I can't put my finger on the article, but somebody
listed off the members of your housing transition team
and it read like a who's who of many of the figures
who gave substance to the Affordable Housing Task
Force. Alan Arthur, Tom Foley, and David Fey, of
I also recall Kathy ten Broek, Dorothy Bridges, Tom
Strietz, Gretchen Nicolls ... there's more, but I just
can't remember them offhand, even though I'm
personally acquainted with almost all of them. 

I read Steve Brandt's report in this Wednesday's
paper, December 19, 2001, and his final sentence has
David Fey indicating that your housing efforts will be
concentrated on the <50% MMI target.

When we see each other on Friday at the Affordable
Housing Advocate/Faith Community meeting, I will be
asking you to recall that the activist run-up to the
Affordable Housing Task Force and the Task Force
itself stopped at 30% MMI. Now we are told that the
target product of your transition team has moved on up
to the very 50% benchmark that led me for one to
abandon SSB and her supporters on the City Council. 

How did you get the doughty veterans on your housing
transition team to abandon the 30% crowd? How have we
activists accomplished anything if the replacement we
supported now offer the very same elevated target that
elides so very many of our city's households?

What about using the City's MMI instead of the Metro
MMI so we have a better handle on the reality trip?

Fred Markus Horn Terrace Ward Ten  

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