[Mpls] Three councilmembers posting on NRP

2003-01-22 Thread stevemar
All three councilmembers -- Goodman, Lane and Benson -- should be commended
for their candor and analysis.  I think their coherent explanation reflects
a high degree of respect for the members of this list, whatever its merits,
something that should probably happen more frequently by other municipal

I'm a little dismayed by some of the reactions to their posting, inasmuch as
the suggestions regarding council size and salary really beg the issues
raised by the councilmembers.  (I hesitate to call them the "Gang of Three"
for fear of the negative connotations.)  I am no NRP expert, so I do not
have the background to analyze their discussion in full.  However, I would
appreciate hearing from listmembers who are better versed on NRP so we can
all learn how this proposal will both affect community organizations and to
suggest how we can address the underlying fiscal problems in a constructive
manner.  Asking for salary cuts for councilmembers or suggesting that we
reconfigure the council to something resembling municipal government in
Texas is a "so's your mother" kind of response to a very serious question.

Just throwing in my two cents--

Steve Marchese
Ward 11/Hale
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Re: [Mpls] Mayor Rybak and his promised veto of a City Council Anti-War Resolution

2002-12-04 Thread stevemar
List Folk:  I struggle with this issue largely because I oppose the use of
military intervention in Iraq and believe now is the time for likeminded
folks to be vocal in the face of current political events.  I also worked in
the past on issues like anti-apartheid activism and divestment in college
and was certainly heartened by the actions of cities that took the lead in
divesting themselves of stock in companies doing business in South Africa in
the 1980's.  So, I do not believe that just because an issue is not local in
effect or outlook that a municipal entity like the City of Minneapolis
should not take a stand.  To me, the issue is the connection between the
local and the global.  Cities who divested did so based upon the belief that
they were responsible for the fiscal well-being of their municipalities and
that moral considerations like a company's business practices should be
considered in how they managed their finances.  Moreover, there was the
belief that the more money pulled out of companies doing business in South
Africa, the more likely that those entities would get the message and stop
financially supporting apartheid.

I would support a resolution in the City Council that similarly linked how
the city did business or otherwise performed its functions with opposition
to the war effort.  However, I fail to see how a simple statement opposing
war would be helpful beyond the exhortation to the federal government and
others to act differently.  Nice words, but so what?  I would rather not
give councilmembers cover by allowing them to tout their stated opposition
to the war without really examining how the city's activities (which they
oversee) could be directed to actually supporting peaceful activities both
here and abroad.  To my mind, while I oppose war, I also oppose police
brutality, violence against families and children, the lack of affordable
housing options and a host of other issues about which the city can actually
DO SOMETHING.   I'm all for thinking globally and acting locally.  I just
think the rubber has to hit the road with more than just proclamations from
elected officials.  A simple declaration opposing war isn't the proper role
of the City Council.  Concrete actions taken to reduce violence and a host
of other life-negating activities here in Minneapolis would really be worth
the Council's time.

Steve Marchese
Ward 11 / Hale

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[Mpls] Voter Turnout

2002-11-05 Thread stevemar
I was really heartened by the turnout in my precinct, 11-8, on the west side of Lake Nokomis.  My wife waited almost an hour this morning at 7:45 and I waited about half an hour at 9:45.  While I don't love to wait, it was good to see democracy in action.  I don't know what number voter I was, but when the two sheets went into the machine, it registered as number 1050.  (I assume that means 525 people voted.)  This in a precinct of about 4,000 people.   It's going to be a late night folks.   Steve Marchese Hale Neighborhood      Get more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download : http://explorer.msn.com

[Mpls] Civil Rights Commission Vote

2002-10-04 Thread stevemar
As a new member of the Mpls. Civil Rights Commission and list member, I feel I should elaborate somewhat on what happened at the Sept. 23 mtg. where the Commission voted in favor of a resolution supporting federal mediation.  (I read the digest version so I sometimes am a little behind on my reading of postings.)   A bit of background, 14 of the 21 members (myself included) are new appointees as of this summer.  Over the past few years, the Civil Rights Commission has not been as active as it could be on a number of issues.  In large part, this was due to a high number of vacancies on the Commission.  (For whatever reason, no appointments were made in the last couple of years prior to this summer.)  Most of us who joined the Commission, I believe, came with a desire to raise the Commission's profile to provide leadership on civil rights issues affecting Minneapolis.  It's an exciting time for the Commission and I have been impressed with the level of interest and engagement of my colleagues.   At our last meeting, Ron Edwards spoke during the public comment period asking for our position on federal mediation, particularly in light of the passage of Councilman Lilligren's resolution.  One member of the Commission offered a resolution expressing support for federal mediation with this support to be communicated to the Council and the Mayor.  Although this was not on the agenda for business at the meeting, we spent nearly an hour hashing out the various positions and trying to determine whether this was an appropriate time for us to act.  In the end, in my opinion, it became clear that, while there are many questions about how federal mediation would actually be implemented (and I speak as one who has favored and used mediation in my own law practice), there was a need for the Commission to exert some leadership and try to move the process along in any way it could.  Hence, the 17-0-2 vote in favor of the resolution.   I don't know whether you could call our action as part of a "ground swell of support" for federal mediation.  However, I think it was important for the Commission to stake out some ground in this debate, particularly given the importance of the issue and the on-going civilian review reorganization.  Whether this will have any effect on the Council and Mayor, I do not know.  But, my impression from the discussion is that there is a clear need to get a process in place to begin to repair relationships between various constituencies in this city, both in the North Side and elsewhere, and the police.  My hope is that the Council works swiftly to do so and that the Commission's action urges them along.   Steve Marchese Hale Ward 11Get more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download : http://explorer.msn.com