "my bike is not liscenced and I have never been thrown against a police car, and I don,t expect to and I don't expect anyone else to." The police have been stopping bikes on the pretense of  they are "obstructing traffic" although it is legal to  ride "two abreast" in MN. Then they check if the bike is liscenced and if it is not they impound (read: steal) it. Leaving you half way home in an area they according to City Pages not only can't control but basically have no idea how to. Maybe getting their priorities straight would be a start. Check out Cops Harass Cyclists in this weeks edition of the  Pulse (may 29)    Brian Monroe    phillipsGet more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download : http://explorer.msn.com

[Mpls] Biernat

2002-04-18 Thread brian monroe
I don't think anyone is blaming Joe Biernat's supporters. In fact they would be the biggest victims of one way or another. I think Joe being gone would be the best for the neighborhood and the city, that's why I did run against him. He will likely be gone soon. I think the important thing now is to not let the same sort of big name insider take his place. Speculation I have heard is that "the torch may be passed" Walt Dziedzic's daughter. Also one council person's aid told me if Biernat resigns they will have a new election in 90 days. How redistricting figures in that who knows?brian monroe  currently 6th ward  Get more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download : http://explorer.msn.com

[Mpls] BIERNAT indictment It's about time

2002-04-18 Thread brian monroe
I ran for 3rd ward council. One of the central themes of my campaign was  Joe does not follow rules or council procedures and therefore is not fit for office. I hope he steps down gracefully. That would mean the top four of the  past regime are out of office.        better days are ahead,     Brian Monroe     formerly 3rd ward  currently Phillips maybe moving backGet more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download : http://explorer.msn.com

[Mpls] Junk it and get a fully loaded new one

2002-03-22 Thread brian monroe
I attended the PRS committee meeting Tues and the full council today. I believe that they are the investigations are possibly going to the civil rights department, until they make a new board. The current Civilian Review Authority will expire April 30th but they are telling people who call in complaints to call their CMs. They are going to revamp or create a new oversight board of some sort. Dean Zimmerman and Paul Zerby are pushing the subpoena power hard. I applaud them. The main argument against Paul's proposal seems to be it's putting the horse before the carriage. (they have some sort of advisory board to make the new one- call your CM for details) Another  argument is what is the legality of giving subpoena power. Hopefully these are true concerns and not a way of rendering it ineffective as before. To me it is like a beater car. How much do you want to put into it? It's time to junk it and get a fully loaded car. Zerby's proposal is a good one for two reasons. First granting subpoena power would send a strong signal to the dissatisfied and the disenfranchised that this council is serious and is not going to repeat the mistakes of the past. Also it would make subpoena power a strong foundation to build the new board on.   The new manifestation needs to avoid being stacked with pro-police members. It really even needs to avoid the appearance of being pro-police. The perception of the old CRA alone made it ineffective. Also it should have at least some say in (If not decide) the penalties. Of the small number of cases the current CRA sustained the Chief of Police often gave letters of reprimand and sometimes nothing. A few days suspension was a serious penalty. Even from the police point of view, being held accountable is a good thing. Maybe it would restore some people's faith in the police, only making their job easier.   My concern now is what happens is the gap until a new entity is created? Obviously we should encourage Zerby And Zimmerman, as well as offer our suggestions. But if the current board has already stopped taking cases- what do victims do? Many cases at least appear to involve civil rights (Patricia Hughes on the current CRA said 70% of their cases involve minorities) the FBI will probably do a better job than the CRA ever did. I try them first and if they can't help call the City Clerk.         Let's see this through so we don't have to do it again it ten years,         Brian Monroe      proud to be in ward 6  Get more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download : http://explorer.msn.com

[Mpls] police

2002-03-19 Thread brian monroe
in newyork they have a long y shaped stick and mash people against the wall and take  their knife away while they are immobilized. it works ... anyway if you can stop by city hall at 1:30 today (Tues) and express your opinion on police accountability. we need  to encourage zerby and zimmerman to create an unbiased review board with teeth. hope  to see you.     brian monroe    phillips Get more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download : http://explorer.msn.com

