KMOJ in crisis: 
By: Shannon Gibney
Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder
Originally posted 3/20/2003 

As station faces restructuring and 
relocation, some challenge the 
current board’s oversight

First in a two-part story

At a meeting Saturday, March 15, to 
address the state of KMOJ radio, some 
community members asserted that the station 
could go off the air in December because 
of the board of directors’ failure to 
apply for construction permits with the 
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and 
failure to file an annual report with the 
State of Minnesota Attorney General’s 
Office in 2001. 

Meeting participants also alleged that 
KMOJ board members are not following 
the organization’s bylaws; characterized 
the station’s new public affairs programming 
as unfairly selected; and stated that many 
board members have been on the board too 
long and have conflicting 

Community activists Duane Reed, Travis Lee, 
and Booker Hodges said that nothing short 
of the full resignation of the KMOJ board 
of directors was necessary to begin the 
tenuous process of rebuilding the public 
trust that they claim has been violated.

“KMOJ was created as a public, community 
radio station on June 22, 1976,” Lee told 
the group of about 30 present at Café 
Tatta Bunna. “The purpose of the station 
was to inform the community on various events, 
and put their own perspective, their 
cultural perspective, on an otherwise 
whitewashed media.
“I’ve watched the station deteriorate and 
fail to grow in the last 25 or so odd years,” 
Lee continued. “If you look at the station 
right now, you can’t tell if it’s ‘76 or 2003, 
and I think that’s a case of gross neglect 
in our community. I hope that what this 
meeting does is serve as something that’s 
not often done in Minnesota — is to police 
our own community, instead of waiting for 
other folks to come in and take over because 
of our own neglect.

Shawn Lewis, Field Neighborhood

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