[Mpls] Re: judge a tree by it's fruit

2002-03-15 Thread brian monroe
      The last election remove the top three most powerful people elected in Mpls, no matter how you looked at it. (Cherryhomes/Sayles-Belton/Campbell) Joe Biernat would be fourth in my opinion. Being involved in The Hard Times Cafe I knew he needed to go too. I can say with total confidence he traded votes, disregarded due process, did not follow procedure, engaged in vote trading and counting, and illegally solictited the police to lobby against my business. There was an unflattering article about MCDA money for roofs on two of his properties. Even in my biased opinion I don't think he did anything wrong as far as that was concerned, but it did seem greedy. Rumors about money from the MCDA for his kitchen didn't materilize as far as I know, but may soon. Now his bathroom and appointments, as well as two other properties he owns are under scrutiny. To me, if it quacks like a duck and walks like a duck it might as well be a duck. His attorney's wishwashy statement and what I know of his past behavior leave me with little doubt I was right all along. He needs to go and the sooner the better.   With Cherryhomes files being somewhere in between her photographic memory and recycled as toilet paper, I wonder how far off they are on her. We must not forget the controversial 7-6 votes of the former council. Herron was also a part of this (un)magnificent seven. They abused the majority caucus meetings until they were done away with. They could pretty much decide things at these meetings and not have to keep minutes. Herron was a part of this seven and things always seemed more interconnected than admitted.    I think this list's general view of these seven is the reason for Barbara Johnson's disdain for us expressed in Doug Grow's column. This list played an important part in the last election. Unfortunately, most incumbants didn't seem to want to take a risk by posting anything but, It is open to anyone, even Barb Johnson. How could discussion and debate be a bad thing? Unfortunately, most people are not involved in local politics, so a relatively small number of people can make decisions. I would take Grow's column as a call for everyone to be more involved. You can make a difference especially on the local level.   to better days ahead,          Brian Monroe Hard Times Cafe     Phillips residentGet more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download : http://explorer.msn.com

[Mpls] Re: Mexico, paper trails and swindlers

2002-03-09 Thread brian monroe
      Interesting week: Brian Herron begins a new kind of "serving," unfortunately still at our expense. We speculate about a new subpoena as the mysterious files of Jackie Cherryhomes feed the rumor mill. Cherryhomes seems to have abandoned her photographic memory excuse for a more believable- maybe the important papers didn't make the move. The arrogance and divisiveness she employed during her "reign" suggest sabotage of Natalie Johnson Lee, to me. Then a subscriber is chided for reporting the rumor the girls (Cherryhomes, Sayles Belton, and Campbell) as well as Dick Brustad, all happen to be in Mexico. Rumor or not, if you include Rebecca Yanish, it is the perfect image for the last few chapters of the Mpls story. Who cares if Yanish runs or not. I'm sure she is at least considering it. Once you have gorged yourself at the public trough, it is hard to stop. We must keep a wary eye on this bunch.   Using the same tactics that got these has-beens to Mexico (whether figuratively or literally) Sherman and Associates have set their sights on the West Bank. The light rail and all the potential subsidies swirling around it attracts these types like flies. Mr. Sacta is trying to open a nightclub and Jim Bartlett (and Sherman and Associates) want to build apartments and retail. Mr. Bartlett has done everything in his power to derail Sacta's plans, including recruiting Somali refugees to oppose his liquor license and attacking the landlord of part of the property Sacta is using. Sacta has become involved in the business association and jumped through all the hoops from the City, including purchasing a small parking lot. His plans were submitted first. The property is zoned for a bar and has held a liquor license for many years. Even better Sacta is using his own money and owns or has secured leases to all the property he wants to use. Bartletts proposal is heavily financed with public money and includes property currently owned by Sacta. This attempted land grab financed in large part with our tax money is unconscionable. Their proposal wraps around property owned by Sacta and John Eckerly, that they probably plan on using through hook or crook. http://www.startribune.com/stories/462/1905754.html In today's letters in the Trib, it is characterized as a "no-brainer" involving a bar parking lot vs. housing. The true no-brainer is you can't develop what you don't own. (unless of course Best Buy or someone is involved) Mr. Sacta has every right to pursue his dream and we have the moral obligation to not let anyone sabotage him.  Brian Monroe  Cedar Riverside Business Owner  Phillips resident    P.S. I'm sure I'm not the only one with files from run ins with Jackie Cherryhomes. Maybe we should copy them and rebuild the 5th Wards files. I bet the Property Rights Group could fill up half a file cabinet on their own. Natalie Johnson Lee deserves a chance with or without Cherryhomes exasperating the divisiveness she created and thrived on.Get more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download : http://explorer.msn.com